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Burkholderia mallei causes glanders or farcy in solipeds, a disease that must be reported to the OIE (Office International des Epizooties, Paris, France). The number of reported outbreaks has increased steadily during the last decade. Serodiagnosis is hampered by the considerable number of false‐positives and ‐negatives of the internationally prescribed tests. The major problem leading to low sensitivity and specificity of complement fixation test (CFT) and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been linked to the test antigens currently used, i.e. crude preparations of whole cells. Future perspectives for the development and evaluation of serological test kits using well‐characterized single antigens are discussed in the light of recent molecular research on B. mallei and the closely related saprozoonotic agent B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   
In this study a Salmonella Typhimurium infection model in swine was used in order to investigate the influence of pre-mortal stress induced by long time period transportation on the re-activation of Salmonella in experimentally infected pigs. Salmonella free pigs were exposed to a highly virulent strain of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 by direct intragastrical administration. Clinical parameters were monitored and the shedding rate in faeces was qualitatively and quantitatively determined by standard bacteriological procedures for 21 days. The distribution of the challenge organism in 14 different internal organs of transported and nontransported animals was determined. All infected animals developed clinical signs of salmonellosis 12 to 24 hours post infection. About 88 to 100% of the fecal samples were culture-positive up to post exposure day 6, and then varied from 71 to 92% until slaughter, respectively. At necropsy S. Typhimurium was recovered most frequently from caecum and ileocolic lymph nodes (83%), colon (79%), palatine tonsils (71%) and mandibular lymph nodes (62.5%). A negative impact of transportation stress on the shedding rate and the general condition of the animals was observed.  相似文献   
Numerous culture-based diagnostics are available on the Australian and international markets for on-farm detection of bacterial pathogens in milk. Use of such diagnostics may provide an opportunity to improve the prudent use of antimicrobials in udder health management. Farms are low-resource settings in terms of diagnostic microbiology capacity. The World Health Organisation has identified criteria for the evaluation of diagnostic tests in low resource settings based on Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, User-friendliness, being Rapid or Robust, Equipment-free and being Deliverable (ASSURED). Here, we review how those criteria can be interpreted in the context of microbiological diagnosis of mastitis pathogens, and how on-farm diagnostics that are currently available in Australia perform relative to ASSURED criteria. This evaluation identifies multiple trade-offs, both with regard to scientific criteria and with regards to convenience criteria. More importantly, the purpose of testing may differ between farms, and test performance should be evaluated relative to its intended use. The ability of on-farm mastitis diagnostics to inform mastitis treatment decision-making in a timely and cost-effective manner depends not just on test characteristics but also on farm-specific pathogen prevalence, and on the farm enterprise's priorities and the farm manager's potential courses of action. With most assay evaluations to date conducted in professional laboratories, there is a surprising dearth of information on how well any of the diagnostic tests perform on-farm and, indeed, of the on-farm decision-making processes that they aim to inform.  相似文献   
Buffering capacity and pH values of extracts of pine needles varied with age in the course of the ontogeny of needles. Significant differences between a resistant and a susceptible pine clone group in relation to resistance against Lophodermium pinastri could be shown in autumn and winter. Also the variability of the parasite influences the host-parasite interaction as shown by alteration of pH values by 3 L. pinastri strains in cultural trials on needle extract medium.  相似文献   
1. The prevalence of keel bone deformities in laying hens is high and is partly associated with unsuitable perch designs, which impose a risk of injury due to an unstable footing.

2. Over two experiments, 9 or 10 hens of each of three layer lines (Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL), Lohmann Tradition (LT) and Lohmann Brown (LB)) were filmed while landing on three different perch types, including steel perches of various diameters, a commercial mushroom-shaped plastic perch and a newly developed prototype perch with a soft surface material.

3. Data on landing behaviour (safe vs. unsafe or failed landing) following downward jumps were collected for 25, 50 and 60 cm vertical distances and 75 cm horizontal distance between a wooden start perch and the different destination perches.

4. The highest proportion of safe landings occurred on the prototype perch, whereas least safe landings were observed on steel perches, irrespective of their diameter. The mushroom-shaped perch was intermediate with regard to the safeness of landing.

5. A threshold of 50 cm vertical distance (34° slope) was identified as the optimum for downward jumps on perches in order to reduce the risk of unsafe or failed landings. Above this threshold, the proportion of safe landings declined significantly.

6. Brown shell layer types (LB and LT) had a lower proportion of safe landings compared to the white shell layer type (LSL), whereas no difference was found between LB and LT layer lines.

7. Although steel perches prevail in commercial housing, these perches were found to be least advantageous with regard to landing behaviour. The prototype perch provided the most stable footing on perching and is a promising alternative to replace commercial steel perches, thus helping to reduce the risk of perch-related keel bone injury.  相似文献   

A report is given on a calf with tetralogy of Fallot. This is the most common cyanotic congenital heart lesion in calves. Diagnosis was made by two-dimensional echocardiography and heart catheterisation. Tetralogy of Fallot was confirmed by necropsy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei 112 Linien 25 verschiedener BTT-Systeme erwies sich die genetische Stabilität der Systeme in den meisten Fällen als gut bis sehr gut, gemessen an der Frequenz disom-fertiler Rekombinanten. In speziellen Kreuzungstests ergaben sich Hinweise auf mögliche Stabilitätsstörungen durch Pollentransmission des Zusatzchromosoms nur bei einem von neun geprüften Systemen.Die Vitalität der trisomen Pflanzen bei den verschiedenen BTT-Systemen ist sehr unterschiedlich und von der jeweils vorliegenden Segmentzusammensetzung des Zusatzchromosoms abhängig. Bezogen auf diploide Pflanzen gibt es alle Übergänge von Subletalität bis hin zu annähernd normaler Vitalität. Leistungsfähige BTT-Systeme sind relativ selten und können mit ausreichender Wahrscheinlichkeit nur entwickelt werden, wenn von einer genügend breiten Basis von Translokations-undmsg-Linien ausgegangen wird.
Studies on the stability and viability in systems of balanced tertiary trisomy in barley
Summary The genetic stability of 112 stocks out of 25 different BTT systems proved to be, in most cases, good to very good, in terms of the frequency of disomic fertile recombinants. There is only rare indication of instability caused by pollen transmission of the extra chromosome: In special crossing tests only one out of nine BTT systems tested showed transmission.The viability of trisomic plants is very diverse in the different BTT systems and depends on the specific segmental composition of the extra chromosome. As compared with normal diploids there are all types of trisomics ranging from sublethal to nearly normal ones. Efficient BTT systems are comparatively rare. They can be developed with good expectation provided a sufficiently broad basis of translocation andmsg lines is used.

112 25 . - . . - , 9 . . , . , , , msg-.

Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult.H. Stubbe zum 85. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
In this study, the impact of a plasma treatment using dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure on wax-treated beech was investigated by surface energy determination and adhesion tests. Measurements of the surface energy revealed a strong increase in surface polarity along with increased surface energy as a result of the plasma treatment, pointing to increased adhesion properties. To evaluate the adhesion properties of a polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) adhesive on beech treated with montan ester wax and synthetic Fischer–Tropsch wax, a special peel test was applied. This peel test provided evidence of increased adhesion of the PVAc after plasma treatment of both materials investigated.  相似文献   
Earthquake prediction: a physical basis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium proliferatum are important causal agents of crown and root rot of asparagus. In order to detect differences in pathogenicity and aggressiveness, two F. proliferatum and five F. oxysporum single spore isolates from asparagus spears from plantings in Austria and Germany, 55 pure cultures of F. oxysporum from asparagus roots from a planting in Hesse, Germany, and a single F. oxysporum isolate from an asparagus shoot collected in Austria were evaluated in a 28-day quick test on Hoagland??s agar in glass culture tubes. Plantlets were inoculated with spore suspensions from each respective isolate after 14 days of growth under sterile, controlled conditions in a growth chamber. A severity scale was used to assess symptoms on roots two weeks after inoculation. The effects of the single-spore isolates on root and shoot fresh weights of the plantlets were also determined. The pathogenicity of the majority of the F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum isolates included in this study was confirmed. Inoculation with pure and single-spore cultures resulted in elevated disease severity in comparison to non-inoculated controls. In particular, the two F. proliferatum isolates were found to be more aggressive than the F. oxysporum isolates. Moreover, all single spore isolates caused a reduction in fresh weight of roots and shoots in comparison to the controls. With respect to differences among asparagus cultivars, ??Ramos??, was found to be more susceptible than ??Ravel??. Overall, the quick test method was found to be capable of evaluating the pathogenicity and aggressiveness of the tested F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolates towards asparagus within 28 days.  相似文献   
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