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While nitrogen and carbon stable isotope values can reflect ecological segregation, prey choice and spatial distribution in seabirds, the interpretation of bulk stable isotope values is frequently hampered by a lack of isotopic baseline data. In this study, we used compound-specific isotope analyses of amino acids (CSIA-AA) to overcome this constraint and to study interspecific differences, seasonal and historical changes in trophic positions of five seabird species, three penguins and two petrels, from a sub-Antarctic seabird community. CSIA-AA allowed comparing trophic positions of seabirds with temperate and polar distributions. Gentoo and Magellanic penguins had the highest trophic positions during the breeding season (3.7 and 3.9), but decreased these (2.9 and 3.3) during the feed-up for moult. Intra-specific differences were also detected in Thin-billed prions, where carbon isotope values clearly separated individuals with polar and temperate distributions, both in the breeding and interbreeding periods. Thin-billed prions that foraged in polar waters had lower trophic positions (3.2) than conspecifics foraging in temperate waters (3.8). We further investigated historical changes by comparing museum samples with samples collected recently. Our pilot study suggests that Rockhopper penguins, Magellanic penguins and Thin-billed prions with temperate non-breeding distributions had retained their trophic levels over a 90–100 year period, while Gentoo penguins and Thin-billed prions with polar non-breeding distributions had decreased trophic levels compared to historical samples. In contrast, Wilson’s storm-petrels had slightly increased trophic levels compared to samples taken in 1924–1930. We applied compound-specific stable isotope analyses across a range of contexts, from intra-specific comparisons between stages of the breeding cycle to inter-specific seabird community analysis that would not have been possible using bulk stable isotope analyses alone due to differences in isotopic baselines.  相似文献   
Piscine orthoreovirus infects various salmonid fish species, and the infection is associated with diseases such as heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). There are no vaccines available or genetically selected resistant hosts that can efficiently control piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) infection. Currently, the only prophylactic measure against PRV is general biosecurity measures aiming to break the transmission cycle. Methods to eradicate infectious virus from contaminated facilities are desirable, but the knowledge on how to inactivate PRV is lacking. A major bottleneck for inactivation studies is the lack of ability to propagate PRV in cell culture. Therefore, in this study we developed an in vivo model for detection of infectious PRV particles after treatment of the virus with inactivation tools such as heat, pH, iodine, UV and commercially available disinfectants. The results show that standard iodine treatment is efficient in inactivation of the virus, and similarly are high and low pH extremes and treatment with Virocid, a commercially available disinfectant. A UV dose of at least 50 mJ/cm2 is required for inactivation, and the virus has high resistance against heat treatment.  相似文献   
In this study, curly kale stored at 1 °C for 3 and 6 weeks was compared with plants remaining in the field regarding several properties related to human health and sensory quality. Cold storage had no effect on the antioxidant capacity (ORAC assay), total phenols (Folin-Ciocalteu assay) or flavonol content, but reduced the content of vitamin C and soluble sugars. The ratio ascorbic:dehydroascorbic acid decreased from about 3 to 0.5 upon storage. The largest changes in the content of bioactive compounds were found in plants that remained in the field for 6 additional weeks, including many frost days. In these plants, the levels of flavonols, total phenols and antioxidant capacity were reduced by 25–35% and the vitamin C content by more than 50%, whereas soluble sugars and dry matter increased by roughly 20% and 30%, respectively. Among all the curly kale samples, the antioxidant capacity was positively correlated with the level of total phenols (r = 0.73, P < 0.001) and total flavonols (r = 0.70, P < 0.001). Values obtained with a non-destructive method based on chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) were well correlated with the flavonol content in the leaves, with the highest correlation found for quercetin (r = 0.76, P < 0.001). Using the ChlF method, the kinetics of the flavonol content during the experiment was recorded. The same method also showed gradients of flavonol content within the plant, with the highest values in the upper leaves and in the tip of the leaves. ChlF measurement, therefore, proved to be a quick and cost-effective alternative to chemical analyses of the flavonol content in curly kale.  相似文献   
A model strategy that can be used for the study of global distributions of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the environment is presented. In this first approach the number of compartments and processes are kept on a minimum level by only considering the atmosphere, ocean and soil. Important processes are simulated or replaced by simple parameterizations, while processes believed to be less important are temporally omitted. The transport in the atmosphere is simulated by a simple two-dimensional zonally averaged model with a rather coarse resolution of 6 equally spaced latitude zones and 4 vertical layers. The soil is included in the model by dividing the continents into the same latitude zones as the atmosphere, and the land area in each zone into an uncultivated part and a cultivated part where pesticides may be incorporated. A model for tracer transport in the ocean which combines the features of the box and box-diffusion models has been modified for use in this study. Material is exchanged between the compartments by the processes believed to be most important in the real environment. The model is tested by simulating the life cycle of the α and γ isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane in the environment. The emissions of the two isomers are estimated from the total world consumption of HCH, and it is assumed that a fraction of 50% is lost to the atmosphere for long range transport during application or during the first days therefore. Comparison with observations indicates that in spite of the many assumptions and uncertain parameters the model is able to reproduce the atmospheric and oceanic concentration levels of εHCH. The HCH simulation indicates that the presented model strategy is usable when the aim is to increase the understanding of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the global environment. For the prediction of concentration levels in specific areas on the other hand, the present model strategy does not apply. The resolution of the model is too coarse and the simplifications are too extensive for such estimates to be valid.  相似文献   
Research into the influence of environmental variables on the behaviour of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), and hence catch rates, dates back to the 1960s (e.g., Höglund and Dybern, Diurnal and seasonal variations in the catch‐composition of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) at the Swedish west coast. ICES CM 1965/I46; Simpson, Variations in the catches of Nephrops norvegicus at different times of day and night. Rapport et Proés‐verbaux des Réunions Conseil permanent international pour 1'Exploration de la Mer 156:186). However, the use of fishery‐dependent data in identifying influential factors is relatively limited and only includes a number of papers on a limited dataset (e.g., Redant and De Clark, Diurnal variations in CPUE and length composition of the catches in a Nephrops directed fishery in the Central North Sea. ICES CM 1984/K:3; Maynou and Sardà, Influence of environmental factors on commercial trawl catches of Nephrops norvegicus (L.). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 58:1318). Here, we aimed to dissociate environmental variability in Norway lobster catches to improve resource exploitation efficiency within the Skagerrak and Kattegat trawl fisheries by utilising data collected as part of an extensive at‐sea‐sampling programme spanning 16 years. Catch rates were modelled using Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) and considered a range of response variables, including depth, temperature, current speed, season, moon phase and time of day. The results obtained herein showed that time of day, season, depth, temperature, year, trawl type and location all significantly affect catch rates of Nephrops.  相似文献   
Dissolved oxygen and temperature were monitored in cages stocked seabass at a commercial fish farm in Greece during summer and autumn. During the first part of the study, October–November 2012, current velocity monitoring outside the cages supported the sampling program. The latter sampling took place during May–July 2014. Including both periods, temperature fluctuated within the range 18–26°C while the current velocity, dominated by the tidal flow, varied from 0 to 28 cm/s in autumn. During sampling, seabass of 400–550 g individual weight was stocked at a density of 10–15 kg/m3. Within the cages, dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation decreased by 10% to 50% compared with outside levels. In‐cage oxygen concentrations seemed to be affected by current speed, temperature and diurnal fluctuations due to the fish stock's activity and the day‐night rhythm of algae. Hypoxia within the range 40%–70% of oxygen saturation was shown in several cases, despite the fact that the feeding intensity was quite low in the farm. The diurnal pattern of DO saturation showed that minimum levels coincided with feeding of the fish, while photosynthesis played a minor role in this case. This level of DO saturation although does not result in any mortalities may have other severe implications, especially at high temperature, such as lower feed utilization, increased metabolic expenses due to osmo‐respiratory compromise, increased stress level, lower disease resistance and diminished fish welfare.  相似文献   
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