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In spite of their low concentrations in soil solutions, low–molecular weight organic substances (LMWOS) such as amino acids, sugars, and uronic acids play a major role in the cycles of C and N in soil. With respect to their low concentrations and to possible matrix interferences, their analysis in soil leachates is a challenging task. We established two HPLC (high‐performance liquid chromatography) methods for the parallel determination of amino acids and carbohydrates in soil leachates. The pre‐column derivatization of amino acids with an o‐phthaldialdehyde (OPA) mercaptoethanol solution yields quantitation limits between 0.03 and 0.44 µmol L–1 and SD values of <8.3% (n = 9). High‐performance anion‐exchange chromatography (HPAEC) on a Dionex CarboPac PA 20 column with a NaOH acetate gradient combined with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) was used for the determination of carbohydrates. The calibration curves obtained for 11 carbohydrates showed excellent linearity over the concentration range from 0.02 to 50.0 mg L–1. Recovery studies revealed good results for all analytes (89%–108%). Interferences from Hg(II) salts and chloroform used for stabilization of the leachates did not occur with both chromatographic methods. The optimized method was successfully used for quantitative determinations of amino acids and carbohydrates in soil leachates.  相似文献   
The C isotopic composition (δ13C) of pedogenic carbonates reflects the photosynthetic pathway of the predominant local vegetation because pedogenic (secondary) CaCO3 is formed in isotopic equilibrium with soil CO2 released by root and rhizomicrobial respiration. Numerous studies show the importance of pedogenic carbonates as a tool for reconstructing paleoecological conditions in arid and semiarid regions. The methodological resolution of these studies strongly depends on the time scale of pedogenic carbonate formation, which remains unknown. The initial formation rate can be assessed by 14C labeling of plants grown on loess and subsequent incorporation of 14C from rhizosphere CO2 into newly formed carbonate by recrystallization of loess CaCO3. We tested the feasibility of 14C and 13C tracers for estimating CaCO3 recrystallization rates by simultaneous 14C and 13C labeling and comparison with literature data. 14C labeling was more efficient and precise in assessing recrystallization rates than 13C labeling. This is connected with higher sensitivity of 14C liquid scintillation counting when compared with δ13C measurement by IRMS. Further, assessment of very low amounts of incorporated tracer is more precise with low background signal (natural abundance), which is true for 14C, but is rather high for 13C. Together, we obtained better reproducibility, higher methodological precision, and better plausibility of recrystallization rates calculated based on 14C labeling. Periods for complete CaCO3 recrystallization, extrapolated from rates based on 14C labeling, ranged from 130 (125–140) to 240 (225–255) y, while it was ≈ 600 (365–1600) y based on the 13C approach. In terms of magnitude, data from late‐Holocene soil profiles of known age provide better fit with modeled recrystallization periods based on the 14C approach.  相似文献   
The convective–dispersive, or advective–dispersive, equation (CDE) has long been the model of choice for solute transport in soils. Using the average concentration of soluble salts in soil profile to evaluate changes in salinity due to irrigation can be beneficial when spatial variability of soil salinity at selected depths is larger than spatial variability of soil salinity in the layer encompassing these depths, and when soil salinity is evaluated with electric conductivity measurements that give layer-average rather than depth-specific salinity values. The objective of this work was to present analytical solutions of the CDE that express the average soluble salt content in soil profile as the function of time, water flux, and solute dispersion parameter. The solutions were developed for both semiinfinite and finite domain and implemented in a computer code. Examples are presented of using these solutions to develop a nomogram for the dispersion coefficient estimation and to evaluate the applicability of the semiinfinite domain solution to soil monolith leaching experiments. In cases when the CDE application is justified, the analysis of the salt leaching based on the average salt concentrations in soil profile provides estimates of the effective salt dispersion parameter useful in land evaluation and soil reclamation.  相似文献   
Effect of microrelief on the spatial variability of carbon content of a Podzoluvisol in a long term field trial The relationship between microrelief and spatial distribution and variability of the soil Ct-content was investigated in a long term field experiment with different fertilizer and herbicide treatments near Moscow. Only 20% of the Ct-variability were related to agricultural factors. In order to analyse the influence of the microrelief on soil Ct-content the relief was formalized. This formalization included the calculation of the local inclination, local water gathering area and local relative intensity of the temporary water streams, while distinguishing between convex and concave relief forms. Relief forms of different order were identified by kriging with different distances between the block centers. The parameters of the formalized relief were compared with the Ct-content of the soil by means of semivariograms and correlations. Through combination of relief parameters, it was possible to divide the field into different elements characterized by different correlations and effect types. The water gathering relief forms with maximal values of the relative intensity of the water streams and the arched forms with increasing intensity reduced soil Ct-content. Ct-accumulation occurred at transit positions between the convex and concave relief forms with medium intensity.  相似文献   
Crop yield maps may contain substantial corollary information regarding the distribution of yield related soil properties across a landscape. One of these properties is water holding capacity (WHC). Since WHC is an important parameter for crop models and is also critical for crop yield, our objective was to determine if WHC could be estimated by matching simulated yield with yield map data. We collected soil cores for water retention measurements and recorded plant phenological stages from 60 plots on four transects over two growing seasons (1997 and 1998). Soil cores were also sampled on 40 other locations set out on a grid pattern. We utilized a simple water budget model that uses the relative transpiration ratio to calculate relative yield from available water in the soil profile. Rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and soil water holding capacity are input. An optimization program varies the WHC to produce a grain yield similar to the one from the yield map at a particular location. This analysis was carried out over several scales by averaging yields over 55 m×71 m, 27 m×35 m, and 11 m×14 m areas. Yield data from 2 years were used. Yields from the transects in both years were significantly related to measured WHC in the surface 0–10 cm of soil. The calculated stress indices from the water budget model and estimated available WHC calculated for the 1997 data were similar to those calculated for the 1998 data where data were aggregated in 27 by 35 m or larger blocks. The contour map of estimated WHC was similar to the map of measured WHC for some features though there were also some differences. Use of multiple years of yield data are required to give stable results for estimated water holding capacities.. This information could be used in a farm management plan by allowing a producer to classify a field into areas that are buffered against drought and areas more susceptible to drought.  相似文献   
Understanding and quantification of phosphorus (P) fluxes are key requirements for predictions of future forest ecosystems changes as well as for transferring lessons learned from natural ecosystems to croplands and plantations. This review summarizes and evaluates the recent knowledge on mechanisms, magnitude, and relevance by which dissolved and colloidal inorganic and organic P forms can be translocated within or exported from forest ecosystems. Attention is paid to hydrological pathways of P losses at the soil profile and landscape scales, and the subsequent influence of P on aquatic ecosystems. New (unpublished) data from the German Priority Program 1685 “Ecosystem Nutrition: Forest Strategies for limited Phosphorus Resources” were added to provide up‐to‐date flux‐based information. Nitrogen (N) additions increase the release of water‐transportable P forms. Most P found in percolates and pore waters belongs to the so‐called dissolved organic P (DOP) fractions, rich in orthophosphate‐monoesters and also containing some orthophosphate‐diesters. Total solution P concentrations range from ca. 1 to 400 µg P L?1, with large variations among forest stands. Recent sophisticated analyses revealed that large portions of the DOP in forest stream water can comprise natural nanoparticles and fine colloids which under extreme conditions may account for 40–100% of the P losses. Their translocation within preferential flow passes may be rapid, mediated by storm events. The potential total P loss through leaching into subsoils and with streams was found to be less than 50 mg P m?2 a?1, suggesting effects on ecosystems at centennial to millennium scale. All current data are based on selected snapshots only. Quantitative measurements of P fluxes in temperate forest systems are nearly absent in the literature, probably due to main research focus on the C and N cycles. Therefore, we lack complete ecosystem‐based assessments of dissolved and colloidal P fluxes within and from temperate forest systems.  相似文献   
Ma  Chong  Tu  Qiang  Zheng  Shengmeng  Deng  Shaohong  Xia  Yinhang  Mao  Wanqiong  Gao  Wei  Hu  Lening  Kuzyakov  Yakov  Hu  Yajun  Su  Yirong  Chen  Xiangbi 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(10):2604-2607
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Soil acidification is a major issue in agricultural ecosystems. However, how agricultural land uses shape the soil pH pattern and affect soil acidification on a...  相似文献   
Priming effects: Interactions between living and dead organic matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this re-evaluation of our 10-year old paper on priming effects, I have considered the latest studies and tried to identify the most important needs for future research. Recent publications have shown that the increase or decrease in soil organic matter mineralization (measured as changes of CO2 efflux and N mineralization) actually results from interactions between living (microbial biomass) and dead organic matter. The priming effect (PE) is not an artifact of incubation studies, as sometimes supposed, but is a natural process sequence in the rhizosphere and detritusphere that is induced by pulses or continuous inputs of fresh organics. The intensity of turnover processes in such hotspots is at least one order of magnitude higher than in the bulk soil. Various prerequisites for high-quality, informative PE studies are outlined: calculating the budget of labeled and total C; investigating the dynamics of released CO2 and its sources; linking C and N dynamics with microbial biomass changes and enzyme activities; evaluating apparent and real PEs; and assessing PE sources as related to soil organic matter stabilization mechanisms. Different approaches for identifying priming, based on the assessment of more than two C sources in CO2 and microbial biomass, are proposed and methodological and statistical uncertainties in PE estimation and approaches to eliminating them are discussed. Future studies should evaluate directions and magnitude of PEs according to expected climate and land-use changes and the increased rhizodeposition under elevated CO2 as well as clarifying the ecological significance of PEs in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The conclusion is that PEs - the interactions between living and dead organic matter - should be incorporated in models of C and N dynamics, and that microbial biomass should regarded not only as a C pool but also as an active driver of C and N turnover.  相似文献   
Soil food webs are mainly based on three primary carbon (C) sources: root exudates, litter, and recalcitrant soil organic matter (SOM). These C sources vary in their availability and accessibility to soil organisms, which could lead to different pathways in soil food webs. The presence of three C isotopes (12C, 13C and 14C) offers an unique opportunity to investigate all three C sources simultaneously. In a microcosm experiment we studied the effect of food web complexity on the utilization of the three carbon sources. We choose an incomplete three factorial design with (i) living plants, (ii) litter and (iii) food web complexity. The most complex food web consisted of autochthonous microorganisms, nematodes, collembola, predatory mites, endogeic and anecic earthworms. We traced C from all three sources in soil, in CO2 efflux and in individual organism groups by using maize grown on soil developed under C3 vegetation and application of 14C labelled ryegrass shoots as a litter layer. The presence of living plants had a much greater effect on C pathways than food web complexity. Litter decomposition, measured as 14CO2 efflux, was decreased in the presence of living plants from 71% to 33%. However, living plants increased the incorporation of litter C into microbial biomass and arrested carbon in the litter layer and in the upper soil layer. The only significant effect of food web complexity was on the litter C distribution in the soil layers. In treatments with fungivorous microarthropods (Collembola) the incorporation of litter carbon into mineral soil was reduced. Root exudates as C source were passed through rhizosphere microorganisms to the predator level (at least to the third trophic level). We conclude that living plants strongly affected C flows, directly by being a source of additional C, and indirectly by modifying the existing C flows within the food web including CO2 efflux from the soil and litter decomposition.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of mineral-N addition and intensive mixing (analogous to disturbance by plowing) on decomposition of 14C-labelled maize (Zea mays L.) residue and soil organic matter (SOM). Soils were collected from the upper 5 cm of three land use types at Edelweiler, Germany: plow tillage (PT), reduced tillage (RT), and grassland (GL). Soils were incubated for 112 days at 20 °C, with or without 14C-labelled maize residue (4 g DM kg−1 soil), with or without nitrogen (100 mg N kg−1 soil as NH4NO3) and with or without intensive mixing.

The effect of mineral-N on maize residue decomposition differed depending on the stage of decomposition and land use type. Nitrogen accelerated residue decomposition rates in the first 5 days in RT and GL soils, but not in PT soil, and decreased residue decomposition rate in all three land use types after 11 days. At the end of the incubation, N suppressed 14CO2 efflux in RT and PT soils, but not in GL soil. Mineral-N did not increase SOM decomposition independently on the land use types.

Intensive mixing stimulated decomposition of both plant residue and SOM in all three land use types. However, effects were smaller in GL soil than in RT or PT soil, presumably because stronger soil aggregates in GL would have been less affected by mixing and allowed greater protection of SOM and plant residue against decomposition.  相似文献   

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