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In the nervous system of vertebrates, myelination is essential for rapid and accurate impulse conduction. Myelin thickness depends on axon fiber size. We use mutant and transgenic mouse lines to show that axonal Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) signals information about axon size to Schwann cells. Reduced Nrg1 expression causes hypomyelination and reduced nerve conduction velocity. Neuronal overexpression of Nrg1 induces hypermyelination and demonstrates that Nrg1 type III is the responsible isoform. We suggest a model by which myelin-forming Schwann cells integrate axonal Nrg1 signals as a biochemical measure of axon size.  相似文献   
Neutrophil extracellular traps kill bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neutrophils engulf and kill bacteria when their antimicrobial granules fuse with the phagosome. Here, we describe that, upon activation, neutrophils release granule proteins and chromatin that together form extracellular fibers that bind Gram-positive and -negative bacteria. These neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) degrade virulence factors and kill bacteria. NETs are abundant in vivo in experimental dysentery and spontaneous human appendicitis, two examples of acute inflammation. NETs appear to be a form of innate response that binds microorganisms, prevents them from spreading, and ensures a high local concentration of antimicrobial agents to degrade virulence factors and kill bacteria.  相似文献   
Aspects on Hormonal Control of Normal and Induced Parturition in the Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Average length of gestation on the dog is 63 ± 2 days but may vary between 57-71 days due to the long period of receptivity at oestrus and the extended period of sperm survival in the female genital tract. In contrast to other domestic animals progesterone- and oestrogen concentrations are almost identical in pregnant and non pregnant bitches, except for their rapid decline immediately prior to parturition. Control of luteolysis still poorly understood. Experiments with indomethacin leading to a blockade of the prepartal PgF increase, which commences with the decrease of progesterone, point toward a role of PgF at this stage of pregnancy, which was extended for several days. At physiological conditions first visible signs of parturition were observed at peak-PgF levels, 33.6 ± 17.6 hours after onset of luteolysis, which lasted over 16.8 ± 3.4 hours. Pulse-type releases of oxytocin were only observed after this point of time. To test for the effect of progesterone-withdrawal, four 51-57 days pregnant bitches were treated with the antiprogestin RU 38486 which inhibits the activity of progesterone at the receptor level. In all dogs first visible signs of parturition were observed 33.5 ± 7.5 hours after onset of treatment. However, the process of parturition came to an end after cervical opening and totally only one puppy was born. Different to a normal parturition no increase of PgF was observed. Relaxin levels were not influenced by treatment. These observations suggested that treatment with antiprogestin followed by PgF might be an adequate method to induce parturition in the dog; first experiences seem to confirm this conclusion.  相似文献   


Flood events are expected to increase both in intensity and frequency due to climate change in the near future. From an environmental toxicology perspective, there is concern that such flood events could lead to the remobilization of contaminated sediment layers in rivers. The aim of this pilot study was to establish a novel and interdisciplinary framework combining methods of hydrodynamic engineering and ecotoxicological assessment to enable investigation of the potential risks associated with such remobilization events.

Materials and methods

Formulated sediment was prepared according to OECD guideline 218 and spiked with a mixture of four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (phenanthrene, chrysene, pyrene, benzo[a]pyrene) at concentrations of 3.3?C8.3?mg?kg?1 dry weight. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed as test animals to re-suspended sediments in three out of five experiments. The experiments were carried out in an annular flume designed to investigate transport behaviour of fine-grained sediments. Several physicochemical (e.g. pH) and sedimentological (e.g. turbidity) parameters were measured to characterise environmental conditions and erosion behaviour of sediments. Furthermore, exposure concentrations were measured by means of an in vitro assay (7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD), RTL-W1 cell assay) and chemical analysis.

Results and discussion

Preparation and spiking of large amounts of formulated sediments were feasible but not practical. Successful spiking could be confirmed by the bioanalytical methods with the spiked sediments showing significantly elevated EROD induction compared to control sediments. Conditions within the annular flume remained stable throughout all experiments and were adequate to support rainbow trout. Flood events were successfully simulated, resulting in re-suspension of formulated sediment. Different erosion behaviours of sediments during the simulated flood events were observed and could be associated with changes in microbial composition of sediments due to differences in storage conditions. Therefore, maintaining constant storage conditions of formulated sediments is crucial to enable consistency and comparability among erosion experiments.


This study clearly demonstrated the feasibility of a combined hydro-toxicological approach in support of the investigation of the potential ecotoxicological relevance of sediment re-suspension events. However, based on the results presented here, it is recommended to include additional physicochemical parameters, such as redox potential and conductivity, and to extend the experimental setup to natural sediments and different aquatic organisms. Future studies will use natural sediments containing representative microbial communities and extracellular polymeric substances to enable extrapolation from the annular flume to conditions in natural flowing waters.  相似文献   


Traditionally, methods for sediment extractions are characterised using chemical analyses. However, in order to evaluate sediment extracts with regard to biological effects and, thus, bioaccessibility, extraction methods have to be compared to effect data obtained from experiments with in situ exposure scenarios, i.e., sediment contact tests. This study compares four extraction methods and sediment contact test data from a previous project with respect to predictive power in the fish embryo test with zebrafish (Danio rerio).

Materials and methods

A natural and an artificial sediment spiked with a mixture of six organic pollutants (2,4-dinitrophenol, diuron, fluoranthene, nonylphenol, parathion and pentachlorophenol) were extracted using (a) membrane dialysis extraction (MDE), (b) a Soxhlet procedure, (c) hydroxypropyl-??-cyclodextrin (HPCD) or (d) Tenax®-TA. Whereas the former two are regarded being exhaustive with respect to non-covalently bound contaminants, the latter two are considered to predict bioaccessibility. Resulting extracts were tested in the fish embryo assay with D. rerio for embryotoxic and teratogenic potential.

Results and discussion

Mortalities caused by organic extracts from Soxhlet extraction and MDE were high. However, HPCD extracts turned out to be at least as effective as extracts obtained with these two methods. One possible reason might be short ageing time of the spiked sediments. Only Tenax®-TA extracts gave results comparable to the sediment contact assay for natural sediment, but revealed low reproducibility. Significant differences between natural and artificial sediment were found for extracts obtained with techniques using native (i.e., non-freeze-dried) sediments, i.e., HPCD and Tenax®-TA. In contrast, MDE and Soxhlet extracts used freeze-dried sediment and did not differentiate between natural and artificial sediment. Therefore, freeze-drying has likely altered and equalised sediment properties that influence accessibility, such as composition of bacterial communities and organic matter quality.


Four extraction methods were successfully characterised with respect to their stringency and predictiveness for bioaccessibility. MDE was confirmed as an alternative to Soxhlet extraction. High mortalities induced by HPCD extracts underline the need to include ageing into consideration when assessing sediments. Although Tenax®-TA may basically be used to predict bioaccessibility in the fish embryo test, the high variability observed warrants further investigation of the relation between effect and extractability. Apparently, freeze-drying can severely affect sediment properties, potentially eliminating individual properties of natural sediments.  相似文献   
Effects of adding different concentrations of melatonin (10?7, 10?9 and 10?11 M) to maturation (Experiment 1; Control, IVM  + 10?7, IVM  + 10?9, IVM  + 10?11) and culture media (Experiment 2; Control, IVC  + 10?7, IVC  + 10?9, IVC  + 10?11) were evaluated on in vitro bovine embryonic development. The optimal concentration of melatonin (10?9 M) from Experiments 1–2 was tested in both maturation and/or culture media of Experiment 3 (Control, IVM  + 10?9, IVC  + 10?9, IVM /IVC  + 10?9). In Experiment 1, maturated oocytes from Control and IVM  + 10?9 treatments showed increased glutathione content, mitochondrial membrane potential and percentage of Grade I blastocysts (40.6% and 43%, respectively). In Experiment 2, an increase in the percentage of Grade I blastocysts was detected in IVC  + 10?7 (43.5%; 56.7%) and IVC  + 10?9 (47.4%; 57.4%). Moreover, a lower number and percentage of apoptotic cells in blastocysts were observed in the IVC  + 10?9 group compared to Control (3.8 ± 0.6; 3.6% versus 6.1 ± 0.6; 5.3%). In Experiment 3, the IVC  + 10?9 treatment increased percentage of Grade I blastocysts with a lower number of apoptotic cells compared to IVM /IVC  + 10?9 group (52.6%; 3.0 ± 0.5 versus 46.0%; 5.4 ± 1.0). The IVC  + 10?9 treatment also had a higher mRNA expression of antioxidant gene (SOD 2) compared to the Control, as well as the heat shock protein (HSPB 1) compared to the IVM  + 10?9. Reactive oxygen species production was greater in the IVM /IVC  + 10?9 treatment group. In conclusion, the 10?9 M concentration of melatonin and the in vitro production phase in which it is used directly affected embryonic development and quality.  相似文献   
Es wurde untersucht, wie sich Zulagen Ca-verseifter (Ca-S), veresterter (TG) und freier ralmölfettsäuren (FPFS) auf pansenphysiologische und verdauungsphysiologische Parameter beim Wiederkäuer auswirken. Dazu dienten Untersuchungen mit Hilfe des Pansensimulationssystems “RUSITEC” und Stoffwechselversuche an ausgewachsenen Merinolandschafen. In den RUSITEC-Untersuchungen führten Fettzulagen von 6–11% in der Rations-TS bei Konstanthaltung des Futter- und Flüssigkeits-Turnovers zur Reduzierung der Protozoen in der Rangfolge Ca-S < TG < FPFS und zur Steigerung der Bakterienzahl in umgekehrter Rangfolge. Die durch Fettzulagen verursachte Verschiebung in der Mikrobenpopulation führte zu keiner Veränderung der NH3-N-Fixation, Mikrobenmassesynthese und Abbaubarkeit der Gerüstsubstanzen. In einem 12-wöchigen Stoffwechselversuch an Schafen wurden einer Grundration 140 g (= 10% i. d. TS) der beschriebenen Fette zugelegt. Die Verdaulichkeit der Faserbestandteile wurde in der Rangfolge Ca-S < TG < FPFS gesenkt. Gleichzeitig stieg die Futterpartikelpassage im Pansen durch TG- und FPFS-Zulagen tendenziell an, während die renale Allantoin-N-Ausscheidung unbeeinflußt blieb. Aus diesen Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, daß sich Veränderungen in der mikrobiellen Populationszusammensetzung des Pansens in gleicher Weise wie in den Simulationsversuchen eingestellt haben. Die verwendeten Ca-verseiften Fettsäuren waren unter den RUSITEC-Inkubationsbedingungen trotz mehrtägiger Adaptationsperioden nicht stabil, ihre Stabilität im Pansen nahm jedoch zu, wenn die Tiere zuvor über mehrere Tage mit Ca-verseiften Fettsäuren gefüttert worden waren. Ob es sich hierbei um eine Besonderheit der eigens für diese Untersuchungen hergestellten Ca-Seife oder um ein generelles Problem beim Einsatz von Ca-verseiften Fettsäuren in der Wiederkäuerfütterung handelte, muß weiter geprüft werden.  相似文献   
Lame pigs, up to 12 weeks of age, were necropsied to establish a diagnosis. Of 175 pigs examined, 165 were confirmed to have arthritis by histopathological examination of joint tissues. Lesions were most common in the elbow and tarsal joints and least common in the joints of the feet. Typically, there was severe fibrinopurulent inflammation of synovial membranes regardless of the bacteria isolated. A bacterial aetiology was found in 114 (69%) of the 165 pigs. In arthritic pigs in which an aetiology was established the causative agents were Staphylococcus hyicus ssp hyicus (24.6%), Streptococcus equisimilis (26.3%), Actinomyces pyogenes (13.2%), Staphylococcus aureus (7.9%) and Haemophilus parasuis (7.9%). While gender did not affect the prevalence of arthritis, there was an age influence, most of the pigs culled for arthritis being under 6 weeks of age.  相似文献   
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