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对6种不同生长型桃树的营养生长特征和叶片形态、解剖结构进行了研究,并对营养生长与叶片解剖结构的关系进行了分析.结果表明:不同生长型间在树体高度、枝条节间长度等方面存在显著差异.从树体高度看,矮化型<紧凑型<半矮化型<垂枝型<普通型;紧凑型的萌芽率(86.1%)和成枝率(78.1%)在所有类型中均是最高的,平均每个母枝可形成近10个中长枝,远高于其它类型;在叶片结构特征方面,普通型的叶片干物质含量最高,其后依次为半矮化型,垂枝型,紧凑型和矮化型,相关分析表明,干物质含量与成枝率之外的其它生长参数均呈正相关,而单位叶面积鲜重与成枝率之外的其它生长参数呈负相关;在解剖结构上,普通型叶片最厚,为194.5 μm,紧凑型叶片最薄,叶片组织较疏松;普通型的栅海比(栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度)最小,而矮化型最高,栅海比与树体高度成负相关,与一次枝长呈显著负相关(r=-0.986**).叶背气孔密度分布范围为1 mm2 234.1~393.5个,垂枝型最高,半矮化型最低,气孔密度与一次枝粗的相关系数达到极显著水平(r=-0.944**),而与枝条长度和节间长度的相关系数则较低.  相似文献   
核果类果树EST SSR标记研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了EST SSR分子标记的原理和特点,并且对EST SSR技术在核果类果树分析资源、构建遗传图谱、挖掘基因、比较作图等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
MAPP对麦秸纤维-聚丙烯复合材料热力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以麦秸纤维为增强材料、聚丙烯为基体物质、马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(MAPP)为改性剂,制备麦秸纤维-聚丙烯复合材料。利用DMA、DSC、TG和SEM,探讨了MAPP的添加量(质量百分比1%、2%、5%、10%)和麦秸纤维形态(9、9~28、28~35、35目)对麦秸纤维 聚丙烯复合材料的热力学性能和结晶性能的影响。结果表明:①当MAPP的添加量为2%时,麦秸纤维-聚丙烯复合材料的储能弹性模量减小;当MAPP的添加量增加到5%、10%时,复合材料的储能弹性模量增加。②在麦秸纤维-聚丙烯体系内添加MAPP后,麦秸纤维 聚丙烯复合材料的结晶温度提高约1℃,结晶度增加了4%~8%;麦秸纤维以28~35目的形态作为聚丙烯基体的增强材料时,其复合材料的结晶温度为122.7℃,结晶率达到45.8%。③麦秸纤维-聚丙烯复合材料的热分解峰温分别为355和460℃。④麦秸纤维以纤维束的形态分布在基体聚丙烯中起增强作用,在整个体系内,麦秸纤维局部团聚且断裂明显。添加MAPP后,有利于基体物质在麦秸纤维表面的均匀覆盖。   相似文献   
In May 2019, 96 cattle died from Pimelea toxicity in a period of 19 days after potential exposure, with the first deaths occurring within 5 days. After examining the circumstances, we suspect that several factors contributed to the deaths. These included that recently purchased stock and transported had access to flooded land containing Pimelea elongata. This weed species contains simplexin and 18 other compounds. Roots, flowers and seeds are significantly more toxic than the stem, branches and leaves. We suspect that thirsty and hungry stock consumed seed and roots from flooded pastures and consumed lethal doses of simplexin. Blood tests were not good indicators of the conditions. Management strategies are suggested.  相似文献   
吉淑娥  杨德岭 《森林工程》2009,25(4):58-61,96
针对城市常规公交客运的实际状况,科学合理地进行指标的初定、筛选、定性与定量的综合分析等,并结合主成份分析与AHP法建立一套准确实用的多指标评价体系。以哈尔滨市为例,对评价指标进行权重计算,应用模糊综合评价法实施具体评价,实现城市常规客运能力评价体系的科学建立与应用。  相似文献   
Aquaporins (AQPs) are essential membrane protein channels for the transport of water across membranes. Fluid movement in the epididymis is important for modulation of the luminal environment, in which sperm mature and reside. This study was designed to understand the morphology and localization of AQPs in ram efferent ducts (ED) and epididymis. For this purpose, the epididymis of seven animals were removed for histologic and immunohistochemical analyses. AQP1 immunoreactivity was observed in the apex of the ED, and AQP9 was found adjacent to the nuclei of the epithelial cells of the ED. The epithelial lining of ram epididymis is pseudostratified columnar and presents principal, basal, apical and narrow cells. In the initial segment (IS), a moderate reaction for AQP1 was observed in the apical cytoplasm of epithelial cells. An intense reactivity for AQP1 was noted over the microvilli of principal cells and in spermatozoa in the caput. In the corpus and cauda, AQP1 was noted only over the endothelial cells of vascular channels located in intertubular spaces. A weak‐to‐moderate reaction for AQP9 was observed in the nuclei of epithelial cells in the IS, caput and corpus of the epididymis. In the cauda, an intense reaction to AQP9 was observed in the epithelial border. In the IS, caput and corpus, the reactivity for AQP9 differed from those observed in domestic animals. The cauda showed a pattern similar to that previously described. These results indicate that AQPs 1 and 9 have reversed locations and roles in rams, suggesting activity variations related with fluid and solute absorption throughout the epididymis.  相似文献   
采用不同肉质类型的桃、油桃果实为材料,对采后低温和自发气调包装等对果实硬度、失重和SSC含量等的变化进行了研究,结果表明:(1)不同类型桃、油桃采后果实硬度变化差异较大,常温下24-30和中桃2号果实硬度下降较慢,而中油桃5号、10号较快,在冷库低温条件下,24-30、中油桃5号和中油桃10号两周后硬度出现迅速下降,而曙光和中桃2号在贮藏后即迅速下降,带皮硬度与去皮硬度之间有一定差异,但变化趋势基本一致;(2)MA包装能有效地延缓采后桃、油桃果实硬度的降低,在常温及低温条件下均是如此,不同肉质类型间差异明显,曙光和中桃2号非常敏感,而中油桃10号则不太敏感,即MA包装对其果实硬度降低的延缓没有其它品种明显;(3)采后桃、油桃果实的SSC含量均有一定的降低,低温下该过程较慢,MA包装在常温下有加剧SSC下降的趋势,低温下则不明显,这可能与常温下采后立即进行MA包装不利于“田间热”及呼吸热的及时散发而加剧呼吸有关。(4)桃、油桃采后果实失重明显,低温有助于大大减缓贮藏桃、油桃的失重,常温下1天的失重相当于低温条件下1周的失重,不同类型品种表现有一定差异,常温下曙光失重较慢,而冷库低温条件下中桃2号失重要快于曙光和中油桃10号。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the cardiovascular effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP)‐induced after load reduction in dogs administered dexmedetomidine (DEX). Using a randomized crossover design and allowing at least 2 weeks between treatments 12 adult hound dogs of either sex weighing 22 ± 1.7 SD kg were anesthetized by face mask administration of 2.9% ET sevoflurane to facilitate instrumentation prior to administration of treatment drugs. Dogs were intubated and instrumented to enable measurement of heart rate (HR), systolic (SAP), mean (MAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures, mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary arterial temperature (TEMP), and cardiac output (CO). Systemic (SVR) and pulmonary vascular resistances were calculated. Following completion of instrumentation dogs were allowed to recover for 40 minutes. After collection of baseline data, dogs were administered one of four treatments at T–10 minutes prior to injection of DEX (500? g M–2 IM): 1) saline (SAL); 2) atropine (ATR, 0.02 [n = 6] or 0.04 [n = 6] mg kg–1 IM); 3) SAL + SNP (infused at 1–10 ?g kg–1 minute–1, IV as needed to maintain MAP between 90–110 mm Hg; or 4) ATR + SNP. Cardiovascular data were collected at T‐20 minutes prior to administration of DEX, T‐5 and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes following DEX. Data were analyzed using anova for repeated measures with post hoc differences between means identified using Bonferroni's method (p < 0.05). Differences in ATR dose were not found to be significant and thus results for ATR dose groups were pooled. Administration of SAL (dexmedetomidine alone) was associated with decreases in HR and CO and increases in SAP, MAP, DAP, CVP, and SVR. Administration of ATR was associated with an increase in HR and CO compared with SAL. Administration of SNP was associated with an increase in HR and CO and a decrease in SVR, MAP and CVP compared with SAL. Administration of SNP + ATR was associated with effects similar to that of SNP or ATR alone and resulted in an additive increase in CO. We conclude that SNP‐induced afterload reduction with or without atropine is effective in mitigating DEX‐induced impairment of cardiovascular function.  相似文献   
AIM: To test the hypothesis that a single strategic treatment with a new class of anthelmintic could slow the development of resistance to existing classes of anthelmintic.

METHODS: An existing model was used to simulate nematode parasite dynamics and the development of anthelmintic resistance. Variations on a five-drench preventive programme of treatments for lambs, in which either zero, the first, third or fifth treatment was substituted with a different class of drug, were compared for the time to reach treatment failure (defined as efficacy <95%). The sensitivity to variations in the death rate of adult worms, that varied from 1 to 5%, and the dominance of resistance genes were also assessed.

RESULTS: Replacing one of the five treatments with a different class of anthelmintic almost always slowed the development of resistance, and was never worse than using the same drug for all treatments. Further, there were large differences in the relative time to treatment failure depending on which treatment was substituted. Changing the first treatment always had the least benefit, whereas changing the fifth treatment always had the greatest. This pattern was independent of the daily death rate of adult worms, and was not influenced by the dominance of resistance under treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that strategic substitution of a single treatment with a new class of anthelmintic, at the end of a series of preventive treatments to lambs using an existing class, could slow the further development of resistance to the latter. This strategic use of a new anthelmintic class has the potential to greatly extend the life of existing anthelmintics if these are still effective.  相似文献   
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