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Background: Nutritional value of proteins in feed ingredients can be negatively affected by hydrothermal processing, which causes large variation in the bioavailability of amino acids(AA) and negatively affects animal productive performance. Supplementation of exogenous proteases could increase the rate of digestion of damaged proteins, thereby increasing overall AA digestibility and bioavailability. The aim was to determine the effect of exogenous protease supplementation on the apparent ileal ...  相似文献   
In recent decades, genetic advances in yield improvement in the major cereal crops, including wheat, has stagnated or proceeded at a slower rate than is required to meet future global food demand, particularly in the face of climate change. To reverse this situation, and in view of the future climate scenario, there is a need to increase the genetic diversity of wheat to increase its productivity, quality, stability, and adaptation to local agro-environments. The abundant genetic resources and l...  相似文献   
 贮藏蛋白组成是决定小麦加工品质的重要因素。本文调查了我国冬播麦区251份主栽品种和高代品系的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)、低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)和1B/1R易位的分布状况,研究了它们与加工品质性状的关系。结果表明,品质较差的HMW-GS N、7+9、2+12和LMW-GS Glu-A3a与Glu-B3j(1B/1R易位)在冬播麦区分布较广,频率分别为39.4%、45.0%、59.8%、37.1%和44.6%。HMW-GS和LMW-GS等位变异对籽粒蛋白质含量影响较小,对SDS沉降值、和面时间与耐揉性的加性和互作效应达1%的显著水平。按位点对加工品质性状的贡献大小,Glu-D1>Glu-B3>Glu-B1>Glu-A3>Glu-A1;就单个亚基而言,Glu-A1位点,1>2*>N;Glu-B1位点,7+8>14+15>7+9;Glu-D1位点,5+10>4+12>2+12;Glu-A3位点,Glu-A3d>Glu-A3a>Glu-A3c>Glu-A3e,Glu-B3位点; Glu-B3d>Glu-B3b>Glu-B3f >Glu-B3j。1B/1R易位对SDS沉降值、和面时间和耐揉性等加工品质性状有显著负面效应。通过选择优质高低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基和淘汰1B/1R易位系,将有助于提高我国小麦的面筋质量。  相似文献   
桂木9号的选育与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桂木9号是利用丰产性好的印度改良木豆品系ICPL 90008与抗病虫、植株高大的广西地方种木豆2号杂交,经7年7代系统选育而成的木豆新品系。该品系具有分枝多、产量高、抗病虫能力强、用途广等特点,产量比目前推广的品种要高,公顷产量在2250~3000kg之间,适合作粮食、青饲料和生态树种。根据不同用途选择适宜的种植地和种植密度,科学肥水管理,及时中耕除草,注意病虫草害防治,适时采收,可获得较高产量。  相似文献   
【目的】研究氮、磷、钾、镁、锌、硼肥对木薯养分吸收及生长的影响。【方法】采用田间试验,设最佳施肥处理OPT(N+P+K+Mg+Zn+B)、减氮施肥OPT-N、减磷施肥OPT-P、减钾施肥OPT-K、减镁施肥OPT-Mg、减锌施肥OPT-Zn、减硼施肥OPT-B处理和不施肥处理,测定各处理木薯产量以及块根、茎、叶养分吸收量和养分吸收强度。【结果】OPT处理木薯所吸收的N、P、K、Zn养分主要累积在茎部,Ca、Mg养分主要累积在叶片和茎部,B养分主要累积在叶片部位中。木薯对N、P、K养分的吸收强度呈抛物线状,在块根膨大期前呈逐渐提高,块根膨大后,木薯对N、P、K养分的吸收强度逐渐下降。增施N、P、K、Mg肥,木薯产量分别提高38.01%、13.09%、23.14%和8.99%;增施1 kg N、P2O5、K2O、MgO木薯产量分别增加101、54、22和49 kg;OPT处理产值最高(13217元/ha)。【结论】施肥均可提高木薯的养分吸收量,但K、Za、B肥会抑制Mg的吸收。不同施肥条件对木薯产量有显著的影响。  相似文献   
Lipoxygenases are nonheme-iron-containing dioxygenases that catalyze the hydroperoxidation of unsatrated fatty acids containing a cis, cis-1,4-pentadiene structure producing hydroperoxy acids with conjugated dienes. LOX activity has been found in a wide range of plants. Typical substrates for LOX in plants are linoleic acid and linilenic acid fatty acids. The function of various LOXs in plants is unknown, but their participation in all stages of plant growth and development has been suggested (Hildebrand, 1989; Siedow, 1991). Some of the physiological processes in whicn lipoxygenses have been implicated include wounding (Saravitz and Siedow, 1996), pathogen attack (Melan et al., 1993), seed germination (Kato et al., 1992), fruit ripening (Ferrie et al., 1994), plant senescence (Paliyath and Droillard, 1992). The study on the role of lipoxygenase in ripening and senescence fruit focused on tomato and strawberry. Cloning LOX gene of cucumber fruit will make us further understand the molecularaction mode of this enzyme during fxuit ripening and senescence. In this paper we isolated the partial nucleotide sequences of cucumber fiuit lipoxygenase gene and discuss the characterization of it.  相似文献   
India being the primary center of origin for rice had a very large treasure of local land races, most of which are out of cultivation today. The exact genetic potential and their differences from commercial varieties and the magnitude of heterogeneity still present in them are not well catalogued. Hence the need to characterize the available land races has become imminent in the modem day concept of crop improvement (Rezai and Frey, 1990). The present study addresses the utility of SSR markers in divulging the genetic relationships at molecular level among the major component factions office gennplasm viz., local cultivars, land races and wild species collected from a wide range of agro-geographical regions of Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   
We evaluated stillbirth risk factors in two commercial swine farms of the Rio Grande do Sul State (south of Brazil). The study was conducted during 1 month in Farm A and during 2 months in Farm B, both during 1999. Data for all farrowings that occurred during the study period were recorded (101 for Farm A and 373 for Farm B), without interference in the farm management. In Farm A, 39% of all litters born during the period of interest had stillborn piglets and the stillborn risk for piglets was 12%. In Farm B, 25% of all litters had stillborn piglets whereas the stillborn risk was 2%. Variables considered as potential risk factors for stillbirths were: parity (1, 2–3, 4+); breed (purebred or crossbred); sow body-condition (normal or fat); use of oxytocin during parturition (yes or no); obstetric intervention through vaginal palpation (yes or no); farrowing duration (<4 or ≥4 h); mummified fetuses (yes or no); total litter size (<12 or ≥12 piglets); and litter birth weight (<11 or ≥11 kg). All stillborn piglets had their classification validated by necropsy. In multivariable logistic-regressions, the cases were the litters having at least one stillborn piglet. In Farm A, litters having at least 12 pigs and in which oxytocin was used during the parturition had 20.8-times-higher odds of stillborn occurrence. In Farm B, litters from sows having parity ≥4 had 2.2-times-higher odds of stillborn occurrence than litters from parity 2 to 3 females, litters having ≥12 pigs had 2.0-times-higher odds of a stillborn piglet than smaller litters and farrowings in which vaginal palpation was performed had 8.0-times-higher odds. Farrowing room management to minimize stillborn risk should target higher-parity females, large litters and optimization of practices of obstetric interventions.  相似文献   
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes a neurological disease in many wild and domestic animals. The neuropathology elicited by PRV is quite consistent regardless of the host with the only exception of mink, in which it is characterized by a vasculopathy rather than by an encephalitis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the underlying pathogenic mechanism(s) of PRV infection in mink by using immunohistochemistry and laser capture microdissection (LCM) on material from naturally and experimentally infected animals. The inflammatory reaction induced by PRV was minimal or absent not only in the nervous system, where we identified a low number of macrophages and a few T lymphocytes, but also in the primary replication site, the oropharyngeal mucosa; however, the number of PRV-infected cells detected by immunohistochemistry was extremely high both in the peripheral mucosa and in the nervous tissue. On the other hand, the vascular pathology included parenchymal hemorrhages of various degrees and, in specific cortical areas of the brain, fibrinoid degeneration of the capillary walls. Detection of viral antigens by immunohistochemistry revealed infection of endothelial cells of capillaries situated both in the oropharyngeal mucosa and in the brain stem; the presence of PRV DNA in vessels was further demonstrated by PCR performed on LCM samples of brain capillaries. These results can be interpreted as supporting the idea that the different pathology of the disease in mink may be the consequence of an increased endotheliotropism of PRV in this species. Infection of the vessel wall may then lead to vascular pathology and impairment in endothelial cell function, resulting in a weak immune response to infection.  相似文献   
An ELISA with a lipoarabinomannan as an antigen, developed for diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis, has been adapted for use in goats, and compared with complement fixation test. Kappa value of 0.62 indicated good agreement between CFT and the adapted ELISA and proved that the investigated ELISA may be helpful in diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in goats. The ELISA has been used to screen a randomly selected representative sample of Polish breeding goat population (21.78% of herds, 21.33% of goats). It has been demonstrated that only 2.42% of animals coming from 15.79% of herds were seropositive. Within-herd seroprevalence varied from 1.69% to 38.10%. Most of the infected animals (67.07%) were 3- 4-years-old. No seropositive cases were found in group up to 1-year-old animals.  相似文献   
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