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通过小麦/蚕豆间作盆栽试验,研究比较了单作和间作条件下不同氮、钾营养水平对小麦氮、钾养分吸收和小麦白粉病发生的影响。结果表明:小麦蚕豆间作提高小麦子粒产量74.7%~133.9%,低氮条件下,间作提高小麦氮吸收量14.7%~169%;在高氮条件下,间作提高氮吸收量的优势降低;间作提高小麦钾吸收量32%~69%,增施钾肥提高小麦钾吸收量25.5%~57.3%。小麦间作蚕豆能明显减轻小麦白粉病的发生,间作平均防效达42.1%~83.1%;小麦白粉病的发生与小麦茎叶的氮吸收量呈显著正相关关系,r=0.623*~0.702*.*。  相似文献   
应用山西省东南部11个气象观测站1971-2010年春秋季及年平均气温、初终霜冻日期及无霜期资料,采用数理统计对比法,分析了该地初终霜冻的时域分布特征及成因,气候变暖背景下初终霜冻日期及无霜期的变化特征。结果表明:气温年际变化在1971-1996年属震荡缓慢升温期,1997年开始趋于明显增暖期,气候变暖速率为0.3℃·10a-1;初终霜冻日期的时域分布与特殊的地理环境条件关系密切;在秋季气候变暖前提下,初霜冻出现日期的推后速率为2 d·10a-1,其年际变化趋势表现为正负震荡推后期、偏早期和平稳推后期三个阶段;春季平均气温的增温速率为0.25℃·10a-1,对应终霜冻出现日期呈现为提前趋势,提前速率为4 d·10a-1,年际演变特征可分为偏晚期、偏早期、正负震荡期、偏早期四个阶段;无霜期在气候变暖背景下,年际变化特征可分为延长期、缩短期和平稳延长期三个时期,无霜期的线性变化延长速率为7 d·10a-1。  相似文献   
油菜间作蚕豆方式中的养分吸收利用特征少见报道,本研究通过田间小区试验探讨了不同施氮水平下间作对作物产量及氮、钾养分吸收利用的影响。通过研究表明,油菜间作蚕豆具有显著的间作产量优势,间作方式中油菜的竞争能力强于蚕豆。间作平均提高油菜产量15.6%~44.5%,提高蚕豆产量12.1%~26%。不同施氮条件下,间作土地当量比(LER)=1.14~1.67,N112.5条件下LER最大,N225条件下,作物产量最高。间作提高了油菜地上部氮吸收量,其中间作第一行间作第三行单作,在农民习惯施肥水平(N337.5)条件下间作养分吸收优势消失。随着氮肥施用量的增加,单、间作油菜氮吸收量随之增加。间作油菜子粒氮吸收量、钾吸收量在推荐施氮(N225)条件下达到最大值。不同施氮条件下,单、间作油菜地上部钾吸收量没有差异。间作促进氮素营养由营养器官向生殖器官转移,但对钾素营养的分配没有影响。  相似文献   
小麦生理型雄性不育花药中能量相关基因的表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)生理型雄性不育机理,以化学杂交剂SQ-1为诱导剂,构建了普通小麦西农1376不育和可育生理系,用RT-PCR技术分析了3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)和NFUDP4基因在不同发育时期的不育和可育花药中的表达差异.结果表明,与同期对照相比,GAPDH和NFUDP4基因在不育花药单核期到三核期均下调表达,其中在大量花粉粒败育的单核期,GAPDH下调表达尤为显著.因此,小麦生理型雄性不育花药败育过程中,一方面由于GAPDH基因表达受抑制,使糖酵解受阻导致能量供应不足;另一方面,NFUDP4基因下调表达,可能引起线粒体某一Fe-S族蛋白装配需要的分子骨架减少而使其数量不足,从而可能引起Fe-S族蛋白参与的生化反应减弱,如呼吸链电子传递受阻引起能量供应不足,与小麦生理型雄性不育具有一定关系.  相似文献   
水杨酸对水分胁迫下草莓幼苗膜脂过氧化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究水杨酸在诱导植物抗旱性形成中的作用.以草莓幼苗为试材,采用不同浓度外施水杨酸预处理,测定水分胁迫下各处理草莓叶片膜脂过氧化相关指标,保护酶类活性和光合特性.水分胁迫下,未施水杨酸的草莓叶片活性氧出现一高一低2个峰值,第1个峰值之后保护酶类活性显著提高,膜脂过氧化指标维持较低水平;随着胁迫时间延长,活性氧再次小幅积累,膜脂过氧化程度随之加剧.适宜浓度水杨酸预处理可以促进水分胁迫下活性氧的早期积累,并有效激活保护酶活性,减轻膜脂过氧化损伤,叶片维持高光合活性;但高浓度水杨酸预处理会加剧膜脂过氧化损伤.水杨酸通过促进活性氧信号泵发,活化保护酶活性,减轻膜脂过氧化损伤来提高植物对水分胁迫的抗性.  相似文献   
Establishment of a highly efficient regeneration system for the mature embryo of wheat will provide a convenient tool for wheat tissue culture and transformation,thereby facilitating the transformation of foreign genes into wheat.By using the mature embryos derived from 20 different wheat lines including Shi 4185,Yumai 66,Lunxuan 987,CB037,Yangmai 6,Xinchun 9,Bobwhite,Han 6172,Zheng 9023,Jimai 20,Ningchun 4,and Jing 411,the effects of some factors including inoculation methods,initiating culture media,organic additives,antioxidants,and auxins on the regeneration from the explants were evaluated.The results indicated that the scraping embryo culture was better than the whole embryo culture,the Aa medium was better than the SD2 medium and dicamba was better than 2,4-D in increasing the regeneration frequency.An Adi medium was established in this study by adding silver nitrate,cysteine,ascorbic acid,dicamba,glutamine into the Aa medium at the concentration of 4,40,100,2,and 5 mg L-1,respectively.By using the Adi medium and the scraping technique,the regeneration frequencies of the mature embryos of CB037,Lunxuan 987,Han 6172,Yangmai 6,Bobwhite,Zheng 9023,Shi 4185,and Jimai 20 became 85.6,60.1,46.0,42.1,42.0,34.0,33.0,and 32.0%,respectively,which were about 5-8 times higher than that obtained from the conventional culture mediums and techniques.This novel regeneration system could be helpful in wheat transformation.  相似文献   
Yield performance in cereal and legume intercropping is related to nutrient management, however, the yield response of companion crops to nitrogen (N) input is inconclusive and only limited efforts have focused on rationed phosphorous (P) fertilization. In this study, two multi-year field experiments were implemented from 2014–2019 under identical conditions. Two factors in a randomized complete block design were adopted in both experiments. In field experiment 1, the two factors included three planting patterns (mono-cropped wheat (MW), mono-cropped faba bean (MF), and wheat and faba bean intercropping (W//F)) and four N application rates (N0, 0 kg N ha–1; N1, 90 and 45 kg N ha–1 for wheat and faba beans, respectively; N2, 180 and 90 kg N ha–1 for wheat and faba beans, respectively; and N3, 270 and 135 kg N ha–1 for wheat and faba beans, respectively). In field experiment 2, the two factors included three P application rates (P0, 0 kg P2O5 ha–1; P1, 45 kg P2O5 ha–1; and P2, 90 kg P2O5 ha–1) and the same three planting patterns (MW, MF, and W//F). The yield performances of inter- and mono-cropped wheat and faba beans under different N and P application rates were analyzed and the optimal N and P rates for intercropped wheat (IW) and MW were estimated. The results revealed that intercropping favored wheat yield and was adverse to faba bean yield. Wheat yield increased by 18–26%, but faba bean yield decreased by 5–21% in W//F compared to MW and MF, respectively. The stimulated IW yield drove the yield advantage in W//F with an average land equivalent ratio (LER) of 1.12. N and P fertilization benefited IW yield, but reduced intercropped faba bean (IF) yield. Nevertheless, the partial LER of wheat (pLERwheat) decreased with increasing N application rates, and the partial LER of faba bean (pLERfaba bean) decreased with increasing P application rates. Thus, LER decreased as N input increased and tended to decline as P rates increased. IW maintained a similar yield as MW, even under reduced 40–50% N fertilizer and 30–40% P fertilizer conditions. The estimated optimum N application rates for IW and MW were 150 and 168 kg ha–1, respectively, and 63 and 62 kg ha–1 for P2O5, respectively. In conclusion, W//F exhibited yield advantages due to stimulated IW yield, but the intercropping yield benefit decreased as N and P inputs increased. Thus, it was concluded that modulated N and P rates could maximize the economic and ecological functions of intercropping. Based on the results, rates of 150 kg Nha–1 and 60 kg P2O5 ha–1 are recommended for IW production in southwestern China and places with similar conditions.  相似文献   
以主栽品种阿勃、互助红、互麦11号、通麦1号、通麦2号为试验材料,研究了10%PEG-6000渗透胁迫对春小麦萌芽期形态、质膜透性和渗透调节物质的影响。结果表明:经10%PEG-6000胁迫处理后,5个参试小麦品种的出芽率、胚芽鞘长度、主根长、根毛数均呈下降趋势,其中通麦2号的下降幅度最小;处理组的失水率低于对照组(水),其中通麦2号的失水率最低,互麦11号的失水率最高;处理组的相对外渗电导率高于对照组,其中通麦2号的渗电导率最高,互麦11号最低。各项生理指标综合分析结果表明,通麦2号具有较强的抗旱能力。  相似文献   
青海省20个主要马铃薯审定品种的SSR标记遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SSR标记技术对20份青海省审定的马铃薯品种进行了遗传多样性分析,分别提取20份马铃薯品种的DNA,进行PCR扩增,共检测出136个清晰可读条带,平均每对引物5.7个条带.其中具有多态性的条带130个,平均多态性比率达95.59%.多态信息量变化范围为0.225 6~0.948 4,平均为0.768 3.扩增产物片段大小在100~300 bp之间.聚类分析结果在相似系数为0.61处可将20份马铃薯品种划分为5类,从分子水平上表明供试材料的遗传基础较狭窄.聚类分析结果与供试材料来源有较好的一致性.  相似文献   
To investigate the CMS mechanism of wheat on proteomic level and find the crucial proteins which related to fertility,mitochondria was isolated from young spike of wheat by differential centrifugation and Percoll density-gradient methods.Determined by marker enzyme assays and chlorophyll content,the mainly contaminants in the spike mitochondrial fraction were caused by peroxisomes,plastids and chloroplasts after the first discontinuous Percoll density gradient centrifugation.In order to improve the purity of spike mitochondria,a second 28% Percoll self-forming density gradient centrifugation was further carried out,the result showed that the contaminants were decreased to negligible amount,meanwhile the integrity of mitochondria (88%) was improved to 90%.The spike mitochondria proteins extracted from uninucleate stage of (S)-1376A and (A)-1376B were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE),and the silver stained gels were analyzed by PDQuest 2-DE software,about 326 protein spots could be visualized on the 2-DE maps,and also revealed a similar pattern between the male sterile line and its maintainer line,except 11 spots were differentially expressed.A total of five differentially expressed proteins were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS),three of them were identified as manganese superoxide dismutase and T5E216 following NCBInr database by the Mascot software.These results may contribute to further understanding of the mechanisms of CMS in wheat.  相似文献   
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