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An 8-year-old terrier cross and a 10-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer presented to the University Veterinary Centre, Sydney, for investigation of long-standing tenesmus and dyschezia. Both patients had an annular adenocarcinoma at the colorectal junction. Exploratory laparotomy was performed and the affected large intestinal segment was removed by resection and anastomosis. In both dogs, the caudal mesenteric artery was intimately associated with the mass, necessitating its ligation and transection. Postoperatively, there was no evidence of anastomosis breakdown in either case and both animals recovered well from surgery. The dogs were euthanased 8 and 10 months, respectively, after surgery because of clinical signs relating to metastatic disease.  相似文献   
Two viruses were found in mosaic-diseased plants ofEucharis grandiflora in a glasshouse of the laboratory. One virus with a normal particle length of 733 nm caused local lesions onHyoscyamus niger and mosaic symptoms in leaves of healthy-lookingEucharis andHippeastrum plants. On the basis of its host range, physical properties and serology it was identified asHippeastrum mosaic virus, a member of the potyvirus group. This was confirmed by the presence of spherical nuclear inclusions and pinwheels in different tissues of diseasedEucharis plants. The second virus with a normal particle length of 598 nm was present in both healthy-looking and mosaic-diseasedEucharis plants, and it inconsistently induced local lesions onGomphrena globosa. According to its morphology and its reaction onGomphrena, it might be identical or related toHippeastrum latent virus. Crystal-like inclusions were observed in the cytoplasm of cells of both healthy-looking and mosaic-showingEucharis leaves. As no virus-free seedlings ofEucharis were available, the virus nature of these inclusions could not be established.  相似文献   
Asia dominates global aquaculture production accounting for over 80% of the total and the mainstay in Asian aquaculture is finfish. Over the years, Asia has experienced a number of inter‐continental and intra‐continental transfers/introductions/translocation of finfish species, between nations and watersheds, beyond their natural range of distribution, primarily for aquaculture development. In this article all such species are referred to as alien species. An attempt is made to evaluate the importance of the production of alien species in selected Asian nations, using statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization. Also, negative effects, if any, based on literature surveys, of alien species in relation to displacement of indigenous species, and on biodiversity and/or genetic diversity together with associated pathogen transfers are evaluated. The major alien species, based on their significance to Asian inland aquaculture considered, are the tilapias, catfish, Chinese and Indian major carps and common carp. It is estimated that currently alien species account for nearly 12% of the cultured finfish production (2.6 million tonnes) in Asia, valued at US$ 2.59 billion, and the contribution exceeds 40% when Asian countries excluding China are taken into consideration. Inland finfish aquaculture in some Asian nations, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, is predominated by alien species, and in some others, e.g. Bangladesh and India, the contribution from alien species has been increasing steadily. It is suggested that overall alien finfish species have done little ecological harm to native flora and fauna. However, in the wake of increasing anthropogenic development taking place in watersheds the resulting environments are often made unconducive to indigenous species but not to some alien species, thereby potentially and indirectly making the latter invasive.  相似文献   
Microbial decomposition of extracted and leached dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) was demonstrated from three pasture soils in laboratory incubation studies. DOC concentration in water extracts ranged between 29 and 148 mg C L?1 and DON concentration ranged between 2 and 63 mg N L?1. Between 17 and 61 % of the DOC in the water extracts were respired as CO2 by microbes by day 36. DON concentrations in the extracts declined more rapidly than DOC. Within the first 21 days of incubation, the concentration of DON was near zero without any significant change in the concentration of NO3 ? or NH4 +, indicating that microbes had utilized the organic pool of N preferentially. Decomposition of leached DOC (ranged between 7 and 66 mg C L?1) and DON (ranged between 6 and 11 mg N L?1) collected from large lysimeters (with perennial pasture; 50 cm diameter?×?80 cm deep) followed a similar pattern to that observed with soil extracts. Approximately 28 to 61 % of the DOC in leachates were respired as CO2 by day 49. The concentration of DON in the leachates declined to below 1 mg N L?1 within 7–14 days of the incubation, consistent with the observations made with extractable DON. Our results clearly show that DOC and DON components of the dissolved organic matter in pasture soils, whether extracted or leached, are highly decomposable and bioavailable and will influence local ecosystem functions and nutrient balances in grazed pasture systems and receiving water bodies.  相似文献   
In this paper, an attempt is made to identify the socioeconomic characteristics of a community that influence the development and management of culture-based fisheries in village reservoirs of Sri Lanka. Socioeconomic data were collected from 46 agricultural farming communities associated with 47 village reservoirs in Sri Lanka. Principal component analysis indicated that scores of the first principal component were positively influenced by socioeconomic characteristics that are favorable for making collective decisions. These included leadership of the officers, age of the group, percentage of active members of the group, percentage of kinship of the group, percentage of common interest of the group, and percentage of participation of the group. The size of the group had a negative effect on the first principal component. The principal component scores of communities were positively related to willingness to pay (P < 0.001). The communities with socioeconomic characteristics favoring collective decision making were in favor of culture-based fisheries. Homogeneity of group characteristics facilitated successful development of culture-based fisheries.  相似文献   
元江干热河谷是一个低海拔的脆弱生态系统,以环境干旱、植被贫乏为主要特征。17世纪中期以前它曾经植被茂盛,但是17世纪末以后,它逐渐演变退化为一个典型的热带山地萨王纳类型。本研究旨在阐明元江干热河谷低海拔地带典型干热区植物的多样性及其分布状况,从而深入了解气温、降水、地下水等主要的环境因子对植物种类及种群的影响以及植物对干热环境的适应,以及植物种类及其组成对元江干热河谷环境的指示作用。考察的主要指标包括物种多样性α,生境多样性β,物种期望值Species_estimated,稀有指数SingletonsUniques,以及物种丰富度指数ACEICEChao2等。结果显示:(1)在不同的样带设计中,以紧靠河流的样带和样方(< 25 m) α多样性高,远离河道则逐渐变小。(2)在平行于河道的L样带,随着沿河流从上游向下游延伸,β多样性变化趋势明显,Bray-Curtis < 0.500;而在垂直于河道的P样带,随着环境干热化加剧及河道渗水的急剧减少,生境趋同性明显,Bray-Curtis > 0.500。(3)总体趋势上,干热河谷低海拔地带的植物对水分的依赖性表现得相当明显,在紧靠河道的样带,以及河流下游河漫滩发育地区,物种期望值Species_estimated、稀有种指数SingletonsUniques以及物种丰富度指数ACE,ICEChao2都明显偏高。本研究研究证明干热河谷低海拔地区存在特殊水热条件,影响植物的种类和分布,同时阐明了干热河谷低海拔地区植物多样性及种类分布与河道周边的小生境密切相关,为脆弱生态环境环境变化监测提供建议。  相似文献   
Culture-based fisheries (CBF) are increasingly accepted as strategies for enhancing inland fisheries, especially in tropical Asia. In Sri Lanka, CBF development in irrigation reservoirs has gained momentum due to concerted efforts of government fisheries authorities for inland fisheries enhancement. In the present study, production trends of five irrigation reservoirs of Sri Lanka before and after the introduction of CBF were investigated and apparently optimal CBF yields were not realised. Hence, the stochastic frontier production function (SFPF) was employed to quantify technical efficiencies (TE) of CBF. For each reservoir, annual averages of input data from 2005 to 2018 (14 years) were used in the TE analysis. Hence, total sample size for estimation of SFPF was 70. Although CBF production gradually increased in all five reservoirs from 2005 to 2018, there were substantial variations of total fish production across the reservoirs. The SFPF indicated that CBF production could be further increased through more efficient management of inputs (i.e. number of fishers, mean number of fishing days per year and stocking density).  相似文献   
Effects of soil amendment with crabshell chitin on the growth of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and on populations of soil bacteria, fungi, and plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes were investigated in a pot trial. Five soil samples were collected from Te Puke (Paengaroa Shallow Sand, a Typic Hapludand) and five from Hamilton (Bruntwood silt loam, an Aquic Hapludand), New Zealand. Subsamples of each soil were either amended with chitin or unamended and planted with white clover and ryegrass. The ryegrass shoot weight in amended soil was greater (P<0.01), most probably due to N mineralised from chitin. A significantly lower (P<0.01) root: shoot ratio of ryegrass in the amended soil also suggested improved N availability, and therefore less root mass was needed to support a given shoot mass. A reduction in nodulation was observed in 12-day-old white clover seedlings (P<0.05) and also in 6-week-old seedlings (P<0.01). The shoot weight of white clover was significantly lower (P<0.05) in amended soil, possibly due to phytotoxic effects of chitin. Chitin increased (P<0.01) the populations of bacteria and fungi by 13-fold and 2.5-fold, respectively. The cyst nematode of white clover, Heterodera trifolii, was significantly reduced in chitin-amended soil, possibly due to increased levels of chitinase produced by rhizosphere microorganisms. Two other plant-parasitic nematodes, Pratylenchus spp. and Tylenchus spp., were also reduced in ryegrass roots and in soil as a result of the chitin amendment. However, the total number of free-living nematodes increased 5.4-fold in amended soil.  相似文献   
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