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In 2013, we re-inventoried all lianas(C1 cm diameter measured at 1.3 m from the rooting point) in four1-ha permanent plots distributed one each in four sites of inland tropical dry evergreen forest on the Coromandel Coast(Pudukottai district) of peninsular India, established in 2003. Among the four sites, Shanmuganathapuram(SP)and Araiyapatti(AP) were much disturbed and the other two sites(Karisakkadu—KR and Maramadakki—MM)were moderately disturbed. We inventoried a total of 3425 lianas representing 37 species of 33 genera and 22 families.Over a decade(2003–2013) liana species richness increased at two sites(MM and SP) and no changes occurred at the other two sites. Liana abundance increased by 210, 211, 164 and 162 individuals at sites AP, KR, MM and SP, respectively, and basal area increased(from 1.09 to1.76 m2 at AP, 0.67 to 0.86 m2 at KR, 1.68 to 2.06 m2 at MM, and from 0.44 to 1.06 m2 at SP). Over a 10-year period, three species(Abrus precatorius, Canavalia virosa,and Cocculus hirsutus) were lost and five species(Gloriosa superba, Ampelocissus tomentosa, Capparis sepiaria,Aganosma cymosa and Tiliacora acuminata) were newly added. Total aboveground biomass increased by 18.5, 0.74,3.6 and 9.5 Mg ha-1, respectively, at sites AP, KR, MM and SP.  相似文献   
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting approach was applied to assess genetic diversity in different accessions of rejuvenating and intellect-promoting ancient ayurvedic medicinal herb Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell collected from four Southern Indian states, along with in vitro micropropagated samples maintained in the laboratory for 5 years. With the 10 analyzed primers, 110 distinct bands, in the size range of 250–870 bp were observed, and among which 14 (12.72%) were polymorphic. Among the random primers used, only OPD 02 generated highest percentage of polymorphism with 30.77. Whereas OPD 08 generated a maximum of 18 amplified bands, but with only 1% polymorphism. Cluster analysis done on the basis of similarity co-efficient generated from RAPD profiles indicated all the accessions were divided into two sub-groups based on genetic distances under one major cluster. Major cluster is only the lone loose group of the Bm.2 collected from Kerala (KER) and in vitro micropropagated plant (IVMP) maintained in the lab. The other sub-group consisted of Bm.1 and Bm.3 collected from Tamil Nadu (TN) and Andhra Pradesh (AP) respectively, which are genetically similar and showed similarity with accessions from Karnataka Bm.4 (KK). These two sub-groups were joined together at 0.66 genetic distance level. Overall, the levels of genetic similarity within the accessions varied from 0.24 to 0.80, the matrix ranged from 0.36 to 0.80, with a mean value of 0.68 indicating genetic similarity at low level.  相似文献   
In an outdoor culture of Tubifex tubifex, occurrence of the larvae of Chironomus pulcher and C. calligaster was recorded. An increase in the density of Chironomus larvae reduced the standing biomass of tubifex and made the harvest impossible.  相似文献   
Midgut juice of Plutellaxylostella strain PXR which is resistant to Cry1Ac was biochemically characterized relative to the susceptible PXS strain. The midgut juice of PXR (PXR-Juice) was shown to process Cry1Ac protoxin to 60 kDa active toxin with the same processing pattern as that of juice from PXS (PXS-Juice) in SDS–PAGE. PXS larvae which were given the Cry1Ac toxin pre-processed with PXR-Juice were killed with the same rate as that with Cry1Ac pre-activated by trypsin. PXR-Juice was found to contain three times larger amount of 66 kDa protein (P66) than PXS-Juice and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of P66 was matched to that of glucosinolate sulfatase in data base search. The protein band of P66 was coincided with the band of p-nitro phenyl sulfatase activity in zymogram. P66 purified to homogeneity in SDS-PAGE bound to Cry1Ac and soybean agglutinin, and KD for Cry1Ac was estimated to be 718 nM with surface plasmon resonance analysis. Using purified sulfatase, Km and Vmax were estimated and involvement of the enzyme in the PXR resistance was discussed.  相似文献   

In recent decades, chemical fertilizers create a thread to organic agriculture and food security. To overcome this issue, the present study aimed to investigate the influence of liquid seaweed extracts (LSEs) prepared from Padina boergesenii (PB) and Gracilaria edulis (GE) on growth, development, biochemical characteristics and yield traits of foxtail millet. The various concentrations of individual (20, 40, 60, and 80%; v/v) and combined (10?+?10, 20?+?20, 30?+?30, and 40?+?40%; v/v) PB and GE LSEs were supplied through foliar spray method. The results imply that germination bioassays, vegetative plant growth were significantly increased in lower concentration of LSEs. Further, exposure of foxtail plants to combined foliar spray application of (20?+?20%; v/v) LSEs enriched photosynthetic pigments, total soluble sugar and total soluble protein, compared with single LSEs and control foliar spray methods. Additionally, LSEs enhanced the yield attributes such as the average number of seeds (971.5/panicle) and mean length of panicle (18.4?cm) in PB?+?GE LSEs (20?+?20%; v/v) treatment. This is the first report, to assess the synergistic biostimulant ability of PB and GE LSEs in plant growth, quality improvement and yield attributes of foxtail millet. In conclusion, this present study suggests that combination of PB?+?GE LSEs foliar spray application could serve as an ideal biostimulant and a potential alternate to hazards chemical fertilizer in the green agriculture.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar and organic soil amendments on soil physicochemical and microbial load, carbon sequestration potential, nutrient uptake and yield of groundnut in acidic red soil under rainfed condition. Biochar was prepared from red gram, cotton, maize stalk and mesquite wood using pilot scale slow pyrolysis biochar unit. The above sources of biochar at the rate of 2.5 and 5 t ha?1 and enriched farmyard manure 0.75 t ha?1, composted coir pith 10 t ha?1 and arbuscular mycorrhizae 100 kg ha?1 were applied as basal with required nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizer. Biochar amendment at the rate of 5 t ha?1 reduced the bulk density from 1.41 to 1.36 g cm?3 and increased the soil moisture 2.5%. With respect to soil chemical changes, it raised soil pH from 5.7 to 6.3; increased the cation exchange capacity 1.4 cmolkg?1 and enhanced the carbon buildup 4.4 t ha?1. The significant differences in bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes population were observed between biochar and control. The nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were better utilized under biochar and composted coir pith, which was 21, 5 and 20 kg ha?1 higher than control. The experimental results suggested that application of biochar to acidic red soil favoured good soil physical, chemical and biological environment, and these positive changes influenced growth and yield attributes and enhanced pod yield 29% over control.  相似文献   
Solanum trilobatum L. is an Indian medicinal plant containing rich amount of steroidal glyco-alkoloids that can be used as precursor for commercial steroid production. Two efficient marker systems such as Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) were used for the first time to assess the genetic diversity across 14 S. trilobatum accessions obtained from five South Indian states. Twenty out of 60 RAPD primers generated 189 distinct bands of which 160 were polymorphic with an average of 8 polymorphic bands per primer. A maximum of up to 15 fragments were amplified with an average of 9.45 bands per primer and the amplicons varied in size between 100 and 3,000 bp. The percentage of polymorphism ranged from 55.5 to 100, with an average of 84.6. ISSR profiling using 7 out of 20 primers amplified 83 bands and the number of amplified fragments varied from 2 to 16 with a size range of 200–1,800 bp. Totally 72 polymorphic bands were obtained using 7 ISSR primers at an average of 10.28 polymorphic bands per primer. Polymorphism percentage varied from 50 to 100 among the selected accessions resulting in an average percentage of polymorphism of 86.7. The PIC values ranged from 0.49 to 0.93 for RAPD and 0.16 to 0.90 for ISSR primers. The study pointed out that ISSR markers were more efficient than RAPD markers in evaluating the degree of genetic variation in S. trilobatum. The UPGMA cluster analysis grouped all Tamil Nadu accessions in one cluster and other state accessions in another cluster. The Principal component analysis also substantiates this clustering pattern. Thus the phylogenetic relationship and a high genetic variation revealed in the present study could provide a baseline data for conservation and improvement of this plant in future. Also the molecular markers identified in this study will be helpful in authentication of this species to prevent adulteration in herbal medicine.  相似文献   
The high growth-stimulating effect of plant extract has urged the plant biotechnologists to use natural supplements in the culture media instead of synthetic phytohormones. We advocated the effect of sprouted sorghum extract(SSE) on emergence, in vitro acclimatization, and genetic fidelity in coleoptile derived callus of indica rice variety ADT36. The use of SSE with Murashige Skoog medium efficiently acclimatized the root and shoot apical systems. A higher mat and seminal roots(3.4 g biomass) with an efficient shoot primordium elongation were observed with an increase in the concentration of SSE. Seeds treated with SSE medium showed higher germination and earlier coleoptile maturation about 48 h compared to untreated seeds, and there was a higher expression of e EF-1α with an increase in coleoptile length. B5 medium was effective on inducing embryogenic and nodular callus from 3-day-old coleoptile with 3.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and further proliferated effectively with 0.8 mg/L kinetin with a fresh weight of 180 mg. Highly significant regeneration was observed with combination of 2.5 mg/L 6-benzylamino purine and 3.0 mg/L α-naphthaleneacetic acid. The metabolic and genetic profiles of in vitro and directly cultivated plants were the same, examined through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) and R-ISSR(combination of RAPD and ISSR) markers, respectively, and thus confirming the significant efficacy of the SSE incorporated medium. Disarmed T-DNA was transformed to coleoptile derived callus through Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 and confirmed by GUS assay. The T-DNA integration was confirmed by DNA blot analysis using DNA from transient GUS-expressed explants. Thus, SSE can be used as a natural and organic supplement for organogenesis and efficient acclimatizations of shoot and root apical meristems in regenerated plants.  相似文献   
Finger millet is an important staple food crop of semi-arid tropics also known as “super cereal” and has a higher calcium content than any other crops. Thousands of germplasm are being maintained and its genetic characterization is essential for further utilization in crop improvement. This research was performed to estimate the diversity and population genetic structure in the mini-core collection of finger millet by using SPAR markers, namely RAPD, ISSR, and DAMD markers. Altogether, 32 primers were used in this study, which produced 408 bands among which 344 were polymorphic. Analysis by combining all three marker systems revealed 84.31% of polymorphism among 90 genotypes of finger millet. Average polymorphism information content (PIC) produced by the ISSR, RAPD, and DAMD markers were 0.79, 0.81, 0.62, and average Rp values were 12.84, 8.17, and 8.53, respectively. The Jaccard's similarity value ranged from 0.233-0.861. IE 6059 and IE 5870 genotypes showed the highest Jaccard's similarity value of 0.861 in UPGMA analysis. Neighbor joining-based phylogenetic analysis produced two major clusters and the genotypes were grouped based on their geographical region of origin. Principal component analysis and principal coordinates analysis also confirmed the results. In population STRUCTURE analysis, the genotypes were divided into two subpopulations (P1and P2). These results confirmed that the genotypes we have assessed were genetically diverse and were clustered based on their geographic region of origin. The information obtained from this study will be useful in population management strategies and selection of genotypes for an effective breeding program in the future.  相似文献   
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