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The fuelling performance of long-distance migrants at staging areas indicates local conditions and determines the viability of migration routes. Here we present a first case study where long-term fuelling performance was documented along two migration routes with differential population trends. Ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) are shorebirds of inland freshwater wetlands that migrate from the sub-Saharan wintering grounds, via Europe, to the northern Eurasian breeding grounds. Assessments from 2001 to 2008 of fuelling during northward migration at the major western and eastern staging site revealed that daily mass gain rates steeply declined across years in the grasslands for dairy production in Friesland, The Netherlands, and remained constant in the Pripyat floodplains in Belarus, 1500 km further east. Migrants in Friesland decreased from 2001 to 2010 by 66%, amounting to a loss of 21,000 individuals when counts were adjusted for length of stay as determined by resightings. In the same period numbers in Pripyat increased by 12,000. Ruffs individually ringed in Friesland were resighted in subsequent springs at increasingly eastern sites including Pripyat. Our results corroborate published evidence for an eastward redistribution of Arctic breeding ruffs and suggest that the decreasing fuelling rates in the westernmost staging area contribute to this redistribution. The shift implies that responses occur within a single generation. The hypothesis that the choice of route during northward migration may be driven by food availability can now be tested by creating greater areas of wet grasslands in Friesland. When local staging conditions improve we predict that ruffs will make the reverse shift.  相似文献   
Mass mortality of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) was observed in winter 1999/2000 in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Approximately 21,000 common eiders died. Dissected birds were severely emaciated and 94% were infected with the acanthocephalan parasite Profilicollis botulus. Green shore crabs (Carcinus maenas), intermediate hosts of the parasite, were slightly more ‘available’ than in other years, but parasite infections in the eiders were close to normal. Few eiders were oiled (5%), there were no toxicological, bacteriological, or virological explanations for the observed mortality.In the Wadden Sea, a wetland of international importance, mussel (Mytilus edulis) cultures occur in sublittoral areas, while mechanical cockle (Cerastoderma edule) fisheries are licensed annually after evaluation of available resources. The wintering eiders in 1999/2000 required c. 3.1 million kg ash-free dry mass, while information on mussel and cockle stocks (irrespective of accessibility and profitability) suggested a resource 4.7× the requirement of common eiders only. Food shortage is suggested to have caused the observed mortality, involving both principal (mussels and cockles) and secondary (Spisula) prey.Winter census reports showed shifts in wintering distribution of common eiders in the 1990s, indicating the utilisation of Spisula in the North Sea in poor food years in the Wadden Sea. Following particularly intense fisheries in summer 1999, attempts to feed on Spisula in winter 1999/2000 failed. It is hypothesised that overfishing of mussels and cockles in the Wadden Sea in the early 1990s resulted in structurally reduced food resources, contractions of the foraging area of common eiders, and increased use of secondary prey in the North Sea.  相似文献   
High tides force shorebirds from their intertidal feeding areas to refuges known as roosts. This paper explores the energetic costs of roost disturbance of great knot (Calidris tenuirostris) and red knot (C. canutus) at Roebuck Bay, North-western Australia, assessing disturbance levels at different roost sites through direct observation and automatic radio-telemetry, and applying physiological equations and predictive roost choice models to estimate energetic costs of disturbance through a complete tidal cycle. The study area had a variety of roosts, but use of each was constrained by conditions of tide and time. The roost most suitable for shorebirds on daytime high tides of intermediate height experienced high levels of disturbance from both natural sources (birds of prey) and humans. Flight costs caused by disturbance at this site exceeded the costs of flying to and roosting at the nearest alternative roost, 25 km away. However, shorebirds did not roost at the alternate site, possibly because of the risk of heat stress in a prolonged flight in tropical conditions. Increases in disturbance levels at just one of the roost sites of Roebuck Bay would increase energetic costs substantially, and could easily reach the point at which feeding areas accessed from this roost cannot be used without incurring a net energy deficit. Roost availability can therefore limit access to feeding areas and hence limit population size. Adequate provision and management of roost sites is accordingly an important consideration in conservation of sites used by coastal shorebirds.  相似文献   
Seagrasses evolved from terrestrial plants into marine foundation species around 100 million years ago. Their ecological success, however, remains a mystery because natural organic matter accumulation within the beds should result in toxic sediment sulfide levels. Using a meta-analysis, a field study, and a laboratory experiment, we reveal how an ancient three-stage symbiosis between seagrass, lucinid bivalves, and their sulfide-oxidizing gill bacteria reduces sulfide stress for seagrasses. We found that the bivalve-sulfide-oxidizer symbiosis reduced sulfide levels and enhanced seagrass production as measured in biomass. In turn, the bivalves and their endosymbionts profit from organic matter accumulation and radial oxygen release from the seagrass roots. These findings elucidate the long-term success of seagrasses in warm waters and offer new prospects for seagrass ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   
The tyrosine-containing peptide Gly-Tyr-Gly (GYG) was oxidatively cross-linked by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. As products, covalently coupled di- to pentamers of the peptide were identified by LC-MS. Oxidative cross-linking of ferulic acid with horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide resulted in the formation of dehydrodimers. Kinetic studies of conversion rates of either the peptide or ferulic acid revealed conditions that allow formation of heteroadducts of GYG and ferulic acid. To a GYG-containing incubation mixture was added ferulic acid in small aliquots, therewith keeping the molar ratio of the substrates favorable for hetero-cross-linking. This resulted in a predominant product consisting of two ferulic acid molecules dehydrogenatively linked to a single peptide and, furthermore, two ferulic acids linked to peptide oligomers, ranging from dimers to pentamers. Also, mono- and dimers of the peptide were linked to one molecule of ferulic acid. A mechanism explaining the formation of all these products is proposed.  相似文献   
Protease inhibitors from potato juice of cv. Elkana were purified and quantified. The protease inhibitors represent ca. 50% of the total soluble proteins in potato juice. The protease inhibitors were classified into seven different families: potato inhibitor I (PI-1), potato inhibitor II (PI-2), potato cysteine protease inhibitor (PCPI), potato aspartate protease inhibitor (PAPI), potato Kunitz-type protease inhibitor (PKPI), potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI), and "other serine protease inhibitors". The most abundant families were the PI-2 and PCPI families, representing 22 and 12% of all proteins in potato juice, respectively. Potato protease inhibitors show a broad spectrum of enzyme inhibition. All the families (except PCI) inhibited trypsin and/or chymotrypsin. PI-2 isoforms exhibit 82 and 50% of the total trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibiting activity, respectively. A strong variation within the latter activities was shown within one family and between protease inhibitor families.  相似文献   

Six strains of entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema glaseri (Steiner) (Biosys #326, nc 34, gb), S. feltiae = bibionis (Filipjev) (Biosys #349), S. carpocapsae Weiser (Biosys #25) and Heterorhabditis zealandica Poinar, were evaluated in laboratory tests against taro beetles, Papuana uninodis Prell. Larvae of this species and adult Papuana Arrow spp. were found to be susceptible to entomopathogenic nematodes. The best results were obtained with S. glaseri #326 in larval and adult P. uninodis . The dose causing 50% mortality (LD ) for third instar P. uninodis larvae in Petri dish assays ranged from almost 7000 nematodes/larva for 1 days exposure to less than 250 nematodes/larva for 6 days; in pot assays the concentration causing 50% mortality (LC ) in 2 weeks was 1.4 106 nematodes/m2. For 50 adults in Petri dishes with soil, the LD was ca 20 000 nematodes/ 50 adult for 1 weeks exposure and ca 6000 nematodes/adult for 3 weeks. In pot assays the LC was 2.5 106 nematodes/m2 in 3 weeks. 50 Preliminary tests showed that P. huebneri (Fairmaire) and P. woodlarkiana laevipennis Arrow adults were also most susceptible to S. glaseri #326. A field test on adults Papuana uninodis did not result in damage reduction but served to illustrate the practical difficulties of applying nematodes in remote areas. 50  相似文献   
To study the incomplete enzymatic extractability of proteins and carbohydrates of thermally treated soybean meals, one unheated and three heat-treated soybean meals were produced. To obtain truly enzyme-resistant material, the meals were extracted by a repeated hydrolysis procedure using excessive concentrations of different combinations of commercial protease and carbohydrase preparations. The water extractability of protein from the different meals varied considerably (13-67%). For all soybean meals, enzymatic treatment extracted most of the original protein (89-94%). Carbohydrase preparations did not improve protein extraction. High-humidity heat treatment led to a more effective enzymatic extraction, which seemed to correlate with the extent of protein denaturation. Results with purified proteins indicated that the soybean meal matrix affects the enzymatic extraction of protein from the meals. Interactions between protein and other components (e.g., cellulose) may explain the incomplete enzymatic extractability of protein from the meals.  相似文献   
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