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Metabolic reprogramming has been proposed to be a hallmark of cancer, yet a systematic characterization of the metabolic pathways active in transformed cells is currently lacking. Using mass spectrometry, we measured the consumption and release (CORE) profiles of 219 metabolites from media across the NCI-60 cancer cell lines, and integrated these data with a preexisting atlas of gene expression. This analysis identified glycine consumption and expression of the mitochondrial glycine biosynthetic pathway as strongly correlated with rates of proliferation across cancer cells. Antagonizing glycine uptake and its mitochondrial biosynthesis preferentially impaired rapidly proliferating cells. Moreover, higher expression of this pathway was associated with greater mortality in breast cancer patients. Increased reliance on glycine may represent a metabolic vulnerability for selectively targeting rapid cancer cell proliferation.  相似文献   
The present study assessed the effects of incorporation of Taurine or Trehalose in extender on immunolocalization of tyrosine phosphoproteins, Cryocapacitation and other sperm quality parameters (motility, viability and membrane integrity) in post‐thawed sperm from Buffalo (Murrah) and Cattle (Karan Fries). Six ejaculates from six individual bulls from both species were chosen at random and split into four aliquots: one aliquot without dilution (fresh sample), another diluted in egg yolk tris‐citrate (EYTC) extender and the rest of aliquots with EYTC dilution supplemented with taurine (50 mm ) or trehalose (100 mm ), respectively, and cryopreserved. Following cryopreservation, semen were thawed and assessed for standard semen quality parameters. Extent of capacitation in cryopreserved spermatozoa was measured by inducing in vitro acrosome reaction followed by dual staining. Immunolocalization of tyrosine phosphoproteins was carried out by immunocytochemistry using primary antibody clone pT‐154 (anti‐phosphotyrosine antibody) and FITC‐conjugated secondary antibody. Immunofluorescent signals were analysed for level of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in spermatozoa. Post‐thaw semen evaluation showed supplementation of taurine or trehalose to EYTC extender significantly (p < 0.05) increased motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa in both species. Percentage of cryocapacitated spermatozoa was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in cattle as compared to buffalo and degree of cryocapacitaion of spermatozoa decreased significantly (p < 0.05) upon supplementation of additives in both the species. It was also found that tyrosine phosphoproteins were localized differentially in fresh and cryopreserved spermatozoa. Supplementation of taurine or trehalose to freezing extender changed the localization of tyrosine phosphoproteins in cryopreserved spermatozoa similar to fresh in both the species. The results obtained clearly indicated that supplementation of taurine or trehalose to EYTC prior to cryopreservation improves Buffalo and Cattle sperm quality in terms of cryocapacitation and immunolocalization of tyrosine phosphoproteins during freezing–thawing process.  相似文献   
Trace minerals feeding had significant effects on sperm production and fertility with better absorption and proper utilization within the body for optimum reproductive function. Several studies have shown that more influenced trace elements in the diets of animals are copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Bucks showing deficiency of this mineral might affect the quality of semen production which in turn would affect the fertility. This experiment was thus designed to test the effects of organic Cu and Zn supplementation on antioxidants enzyme activities and sperm functional attributes in fresh semen of bucks. Forty bucks (n = 40, Aged 5 months) were assigned to ten groups of four animals in each group, supplemented (for a period of 8 months) with different levels of organic Zn: 20 mg (T2), 40 mg (T3) and 60 mg (T4), organic Cu: 12.5 mg (T5), 25 mg (T6), 37.5 mg (T7) and combined organic Zn and Cu: 20 + 12.5 mg (T8), 40 + 25 mg (T9), 60 + 37.5 mg (T10), respectively, per kg dry matter and no additional mineral diet (control; T1). One hundred and sixty semen samples were collected through electro‐ejaculator and analysed for sperm quantity, quality, acrosome intactness and plasma membrane integrity and correlated with the catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzyme activities in seminal plasma. The results indicated organic Cu and zinc supplemented bucks produced more sperm cells, had higher sperm concentrations, maintained higher (< .01) sperm livability, plasma membrane and acrosome integrities, more motility and velocity. The increased antioxidant enzyme activities, reduced oxidative stress and lowered lipid peroxidation were positively correlated (< .05) with the sperm functional attributes. In conclusion, organic Cu and Zn supplement to male goats showed protective roles against oxidative damage and maintained better fresh semen characteristics.  相似文献   
Seasonal behaviour in sheep, which varies in tropical and temperate environmental conditions, is a matter of study, because it can provide a clue to address the problem of seasonality in sheep. Melatonin receptor is the membrane‐bound G‐coupled receptor, sensing the message of photoperiodic cues thorough melatonin. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) studies were carried out to assess the variability of gene at G612A and C606T SNPs in MTNR1A gene, which have been studied to be markers for out‐of‐season breeding. Allelic frequency distribution corresponded to higher frequency of GG and CC genotype, in tropical arid sheep breed in comparison with temperate region sheep breed. PCR amplification of MTNR1A gene of 30 animals was performed and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identification was carried out using Lasergene software. Seven SNPs/mutations were identified, but most of them were synonymous, except the one G706A, leading to substitution of valine by isoleucine. Polyphen‐2 analysis of G706A mutation revealed that it is a benign mutation. Two important SNPs C426T and G555A, which were identified in temperate sheep breeds, could not be traced in Magra and Marwari breeds of sheep. Thus, the Magra and Marwari breeds of tropical, arid region demonstrated the presence of both polymorphic SNPs markers G612A and C606T, associated with out‐of‐season breeding. GG and CC genotypes were having a higher prevalence in the studied population.  相似文献   
Calcium uptake into mitochondria occurs via a recently identified ion channel called the uniporter. Here, we characterize the phylogenomic distribution of the uniporter's membrane-spanning pore subunit (MCU) and regulatory partner (MICU1). Homologs of both components tend to co-occur in all major branches of eukaryotic life, but both have been lost along certain protozoan and fungal lineages. Several bacterial genomes also contain putative MCU homologs that may represent prokaryotic calcium channels. The analyses indicate that the uniporter may have been an early feature of mitochondria.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to elucidate the effect of non‐luteal oviductal proteins on sperm characteristics in Murrah buffaloes. Oviducts from healthy buffaloes were collected immediately after slaughter and the oestrous cycle phase was determined as either luteal or non‐luteal based on ovarian morphology. Non‐luteal oviducts (n = 80) were flushed from the isthmic end of the oviduct with PBS, fluid was centrifuged at 10 000 g at 4°C for 20 min and then dialysed and clarified. The supernatant obtained was lyophilized to concentrate the protein and stored at ?20°C till use. Sixteen good quality ejaculates from four Murrah buffalo bulls were collected using an artificial vagina. After fresh semen analysis, each ejaculate was split into two parts and extended in Tris–citrate–egg yolk glycerol dilutor. Part I of the split ejaculate was treated with non‐luteal oviductal proteins at the dose rate of 1 mg/ml of diluted semen, while part II remained as control. The extended semen was equilibrated for 4 h at 5°C, filled in 0.5 ml French straws, exposed to LN2 vapour, plunged into LN2 and then stored at ?196°C. The equilibrated and frozen–thawed semen was evaluated for sperm motility, viability, acrosomal integrity, cervical mucus penetration test and hypo‐osmotic sperm swelling test (HOST). In frozen–thawed semen, the percentage of sperm motility, viability and acrosomal integrity was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the treatment group compared to the control group. The incorporation of non‐luteal oviductal proteins in the extender increased the ability of sperm to penetrate cervical mucus both after equilibration and the freeze‐thaw process. Similarly, the proportion of sperm with intact plasma membrane, as revealed by HOST values, was also significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the treatment group (32.6%) than the control group (27%) in frozen–thawed semen. It was inferred that incorporation of non‐luteal whole oviductal fluid proteins improved the sperm quality in frozen–thawed semen in Murrah buffaloes.  相似文献   
Electrochemical methods were combined with redox-active surfactants to actively control the motions and positions of aqueous and organic liquids on millimeter and smaller scales. Surfactant species generated at one electrode and consumed at another were used to manipulate the magnitude and direction of spatial gradients in surface tension and guide droplets of organic liquids through simple fluidic networks. Solid microparticles could be transported across unconfined surfaces. Electrochemical control of the position of surface-active species within aqueous films of liquid supported on homogeneous surfaces was used to direct these films into periodic arrays of droplets with deterministic shapes and sizes.  相似文献   
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