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毛里塔尼亚海域日本鲭时空分布与海洋环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2017年9月20日至12月31日在毛里塔尼亚海域112个站点的调查数据,研究日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)的时空分布规律,并采用分位数回归的方法对随机选取的78%的站点数据建立其单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)与叶绿素a浓度、海表面温度、海表面盐度的关系模型, 并利用剩下22%的站点数据验证所建立的模型的有效性,利用广义加性模型(GAM)评价环境因子的影响程度。根据分位数模型,计算日本鲭的栖息地综合指数(integrated habitat index,IHI),对建模站点和验证站点的CPUE实测值与预测值进行Wilcoxon(符号秩)检验,用Spearman相关系数结合双尾检验检验其CPUE实测值与预测值之间的相关性,分析IHI与CPUE的关系。结果表明:(1)海表面温度对日本鲭CPUE的影响最显著,其次是温盐的交互作用和海表面盐度,叶绿素a浓度对其无显著影响;(2)建模站点和验证站点的CPUE预测值与实测值间皆无显著性差异;(3)IHI模型对CPUE具有良好的预测效果;(4)IHI分布较高的海域为17°25′W-17°45′W,20°15′N-20°45′N。根据上述结果,建议我国渔船在下半年作业时,作业范围应集中在这一区域,以提高渔获产量。  相似文献   
To find a target object in a crowded scene, a face in a crowd for example, the visual system might turn the neural representation of each object on and off in a serial fashion, testing each representation against a template of the target item. Alternatively, it might allow the processing of all objects in parallel but bias activity in favor of those neurons that represent critical features of the target, until the target emerges from the background. To test these possibilities, we recorded neurons in area V4 of monkeys freely scanning a complex array to find a target defined by color, shape, or both. Throughout the period of searching, neurons gave enhanced responses and synchronized their activity in the gamma range whenever a preferred stimulus in their receptive field matched a feature of the target, as predicted by parallel models. Neurons also gave enhanced responses to candidate targets that were selected for saccades, or foveation, reflecting a serial component of visual search. Thus, serial and parallel mechanisms of response enhancement and neural synchrony work together to identify objects in a scene. To find a target object in a crowded scene, a face in a crowd for example, the visual system might turn the neural representation of each object on and off in a serial fashion, testing each representation against a template of the target item. Alternatively, it might allow the processing of all objects in parallel but bias activity in favor of those neurons that represent critical features of the target, until the target emerges from the background. To test these possibilities, we recorded neurons in area V4 of monkeys freely scanning a complex array to find a target defined by color, shape, or both. Throughout the period of searching, neurons gave enhanced responses and synchronized their activity in the gamma range whenever a preferred stimulus in their receptive field matched a feature of the target, as predicted by parallel models. Neurons also gave enhanced responses to candidate targets that were selected for saccades, or foveation, reflecting a serial component of visual search. Thus, serial and parallel mechanisms of response enhancement and neural synchrony work together to identify objects in a scene.  相似文献   
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