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Listeria monocytogenes (LM) is a Gram-positive facultative intracellular bacterium that causes fatal meningoencephalitis in humans and ruminants. A current paradigm predicts that intracellular bacteria are controlled by nitric oxide (NO) whose synthesis is catalyzed by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). The ability of macrophages (Mphi) to express iNOS shows extreme interspecies variability. Here the expression of iNOS and synthesis of NO was studied in listeric encephalitis of cattle, sheep, and goats. iNOS was expressed by a subset of Mphi in cerebral microabscesses in all three species. The level of iNOS expression and the density of cells per lesion expressing iNOS was highest in cattle, intermediate in sheep, and lowest in goats. The accumulation of nitrotyrosine (NT), an indicator of local NO synthesis, was observed in lesions of cattle but not in those of small ruminants. The density of iNOS-expressing cells in lesions was inversely correlated with the number of bacteria. No species differences were observed in regard to reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production by stimulated granulocytes, using the flow cytometric dihydrorhodamine-123 (DHR) method indicating ROI generation. Thus, the marked species differences in iNOS expression, NT accumulation, and LM content in lesions of ruminants with listeric encephalitis are explained by different amounts of ROI produced. It suggests that variations in the ability of Mphi to synthesize NO are of pathophysiological significance in listeriosis.  相似文献   
不同处理方法对美国截叶胡枝子种子发芽的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国截叶胡枝子的硬实率很高,发芽率只有17.3%。经过种子预处理,如采用不同温度下浸种、98%浓硫酸浸泡、机械破皮和机械破皮结合热水浸种等处理,结果表明,机械破皮后用60℃热水浸种处理的效果最好,发芽势和发芽率分别达到64.0%和74.3%;其次是机械破皮,平均发芽率达到50%;浓硫酸浸种可以显著提高种子发芽势,浓硫酸浸种5min效果最好,发芽率达到44.7%;热水浸种的处理效果不佳,最好的90℃热水浸种处理发芽率也仅有26.7%。  相似文献   
为探究高寒草甸不同退化程度生态系统多功能性的变化,本研究综合考虑了植物物种多样性和多种生态系统功能如生产力、养分循环和固存能力、土壤涵养水分能力等,运用降维因子分析的方法计算了生态系统多功能性,综合分析了植物物种多样性与生态系统功能和多功能性间的关系。结果表明:高寒草甸退化显著降低了Margalef指数、Shannon-weiner指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数(P<0.05),各生态系统功能趋于恶化。高寒草甸退化导致生态系统多功能性的下降,综合统计量结果为轻度退化(21.9955)>中度退化(8.7295)>重度退化(—30.7245)。植物物种多样性与生态系统多功能性之间均存在正相关关系,其中Simpson指数与生态系统多功能性指数拟合的结果最好,说明高寒草甸生态系统多功能性受植物物种多样性的制约。本研究可为青藏高原草地退化及恢复的过程和机理研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   
户用分布式光伏对农户收入影响具有长期性,如何发挥分布式光伏在乡村振兴战略中的作用需进一步探索。本文以户用分布式光伏为例,利用中部地区Y县2014—2019年农户追踪数据,运用双重差分法,分析户用分布式光伏对农户收入的影响,探讨户用分布式光伏对农户收入影响的作用机制。结果表明,2014—2019年农户收入大幅度提升,其中建光伏农户的人均收入增长幅度大于未建光伏农户,户用分布式光伏使农户人均收入提高25.4%,其中经营性收入、财产性收入分别提高74.4%和444.5%,而工资性收入降低45.3%。户用分布式光伏是通过减少非农劳动时间和缩短非农就业空间距离降低农户工资性收入,增加经营性收入,从而影响人均收入。进一步分析发现,户用分布式光伏对非中心村农户的工资性收入和经营性收入影响大于中心村农户,劳动力能力越强的农户经营性收入上升幅度越大,工资性收入下降幅度越小。因此,建议统一维护光伏设施,促进劳动力要素有效配置;并依据劳动能力差异分层分配股份,降低劳动能力强的农户对政府补贴的依赖;另外,创新光伏产业发展模式,拓宽光伏产业增收渠道。  相似文献   
The influence of long-term administration of high-carbohydrate/low-protein and high-fat/non-carbohydrate diets were studied in relation to kinetic behaviour of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in liver and kidney of rainbow trout. In all cases studied, the saturation curves of these enzyme showed typical hyperbolic kinetics without evidence of sigmoidicity. After 30 days of feeding with a high-fat diet (170 g kg?1), there was a significant decrease in Vmax and specific activity (45%) as well as catalytic efficiency (39%) without changes in Km or activity ratio of hepatic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These changes agree more with a clearly decreased cell concentration than with an inhibition of the pre-existing enzyme. The administration of a high-carbohydrate diet (60 g kg?1), contrary to what was previously thought, decreased Vmax by 21% and specific activity and catalytic efficiency by 30%, without significant changes in the other kinetic parameters of the hepatic enzyme. The kinetic behaviour under these nutritional conditons was due to the rejection of this diet by the fish and thus could be considered a low-feeding situation. On the other hand, no variations in the kinetics of renal glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were found, clearly demonstrating that in this organ, the pentosephosphate pathway showed no adaptive response related to fattyacid and other lipid synthesis. The activity of the renal enzyme was consistently half that of the hepatic enzyme.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine the distribution of pre‐antral follicles in the ovarian parenchyma of mares. For Experiment 1, each ovary was cut longitudinally at the greater curvature, performing two hemiovaries. After that, six fragments from each hemiovary were obtained, resulting in 12 fragments, which were divided into the innermost region of the parenchyma, the middle region and the outermost region. All the three obtained sections were cut transversally to obtain two fragments from each one. For Experiment 2, each ovary also submitted to a longitudinal cut on the greater curvature, forming two hemiovaries. Each hemiovary was sectioned into four symmetrical fragments, resulting in eight fragments per ovary. The fragments were related as being near to or far from the ovulatory fossa. The fragments of both experiments were immediately fixed in Carnoy for 12 hr and kept in 70% ethanol for 24 hr. Follicles were classified according to the stages of development and for morphological integrity according to oocyte morphology and granulosa cells. After the histological assessment, a total of 1,130 follicles were visualized from Experiment 1, being 1,054 (93.3%) primordial follicles and 76 (4.7%) follicles in development. The innermost region had the highest percentage of pre‐antral follicles compared to the other regions (p < .05). The middle and outermost regions showed higher percentages of intact primordial and developing follicles than the innermost region (p < .05). Considering Experiment 2, 938 follicles were found, being 894 (95.3%) primordial and 44 (4.7%) follicles in development. The region near the ovulatory fossa presented higher (58.7%; 551 of 938) follicular concentration compared to the region far from the ovulatory fossa (41.3%; 387 of 938; p < .05). As a conclusion, distribution of pre‐antral follicles in the equine ovary has a specific pattern through the parenchyma. Also, the follicular integrity differed in the studied ovarian areas.  相似文献   
不同处理方法对美国截叶胡枝子种子发芽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截叶胡枝子(Lespedezacunecta)是原产于亚洲东部的一种多年生的豆科植物,在我国南方地区野生分布很广。它具有耐瘠、耐旱、耐酸、耐热、固土能力强、适应性广等特性,在国外也颇受重视。我国于1983年从美国引种,通过对其生物学和生态学特性、经济性状和栽培技术研究证明,引进的美国截叶胡枝子在人工栽培条件下,表现出良好的经济性状,是南方草地改良的希望种子。但是在生产中,由于其硬实的存在,使得种子的发芽率很低,往往造成出苗困难和草地建植缓慢,甚至出现严重缺苗断垄的现象,直接影响田间产量,限制了它的进一步推广应用。试验采用不同处…  相似文献   
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