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In New Zealand, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the principal wildlife vector of bovine tuberculosis. Control of infected possum populations contributes to the control of tuberculosis in domestic livestock. Vaccination is potentially a complementary strategy to population control, but to be cost-effective, administration of the vaccine to possums would need to be from an appropriately designed automatic vaccinator. Possums themselves would activate the vaccinator so that it would deliver an aerosol spray of vaccine. There would be no direct way to prevent possums receiving multiple doses of vaccine. This study examined the effect on protective immunity of repeated vaccination. Captive possums were vaccinated with BCG strain pasteur 1173P2 either 12 times at weekly intervals, twice at 6-weekly intervals, or once. Vaccination was by a combination of intranasal aerosol and conjunctival instillation. Eight weeks after the last dose of vaccine, all possums were challenged intratracheally with Mycobacterium bovis strain 83/6235. Vaccination induced a significant immune response as measured by the lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA). A significant level of protection, as measured by the response to challenge, developed in all the vaccinated possum groups, but protection was greatest in the group vaccinated 12 times. It was concluded that protection would be enhanced if vaccinations were repeated at short intervals (weekly), but no benefit or detriment resulted from revaccination after longer intervals (1-2 months).  相似文献   
Osteolytic defects were detected radiographically in the distal sesamoid bone of a 16-month-old Bralers heifer, in the middle phalanx of a 14-month-old American Gray Brahman bull, and in the distal phalanx of a 3-year-old American Gray Brahman bull. The articular cartilage was damaged in each animal because of osteolysis or pathologic fracture. After each animal was anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency, the lesions were curetted and packed with cancellous bone harvested from the same animal's tuber coxae. Basic postoperative management involved stall rest and immobilization of the graft site with a fiberglass cast (42 to 79 days), after which a support bandage was used for approximately 2 weeks. Recurrence of lameness has not been observed in these animals for 60 months, 58 months, and 21 months, respectively. These cases exemplify the benefit of using an autogenous cancellous bone graft for treatment of severe osteolysis of a digit in cattle.  相似文献   
It is proposed that just as the stethoscope and thermometer are fundamental tools for individual medicine, production and health recording systems are fundamental tools for effective population medicine. Treatment and control of clinical diseases as the primary objective is no longer considered appropriate for livestock population. Disease in populations now describes a deviation between what is happening and what is expected to happen. This redefinition of disease implies that it is of multifactorial origin and thus a different problem solving approach must be implemented. Therefore, a swine enterprise must be considered as a system, a set of interdependent components continuously interacting to produce pork. As a system, it is characterized by certain properties: change, environment, counterintuitive behavior, drift to low performance, interdependency, and organization. A redefinition of diseases implies also that they are not only “treated” but managed. Management consists of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and analysis. For this process to be implemented successfully, a goal-directed recording system providing a farm-based infrastructure for problem solving is essential. Clinical problem solving (diagnosis) is thus based on epidemiological and demographic methods.  相似文献   
1. The theme of the lecture is that research in poultry science has moved too far in the direction of molecular biology and away from studies with whole animals. This has happened partly because exciting prospects are opening up in the field of gene manipulation but mainly because of the use of inappropriate referees to evaluate research proposals.

2. Agricultural research is defined as work intended to benefit agriculture and directed towards those problems which seem capable of solution. Science research is something else. Too much of the money allocated for agricultural and biotechnology research is being spent on science research. The system of rewarding agricultural scientists needs to be adjusted away from counting papers published.

3. Some examples are given of problems in poultry science which seem likely to be soluble by gene manipulation. These include “essential” amino acid synthesis within the chicken, improvement of shell strength, the prevention of many diseases, but probably not the improvement of quantitative traits or of behavioural adaptation to intensive husbandry.

4. Examples are also given of problems likely to require empirical solutions, such as the benefits of acclimatisation or the long‐term response to a lighting programme. Here the need is to develop better theories to guide modelling activities.

5. The author concludes that there is much research that can and should be done in poultry science in the next 20 years but calls for a recognition that some problems cannot be solved by a “fundamental” approach but will need experiments with whole animals coupled with model‐building activities.  相似文献   

1. Pullets of 2 high‐producing commercial stocks (both brown‐egg layers) were exposed to 5 different lighting patterns between 18 and 72 weeks to test the hypothesis that photoperiods used in commercial lighting programmes early in the laying year may be unnecessarily long and, by accelerating the development of photorefractoriness, may contribute to the decline in egg production observed after the initial peak. Two rooms of 288 pullets were allocated to each treatment.

2. The rate of lay observed with a Step‐Up treatment which gave increases in photoperiod from 8L:16D at 18 weeks to 15L:9D at 27 weeks of age was not significantly different from that of treatments which held the birds on 11L:13D during peak egg production but gave increments up to 15L:9D later in the laying year.

3. A control group maintained on 11L:13D from 20 to 72 weeks laid 295 eggs per bird housed and a further group held on 8L:16D from 0 to 72 weeks laid 284 eggs per bird. These yields were lower than the Step‐Up treatment (299 eggs) but show the potential of modern hybrid stocks to lay prolifically even without light stimulation.

4. It is concluded that the stocks tested in this experiment showed no advantage when given lighting programmes in the first laying year which were designed to minimise the adverse effects of photorefractoriness.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Research and Development in Relation to Farm Animal Welfare, contributions by B. A. Baldwin, J. R. Bareham, I. J. H. Duncan, R. Ewbank, D. C. Hardwick and K. Vestergaard, Animal Management, 11, Series Edited by D. W. Fölsch. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1981. ISBN‐3–7643–1241–6.

First European Symposium on Poultry Welfare. Edited by L. Yding S0RENSEN. Published by the Danish Branch of World's Poultry Science Association. 1981. 238pp. D.Kr.90. ISBN 87–88162–00–1.  相似文献   

1. White Leghorn pullets which had been used for an assay of tryptophan requirement between 32 and 40 weeks of age were used for similar determinations between 63 and 73 and, after a moult, from 97 to 106 weeks of age.

2. A tryptophan‐limiting protein mixture was used and by dilution seven dietary protein contents were produced, supplying from 0.84 to 1–92 g tryptophan/kg diet. The diet of lowest protein content was also sup‐lemented with free tryptophan. These diets were fed in experiments using 24 groups of 72 pullets at 63 to 73 weeks and 45 groups of 21 hens at 97 to 106 weeks.

3. The relationship between egg output and tryptophan intake was the same in moulted hens as in young pullets, but pullets of 63 to 73 weeks of age yielded a different response curve; more tryptophan being needed for a given egg output.

4. It is concluded that tryptophan required, per day, does not decrease during the first laying year, despite a decrease in rate of egg output.  相似文献   

1. A 27‐h cycle of light and dark provides a greater gonadotrophic stimulus to the laying fowl, as judged by sexual maturity and rate of lay, than a 24‐h cycle incorporating the same photoperiod.

2. An hypothesis put forward to account for these effects states that Effective Photoperiod equals p + c – b, where p = actual photoperiod, c = cycle length and b = the period of the endogenous biological clock.

3. Two experiments designed to test this hypothesis have yielded results which are consistent with it.

4. A poultryman who uses an ahemeral cycle to alter egg weight or shell thickness and then wishes to transfer his flock back to a 24‐h cycle should calculate the difference between the two cycle lengths and then add this quantity to the prevailing photoperiod to find the appropriate amount of light to be used in the 24‐h cycle.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   
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