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Validity of goniometric joint measurements in cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To compare and validate goniometric joint measurements obtained from nonsedated and sedated cats with measurements from radiographic evaluation. ANIMALS: 20 adult cats with no evidence of joint disease. PROCEDURES: Measurements of flexion and extension of the carpus, elbow, shoulder, tarsus, stifle, and hip joints and of carpal and tarsal joints during varus and valgus angulation were made by a single investigator before and after sedation of cats. Measurements were made by use of a goniometer with a masked dial. Joint angle measurements were compared between nonsedated and sedated cats and also with measurements from radiographs made while cats were sedated. Each series of measurements was repeated 4 times. To evaluate repeatability, Cronbach alpha values were calculated for repeated measure results of goniometric joint measurements of nonsedated and sedated cats. An intraclass correlation was calculated to determine reliability among the 3 measurement types (ie, measurements from nonsedated and sedated cats and on radiographic evaluation). RESULTS: Joint measurements did not differ significantly by measurement type, when comparing radiographic measurements with goniometric measurements in sedated and nonsedated cats. Cronbach alpha values were > 0.99 for goniometric joint measurements within individual nonsedated and sedated cats and also for comparison of mean measurements obtained from sedated cats versus nonsedated cats versus radiographs. An intraclass correlation of 0.999 revealed high reliability among measurement types. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that goniometric joint measurements in nonsedated and sedated cats are repeatable and valid.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine if migratory birds arriving in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere spring of 2004 were infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) virus, H5N1.

METHODS: Cloacal and faecal samples were collected from migratory red knots following their arrival in New Zealand in October 2004. Two species of resident sympatric birds, wrybill and mallard duck, were sampled prior to, and following, the arrival of migratory birds.

RESULTS: No AI viruses were isolated from migratory or resident shorebirds. Non-pathogenic AI viruses were isolated from six resident mallard ducks, comprising the endemic subtypes H4 (n=2), H7 (non-pathogenic), H10, and H11 (n=2).

CONCLUSIONS: Highly pathogenic AI H5N1 virus was not detected in migratory shorebirds or sympatric water birds in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand, in 2004-2005, despite the possible proximity of migratory birds to outbreaks of the disease in East Asia in 2004.  相似文献   
The protective efficacy of three infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines for sentinel chickens raised with commercial Delmarva broiler chickens was evaluated during winter 1987. Specific-pathogen-free leghorn sentinel chickens were vaccinated with Massachusetts (Mass) alone, Mass and JMK, or Mass and Arkansas (Ark) combination live vaccines, or they remained unvaccinated. Four weeks post-vaccination, sentinels were placed on broiler farms at weekly intervals for 3 weeks corresponding to weeks 4, 5, and 6 of the broiler growing cycle. Vaccine efficacy was evaluated based on IBV reisolation attempts from tracheal swabbings following a 1-week field exposure period. Sentinel chickens vaccinated with Mass and Ark combination vaccine were best protected against IBV field challenge. Only four IBV isolations were made out of a 3-week total of 36 attempts, for an 11% isolation rate. IBV vaccines containing either Mass alone or Mass and JMK offered much lower levels of protection.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of cycloheximide and colchicine on prostaglandin F2 (PGF2)-induced secretion and synthesis of oxytocin in bovine luteal tissue in vitro. Corpora lutea were collected from beef heifers on Day 8 of the estrous cycle. In Experiment 1, incorporation of [14C]-leucine into oxytocin synthesized and secreted by luteal slices after exposure to PGF2, cycloheximide and cycloheximide plus PGF2 was examined. In Experiment 2, synthesis and secretion of oxytocin were evaluated in luteal slices incubated with colchicine and PGF2 alone and in combination. Cycloheximide inhibited incorporation of labeled leucine into luteal proteins by more than 90% and no labeled oxytocin was detected in the media or tissue. Prostaglandin F2 induced significant secretion of oxytocin that was not inhibited by cycloheximide. Tissue levels of oxytocin after incubation with cycloheximide and/or PGF2 did not differ and were similar to those of the incubated control. Colchicine alone did not suppress oxytocin secretion and did not alter the ability of PGF2 to induce significant secretion of this nonapeptide. Tissue concentrations of oxytocin after incubation with colchicine and/or PGF2 did not differ. These studies indicate that secretion and replenishment of luteal oxytocin in vitro is not contingent upon de novo protein synthesis. Inability of colchicine to suppress oxytocin secretion and synthesis may have been due to the short duration of exposure of luteal tissue to the drug.  相似文献   
Leaves of Mediterranean evergreens experience large variations in gas exchange rates over their life span due to aging and seasonally changing environmental conditions. Accounting for the changing respiratory physiology of leaves over time will help improve estimations of leaf and whole-plant carbon balances. Here we examined seasonal variations in light-saturated net CO(2) assimilation (A(max)), dark respiration (R(d)) and the proportional change in R(d) per 10 °C change in temperature (Q(10) of R(d)) in previous-year (PY) and current-year (CY) leaves of the broadleaved evergreen tree Quercus ilex L. A(max) and R(d) were lower in PY than in CY leaves. Differences in nitrogen between cohorts only partly explained such differences, and rates of A(max) and R(d) expressed per unit of leaf nitrogen were still significantly different between cohorts. The decline in A(max) in PY leaves did not result in the depletion of total non-structural carbohydrates, whose concentration was in fact higher in PY than CY leaves. Leaf-level carbon balance modeled from gas exchange data was positive at all ages. Q(10) of R(d) did not differ significantly between leaf cohorts; however, failure to account for distinct R(d) between cohorts misestimated canopy leaf respiration by 13% across dates when scaling up leaf measurements to the canopy. In conclusion, the decline in A(max) in old leaves that are close to or exceed their mean life span does not limit the availability of carbohydrates, which are probably needed to sustain new growth, as well as R(d) and nutrient resorption during senescence. Accounting for leaf age as a source of variation of R(d) improves the estimation of foliar respiratory carbon release at the stand scale.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Twenty-five Thoroughbred (TB) and 25 Standardbred (SB) stables were visited to determine their feeding practices. The ingredients of the main feed of the day for a mature gelding of average size in full training were weighed at each stable. Nutrient content of diets was calculated using published data for the individual ingredients. Results are expressed as mean±sd. The estimated body weight of TB horses was 493±34 kg and 437±32 kg for SB horses. There was considerable variation in diet composition and nutrient intake between stables. The TB trainers fed 11.0±2.4 kg and SB trainers 11.8±2.5 kg per day. The concentrate component of the diet weighed 7.8±1.6 and 7.7±2.3 kg for TB and SB stables, respectively, and the roughage component for TB horses 3.3±1.4 and SB horses 4.1±1.4 kg per day. The digestible energy intake of horses at TB stables was 129±29 MJ per day and at SB stables 132±31 MJ per day. Crude protein intake of TB horses was 1452±363 g and SB horses 1442±338 g per day. There were differences in some feeding practices at TB and SB stables. Standardbred trainers fed more roughage than TB trainers. Standardbred trainers fed chaffed lucerne (alfalfa) and cereal hays as the major roughage, whereas TB trainers fed more hay. The major hay type fed by TB trainers was lucerne, whereas many SB trainers preferred clover hay. Both trainers fed oats as the major grain, but TB trainers fed slightly more maize (corn) than SB trainers. The SB trainers fed barley as part of the concentrate component of the diet, whereas TB trainers usually fed boiled barley and linseed oil in winter only. Although many trainers used vitamin and mineral supplements, this appeared unnecessary in many Instances, especially with respect to Iron. Calcium and NaCI supplementation was necessary for some diets. We concluded that while there was a wide range in feed intake and diet composition for both TB and SB horses, average nutrient intakes were similar to National Research Council (1989) recommendations for horses performing intense work.  相似文献   
1. Water used in a modern poultry processing line was tested from October 2005 to June 2006 to determine the level of bacteria in an abattoir in Germany.

2. A total of 420 water samples were taken from 14 processing sites (PSs), at 10 times, and from three different hours of the working shift at three sampling hours (SHs) at 5:00 a.m. (SH 1), 9:00 a.m. (SH 2) and 12:00 a.m. (SH 3). Each sample was assessed for the aerobic plate count (APC) and the prevalence of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria and Yersinia over 30 sampling weeks. The APC numbers of each PS from three SHs were compared, and the prevalence of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria and Yersinia from each PS of three SHs was determined as well as change from the initial PS to the end of the processing line.

3. A total of 46 water samples were positive for Salmonella, 120 positive for Campylobacter and 4 positive for Listeria. None of the water samples was found to be positive for Yersinia. During the course of the day, the APC increased. Salmonella was mostly found during SH 1 (5 a.m.) in water from all PSs. A high number of Campylobacter were observed at SH 2 (9 a.m.) and SH 3 (12 a.m.) from all PSs.

4. The results show that water, which is still used in substantial amounts in present poultry processing technology, can serve as a carrier for Salmonella and Campylobacter.

5. The findings indicate that birds might progressively contaminate the equipment and become contaminated via the same equipment, that water at every processing position of the line constitutes a risk and that more attention should be paid to effective water management in the processing plan.  相似文献   

The imaging findings in two miniature schnauzers with acute necrotizing pancreatitis are described. Both dogs were treated previously for diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. Vomiting, anorexia, and lethargy were observed in both dogs at presentation. Laboratory evaluations supportive of pancreatitis included left shift, abnormally high serum amylase and lipase activities, hypocalcemia, and abnormally high serum activities of liver enzymes. Sonographically, both dogs had diffusely enlarged hypoechoic pancreatic tissue with anechoic foci compatible with necrosis, abscessation, phlegmon, and pseudocysts formation. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) findings in both dogs were compatible with pancreatic necrosis. Dog 1 was managed medically for 11 days. Follow-up CT scan in this dog disclosed decreased pancreatic size and increased contrast enhancement compatible with partial resolution of pancreatitis.  相似文献   
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