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对弥勒市葡萄产业的发展情况进行了调查分析,指出了存在的问题,提出了葡萄产业创新发展的措施,以期为弥勒市葡萄产业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the basis and advantages of mile city"s green agricultural development from five aspects: natural resources, significant improvement of comprehensive development strength of plateau characteristic green agriculture, rapid development of new types of industry integration and mutual promotion, increasing support capacity of green agricultural science and technology, and effective transformation of agricultural production and operation mode. The path to develop green agriculture in mile city is proposed from four aspects: strengthening the governance of agricultural ecological environment, developing green organic agriculture, cultivating and expanding new agricultural business entities, strengthening scientific and technological support for green agricultural development, promoting deep integration, and promoting the development of the whole industrial chain of green agriculture.  相似文献   
弥勒市4个特色小镇为云南省特色小镇,按照一个小镇、一个特色、一项主导产业的工作思路,打造特色小镇。"东风韵"小镇以文化艺术为主线,打造集"文化艺术、文旅度假、健康生活"三大功能版块于一体的文化艺术特色小镇;辐射带动区域内葡萄种植、葡萄酒深加工产业及庄园经济融合发展。太平湖森林小镇以生态修复、生态治理为着力点,"生态健康度假"为主线,带动现代林业、健康度假产业长足发展,打造"绿水青山就是金山银山"的生动实践。红河水乡小镇以现代体育旅游产业为主线,促进酒店、餐饮、运动休闲、会展、商贸等产业融合发展。可邑小镇以民族风情为主线,探索民族文化生态旅游产业产村相融一体发展。  相似文献   
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