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Correlations between leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]), stomatal conductance (gs), rate of stomatal opening in response to an increase in leaf water potential (si), shoot hydraulic conductance (L) and photosynthetic characteristics were examined in saplings of six temperate deciduous tree species: Acer platanoides L., Padus avium Mill., Populus tremula L., Quercus robur L., Salix caprea L. and Tilia cordata Mill. Species-specific values of foliar [ABA] were negatively related to the mean values of gs, si, L and light- and CO2- saturated net photosynthesis (P(max)), thus providing strong correlative evidence of a scaling of foliar gas exchange and hydraulic characteristics with leaf endogenous [ABA]. In addition, we suggest that mean gs, si, L and Pmax for mature leaves may partly be determined by the species-specific [ABA] during leaf growth. The most drought-intolerant species had the lowest [ABA] and the highest gs, suggesting that interspecific differences in [ABA] may be linked to differences in species-specific water-use efficiency. Application of high concentrations of exogenous ABA led to large decreases in gs, si and P(max), further underscoring the direct role of ABA in regulating stomatal opening and photosynthetic rate. Exogenous ABA also decreased L, but the decreases were considerably smaller than the decreases in gs, si and Pmax. Thus, exogenous ABA predominantly affected the stomata directly, but modification of L by ABA may also be an important mechanism of ABA action. We conclude that interspecific variability in endogenous [ABA] during foliage growth and in mature leaves provides an important factor explaining observed differences in L, gs, si and Pmax among temperate deciduous tree species.  相似文献   
Foliar biomass investment in support and assimilative compartments was studied in four temperate deciduous tree species along a natural light gradient across the canopy. The species ranked according to shade tolerance as Betula pendula Roth. < Populus tremula L. < Fraxinus excelsior L. < Tilia cordata Mill. Long-term light conditions at sampling locations were characterized as seasonal mean integrated quantum flux density (Q(int), mol m(-2) day(-1)) estimated by a method combining hemispherical photography and light measurements with quantum sensors. Leaf morphology was altered by Q(int) in all species. Both lamina and petiole dry mass per lamina area (LMA and PMA, respectively) increased with increasing Q(int). Shade-tolerant species had lower LMA at low Q(int) than shade-intolerant species; however, PMA was not related to shade tolerance. Across species, the ratio of petiole dry mass to lamina dry mass (PMR) varied from 0.07 to 0.21. It was independent of Q(int) in the simple-leaved species, but decreased with increasing Q(int) in the compound-leaved F. excelsior, which also had the largest foliar biomass investment in petioles. Differences in leaf mass and area, ranging over four orders of magnitude, provided an explanation for the interspecific variability in PMR. Species with large leaves also had greater biomass investments in foliar support than species with smaller leaves. This relationship was similar for both simple- and compound-leaved species. There was a negative relationship between PMR and petiole N concentration, suggesting that petioles had greater carbon assimilation rates and paid back a larger fraction of their construction cost in species with low PMR than in species with high PMR. This was probably the result of a negative relationship between PMR and petiole surface to volume ratio. Nevertheless, petioles had lower concentrations of mineral nutrients than laminas. Across species, the ratio of petiole N to lamina N varied from only 3 to 6%, demonstrating that petiole costs are less in terms of nutrients than in terms of total biomass, and that the petiole contribution to carbon assimilation is disproportionately lower than that of the lamina contribution.  相似文献   
Foliar light-saturated net assimilation rates (A) generally decrease with increasing tree height (H) and tree age (Y), but it is unclear whether the decline in A is attributable to size- and age-related modifications in foliage morphology (needle dry mass per unit projected area; M(A)), nitrogen concentration, stomatal conductance to water vapor (G), or biochemical foliage potentials for photosynthesis (maximum carboxylase activity of Rubisco; V(cmax)). I studied the influences of H and Y on foliage structure and function in a data set consisting of 114 published studies reporting observations on more than 200 specimens of various height and age of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. In this data set, foliar nitrogen concentrations were independent of H and Y, but net assimilation rates per unit needle dry mass (A(M)) decreased strongly with increasing H and Y. Although M(A) scaled positively with H and Y, net assimilation rates per unit area (A(A) = M(A) x A(M)) were strongly and negatively related to H, indicating that the structural adjustment of needles did not compensate for the decline in mass-based needle photosynthetic rates. A relevant determinant of tree height- and age-dependent modifications of A was the decrease in G. This led to lower needle intercellular CO2 concentrations and thereby to lower efficiency with which the biochemical photosynthetic apparatus functioned. However, V(cmax) per unit needle dry mass and area strongly decreased with increasing H, indicating that foliar photosynthetic potentials were lower in larger trees at a common intercellular CO2 concentration. Given the constancy of foliar nitrogen concentrations, but the large decline in apparent V(cmax) with tree size and age, I hypothesize that the decline in Vcmax results from increasing diffusive resistances between the needle intercellular air space and carboxylation sites in chloroplasts. Increased diffusive limitations may be the inevitable consequence of morphological adaptation (changes in M(A) and needle density) to greater water stress in needles of larger trees. Foliage structural and physiological variables were nonlinearly related to H and Y, possibly because of hyperbolic decreases in shoot hydraulic conductances with increasing tree height and age. Although H and Y were correlated, foliar characteristics were generally more strongly related to H than to Y, suggesting that increases in height rather than age are responsible for declines in foliar net assimilation capacities.  相似文献   
Shoot architecture may significantly alter mean quantum flux on foliage and thus, photosynthetic productivity. There is currently only limited information about plastic alterations in shoot structure caused by within-canopy variation in mean integrated irradiance (Q(int)) in broad-leaved trees. We studied leaf and shoot structure, and nitrogen and carbon content in late-successional, widely distributed, temperate, broad-leaved Nothofagus taxa to determine the architectural controls on light harvesting and photosynthetic performance. Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oersted has larger leaves and less densely leaved shoots than the N. solandri varieties. Nothofagus solandri var. solandri (Hook. f.) Oersted is characterized by rounder leaves that potentially have a larger overlap than the ovate-triangular leaves of N. solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole. Leaf dry mass (M(A)) and nitrogen content (N(A)) per unit area increased with increasing Q(int) in all species, demonstrating enhanced investment of photosynthetic biomass in high light. Although M(A) differed between species at a common irradiance, there was a uniform relationship between N(A) and Q(int) across species. Leaf carbon content per dry mass and leaf dry mass to fresh mass ratio also scaled positively with irradiance, suggesting greater structural investments in high light. In all species, shoots became more horizontal and flatter at lower Q(int), implying an enhanced use efficiency of direct irradiance in natural leaf positions. In contrast, irradiance effects on leaf aggregation varied among species. Across the data, leaf overlap or leaf area density was often greater at lower irradiances, possibly as a result of limited carbon availability for shoot axis extension growth. In N. fusca, leaves of which were more aggregated in high light, the shoot silhouette to total leaf area ratio (S(S)) declined strongly with increasing irradiance, demonstrating a lower light harvesting efficiency at high Q(int). This effect was only moderate in N. solandri var. cliffortioides and S(S) was independent of Q(int) in N. solandri var. solandri. Although the efficiency of light interception at high irradiances was lowest in N. fusca, this species had the greatest nitrogen content per unit shoot silhouette area (2N(A)/S(S)), indicating superior shoot-level photosynthetic potential. These data collectively demonstrate that shoot architecture significantly affects light interception and photosynthesis in broad-leaved trees, and that structural carbon limitations may constrain leaf light harvesting efficiency at low irradiance.  相似文献   
Since mint oil is used as a flavouring agent for foods and cosmetics, pesticide residues in the oil are undesirable. The residual behaviour of two pesticides, phorate and methomyl, was studied as replacements for chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides which leave residues in the oil. Phorate applications of 1.1 kg/ha resulted in oil residues of 0.24 mg/kg total phorate in Oregon samples and 1.69 mg/kg in Washington samples. Less than 1% of the residues in the hay distilled with the oil. Mint oil undergoes a 100- to 1000-fold dilution in commercial use with a corresponding reduction of residues in the final product. No residues of methomyl were found in the oil, even with hay residues as high as 5.34 mg/kg. Residues in hay decreased to half of initial levels in 2 to 4 days, independently of use conditions. It was concluded that the proposed use of phorate or methomyl for control of mint pests does not present a residue hazard. Details of the analytical methods used are also presented.  相似文献   
Plant canopies are characterized by huge within-canopy gradients in environmental and physiological characteristics, but distributions of foliage photosynthetic capacity in plant canopies do not follow simple optimality criteria. Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the lack of "optimality", including missing physiological and structural constraints and/or missing fundamental relationships. In this issue, Dewar et al. (2012) highlight important optimality constraints due to finite minimum leaf dry mass per unit area the plants can achieve, while Peltoniemi et al. (2012) proposes that limited acclimation of hydraulic conductance to within-canopy light conditions is a key missing factor in canopy optimality. This commentary advocates that future large-scale model exercises need to introduce more realism in model predictions both by including hydraulic controls as well as consider additional constraints shaping foliage structure, chemistry and physiological activity.  相似文献   
Maximum Rubisco activities (V(cmax)), rates of photosynthetic electron transport (J(max)), and leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were studied along a light gradient in the canopies of four temperate deciduous species differing in shade tolerance according to the ranking: Populus tremula L. < Fraxinus excelsior L. < Tilia cordata Mill. = Corylus avellana L. Long-term light environment at the canopy sampling locations was characterized by the fractional penetration of irradiance in the photosynthetically active spectral region (I(sum)). We used a process-based model to distinguish among photosynthesis limitations resulting from variability in fractional nitrogen investments in Rubisco (P(R)), bioenergetics (P(B), N in rate-limiting proteins of photosynthetic electron transport) and light harvesting machinery (P(L), N in chlorophyll and thylakoid chlorophyll-protein complexes). On an area basis, V(cmax) and J(max) (V(a) (cmax) and J(a) (max)) increased with increasing growth irradiance in all species, and the span of variation within species ranged from two (T. cordata) to ten times (C. avellana). Examination of mass-based V(cmax) and J(max) (V(m) (cmax) and J(m) (max)) demonstrated that the positive relationships between area-based quantities and relative irradiance mostly resulted from the scaling of leaf dry mass per area (M(A)) with irradiance. Although V(m) (cmax) and J(m) (max) were positively related to growth irradiance in C. avellana, and J(m) (max) was positively related to irradiance in P. tremula, the variation range was only a factor of two. Moreover, V(m) (cmax) and J(m) (max) were negatively correlated with relative irradiance in T. cordata. Rubisco activity in crude leaf extracts generally paralleled the gas-exchange data, but it was independent of light in T. cordata, suggesting that declining V(m) (cmax) with increasing relative irradiance was related to increasing diffusive resistances from the intercellular air spaces to the sites of carboxylation in this species. Because irradiance had little effect on foliar nitrogen concentration, the relationships of P(B) and P(R) with irradiance were similar to those of V(m) (cmax) and J(m) (max). Shade-intolerant species tended to have greater P(B) and P(R) and also larger V(a) (cmax) and J(a) (max) than more shade-tolerant species. However, for the whole material, P(B) and P(R) varied only about 50%, whereas V(a) (cmax) and J(a) (max) varied more than 15-fold, further emphasizing the importance of leaf anatomical plasticity in determining photosynthetic acclimation to high irradiance. Leaf chlorophyll concentrations and fractional nitrogen investments in light harvesting increased hyperbolically with decreasing irradiance to improve quantum use efficiency for incident irradiance. The effect of irradiance on P(L) was of the same order as its effect in the opposite direction on M(A), leading to either a constant model estimate of leaf absorptance with I(sum) or a slightly positive correlation. We conclude that leaf morphological plasticity is a more relevant determinant of foliage adaptation to high irradiance than foliage biochemical properties, whereas biochemical adaptation to low irradiance is of the same magnitude as the anatomical adjustments. Although shade-tolerant species did not have greater chlorophyll concentrations and P(L) than shade-intolerant species, they possessed lower M(A), and could maintain a more extensive foliar display for light capture with constant biomass investment in leaves.  相似文献   
Leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf)) and several characteristics of hydraulic architecture and physiology were measured during the first 10 weeks of leaf ontogeny in Populus tremula L. saplings growing under control, mild water deficit or elevated temperature conditions. During the initial 3 weeks of leaf ontogeny, most measured characteristics rapidly increased. Thereafter, a gradual decrease in K(leaf) was correlated with a decrease in leaf osmotic potential under all conditions, and with increases in leaf dry mass per area and bulk modulus of elasticity under mild water deficit and control conditions. From about Week 3 onward, K(leaf) was 33% lower in trees subjected to mild water deficit and 33% higher in trees held at an elevated temperature relative to control trees. Mild water deficit and elevated temperature treatment had significant and opposite effects on most of the other characteristics measured. The ontogenetic maximum in K(leaf) was correlated positively with the width of xylem conduits in the midrib, but negatively with the overall width of the midrib xylem, number of lateral ribs, leaf dry mass per area and bulk modulus of elasticity. The ontogenetic maximum in K(leaf) was also correlated positively with the proportion of intercellular spaces and leaf osmotic potential, but negatively with leaf thickness, volume of mesophyll cells and epidermis and number of cells per total mesophyll cell volume, the closest relationships being between leaf osmotic potential and number of cells per total mesophyll cell volume. It was concluded that differences in protoplast traits are more important than differences in xylem or parenchymal cell wall traits in determining the variability in K(leaf) among leaves growing under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Niinemets U  Tamm U 《Tree physiology》2005,25(8):1001-1014
Extensive variation in fractional resorption of mineral elements from plant leaves is still not fully understood. In multi-species forest stands, species leaf fall phenology and leaf constitution may significantly modify the timing of nutrient return to the soil and overall plant nutrient loss. We studied leaf fall and nutrient loss kinetics, and leaf composition in three natural, temperate, deciduous broadleaf forest stands to determine the role of timing of leaf abscission and nutrient immobilization in cell walls on nutrient resorption efficiency of senescing leaves. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus and potassium contents decreased continuously in attached leaves after peak physiological activity during mid-season. Changes in nutrient contents of attached leaves were paralleled by decreases in nutrient contents in freshly fallen leaf litter. In different species and for different nutrients, resorption of nutrients from senescing leaves proceeded with different kinetics. The maximum nutrient resorption efficiency (the fraction of specific nutrient resorbed from the leaves at the end of leaf fall) did not depend on the mid-seasonal nutrient concentration. Species with earlier leaf fall resorbed leaf nutrients at a faster rate, partly compensating for the earlier leaf fall. Nevertheless, the litter-mass weighted mean nutrient contents in leaf litter were still larger in species with earlier leaf fall, demonstrating an inherent trade-off between early leaf fall and efficient nutrient resorption. This trade-off was most important for N. Losses of the non-mobile nutrients calcium and magnesium were unaffected by the timing of leaf fall. There was large variation in the maximum N resorption efficiency among species. Correlations among leaf chemical variables suggested that the maximum N resorption efficiency decreased with the increasing fraction of cell walls in the leaves, possibly due to a greater fraction of N occluded in cell wall matrix. We conclude that species leaf fall phenology and leaf chemistry modify the timing and quantities of plant nutrient losses, and that more diverse forest stands supporting a spectrum of species with different phenologies and leaf types produce litter with more variable chemical characteristics than monotypic stands.  相似文献   
Differences in structural and nonstructural carbohydrates, lignin and chlorophyll, and Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) activity between petioles and leaflets were studied along a canopy light gradient in Fraxinus excelsior L., which has pinnate compound leaves and up to 20% of foliar biomass invested in petioles. Long-term light conditions at the sampling locations were characterized by values of seasonal mean integrated quantum flux density (Q(int), mol m(-2) day(-1)) estimated by combining data from hemispherical photographs at the sampling locations with measurements of global solar radiation above the canopy during the growing season. The contribution of petioles to leaf carbon assimilation was disproportionally lower than that of leaf laminas. Though the light relationships of assimilative compounds-foliar chlorophyll concentration increasing with decreasing Q(int) to improve leaf absorptance, foliar N concentration and Rubisco activity being relatively constant along the light gradient-were similar for both petioles and leaflets, petiole nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were only 30% and 10%, respectively, of those of leaflets. Nonstructural carbohydrate concentration was about 20% higher in petioles than in leaf laminas, indicating that petioles also serve as storage tissues for photosynthates. Relationships between foliar structural carbon components and irradiance-increasing lignin (L) and decreasing structural polysaccharide (SP) concentrations with increasing Q(int)-were qualitatively similar for petioles and leaflets. However, petioles had lower L, but higher SP and total investment in structural compounds (L + SP) than leaflets. Greater lignification at high irradiances in leaflets than in petioles was attributed to greater water stresses at high light, and to more variable water contents of actively transpiring leaflets. Low lignin concentration in combination with high osmotically active carbohydrate concentrations in petioles suggest that turgor plays an important role in the mechanical properties of petioles. As a result of lower lignin and protein concentrations, the glucose cost of petiole construction (g glucose per g dry mass) was about 5% lower than that of leaf laminas.  相似文献   
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