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The vigor of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is thought to be vulnerable to global warming, but its short-term temporal variability is unknown so changes inferred from sparse observations on the decadal time scale of recent climate change are uncertain. We combine continuous measurements of the MOC (beginning in 2004) using the purposefully designed transatlantic Rapid Climate Change array of moored instruments deployed along 26.5 degrees N, with time series of Gulf Stream transport and surface-layer Ekman transport to quantify its intra-annual variability. The year-long average overturning is 18.7 +/- 5.6 sverdrups (Sv) (range: 4.0 to 34.9 Sv, where 1 Sv = a flow of ocean water of 10(6) cubic meters per second). Interannual changes in the overturning can be monitored with a resolution of 1.5 Sv.  相似文献   
AIMS: To report on the long-term outcomes of hydraulic artificial urethral sphincter (HAUS) placement for the correction of urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) in New Zealand dogs.

METHODS: Retrospective data were obtained from cases of dogs which had a HAUS placed after failed medical and/or surgical management of USMI between August 2012 and November 2016. Owner assessment of urinary incontinence was evaluated by an online survey in May 2017 using a visual analogue scale (0 being normal, 100 being severely affected) for the frequency, volume and severity of any straining to urinate, immediately prior to the placement of the HAUS and at the time of the survey. The number of days between surgery and the completion of survey were recorded.

RESULTS: Seven females and two male dogs, which were all desexed except for one female, were eligible for inclusion in the study. The period of follow-up following HAUS placement ranged from 206–1,685 days. Following HAUS placement, frequency and volume of urinary incontinence decreased for six dogs and were practically unchanged for three dogs. The median frequency score decreased from 70 to 13 and the volume score decreased from 73 to 12. There was no consistent change in the perceived degree of straining to urinate. Complications occurred in three dogs; one required repositioning of a dislodged injection port, one required management for haematuria and a hypoplastic bladder, and one required surgical removal of fibrous tissue around the HAUS cuff.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVENCE: HAUS placement was an effective method for the treatment of persistent USMI in most dogs and provided good clinical results based on owner assessment. The technique was associated with few complications and allowed successful long-term control of urinary incontinence without the need for medical management.  相似文献   

"人、机、料、法、环"与兽药GMP的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文尝试将质量管理学中五要素"人、机、料、法、环"的重要概念引入到兽药GMP管理体系中来,便于记忆和理解,有助于进一步认识、掌握和运行GMP.  相似文献   
当前兽药地方标准清理工作已进入攻关阶段,但在清理地方标准的实际工作中尚存在一些问题,笔者分析了这些具体问题,认为在升标工作中,政府应当给予合理的政策扶持,加快地方标准清理工作进度,保护企业利益;企业应当着重做好品种筛选,合理安排临床试验资金投入;企业通过采取联合参与升标方式,减少资金投入;对于移植外省标准,可采取不同措施妥善解决;为保证升标工作顺利进行,农业部和各省兽医行政管理部门应做好升标培训指导工作.  相似文献   
当前兽药生产企业已全面通过GMP验收,兽药科技创新成为后GMP时代企业生存发展的首要任务。在此形势下江苏省提出了“建设兽药强省”工作思路。针对当前江苏乃至全国兽药产业现状进行了调查分析和研究探索,就如何充分利用本省科研优势和GMP建设形成的基础设施优势,在政府投入引导机制、合作创新开发机制和企业内研发机制等方面提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   
A hallmark of mammalian immunity is the heterogeneity of cell fate that exists among pathogen-experienced lymphocytes. We show that a dividing T lymphocyte initially responding to a microbe exhibits unequal partitioning of proteins that mediate signaling, cell fate specification, and asymmetric cell division. Asymmetric segregation of determinants appears to be coordinated by prolonged interaction between the T cell and its antigen-presenting cell before division. Additionally, the first two daughter T cells displayed phenotypic and functional indicators of being differentially fated toward effector and memory lineages. These results suggest a mechanism by which a single lymphocyte can apportion diverse cell fates necessary for adaptive immunity.  相似文献   
A sample of ombrotrophic peat from Moor House in northern England was extensively extracted with dilute nitric acid (pH 1) to free it of bound cations. Suspensions of the acid‐washed peat (5–30 g l?1), prepared with different concentrations of background electrolyte (NaCl and KCl), were used to conduct batch acid–base titrations. A strong dependence of proton release on ionic strength (I) was observed, the apparent acid dissociation constant (pKapp) being found to decrease by approximately 1.0 for each tenfold increase in I. This behaviour could not be explained satisfactorily with Humic Ion‐Binding Model VI, a discrete‐site/electrostatic model of cation binding by humic substances, parameterized with data from laboratory studies on isolated samples. More success was obtained by abandoning the impermeable‐sphere electrostatic submodel used in Model VI, and instead assuming the peat to consist of aggregates with fixed internal volume, and with counterion accumulation described by the Donnan model, as proposed by Marinsky and colleagues. The fixed‐volume Donnan model (Model VI‐FD) could also approximately explain other reported results from acid–base titrations of peat, including the effects on the titrations of complexing cations (Al, Ca, Cu). Copper titrations of the Moor House sample were performed using an ion‐selective electrode, with peat suspensions in the acid pH range, at two ionic strengths, and in the presence of Al and Ca. The measured concentrations of Cu2+ were in the range 10?13?10?5 m . Model VI‐FD provided reasonable fits of the experimental data, after optimization of the intrinsic binding constant for Cu, the optimized value being close to the default value derived previously from data referring to isolated humic substances. The optimized constants for Al and Ca, derived from their competition effects, were also close to their default values. Additional experiments were performed in which the centrifugation‐depletion method was used to measure the binding of a cocktail of metals (Al, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Eu, Pb) at a single pH. The model correctly predicted strong binding of Al, Cu, Eu and Pb, and weaker binding of Ni, Zn and Cd. For the strongly binding metals, the dissolved forms were calculated to be mainly due to complexes with dissolved humic matter, whereas the free ions (Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+) dominated for the weakly binding metals. Acid‐washed soil appears to provide a valuable intermediate between isolated humic substances and untreated soil for the investigation of cation binding by natural organic matter in the natural environment.  相似文献   
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