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Objective: To investigate control options for contagious ecthyma (scabby mouth) in Australian sheep exported live to the Middle East.
Design: Prevalence, vaccination and modelling studies.
Procedure: One hundred and forty weaner sheep (less than 1 year old) on each of 106 farms in Western Australia (WA) and 18 farm groups of adult wethers received at a WA commercial feedlot were examined for lesions of scabby mouth. Sheep on a total of 26 farms in 3 States were divided into treatment and control groups for the vaccination study. A simple deterministic compartmental model was developed to establish which parameters had the greater effect on disease prevalence.
Results: The proportion of farms with evidence of scabby mouth in weaner sheep was 23.6% and, on those farms with the disease, the overall prevalence was 6.1%. At the feedlot, 4 out of 18 farm groups had 5 or more sheep with lesions on arrival. The overall prevalence in the 4 diseased groups was 5.2%. Sheep vaccinated on farm before trucking to the feed-lot had a lower prevalence of scabby mouth at the end of simulated shipping than controls. The main determinant of scabby mouth prevalence was the proportion of sheep immune to the disease.
Conclusion: A program of vaccination for scabby mouth will reduce the prevalence of disease during live export. However, using current technology it is not possible to deliver shipments of sheep to the Middle East that are guaranteed completely free of scabby mouth.  相似文献   
Objectives To investigate the use of unguided bronchoalveolar lavage techniques in dogs without fibreoptic bronchoscopy, using an adapted single vascular catheter and a double-lumen catheter made from two single vascular catheters.
Animals Sixty-nine dogs were examined with the single-catheter technique and 110 dogs with the double-catheter technique.
Design A prospective study.
Procedure Sixty-nine and 220 samples, collected with the single catheter and the double catheter respectively, were examined cytologically Lungs of 69 dogs were examined grossly and histologically. Radiographic examination was performed on 11 dogs.
Results The double-catheter technique produced samples with significantly higher cellularity (P < 0.01) and fewer red blood cells (P < 0.01) than the single-catheter technique. Repeat samples collected with a double catheter were not significantly different (P > 0.01) in any value. A reference range for nucleated cell counts of 62 to 1210 – 106/L was calculated from 57 clinically and histologically normal dogs. The major residual effects of the technique were localised pulmonary oedema, and alveolar distension with collapse and congestion of distant parenchyma. Thoracic radiographs revealed increased lung opacity for at least up to 7 h after the procedure.
Conclusions The cellularity of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained was adequate and sufficient fluid was retrieved when the single catheter was located in a proper position. However, the double catheter obtained better samples more quickly and easily, with less damage to the respiratory tract.  相似文献   
The trnL (UAA) intron and the intergenic spacer between the 3′ exon of trnL (UAA) and trnF (GAA) sequences were used as genetic markers for differentiating Ficus carica cultivars and establishing refined genetic relationships. The study was based on 20 fig cultivars, collected from south and centre of Tunisia. Since, the intron was thought to be more variable among close relatives than is the chloroplast spacer. The size of these non-coding regions varied from 554 to 589 and from 989 to 1022 bases pairs for the intron and the combined sequences correspondingly. The average of GC content was 33.9% and 34.6% in the intron and the combined intron and spacer respectively. High values of A + T contents were detected in both data sets and may explain the high proportions of transversions founded. The observed variation pattern of plastid DNA provides evidence of an important genetic diversity. The overall transition/transversion bias (R) was 0.202 in the intron and 0.27 in the combined regions. The RI index of 0.592 indicates that these combined sequences have clearly more homoplasy then the intron (RI = 0.705) and spacer (RI = 0.777) sequences separately. Phylogenetic trees were generated based on maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) analysis of the chloroplast sequences data. Results proved that a typically continuous genetic diversity characterizes the local fig germplasm. In fact, relationships inferred from the cpDNA analysis suggest several clades, which do not show geographical or tree sex correspondence. Although the level of apparent diversity is considerable, we may conclude that non-coding regions of chloroplast genome provide a new and practical opportunity to evaluate genetic diversity and to discriminate fig cultivars. Revealed cytoplasmic DNA markers are reliable to elaborate a molecular data base to conduct management and breeding programs on local fig germplasm.  相似文献   
Isolated porcine and bovine muscle strips were incubated in Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer to determine in vitro protein synthesis (PS) and protein degradation (PD) rates to validate the in vitro system for use with livestock species. The addition of 5X plasma concentrations of amino acids to the medium stimulated PS 30%. Addition of 3.5 mM leucine to a leucine-deficient buffer supplemented with amino acids decreased PD 37% and stimulated PS 24%. The addition of .1 U/ml insulin reduced PD 28% and increased PS 30%. Protein degradation was elevated in longitudinally split rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles compared to their contralateral intact muscles. Muscle strips must be removed within 15 min of exsanguination because PD rates become greatly elevated thereafter. ATP concentrations declined during incubation, but the addition of ATP or creatine had no effect on either PD or PS. Neither PD nor PS was affected by the addition of transferrin, fetuin, ascorbate, dexamethasone or indomethacin to the incubation medium. However, muscle strips were sensitive to the addition of triiodothyronine (T3), PD was increased up to 75% as T3 concentration was increased, and PS rates doubled compared to controls. Serum from mature barrows or gilts had no effect on protein turnover, but the addition of 10% and 15% serum from boars increased both PD and PS. With fasted pigs a continual decline in PS occurred over 5 d, whereas PD was elevated at 3 d and then declined to rates comparable to the fed state after 5 d. These data suggest that the in vitro system has application for assessing relative changes that occur in vivo following nutritional, physiological and endocrinological manipulation.  相似文献   
A prospective epidemiological survey on bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infections in calves was carried out on 21 dairy farms during one BRSV epidemic season. Special attention was paid to the role of maternal antibodies. On 15 farms the spread of the virus was demonstrated during the investigation period and on eight farms this was accompanied by an outbreak of acute respiratory disease. Disease seldom occurred in calves younger than two weeks old and the most severe disease was observed in calves from one to three months old. Although maternal antibodies did not effectively prevent the disease, both the incidence and severity of disease were inversely related to the level of specific maternal antibodies. Two serodiagnostic techniques were compared. In calves older than three months from herds with disease outbreaks associated with bovine respiratory syncytial virus the diagnosis was established in 80 per cent of the animals by an increase in IgG titre against BRSV and in 77 per cent by the detection of BRSV specific IgM. In comparison, only 10 per cent of the calves younger than three months were positive by IgG serodiagnosis, and 51 per cent by IgM serodiagnosis. On farms where the spread of the virus was accompanied by an outbreak of clinical disease more calves were present, a higher proportion of the calves was younger than three months, and calves of all ages were more often housed together.  相似文献   
Mars MH  Van Maanen C 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2005,72(1-2):43-8; discussion 215-9
In The Netherlands, a voluntary bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV)-free certification programme was started in 1997. After an intake procedure in which all cattle are tested for the presence of BVD virus, a herd obtains the status "BVD-virus-free". To maintain this status a monitoring procedure is executed to verify absence of BVDV circulation in the herd. Several diagnostic tests are used: RT-PCR in bulk milk and pooled blood samples, antigen-ELISA (Ag-ELISA) and antibody ELISA in individual blood samples. Sensitivity and specificity of these tests are discussed. In addition, a diagnostic quick scan has been introduced, consisting of a combination of bulk milk tests for virus and antibody, and antibody tests in samples from young stock. Preliminary results are presented.  相似文献   
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