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The effects of including bovine lactoferrin (Lf) in the diet of the Asian catfish (Clarias batrachus) on specific and non-specific immunity as well as disease resistance were investigated. The catfish were fed four different diets for 2 weeks: a commercial diet as control and the same diet supplemented with 50, 100 and 200mg bovine Lf/kg feed. After 1 and 2 weeks, serum bacterial agglutination titre against Aeromonas hydrophila as a measure of specific immunity; natural serum haemolysin titre, lysozyme activity and oxidative radical production by neutrophils as a measure of non-specific immunity as well as disease resistance against A. hydrophila challenge to vaccinated and non-vaccinated animals were evaluated. The results showed that Lf supplements, particularly at 100mg level, significantly (P<0.05) enhanced serum lysozyme level, oxidative radical production and level of protection against A. hydrophila challenge in non-vaccinated animals irrespective of length of exposure. The specific immunity was not influenced by Lf feeding as evidenced from the bacterial agglutination titre and level of protection in vaccinated animals. As Lf feeding at 100mg/kg for 1 week is able to enhance the non-specific immunity and disease resistance of catfish efficiently, these results support the possible use of Lf as an immunostimulant for farmed catfish.  相似文献   
Acid sulfate, peat, sandy podzolic, and saline soils are widely distributed inthe lowlands of Thailand and Malaysia. The nutrient concentrations in theleaves of plants grown in these type of soils were studied with the aim ofdeveloping a nutritional strategy for adapting to such problem soils. In sagoand oil palms that were well-adapted to peat soil, the N, P, and Kconcentrations were the same in the mature leaves, while the Ca, Mg, Na,and Fe concentrations were higher in the mature leaves of the oil palm thanof the sago palm. Melastoma malabathricum and Melaleuca cajuputi plantsthat were well-adapted to low pH soils, peat, and acid sulfate soils were alsostudied. It was observed that a high amount of Al accumulated in the M.marabathricum leaves, while Al did not accumulate in M. cajuputi leaves.M. cajuputi plants accumulated large amounts of Na in their leaves or stemsregardless of the exchangeable Na concentration in the soil, while M.malabathricum that was growing in saline-affected soils excluded Na.Positive relationships between macronutrients were recognized between Pand N, between K and N, and between P and K. Al showed antagonisticrelationships with P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Na. Na also showedantagonistic relationships with P, K, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Al. Fe showed weakantagonistic relationships with Zn, Mn, Cu, and Al.  相似文献   
In order to determine the immunomodulatory effect of dietary levamisole in Asian catfish (Clarias batrachus), fish were fed four different diets for 10 days: a formulated diet as control and the same diet supplemented with 50, 150 or 450 mg levamisole kg?1 feed. The serum bacterial agglutination titre against Aeromonas hydrophila as a measure of specific immunity, serum haemagglutination titre, natural haemolytic complement activity (ACH50), myeloperoxidase and lysozyme activities, total protein level and oxidative radical production by neutrophils as a measure of non‐specific immunity as well as disease resistance against A. hydrophila challenge to separate vaccinated and non‐vaccinated groups were evaluated at 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks after last administration of levamisole. Levamisole supplement at the lowest level (50 mg kg?1) significantly enhanced oxidative radical production and serum myeloperoxidase (MPO) content immediately after 10 days of feeding, which reached peak values after 3 and 2 weeks of feeding respectively. Haemolytic complement and haemagglutination titre were significantly enhanced after 3 and 1 weeks respectively. Haemolytic complement activity and MPO activities were significantly raised to 150 mg kg?1 after 3 and 2 weeks, respectively. At the highest level of levamisole feeding (450 mg kg?1) significant decreases in superoxide production and complement activity were measured immediately after levamisole feeding, which returned to the normal level after 1 week post‐ feeding. Fish were challenged with a virulent strain of A. hydrophila at 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks after levamisole feeding, and the cumulative per cent survival was recorded over 10 days. Feeding levamisole at 50, 150 or 450 mg kg?1 increased per cent survival in vaccinated fish immediately after levamisole feeding, and survival was significantly higher at 450 mg kg?1. There was no difference in mortality patterns in non‐vaccinated fish. The results support the use of levamisole at 50 mg kg?1 feed for 10 days as an immunostimulant in Asian catfish farming.  相似文献   
On 26 December 2004, a tsunami caused extensive loss of life, damaged property and degraded agricultural land in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. While some of the associated soil chemical changes have been documented, information on soil physical properties is sparse. The objective of this study was to quantify physical properties of some tsunami-affected upland agricultural soils in Aceh, Indonesia. Soil was sampled approximately 21/2 years after the tsunami, from the 0–0.1 m, 0.1–0.3 m and 0.3–0.5 m depths in four sites in the villages of Kling Cot Aroun in Aceh Besar sub-district, Kuta Kruen in Aceh Utara sub-district, Udjong Blang Mesjid in Bireuen sub-district and Meue in Pidie Jaya sub-district on the east coast of Aceh. These sites were located within 1 km from the sea at elevations ranging from 0 to 5 m ASL. The soils were Ultisols except for Meue, which was an Entisol. Soil properties measured were bulk density, structural stability and particle size distribution. Soil water retention, pore-size distribution and saturated hydraulic conductivity were estimated by inserting the values of bulk density, clay, sand and silt contents into pedotransfer functions from the literature. The analyses conducted during this study did not permit us to ascertain what proportion of the soil particles were of tsunami-origin. Nonetheless, deposition of finer-textured material may have occurred in two of the sites. In comparison with the greyish-white, coarse textured soil in the rest of the profile, a finer-textured yellow horizon was present in the lower slopes of the Udjong Blang Mesjid site. At Meue, clay and silt contents were higher in the surface 0.3 m than in the 0.3–0.5 m depth, although a distinct horizon was absent. Particle size distribution in all sites was dominated by the sand fraction, although clay and silt contents were relatively high (20–30 g 100 g− 1) at Kuta Kruen. Among the sand fractions, fine sand (0.02–0.25 mm) was highest at Kling Cot Aroun, Kuta Kruen and in the “yellow horizon” at Udjong Blang Mesjid, making them more prone to hardsetting and compaction after intensive tillage. Soil compaction was present in all sites with that in the “yellow horizon” at Udjong Blang Mesjid being highest. The relatively low porosity in this layer may be beneficial, as it is likely to reduce the high rates of water drainage and nutrient leaching in this sandy soil. The more compacted soils were characterised by higher numbers of micropores (r, pore radius < 4.3 μm), lower water retention at saturation, smaller numbers of macropores (r > 14.3 μm), lower hydraulic conductivity and intensive gleying, indicating frequent waterlogging. The soils in all depths from Kling Cot Aroun and the “yellow horizon” at Udjong Blang Mesjid were very dispersive, that at Meue moderately dispersive in the 0.3–0.5 m depth but stable in the 0–0.1 m depth, and at Kuta Kruen very stable in all depths. Soil physical degradation was a feature of the soils examined, and its amelioration will be the key to improving and sustaining crop yields in these soils. Possible management interventions include organic amendments such as compost or manure, and minimum tillage options such permanent beds or zero tillage with retention of crop residues as in situ mulch together with suitable cover crops.  相似文献   
Transferrin partial complementary DNAs were cloned from the livers of five species in four genera of Indian carps (Indian major carp species: Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala; medium carp: Puntius sarana; minor carp: Labeo bata) subsequent to polymerase chain reaction amplification with published heterologous primers or self-designed primers derived from conserved regions of transferrin cDNA sequences. The partial transferrin cDNAs of the five species of carps had sizes from 624 to 633 bp (487 bp for L. rohita) and encoded an open reading frame consisting of 206–211 (162 for L. rohita) amino acids. The alignments of carp cDNA sequences showed 85–97% homology and 71–93% homology in deduced amino acid sequences. A phylogenetic tree of amino acid sequences of transferrin cDNAs from carps showed that the relationship among the four genera of Indian carps is well correlated with that derived from classic morphologic analyses. The hypothesized cleavage site and interdomain bridge of transferrin molecule were predicted for the above carp species and interestingly the cleavage site amino acid sequence was found to be conserved among all the carps. To study the tissue-specific expression of the transferrin gene, various tissues (liver, kidney, spleen, brain, muscle, testis, heart, intestine, gill and fin) from apparently healthy (control), moribund and survived C. mrigala experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila infection were analyzed. Transferrin mRNA was detected only in liver RNA and to lesser extent in brain tissue out of the 10 tissues analyzed irrespective of bacterial infection.  相似文献   


Excess nutrients such as phosphorus (P) transported from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) in South Florida, USA, to downstream water bodies have been identified as contributing to trophic imbalances within the Florida Everglades. Decades of farming drainage from the EAA has led to accumulation of sediments in regional canals which may be transported to downstream ecosystems and act as potential internal source of P.

Materials and methods

Intact sediment cores were collected from three main conveyance and three farm canals within the EAA. Physicochemical assessment, mineralogy, P speciation, and storage were determined for surface and subsurface layers.

Results and discussion

The main conveyance canal sediments had higher total P (TP) concentrations (1,280?±?360?mg?kg-1) than the farm canals (960?±?540?mg?kg-1), while farm canal sediments showed higher organic matter content (28?C53?%) compared to the main canal (24?C27?%) sediments. The minerals found in main conveyance canal sediments were similar to those found in Lake Okeechobee. The labile KCl?CP fraction comprised <2?% of TP from all canal sediments, while NaOH?CPi (i?=?inorganic) fraction consisted of 1?C14?% of TP. The majority of P in the canal sediments was contained in the HCl?CP fraction (Ca?CP and Mg?CP), comprising >50?% of TP in the main and farm canal sediments. An estimated 73 metric tons (mt) of P was stored in the 0?C10-cm layer of the three main conveyance canals within the EAA boundary of which 57-mt P is reactive and potentially available for release at different time scales.


The EAA canal sediments are highly organic with low bulk density and susceptible of being transported to downstream ecosystems. Many factors can impact the potential release of the reactive stored P, including redox potential of sediments as well as the overlying water column P concentration. Further investigation of potential P release from these sediments is warranted.  相似文献   

Toll like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition molecules involved in cellular recognition of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the infectious agent causing Paratuberculosis (PTB), a notified disease of domestic and wild ruminants. The present study was undertaken to investigate the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR2 and TLR4 gene and to evaluate association of these SNPs with occurrence of PTB in Indian cattle. A total of 213 cattle, were subjected to multiple diagnostic tests viz. Johnin PPD, ELISA test (Indigenous and Parachek kit method), fecal microscopy and fecal culture for detection of MAP infection. Based on screening results 51 animals each were assigned to case and control population. Two SNPs viz. rs55617172, rs41830058 in TLR2 gene and two SNPs viz. rs8193046, rs8193060 in TLR4 gene and were genotyped by PCR-RFLP method. All SNPs were found to be polymorphic except rs41830058 in the case-control population. Both SNPs in TLR4 gene but none in TLR2 genes were significantly associated with the occurrence of PTB in our population. The genotypes in SNP rs8193046 and SNP rs8193060 were significantly (P?<?0.01) different in case-control population. These findings suggest that SNPs rs8193046 and rs8193060 are likely a potential marker against MAP infection and a selection programme eliminating AG genotype for rs8193046 and CT genotype for rs8193060 might be beneficial in conferring resistance to MAP infection in Indian cattle population.

In the present study, it has been aimed to determine the non target effects of Congo red on soil enzyme activities namely amylase, protease, catalase, glucose oxidase and laccases, following the standard procedures. Further, it is also aimed to decolourize the dye effluents by using immobilized fimgal cultures namely Aspergillus spp. isolated from textile effluents and estimate the percentage of decolourization by dye decolourization assay method. The selected fungi were found efficient and dominant type in dye decolourization with the production of laccase and other enzymes. Except laccase, all the enzymes showed maximum activity at 14 days followed by declining trend at 21 days. Maximum enzyme activity was noticed with Aspergillus niger. 95% of decolourization was found within 4-24 h in sodium alginate immobilized fungal cultures compared to controls. The above results clearly indicate the efficiency of these fungi in selective bioremediation of dye contaminated sites.  相似文献   
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