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自主创新和产学研合作创新是农业类高校实现创新绩效目标的2种有效方式,探讨二者之间的关系对优化资源配置、促进创新具有重要意义。从协同学视角出发分析农业类高校自主创新和产学研合作创新二者协同发展的关系,构建了基于序参量的复合系统协同发展模型,运用2009—2017年的相关数据对农业类高校创新系统协同发展进行实证研究。结果表明:2009—2017年期间创新协同度大小一直处于负数状态,但近几年负数在逐渐向正数转变;有效发明专利的件数逐年稳步增长,但有效发明专利件数的增长率逐年下降,增长率下降可能就是由于协同度大小为负值造成的。  相似文献   
Evaluating the spatial-temporal dynamics and driving factors of ecosystem services is fundamental to the understanding of how to maintain and improve those ecosystem services. Alpine regions are both a hotspot of ecosystem service supply,and sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. However,there are few systematic studies investigating the joint role of land-use change and climate change in shaping the spatial-temporal dynamics of alpine ecosystem services. Here,we first used models of ecosystem services to quantify changes in seven ecosystem services and in ecosystem multiserviceability from 2000 to 2015 in Haibei and Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Next,we investigated the relative importance of climate change,population density change,land-use change and the interactions between climate change and land-use change effects on ecosystem services using generalized linear models. We found that ecosystem services increased in the south while decreased in the north from 2000 to 2015. Land use change(relative contribution was 34%)was the major factor affecting food supply. Net ecosystem productivity(NEP)was affected by temperature change(relative contribution was 77%). Water purification(nitrogen and phosphorus retention),soil retention,water yield and water retention were affected by precipitation change (relative contributions were 63%,48%,74%,86% and 75%,respectively). Ecosystem multiserviceability was also affected by precipitation. In addition to the service of soil retention,the effects of climate change(i. e. precipitation and temperature)on other ecosystem services and ecosystem multiserviceability varied with land-use change (interaction,P<0. 001). Our study highlights that realizing the sustainable development of ecosystem services needs to pay attention to both land-use change and the interactions between climate change and land-use change and optimizing the spatial-temporal allocation of ecosystem services to improve ecosystem multiserviceability in alpine regions. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
中国牡丹若干研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重阐述了牡丹的资源及引种、品种分类、牡丹栽培生理等几个方面,论述牡丹当前的研究进展及现状,以期为牡丹今后的研究发展起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
随着城市的高速发展,城市用地日益紧张,绿化用地不断被压缩,人口产业集聚带来了巨大的负面生态效应,在这样的背景下,屋顶绿化悄然兴起.屋顶绿化有节约能源、延长建筑物寿命、减少雨水流失量、减轻热岛效应等特点.  相似文献   
<正> 一、生物学特性1.根。根由主根、侧根、须根、不定根组成。黄瓜属浅根系,主要根群分布在20厘米左右的耕层土壤中,吸水吸肥能力较弱,在栽培上要创造疏松、肥沃而湿润的土壤条件。主根上分生的侧根向四周水平伸展,主要集中于半径30-40厘米的范围内。幼苗下胚轴能发生不定根,在苗期适量的培土及浇水以扩  相似文献   
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