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  2019年   4篇
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【Objective】The objective of this study is to verify the antifungal effect of Burkholderia pyrrocinia WY6-5, evaluate its control efficacy against Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxins in peanuts during storage period, analyze the inhibitory mechanism, identify antifungal volatiles and detect the minimal inhibitory concentration to A. flavus, so as to provide novel strategies for the prevention and control of fungal diseases and mycotoxin during storage period.【Method】Face-to-face dual cultural test was conducted to analyze the antifungal activity of volatiles from WY6-5. Active charcoal as volatile adsorbent was added into the tests to verify the antifungal activity of volatiles. Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) emitted form strain WY6-5 was challenged with peanut kernels inoculated with A. flavus conidia in sealed airspace without physical contact. A. flavus cells on peanut coat were collected, fixed in osmic acid, and analyzed through scanning electron microscope (SEM). Transmission electron microscope (TEM) was used to test the inner structure of A. flavus cell affected by volatiles from WY6-5. The commercial DMDS was purchased, serially diluted, and co-cultured with A. flavus conidia and mycelia to detect the minimal inhibitory concentration, respectively.【Result】B. pyrrocinia WY6-5 isolated from rhizosphere soil of tea plants could produce volatile DMDS, prevent the growth of A. flavus mycelia, the inhibition rate was over 95%. Additionally, under the condition of high water activity (aw), WY6-5 could also inhibit the A. flavus infection and aflatoxins production in peanuts during storage period. In peanuts of control treatment, the disease incidence was 100%, and the total concentration of aflatoxins was 399.32 μg?kg -1 (aw 0.859) and 3 143.19 μg?kg -1 (aw 0.923), respectively. When WY6-5 was added in the treatment, the disease incidence decreased to 2% (aw 0.859) and 21% (aw 0.923), respectively. The concentration of aflatoxins decreased to 4.86 μg?kg -1 (aw 0.859) and 121.37 μg?kg -1 (aw 0.923), respectively. The inhibition rate of WY6-5 against aflatoxins contamination was 98.78% and 96.14% compared to the control treatment. SEM analysis proved that DMDS from WY6-5 inhibited the germination of A. flavus conidia. TEM analysis further proved that the inner cell structures of A. flavus conidia were not severely damaged by volatiles. Volatile DMDS showed great antifungal activity. The minimal inhibitory concentration against mycelia growth was 100 μL?L -1(compound volume/airspace volume). The minimal inhibitory concentration against conidia germination was 50 μL?L -1(compound volume/airspace volume). 【Conclusion】 B. pyrrocinia WY6-5 can produce valid antifungal volatile DMDS, which can completely inhibit the mycelia growth and conidia germination of A. flavus at low concentration, and greatly prevent the development of A. flavus disease and aflatoxins contamination in peanuts during storage period. WY6-5 and the produced DMDS provide novel bio-active agents for fungal diseases control and mycotoxins during storage period.  相似文献   
【目的】验证吡咯伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia pyrrocinia)WY6-5的抑菌作用,评价其对储藏期花生黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus)及毒素的防治效果,分析抑菌作用机制,鉴定活性物质,并检测其最低抑菌浓度,为储藏期真菌病害及毒素的防控提供新材料。【方法】采用非接触培养皿对扣培养法,检测菌株WY6-5对黄曲霉的抑制效果,添加活性炭,验证挥发性物质的抑菌作用;密闭储藏环境,检测WY6-5产二甲基二硫对花生黄曲霉及毒素的抑制效果;收集处理后的花生籽粒,锇酸固定,并进行扫描电镜观察,检测黄曲霉细胞显微结构变化,通过透射电镜观察,检测黄曲霉细胞内部结构的显微差异;购买活性物质标准品,梯度稀释,与黄曲霉菌丝和孢子对扣培养,分析最低抑菌浓度。【结果】吡咯伯克霍尔德菌WY6-5分离自茶园根际土壤,可产生挥发性物质二甲基二硫,并高效抑制黄曲霉的生长,抑菌率达95%以上;同时,在高水活度(aw)条件下,WY6-5还可抑制储藏期花生黄曲霉和毒素污染;两种水活度下,对照组中发病率高达100%,黄曲霉毒素总含量分别为399.32 μg?kg -1(aw 0.859)和3 143.19 μg?kg -1(aw 0.923);WY6-5添加组,花生黄曲霉发病率降为2%(aw 0.859)与21%(aw 0.923),毒素含量降为4.86 μg?kg -1(aw 0.859)和121.37 μg?kg -1(aw 0.923),与对照组相比,对毒素的抑制率达98.78%和96.14%。扫描电镜观察显示,WY6-5产生的挥发性气体能抑制黄曲霉孢子的萌发,透射电镜显示,黄曲霉细胞结构未呈现明显损伤。挥发性物质二甲基二硫抑菌作用明显,对黄曲霉菌丝生长的最低抑菌浓度为100 μL?L -1(物质体积/培养体积),对孢子萌发的最低抑菌浓度为50 μL?L -1(物质体积/培养体积)。【结论】吡咯伯克霍尔德菌WY6-5可产生高效抑菌挥发物二甲基二硫,在低浓度下即可完全抑制黄曲霉菌丝生长和孢子萌发,并能抑制储藏期花生黄曲霉的侵染和黄曲霉毒素的产生,为储藏期真菌病害及毒素的防控提供了新型生物材料。  相似文献   
【目的】筛选兼具高效溶磷和抑菌作用的微生物,检测其溶磷效果和抑菌活性,鉴定抑菌代谢产物,并分析筛选微生物对植物生长的作用,为新型多功能抑菌微生物菌肥的研发提供材料。【方法】采集信阳毛尖茶车云山茶厂百年龄茶树根际土壤,稀释后涂布难溶性无机磷或难溶性有机磷培养基表面,培养后检测溶磷活性,测定溶磷圈直径,筛选具有高效溶磷作用的微生物,进行后续溶磷效果分析。高效溶磷菌WY6-5接种于培养液和土壤中,检测不同培养时间下,可溶性磷含量的变化规律,分析菌株WY6-5的溶磷活性;玉米盆栽土壤中接种菌株WY6-5菌液,种植27 d后分析玉米植株长势,检测溶磷菌WY6-5对苗期玉米生长的影响;采用双皿对扣培养法,验证菌株WY6-5产挥发性物质的抑菌作用,检测其对不同病原真菌的广谱抑菌效果,气相色谱串接质谱(GC-MS/MS)分析挥发性代谢物质,鉴定主效抑菌成分。【结果】筛选到3个兼具有降解难溶性无机磷和有机磷作用的微生物菌株,尤以菌株WY6-5溶磷效果最优。培养基培养条件下,对难溶性无机磷的溶解直径达2.3 cm,溶磷圈直径与菌落直径比为4.6;对难溶性有机磷溶解直径3.6 cm,溶磷圈直径与菌落直径比达7.2。表型观察、生理生化鉴定和系统发育树分析表明,菌株WY6-5为乳白色细菌,16S rRNA序列与Burkholderia pyrrocinia CIP 105874和Burkholderia stabilis CIP 106845两个菌株的同源性最高,进化树中聚成独立一支。另外,WY6-5与Burkholderia pyrrocinia具有高度相同的生理生化反应结果。因此,本研究将WY6-5鉴定为吡咯伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia pyrrocinia)。WY6-5在液体培养和土壤中均具有较好的溶磷活性,20 d培养时间内,液体培养液中磷含量最高达520.4 mg·L -1,为对照组176倍;土壤试验3—20 d期间,WY6-5处理组可溶性磷含量均高于对照组,且在盆栽试验中,能高效促进苗期玉米植株的生长,处理组叶长、叶宽、叶片数、茎粗、株高、鲜重等指标显著优于对照组;同时,菌株WY6-5还可产生挥发性抑菌物质,高效广谱抑制8种重要病原真菌的生长,抑菌率最高达100%,经GC-MS/MS检测发现,挥发性物质含有一种主效抑菌物,相对丰度达97%以上,鉴定为二甲基二硫。 【结论】吡咯伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia pyrrocinia)WY6-5分离自茶树根际土壤,在培养基、培养液和土壤环境下,均具有高效的溶磷效果,将难溶性的无机磷转化为植物可吸收的可溶性磷,并促进苗期玉米植株的生长;同时该菌还可产生挥发性抑菌物质二甲基二硫,高效抑制8种重要植物病原真菌的生长,抑制率最高达100%。菌株WY6-5兼具有提升土壤磷肥力、促进植物生长和和抑制真菌病害等多种重要作用,具有较好的生物学功能。  相似文献   
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