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玉米杂交种的产量比较及主要农艺性状的相关和通径分析   总被引:68,自引:11,他引:68  
本试验选用本所选育和引进的17个玉米杂交种为供试材料,采用随机区组设计。通过对各杂交种的产量、生育期和综合农艺性状的分析,选出了高产、优质、抗逆性强、生育期适中的杂交种CX-711、中单9409、CX-649、CX-712、CX-777、CX751等。经过对产量、千粒重、出籽率。穗长、穗粗等11个农艺性状进行相关分析和通径分析表明,对产量影响最大的因素是千粒重(r=0.5411*),相关系数达显著水平。穗粗(r=0.4767),出籽率(r=0.4067)和穗长(r=0.14)与产量的关系呈正相关。性状之间株高与穗位高和茎粗(r=0.8222**,(r=0.7606**)、穗长与行粒数(r=0.7065**)之间呈极显著正相关。指出提高千粒重,增加穗粗和穗长,提高出籽率并兼顾其他农艺性状是提高玉米产量的有效途径。  相似文献   
自制壳聚糖保鲜纸对鲜杏贮藏效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以赛买提杏为原料,冷藏条件为对照,研究普通纸+保鲜袋+冷藏和1.0%、1.5%、2.0%的3种壳聚糖浓度自制保鲜纸结合保鲜袋和冷藏条件贮藏鲜杏的效果。结果表明:当贮藏温度为(0±0.5)℃,相对湿度为90%~95%时,可使八九成熟的鲜杏有效贮藏14 d,经过保鲜纸及保鲜袋处理,相同温湿度条件下保鲜期至少可延长21 d。壳聚糖溶液的浓度不同,其保鲜纸的保鲜效果也不同。其中,1.5%壳聚糖保鲜纸贮藏鲜杏的效果最好,它可保持果实的VC含量和果实的硬度,抑制果实中多酚氧化酶的活性,防止果实褐变,同时使果实含有较高的固/酸比,使果实具有良好的风味和饱满、光鲜的状态。  相似文献   
采用三因子二次回归旋转组合设计研究水稻旱种施肥量、基肥施氮比例、播种密度对抽穗前群体干物质积累与分配的影响.结果表明,施氮量、基肥施氮比例及点播密度极显著影响抽穗前群体合成的光合物质量及其在茎、叶之间的分配.因此,适宜的施氮量、合理的肥料运筹及点播密度必将促进抽穗前群体合成适量的干物质.进而促进其由叶流向茎形成壮蘖、大穗并调控叶的生长,形成灌浆期高产群体结构以实现高产.最高产量为10.13kg/9.6m2(10.55t/hm2)的各因子组合是:施氮量为1.681 8(175.23kg/hm2)、基肥施氮比例为1.000 0(80.00%)、点播密度为0.000 0(25.50万窝·hm-2).  相似文献   
Vo, D. T., Hsu, W. H., Abu‐Basha, E. A., Martin, R. J. Insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists as flea adulticides in small animals. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365‐2885.2010.01160.x. Fleas are significant ectoparasites of small animals. They can be a severe irritant to animals and serve as a vector for a number of infectious diseases. In this article, we discuss the pharmacological characteristics of four insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists used as flea adulticides in dogs and cats, which include three neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, nitenpyram, and dinotefuran) and a macrocyclic lactone (spinosad). Insect nAChR agonists are one of the most important classes of insecticides, which are used to control sucking insects on both plants and animals. These novel compounds provide a new approach for practitioners to safely and effectively eliminate adult fleas.  相似文献   
奇台红豆草牧草和种子生产的播种量和密度试验   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为确定奇台红豆草草地合理植株密度,在新疆奇台县有灌溉条件的地区,2005—2007年设播种量处理1为52.5,处理2为60.0和处理3为75,0kg/hm^2的进行刈割试验,30cm的行距;播种量处理4为37.5;处理5为45.0和处理6为60.0kg/hm^2的进行种子生产试验,45cm的行距。结果表明,牧草生产的3个处理在3年的生长过程中,田间保留株数的绝对数在增加的同时,其相对比值逐渐变小和接近,并且保持了处理3〉处理2〉处理1的顺序;3年的平均干草产量处理2为11961t/hm^2,比处理1、处理3分别提高17.11%和15.51%,因此,播种量为60.0kg/hm^2,密度380万~400万株/hm^2是生产牧草的合适选择。种子生产的3个处理,第1年子实产量均很低,第2、3年大幅上升;各年均以处理5的产量最高,处理5的秸秆子实比也较低。因此,播种量为45.0kg/hm^2,密度260万株/hm^2是奇台红豆草种子生产的合适的选择。  相似文献   
Eight desert sheep were each infected orally with 500 metacercariae of Fasciola gigantica and, after 4 weeks, four of the animals were given niclofolan orally at the recommended therapeutic dose rate of 7 mg/kg, the other four remaining as controls. One week later, the animals were slaughtered and the fasciocidal effect of the drug was evaluated on the basis of worm burden, haemogram, some plasma constituents, and gross and histopathological lesions of the liver, as indicators of efficacy. The treatment was found to be ineffective, the degree of infection remaining the same as in the untreated control group. The experiment was repeated using eight infected sheep: four were given the drug orally at a dose rate of 10.5 mg/kg, i.e., 1.5 times the recommended dose; and the same parameters were measured as described above. The drug failed to cure the infected sheep, and caused depression, anorexia and weakness. In a third experiment six sheep were infected as before and three were treated with niclofolan by deep i.m. injection at the recommended therapeutic dose of 2 mg/kg. A week later the animals were killed and examined as before. The drug was effective in treating the infection and produced no untoward effects except for transient signs of pain at the site of injection. It seems possible that the oral dose, unlike the i.m. dose, of niclofolan is not absorbed and/or metabolized sufficiently to prevent elimination of the infection.  相似文献   
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