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To study the feasibility of earthworm introduction for increasing the macroporosity and permeability of arable heavy clay, deep-burrowing earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) were inoculated into a tile drained experimental field in Jokioinen, S-W Finland in autumn 1996. Inoculation with the Earthworm Inoculation Unit technique was at the up-slope end of the field, in the field margins under permanent grass, and inside the four 0.46 ha plots of the field. The experiment was monitored on three occasions. In 1998 the L. terrestris population had persisted in low numbers only in field and plot margins. By 2003, when the field had been under set-aside grass for three years, density had grown in the margins and L. terrestris were also found inside the field at a very low density. The third monitoring was in autumn 2009, after a further four years as set-aside and a subsequent division of the field into no-till and ploughing management, and looked at the effects of management (margins, no-till, ploughing), distance from the inoculation and sub-drainage on L. terrestris abundance. The abundance displayed a clear gradient over the field, declining from 14 ind. and 18 g m?2 at 5–9 m from inoculation, to 1 ind. and 2 g m?2 at 56–60 m distance. Margins had the highest abundances (16 ind. and 32 g m?2), followed by no-till (4 ind. and 4 g m?2) and ploughing (1 ind. and 1 g m?2). Abundances were significantly higher above the tiles than between them (P < 0.05). The results demonstrate the importance of no-till and sub-drain line habitats as settlement supports for the inoculated population. Field margins proved to be decisive for inoculation success, by providing bridgeheads for population establishment and later by acting as source areas for the colonisation of the field. This finding highlights the general importance of field margins in the dispersal ecology of earthworms in arable landscapes.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution and activity of earthworm life stages were studied in an arable field during 0.5 m deep frost. The anecic Lumbricus terrestris L. were below the frost at the bottom of their home burrows (max. depth 1.0 m) and remained there apparently active. Their burrows were open, free of ice and water. The endogeic Aporrectodea caliginosa Sav., mainly small juveniles, were aestivating in the frost layer, which confirms freeze-tolerance in this species. Large A. caliginosa individuals were actively burrowing below the frost down to 1 m depth at soil temperatures close to +1 °C, frost evidently triggering much deeper burrowing than summer droughts. Demonstrating cold-hardiness, viable cocoons of both A. caliginosa and L. terrestris were obtained within a 0-0.25 m layer, frozen for ca. one month prior to sampling. These two common earthworms of boreal soils seem to over-winter in all life stages and remain active below the frost, potentially contributing to the maintenance of subsoil processes during the winter months.  相似文献   
We report that the deep-burrowing earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. possesses short-range homing capability. For 2 months we followed the soil surface activity of 18 field-collected L. terrestris in an experimental laboratory population. We recorded 26 cases where an individual after completely leaving its burrow returned to the burrow by backing along its own outward trail. Maximally, homing occurred from a distance of 0.70 m and after more than 3 h on the soil surface. The evolution of homing ability in L. terrestris is most likely related to the importance of the burrow for survival and reproduction. This adaptation also guarantees individuals an expanded foraging area, which we believe can partly explain the remarkable efficiency of L. terrestris in the burial of surface litter.  相似文献   
Hundreds of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) died along the Spanish Mediterranean coast during the second half of 1990. We necropsied 58 dolphins. Partial collapse of the lungs with patchy atelectasis, subcutaneous edema, icterus, and stomatitis were the most prominent gross morphologic changes. Histologically, a bronchiolo-interstitial pneumonia was the most frequent lesion (72% of the animals). It was characterized by hyperplasia of alveolar epithelial type II cells and formation of multinucleate syncytia in alveolar and bronchiolar lumina. Other prominent lesions were encephalitis (69%), lymphoid depletion, and formation of multinucleate syncytia in the cortex of lymph nodes. The distribution of morbillivirus antigen was investigated in 23 well-preserved dolphins using a monoclonal antibody against the hemagglutinin glycoprotein of phocine distemper virus. Positive immunostaining was found in brain (77%), in lung (70%), and in mesenteric (61%), mediastinal (47%), and prescapular (45%) lymph nodes. Phocine distemper virus antigen was demonstrated less frequently in trachea, stomach, biliary epithelium, intestine, kidney, and mammary gland. Necrotizing-hemorrhagic pneumonia and encephalitis due to Aspergillus fumigatus were seen in three dolphins, whereas two animals had lesions of toxoplasmosis. Changes in our dolphins were similar to those caused by distemper in seals and porpoises. The origin of the dolphin virus and the relationships among dolphin, seal, and porpoise morbilli viruses are unknown.  相似文献   
The income-generating dimension of berry and mushroom picking is important in many European countries or regions of countries, predominantly for rural livelihoods. Due to the role and economic potential in the utilization of non-wood forest products (NWFPs), there is a need, and also an increasing interest in, monitoring their market volume and values both at national and international levels. There is a wealth of information from different sources at the national level, but at the international level there is a need to harmonize the information. It is a major challenge for international data collection efforts to balance the need for harmonization of statistics without losing interesting information. This paper presents and analyses statistics on the quantity and value of two groups of marketed NWFPs: (1) mushrooms and truffles, and (2) fruits, berries and edible nuts. The statistics came from the State of Europe’s Forests 2007 report and its country reports. Our paper describes the shortcomings of the statistics and identifies potential explanations for the limitations. The results from this study reveal that the usability of data on marketed mushrooms and berries varies a lot between countries. In general, the data are incomplete and not comparable among countries. Another challenge is the consistency of information on production, trade and consumption flows. Based on a Finnish example, balance sheets can be used to control the consistency and derive missing sub-components of trade flows. A regional case study of Nordic and Baltic countries and the Russian Federation illustrates potential from national household and operator surveys for complementary information.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to compare model-based approaches inthe prediction of timber assortment recovery with bucking simulationbased on detailed stem data. A correction function for the totallength of saw log fragments and two optional saw log reductionmodels, that is, the MELA96 version and MELA05 version, wereapplied. In the bucking simulation, the volumes by timber assortmentswere calculated using a bucking-to-value simulator. The predictionof saw log recoveries varied between the bucking simulationand different versions of saw log reduction models. The levelof the reduction from the MELA96 version was at the same levelas from the bucking simulation where defects were taken intoaccount, but the saw log reduction had a very low variance dueto a small amount of independent variables. The saw log reductionof the MELA05 version included more variation although the levelof the reductions was higher and the variation did not meetwith the bucking simulation. As a conclusion, the model-basedapproaches seem applicable at least for the prediction of sawlog recovery in the large area forest inventories where thevariance of the standwise timber assortment recoveries neednot be predicted.  相似文献   
The sample plot data of National Forest Inventories (NFI) are widely used in the analysis of forest production and utilization possibilities to support national and regional forest policy. However, there is an increasing interest for similar impact and scenario analyses for strategic planning at the local level. As the fairly sparse network of field plots only provides calculations for large areas, satellite image data have been applied to produce forest information for smaller areas. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of generating forest data for a Finnish forest analysis tool, the MELA system, by means of the Landsat satellite imagery and the NFI sample plot data. The study was part of the preparation of a local forestry programme, where a strategic scenario analysis for the forest area of two villages (ca 8000 ha) was carried out. Management units that approximate forest stands were delineated by image segmentation. Stand volume and other parameters for each forest segment were estimated from weighted means of the NFI sample plots, where the individual sample plot weights were estimated by the k nearest neighbour (kNN) method. Two different spectral features were tested: single pixel values and average pixel values within a segment. The estimated forest data were compared with the forest data based on independent stand-level field assessments in two subareas, a national park and an area of forest managed for timber production.In the national park, the estimated mean volume of the growing stock from both spectral feature sets (about 160 m3 ha−1) was clearly lower than that obtained from stand-level field assessment (186 m3 ha−1). Using average pixel values within a segment resulted in a higher proportion of pine and a lower proportion of spruce volume than using single pixel values. It also resulted in an estimated felling potential nearly 10% higher over the first 10-year period in the scenario analysis of the area dedicated to timber production. However, the maximum long-term sustainable removal was at the same level (about 30,000 m3 year−1) for both feature sets over the simulated 30-year period. The resulting annual felling area in the first 10-year period was 12% lower when the segment averages were applied, but the difference subsequently levelled off. The kNN approach in estimating initial forest data for scenario analyses at the local level was found promising.  相似文献   
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