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西藏野生当归资源及人工栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西藏野生当归药用价值、资源种类、形态特征、生境分布及栽培技术等方面进行了初步研究,为当归的驯化栽培与开发利用提供了科学理论基础。  相似文献   
Guofeng Liu  Zhineng Li  Manzhu Bao 《Euphytica》2007,157(1-2):145-154
We report the production of tetraploid plants of Platanus acerifolia, with the ultimate aim of improving the ornamental qualities of this important urban landscaping tree. Chromosome doubling was achieved by the application of colchicine to either pre-soaked seed or to the apical meristems of young seedlings. Treatment of the ungerminated seed was the more efficient method in terms of numbers of tetraploid seedlings (up to 40%, as determined by chromosome counting of the root-tip nuclei) but this method produced no mature tetraploid plants due to the deleterious effect of colchicine on subsequent root growth. When colchicine was applied directly to the apical growing tip of cotyledon-stage seedlings, leaf and stem growth was temporarily affected but the plants eventually recovered. We conducted a preliminary screen for putative tetraploids based on the observation in other plant species of a correlation of stomatal size and distribution with ploidy. Plants containing significantly larger stomata and at a lower density across the lower leaf epidermis, were selected for further analysis by flow cytometry and chromosome counting. These techniques confirmed that, of the 12 putative polyploids, four were tetraploid, five were mixoploid and three were, in fact, diploid. Morphological differences of the tetraploids included a more compact growth habit and broader, thicker leaves. These plants are being grown to full maturity in order to test their potential for use in a breeding programme aimed at producing sterile triploid lines.  相似文献   
甘蓝型油菜双隐性基因细胞核 广恢型细胞质雄性不育(RRGCMS)三系综合了RM 5637A细胞质雄性不育和双隐性基因细胞核不育的优点.本文详细讨论了RRGcMS三系选育,繁殖和杂种生产的方法及其遗传学基础.  相似文献   
新形势下林业制图既要图面整洁、美观大方,又要高效、简单,手工制图已不符合现代林业发展要求,正逐渐被淘汰。笔者对应用CorelDrawX3绘制林业工程作业设计图的方法和技巧,包括图框绘制、小班勾绘、着色、求积以及绘图成果打印等进行了详细介绍,容易掌握、色彩丰富、制图效率高。CorelDrawX3是绘制林业工程设计图的实用...  相似文献   
为了解45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC对小麦纹枯病、蚜虫的防治效果及推广用量,室内试验以辽春10号为材料,研究了45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC对小麦生长发育的影响及对纹枯病的防效;田间试验以济麦22和中麦895为试验材料,探索了45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC防治小麦纹枯病、蚜虫的推广剂量。结果发现,133~800g·100kg-1种子的45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC对辽春10号发芽率、株高、根长及鲜重无明显影响;400~800g·100kg-1种子45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC对辽春10号小麦纹枯病有较好防效。400~800g·100kg-1种子45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪FSC对中麦869纹枯病防效为66.4%~86.7%,明显高于对照药剂;对扬花末期蚜虫防效为95.8~97.3%,防效与对照药剂无明显差异;对济麦22纹枯病防效为55.8~62.7%,与对照药剂无明显差异;对扬花末期蚜虫防效为80.2~90.1%,与对照药剂无明显差异。45%烯肟菌胺·苯醚甲环唑·噻虫嗪悬浮种衣剂对小麦蚜虫和纹枯病具有良好防治效果,推荐剂量为400~800g·100kg-1种子。  相似文献   
杀菌剂SYP-4288对几种常见土传病害的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内盆栽试验测定了杀菌剂SYP-4288对立枯丝核菌引起的棉花立枯病、大豆疫霉根腐病及瓜果腐霉菌引起的黄瓜猝倒病的防效。结果表明,SYP-4288推荐剂量下对3种病害具有较好防效。最高推荐剂量下对棉花立枯病、黄瓜猝倒病和大豆根腐病防效分别为72.67%±10.59%、100%和82.62%±12.48%。SYP-4288对西瓜枯萎病田间药效试验表明,SYP-4288最高推荐剂量下对西瓜枯萎病防效为56.82%~66.51%,好于或相当于对照药剂。基于室内与田间药效试验结果,SYP-4288可以推荐用于防治瓜果蔬菜常见土传病害。  相似文献   
调查结果表明:宣城市林业有害生物有虫害819种,病害122种,有害植物12种,鼠害2种,红蜘蛛1种,共计956种。其中对本市林业发展具有重大危害或潜在危害的有害生物共25种。  相似文献   
为摸清拉萨市绿化现状,定量分析其园林绿化基本情况,解决绿化中的相关问题,本研究通过生物五点法进行了园林植物群落分层调查,首次在西藏对各地的园林植物种类和应用现状进行了全面普查,并详细讨论分析了拉萨市园林绿化的现状、特点及问题,提出了相应举措。本次共调查园林植物45科、100属、159种(含品种),结果表明:(1)乔木层、灌木层、草本层重要值最高的分别为紫叶李(Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea)、千头柏(Latycladus orientalis cv. sieboldii)、草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis),其重要值分别为49.861、27.756、55.386;(2)乔、灌木层中,应用最多的是蔷薇科(Rosaceae)(共27种),其次是杨柳科(Salicaceae)(共18种),再次是木樨科(Oleacea)、柏科(Cupressaceae)和豆科(Leguminosae),分别为9、8、6种,分别占调查乔、灌木的24.77%、16.51%、8.26%、7.34%、5.50%;(3)园林植物种类不丰富,绿化发展不均衡;(4)园林植物配比不合理,引种植物占比极高,乡土植物占比极低。  相似文献   
Wang  Hui  Dong  Ying  Tong  Xuejiao  Liu  Xinghai  Shao  Jie  Shi  Renyong  Hong  Zhineng  Xu  Renkou  Jiang  Jun 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(3):1424-1434
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Regional differences in the alkaline properties and base cation richness of canola straw biochars, and their amelioration effects on an acidic Ultisol, were studied...  相似文献   
He  Xian  Jiang  Jun  Hong  Zhineng  Pan  Xiaoying  Dong  Ying  Xu  Renkou 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(8):3073-3082
Journal of Soils and Sediments - To evaluate the adsorption capacity of aluminum-modified biochars for arsenate (As(V)) and the effect of the biochars on As(V) adsorption by acidic Ultisols. Rice...  相似文献   
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