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For 10 months the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) provided astronomers with what might be termed their first view of the infrared sky on a clear, dark night. Without IRAS, atmospheric absorption and the thermal emission from both the atmosphere and Earthbound telescopes make the task of the infrared astronomer comparable to what an optical astronomer would face if required to work only on cloudy afternoons. IRAS observations are serving astronomers in the same manner as the photographic plates of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey; just as the optical survey has been used by all astronomers for over three decades, as a source of quantitative information about the sky and as a "roadmap" for future observations, the results of IRAS will be studied for years to come. IRAS has demonstrated the power of infrared astronomy from space. Already, from a brief look at a miniscule fraction of the data available, we have learned much about the solar system, about nearby stars, about the Galaxy as a whole and about distant extragalactic systems. Comets are much dustier than previously thought. Solid particles, presumably the remnants of the star-formation process, orbit around Vega and other stars and may provide the raw material for planetary systems. Emission from cool interstellar material has been traced throughout the Galaxy all the way to the galactic poles. Both the clumpiness and breadth of the distribution of this material were previously unsuspected. The far-infrared sky away from the galactic plane has been found to be dominated by spiral galaxies, some of which emit more than 50 percent and as much as 98 percent of their energy in the infrared-an exciting and surprising revelation. The IRAS mission is clearly the pathfinder for future missions that, to a large extent, will be devoted to the discoveries revealed by IRAS.  相似文献   
Titania, zirconia, and alumina samples with periodic three-dimensional arrays of macropores were synthesized from the corresponding metal alkoxides, using latex spheres as templates. In a fast, single-step reaction, the monomeric alkoxide precursors permeate the array of bulk polystyrene spheres and condense in air at room temperature. Close packed, open-pore structures with 320- to 360-nanometer voids are obtained after calcination of the organic component at 575 degreesC. The examples presented demonstrate the compositional diversity possible with this technique. The resulting highly structured ceramics could have applications in areas ranging from quantum electronics to photocatalysis to battery materials.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine efficacy of a minimally invasive (MI) surgical approach using a human MI lumbar retractor for canine lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy and to compare this technique to the standard open surgical (OS) approach.

METHODS: Lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy was performed on 16 large-breed canine cadavers using either a standard OS (n=8) or MI (n=8) approach. Skin and fascial incision length, procedure time, and intraoperative complications were recorded. Postoperatively specimens were evaluated for laminectomy and discectomy dimensions, and visible damage to the cauda equina and exiting nerve roots.

RESULTS: Median length of skin and fascial incisions in the OS group were longer than in the MI group (p<0.001). Median laminectomy length was similar between both approaches (p=0.234) but width was greater for the MI than OS approach (p=0.002). Both approaches achieved similar partial discectomy width (p=0.279). Overall surgical time was longer for MI approaches compared to OS, with a median of 18.5 (min 15.5, max 21.8) minutes for MI compared to 14.6 (min 13.1, max 16.9) minutes for OS (p=0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The MI approach reduced incision lengths while retaining comparable laminectomy and discectomy dimensions. For this in vitro model the MI approach required more time to complete, but this difference may not be relevant in clinical cases.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dogs undergoing lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy are commonly large-breed dogs. The traditional open approach requires a large skin incision and soft tissue dissection, especially in overweight animals. A MI approach accomplishing the same surgical result while minimising soft tissue trauma could reduce post-operative pain and recovery time, and may lower wound-related complications. Clinical studies are needed to confirm postoperative benefit and assess operating times in vivo.  相似文献   

Strategic supplementation of P4 may be used to increase conception rates in cattle, but timing of supplementation in relation to ovulation, mass of supplementary P4 and formulation of the P4‐containing supplement has not been determined for beef cattle. Effects of supplementation of long‐acting progesterone (P4) on Days 2 or 3 post‐ovulation on development, function and regression of corpus luteum (CL) were studied in beef cattle. Cows were synchronized with an oestradiol/P4‐based protocol and treated with 150 or 300 mg of long‐acting P4 on Day 2 or 3 post‐ovulation (6–7 cows/group). Colour‐doppler ultrasound scanning and blood sample collection were performed from Day 2–21.5. Plasma P4 concentrations were greater (p < 0.05) from Day 2.5–5.5 in the Day 2‐treated groups and from Day 3.5–5.5 in the Day 3‐treated cows than in the control group. CL area and blood flow during Day 2–8.5 did not differ (p > 0.05) among groups, suggesting no effect of P4 treatment on luteal development. The frequency of cows that began luteolysis before Day 15 was greater (p < 0.04) in cows treated with 300 mg than in the controls, but there were no differences between non‐treated and 150 mg‐treated cows. The interval from pre‐treatment ovulation to functional and structural luteolysis was shorter (p < 0.01) in the combined P4‐treated groups than in the control cows. In conclusion, was showed for the first time that long‐acting P4 supplementation on Day 2 or 3 post‐ovulation increases P4 concentrations for ≥3 day, has no effect on luteal development, but anticipates the beginning of luteolysis in beef cattle.  相似文献   
Ketamine has been implicated as causing increases in intraocular pressure. The purpose of this study is to document the effects of ketamine, diazepam, and their combination on intraocular pressure (IOP) in normal, unpremedicated dogs. Random-source dogs were assigned to one of five groups of 10 dogs each: ketamine 5 mg kg–1 (KET5), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 (KET10), diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (VAL), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 with diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (KETVAL), saline 0.1 mL kg–1 (SAL), all given intravenously. A baseline IOP was measured before injection, immediately after injection, and at 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes following injection. IOP was increased over baseline immediately after injection in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 5, 10, and 15 minutes in the KET5 group; and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP change compared to SAL increased immediately after injection and at 5 minutes in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 10 and 15 minutes in the KET5 group, and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP increased up to 5.7, 3.2, and 3.1 mm Hg over mean baseline in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups, respectively. All dogs in the KET5 group and the majority in the KETVAL and KET10 groups had an increase in their IOP over baseline. Ketamine caused a clinically and statistically significant elevation in IOP over baseline and compared to SAL. The concurrent addition of diazepam did not blunt this increase. Ketamine should be avoided in dogs with corneal trauma, glaucoma, or in those undergoing intraocular surgery.  相似文献   
Ground-based observations of the object IRAS 14348-1447, which was discovered with the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, show that it is an extremely luminous colliding galaxy system that emits more than 95 percent of its energy at far-infrared wavelengths. IRAS 14348-1447, which is receeding from the sun at 8 percent of the speed of light, has a bolometric luminosity more than 100 times larger than that of our galaxy, and is therefore as luminous as optical quasars. New optical, infrared, and spectroscopic measurements suggest that the dominant luminosity source is a dustenshrouded quasar. The fuel for the intense activity is an enormous supply of molecular gas. Carbon monoxide emission has been detected at a wavelength of 2.6 millimeters by means of a new, more sensitive receiver recently installed on the 12-meter telescope of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. IRAS 14348-1447 is the most distant and luminous source of carbon monoxide line emission yet detected. The derived mass of interstellar molecular hydrogen is 6 x 10(10) solar masses. This value is approximately 20 times that of the molecular gas content of the Milky Way and is similar to the largest masses of atomic hydrogen found in galaxies. A large mass of molecular gas may be a prerequisite for the formation of quasars during strong galactic collisions.  相似文献   
Vaccines for bluetongue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolation of 8 serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV) in Australia has led to widespread debate on how to prepare for an outbreak of bluetongue disease and the type of vaccine best suited to control bluetongue in Australia. This article describes the vaccine options under consideration by research workers and animal health administrators. The most widely discussed options are live attenuated virus, killed virus and virus-like particles (VLP) generated by recombinant baculoviruses. Attenuated virus vaccines are cheap and easy to produce and are administered in a single dose. They replicate in sheep without causing significant clinical effects and provide protection against challenge with virulent virus of the same serotype. The possibility that insects could acquire vaccine virus by feeding on vaccinated animals and transmit it to sheep or cattle cannot be eliminated. This poses a risk because attenuated viruses are teratogenic if ewes are infected in the first half of pregnancy. In addition, vaccine virus replication in insects and ruminants may lead to a reversion to virulence. Killed virus vaccines have been shown to be efficacious in small laboratory trials and cannot be transmitted to other animals in the field, but are significantly more expensive to produce than attenuated viruses and require at least 2 doses with adjuvant to elicit an immune response. More work is needed to properly assess their effectiveness and determine their cost of production. Recombinant VLP contain the 4 major structural proteins of BTV but no nucleic acid. VLP are relatively easy to isolate, but it is unlikely that the purification methods currently used in laboratories will be adapted for use commercially. Despite the enthusiasm of recent years, little commercial progress appears to have been made. Although scientific research in Australia and overseas has provided a number of options for development of bluetongue vaccines, the decisions on which to use in an outbreak are complex and will require, not only consideration of factors discussed here, but also agreement from industry and government.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to optimize recovery and cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from plains bison, as a model for wood bison. In Phase 1, cauda epididymides were recovered from bison (n = 14) immediately after slaughter, minced and incubated in Sp-TALPH buffer for 3 h at 36°C. The resulting sperm suspensions were cryopreserved in Triladyl®, using a protocol for bovine semen. In Phase 2, epididymal sperm were cryopreserved in either Triladyl® or Andromed®. The mean (±SD) estimated number of sperm recovered was 468 ± 207 × 106. There was an increase (p < 0.05) in the proportion of sperm with normal morphology between initial recovery and after extension (52.4 ± 4.6 vs 69.7 ± 2.4%), with a concurrent decrease (p < 0.05) in the proportion of sperm with distal droplets. Median values for progressively motile sperm in post-thaw samples (60%) were lower (p < 0.05) than that after extension or after chilling (70% for both). The mean percentages of viable sperm and of sperm with an intact acrosome were lower (p < 0.05) for frozen-thawed samples (38.7 ± 2.8 and 85.2 ± 1.1) compared with extended (66.2 ± 2.2 and 92.4 ± 0.9) or chilled (63.7 ± 2.5 and 90.0 ± 1.0) samples. Rates of cleavage, morulae and blastocyst production were not significantly different for chilled (70.9, 38.7 and 8.0%) vs post-thaw sperm (73.0, 46.0 and 6.3%). There was no significant difference between extenders for most sperm characteristics. In conclusion, we developed a functional protocol for the recovery and cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from plains bison, which may have implications for the genetic preservation of wood bison.  相似文献   
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