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Poultry manure (PM) has been traditionally applied to crops for decades as an organic fertilizer, because it is a good and balanced source of plant nutrients. Its effect on plant growth and yield has been widely investigated and is well known. However, there has been little effort to relate elemental compositions of the manure applied to their concentrations in the plants. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of PM on the growth, and essential and non-essential element composition of pepper (Capsicum annuum) leaves and also fruits. Pepper plants were grown in soil with 0, 10, 20, and 40 g kg?1 PM under greenhouse conditions. Concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), chloride (Cl), nickel (Ni), bromine (Br), rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), lanthanum (La), and cerium (Ce) in leaves at the flowering stage and in fruits were determined by polarized energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (PEDXRF). Poultry manure fertilization significantly improved pepper shoot growth and also fruit yield, and increased leaf and fruit P concentrations but not N, K, Mg, Si, Al, Ni, and Fe. Leaf Ca was significantly reduced by increased rate of PM application. Applied PM increased the concentrations of leaf and fruit Zn and Cl. Poultry manure applications had a positive effect on the concentrations of leaf Cu, and fruit Mn. The concentrations of Rb and Ce in fruits and Br in fruit and leaves were increased by PM treatments. Applied PM levels had no clear effect on the concentrations of Ba and La in pepper leaves. The leaf Ba was the highest with 10 g kg?1 PM, and leaf La was higher in 20 and 40 g kg?1 PM treatments than in the control.  相似文献   
Effects of diatomite on soil physical properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organic and inorganic soil amendments are commonly added to soil for improving its physical and chemical characteristics which promote plant growth. Although many inorganic amendments are extensively used for this purpose, diatomite (DE) is not commonly used. This study was conducted to determine effects of diatomite applications (10, 20, and 30% v/v) on physical characteristics of soils with different textures (Sandy Loam, Loam, and Clay), under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that diatomite application protects large aggregate (> 6.4 mm) formation in clay-textured soils, however it reduced the mean weight diameter in sand-textured soil. 30% diatomite reduced mean weight diameter in sand-textured soils from 1.74 to 1.49 mm. Diatomite applications significantly increased aggregate stability of all the experimental soils in all aggregate size fractions. In overall, aggregate stability increased from 28.04% to 45.70% with the application rate of 30%. Diatomite application also significantly increased soil moisture content at field capacity in SL textured soil. 30% diatomite increased field capacity in sand-textured soil in the percent of 43.78 as compared with control. Therefore it is suggested that diatomite may be considered as a soil amendment agent for improving soil physical characteristics. However, its effectiveness in enhancing soil properties depends on initial soil factors and texture. Moreover, since its protective effect against large aggregate (> 6.4 mm) formation and reducing effect on soil penetration resistance in clay textured soils, diatomite might be an alternative soil amendment agent in soil tillage practices and seedling.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of 38 cultivated populations of Sesamum indicum L. from four different regions of Turkey was estimated at the DNA level with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Sixty-one bands were obtained for all populations 78% of which were polymorphic. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to investigate the genetic diversity of the populations which yielded highly significant differences among populations within regions (91.9% of the total genetic diversity). According to AMOVA and Shannon's index that were performed separately for each region, the highest value of genetic variation was observed among Northwest region populations (CV = 7.7; H0 = 0.304) and lowest in the Southeast regions' populations (CV = 2.6; H0 = 0.068). Nei and Li's similarity index was calculated and phylogenetic tree was established using the neighbor-joining algorithm. This phenetic analysis grouped 35 of 38 accessions in six groups leaving three highly diverse accessions outside. Wagner phylogenetic method was used to assess the phylogenetic relationships among the populations. In the majority-rule consensus tree, only 7 of the 32 forks showed above 60% occurrence. Using Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) of the RAPD data set, the groups were clearly separated along the first three axis. These results indicate that RAPD technique is useful for sesame systematics, and should be valuable for the maintenance of germplasm banks and the efficient choice of parents in breeding programs.  相似文献   
The use of pyrolysis products of manures gives positive effects on soil fertility, crop productivity and soil carbon sequestration. However, effects depend on soil characteristics, plant species and the raw material from which the biochar is derived, and some negative effects of biochar have been reported. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of poultry manure (PM)‐derived biochar on the growth, and P, N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn concentration of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plant. The treatments as follows: control, 20 g/kg poultry manure (PM), 20 g/kg phosphorus‐enriched poultry manure (PM+P), 10 g/kg Biochar (B), 10 g/kg Biochar+P (B+P). Application of biochar and PM significantly increased lettuce growth, and P‐enriched forms of PM and biochar gave the higher growth. PM has no significant effect on the N concentrations but biochar and, P‐enriched PM and biochar treatments significantly increased N concentrations. Phosphorus concentration of the lettuce leaves significantly increased by PM and biochar treatments. Plant K concentrations were also increased by PM and biochar, and their P‐enriched forms. Leaf Ca and Mg concentrations were lower in Biochar and B+P treatments than that of PM and PM+P treatments. Compared to control and PM treatments, biochar applications reduced Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations of the lettuce plants. The results of this study indicated that application of biochar to alkaline soil is beneficial for crop growth and N, P and K nutrition, but it certainly reduced Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn nutrition of lettuce.  相似文献   
Abstract. Soil removed on sugarbeet ( Beta vulgaris L .) at harvest may be an important factor in soil degradation causing significant decline in soil productivity. This study evaluated soil losses on sugarbeet and estimated the cost of plant nutrients lost by this process. The losses were calculated using data from the agricultural reports published by the General Directorate of the Turkish Sugar Industry. Organic matter and plant available nutrient contents of soils removed from sugarbeet fields were determined. It was estimated that approximately 30 000 t of soil is lost annually in Erzurum, and 1.2 million t in the whole of Turkey. The cost of N, P and K losses is approximately 60 000 US$ annually for the study area.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of consecutive application of gypsum dissolved in leaching water on hydraulic conductivity of a saline‐sodic soil. Drainage type plastic columns with a 10 cm diameter were used in this laboratory experiment. Soil depth within columns was 30 cm with an average bulk density of 1.38 g cm–3. Leaching water was applied in six equal portions. Total gypsum was applied at 1, 3, and 5 portions after dissolving in leaching water. In dissolution, equal (1.273 + 1.273 + 1.273 Mg ha–1), increasing (0.637 + 1.273 + 1.910 Mg ha–1) and decreasing (1.910 + 1.273 + 0.637 Mg ha–1) quantities of gypsum were used. Results were compared with the control treatment, in which total amount of gypsum were mixed with surface layer of soil column before leaching. Hydraulic conductivity of soil increased in all treatments. The maximum hydraulic conductivity value was obtained at consecutive application of gypsum at decreasing quantities.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is one of the least available mineral nutrients to the plants in calcareous and alkaline soils. In this study, we investigated the synthesis, characterization and use of synthetic nano-hydroxyapatite (NHA), P uptake by plants as well as its residual effects. Soluble P source (H3PO4) was also included as treatment for comparison. NHA prepared by wet chemical techniques, characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and elemental dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. NHA and H3PO4 were applied at a rate of 200 mg kg?1 to find out their effects on phosphorus nutrition and growth of lettuce on the low and high calcareous soil. In addition to this, residual effects of NHA and H3PO4 were also determined for lettuce plants grown after first lettuce plants in the both soil. Dry weights of the first and second lettuce plants grown in low and high calcareous soil were significantly increased by applied phosphorus regardless of the source. NHA seems to be more effective than that of ordinary phosphorus source (H3PO4-P) on growth and P concentration of the lettuce plants. The promising results of this study needs to be supported with long term field studies regarding the uptake, translocation and interactions of nano-P with the other elements.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the body condition score (BCS) of ewes before and during the mating season on their reproductive performance under an extensive production system. In this study, 240 Kivircik sheep from the flocks of two breeders were used for over a 2-year period. The flocks were fed under extensive conditions on natural pastures throughout the year. The ewes were synchronized in two different periods, one of which was 45 days before the other. Before the introduction of rams to the ewes, the ewes were weighed after measuring their BCS. Detailed records were kept for every flock in each year. We found significant effects of BCS on pregnancy rate, lambing rate (P < 0.05) and fecundity (P < 0.05). The BCS for the highest pregnancy, lambing rate, and fecundity was determined between 2.01 and 3.00, while the lowest rates for these traits were ≤1.50. The highest rates of the pregnancy rate, lambing rate, and fecundity and gestation productivity were 75.9%, 70.9%, 1.11 and 3.34 kg, respectively.  相似文献   
The effect of pyrolysis temperature on the nutritional quality of agricultural biochar is unclear, so better understanding of its properties and how it affects soil nutrient availability and plant growth is needed. Biochars obtained at different pyrolysis temperatures (250, 300, 350 and 400 °C) were characterized by thermogravimetric analyser and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Biochars were applied at a rate of 10 g/kg to find out their effects on the mineral nutrition and growth of lettuce. The experimental results suggested that high biochar temperatures caused oxidation of the mineral elements, breaking of C–C and C–H bonds and removal of aliphatic and peptide groups from the pyrolysed materials. The total concentrations of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and boron (B) were increased by increasing pyrolysis temperatures, although water‐soluble concentrations of those elements were greatly reduced (with the exception of K and B). Compared to the control, dry weights of lettuce and maize crops were significantly increased by the biochar treatments obtained at 300 and 350 °C. Biochar treatments significantly increased the P and K concentrations of both plants compared to the control, while concentrations of Ca and Mg in lettuce plants were decreased. Iron, Mn and B concentration of the lettuce plants were reduced and Zn concentration of maize increased by the biochar treatments. It was concluded that in terms of an agricultural product, biochars produced at low temperature are better.  相似文献   
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