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猪繁殖-呼吸综合征病毒上海株的分离鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从上海地区5个发病猪场的病料中,分离到3株致Marc-145细胞病变的病毒:SH1、SH2和SH3,理化特性研究表明,3株分离毒均对氯仿、乙醚、甲醛、热(56℃)、酸(pH6以下)、碱(pH8以上)敏感。负染可见病毒以大小不等的具囊膜的球形粒子为主,囊膜上有纤突,直径为60 ̄100nm;超薄切片可见病毒粒子分散在细胞浆内,直径为45 ̄80nm。间接免疫荧光试验表明,3株分离毒均与PRRSV高免血清呈强阳性反应,而与HCV、PPV、PRV、TGEV高免血清的反应均呈阴性。综上可见,所分离的病毒为PRRSV。  相似文献   
寒旱地区冬季寒冷,昼夜温差大,长距离输水工程在解冻期易形成流冰,不同尺寸的流冰对隧洞形成不同的挤压力或撞击力,甚至导致衬砌破损,工程失效。该文通过深入研究流冰与引水隧洞碰撞时的相互作用问题,并利用有限元接触-碰撞算法的对称罚函数算法,进行了流冰撞击引水隧洞衬砌的接触-碰撞算法的理论分析。应用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,建立隧洞模型和流冰模型,选用LS-DYNA SOLVER求解器进行求解,分析流冰对隧洞的破坏程度;并通过物理模型试验采用几何比尺为C_l为28进行验证,揭示流冰对引水隧洞的撞击破坏机理。结果表明:流冰在不同流速、不同平面尺寸、不同厚度等工况下,流冰与隧洞衬砌碰撞时,隧洞衬砌表面会产生不同程度的变形和破坏;随着流速增大,撞击应力值也相应增大,两者呈线性关系;当流冰平面尺寸变化时,其撞击应力随着流冰平面尺寸的增大而增大,两者呈非线性关系;当流冰厚度增加时,流冰厚度小于0.5 m时,撞击力随着流冰厚度的增大而增大;其厚度超过0.5 m时,撞击应力值变化不大,其流冰平面尺寸和最大应力呈现近似线性关系。同时,通过软件模拟和试验观测得出的计算结果基本一致,流冰与隧洞衬砌碰撞时,隧洞衬砌表面会产生不同程度变形,变形对隧洞稳定性影响不大。但是,流冰冲刷会导致隧洞衬砌表面破碎,长期会影响结构的强度与稳定性。其结果可为寒旱地区冬季输水工程安全提供理论支撑和技术保障。  相似文献   


The validity of soil erosion data is often questioned because of the variation between replicates. This paper aims to evaluate the relevance of interreplicate variability to soil and soil organic carbon (SOC) erosion over prolonged rainfall.

Materials and methods

Two silty loams were subjected to simulated rainfall of 30 mm h?1 for 360 min. The entire rainfall event was repeated ten times to enable statistical analysis of the variability of the runoff and soil erosion rates.

Results and discussion

The results show that, as selective removal of depositional particles and crust formation progressively stabilized the soil surface, the interreplicate variability of runoff and soil erosion rates declined considerably over rainfall time. Yet, even after the maximum runoff and erosion rates were reached, the interreplicate variability still remained between 15 and 39 %, indicating the existence of significant inherent variability in soil erosion experiments.


Great caution must be paid when applying soil and SOC erosion data after averaging from a small number of replicates. While not readily applicable to other soil types or rainfall conditions, the great interreplicate variability observed in this study suggests that a large number of replicates is highly recommended to ensure the validity of average values, especially when extrapolating them to assess soil and SOC erosion risk in the field.
He  Yao  Hu  Yaxian  Gao  Xin  Wang  Rui  Guo  Shengli  Li  Xianwen 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):1906-1919
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Erosion processes spatially redistribute soil particles and the associated carbon across landscapes. Their spatial redistribution pattern is governed by the...  相似文献   
溶剂法制歧化松香   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将松脂或松香溶于溶剂中,C Pd/C为催化剂,≤200℃反应,可得色泽浅与不皂化物含理低的歧化松香。对该歧化松香组成研究后表明,在上条件下除含有通常的少量脱羧产物外,尚有降解产物,它带羧基,分子量为276,没有其它小分子降解产物,因而收率较高,不皂化物少。  相似文献   
松脂液加氢反应的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
松脂液在催化剂存在下加氢,可同时获得氢化松香与蒎烷,所得氢化松香颜色浅,质量好。采用低温活性好的触媒,在较低温度及合适压力下,可使蒎烷中顺式与反式之比达到7.5 ̄8.5,精馏后可达9 ̄10,从而满足了香料工业的要求。加氢产物用气-质联用仪分析,表明脂液中对异丙基甲苯及分子量较大的烯烃(长叶烯及石竹烯等)未参与加氢反应。蒎烷可采用脂液冷却结晶法,使其循环使用。  相似文献   
本文根据我国储粮通风和防虫保护剂的发展现状,为促进二者在应用中有效地结合,在现场探讨了我国气温温暖的华南地区,利用冬季自然低温,以通风的办法降低粮温,对提高和延长保护剂药效的实际效果.经在防效、残留和残效的测定结果表明,在华南对施用了保护剂的储粮,采取了通风降温措施,并在气温上升季节适当隔热,防虫磷(马拉硫磷)和凯安保(含增效醚的溴氰菊酯乳油)不仅药效提高,而且有效期延长,尤以防虫磷显著.肯定了在华南地区通风低温与施用保护剂相结合的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   
We explored the discoloration of rattan cane using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR). XPS analysis showed that after the cane was stained by Lasiodiplodia theobromae, carbon and oxygen elements and the ratio of oxygen to carbon decreased. Considering atomic binding,C_1 and C_4 contents increased, while C_2 and C_3 contents decreased, and the ratio of O_2 to O_1 decreased sharply. The relative contents of lignin, cellulose and polysaccharides increased and new substances with low O_2/O_1 ratio occurred. FTIR analysis showed that the absorption peaks of O–H at 3346 cm-1, aliphatic C–H at 2921, 2853 and1464 cm-1, and C=O at 1723 cm-1, were characteristic peaks of fungal melanin intensified, indicating that cane discoloration was primarily caused by fungal melanin. The absorption peaks characterizing cellulose and lignin like polysaccharides at 800 cm-1, C–H at 1374 cm-1, C–O at1058 and 1038 cm-1, phenolic hydroxyl at 1245 cm-1,aromatic ether bonds at 1270 cm-1, carbon skeleton at1608 cm-1 and benzene ring at 1500 cm-1 were enhanced since the fungus mainly consumed the extractives in cane cell lumens and the main composition content increased relatively. Regardless of the discoloration caused by natural fungi or inoculated fungi, the discoloring feature and composition changes were identical except that the fungusinoculated cane had more melanin.  相似文献   
本试验通过筛选抗原性较好的多杀性巴氏杆菌,经禽胚培养增殖细菌,灭活后加入免疫增强剂左旋咪唑和亚硒酸钠维生素E,制成油乳剂强化苗。试验表明,每头份含抗原量100亿,左旋咪唑和亚硒酸钠维生素E合用组免疫效果最佳。注射本苗后,鸡群第4天产生免疫应答,第7天即可产生坚强的免疫力,试管凝集抗体效价达到1:86,攻毒保护率达83.3%,第14天即可达100%,免疫期6个月。免疫期内攻毒保护率为97.6%,当试管凝集抗体效价为1:40时,80%的试验鸡能抵御C_(48-1)的攻击。临床上免疫接种4个鸡场12批商品蛋鸡共14.5万羽,有效地控制了该病的流行。  相似文献   
本试验利用猪的繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒美洲株和上海分离株 S H1 建立了 I F、 I P M A 和 Dot - E L I S A三种抗体检测方法, 对120 份随机抽样猪血清检测表明, 美洲株抗原组 I F A 的阳性率为30 .8 % 、 I P M A 的阳性率为30 % 、 Dot - E L I S A 的阳性率为32 .5 % , S H1 分离株抗原组 I F A 的阳性率为37 .5 % 、 I P M A 阳性率为37 .5 % 、 Dot - E L I S A 的阳性率为40 % 。进口 E L I S A 试剂盒的检测阳性率为26 .7 % 。  相似文献   
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