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When detached broad bean leaves were preinoculated with virulent strain B304 of Botrytis cinerea 24 h before a challenge inoculation with strain B304, lesion formation by B304 was significantly inhibited in red light but not in the dark. In leaves that were preinoculated with avirulent strain 021 and then challenged by B304, however, lesion formation was not inhibited even under red light. Such differences in lesion formation after the challenge inoculation with an avirulent strain were also observed with lesions caused by Alternaria alternata, a nonpathogen of broad bean and by avirulent strain 021R in the presence of germination fluid from spores of strains B304 and 021R. These results suggest the possibility that virulent B. cinerea produced a suppressor involved in induced susceptibility and an elicitor involved in resistance induced by red light during spore germination.  相似文献   
A gamma-ray-induced rice mutant, M1009, which spontaneously forms brown specks on leaves was isolated. In appearance, these lesions very much resemble those that are produced during the hypersensitive resistance response of rice to pathogens. A similar phenotype has been associated with a number of mutants in maize or Arabidopsis, which have been briefly categorized as disease lesion mimics. Brown speck formation was suppressed at temperatures of 25°C and above, and was severe at 20°C. Light irradiation is also required to initiate brown specks. In addition, the mutant exhibits heightened resistance to two major fungal pathogens of rice, Magnaporthe grisea and Cochliobolus miyabeanus. Genetic characterization of the mutant has indicated that its les-bs (lesion-brown speck) phenotype segregates as a monogenic recessive mutation. Received 13 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 15 December 1999  相似文献   
The effect of heating on the hygroscopicity of Japanese cedar wood was investigated as a simple evaluation of thermal degradation in large-dimension timber being kiln-dried at high temperatures (>100°C). Small wood pieces were heated at 120°C in the absence of moisture (dry heating) and steamed at 60°, 90°, and 120°C with saturated water vapor over 2 weeks, and their equilibrium moisture contents (M) at 20°C and 60% relative humidity (RH) were compared with those of unheated samples. No significant change was induced by steaming at 60°C, while heating above 90°C caused loss in weight (WL) and reduction in M of wood. The effects of steaming were greater than those of dry heating at the same heating temperature. After extraction in water, the steamed wood showed additional WL and slight increase in M because of the loss of water-soluble decomposition residue. The M of heated wood decreased with increasing WL, and such a correlation became clearer after the extraction in water. On the basis of experimental correlation, the WL of local parts in large-dimension kiln-dried timber was evaluated from their M values. The results indicated that the thermal degradation of inner parts was greater than that of outer parts.  相似文献   
Much evidence has suggested that sex steroid hormone-induced growth of uterine cells is mediated by polypeptide growth factors synthesized in uterine tissues. The present study aimed to clarify the effect of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on the proliferation of mouse endometrial stromal cells obtained from immature mice. IGF-I and IGF-I receptor (type I) mRNAs were detected in the endometrial stromal cells. IGF-I increased bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) uptake in the endometrial stromal cells, indicating an increase in DNA replication. E2 increased IGF-I mRNA levels in the endometrial stromal cells. IGF-I receptor is a tyrosine kinase receptor, and treatment with genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, reduced IGF-I-induced BrdU-uptake in the endometrial stromal cells. IGF-I signaling pathways involve mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3 kinase). Treatment with 10(-7) M of the MAP kinase inhibitor PD098059 and 10(-5) M of the PI-3 kinase inhibitor LY294002 decreased IGF-I-induced BrdU-uptake in the endometrial stromal cells. However, LY294002 (10(-5) M) also decreased the BrdU-uptake in the absence of IGF-I treatment. These results suggest that endometrial IGF-I is involved in the proliferation of endometrial stromal cells in a paracrine or autocrine manner, and that the MAP kinase pathway is involved in DNA replication of endometrial stromal cells.  相似文献   
A method for identification and typing of wood rotting fungi using the melting temperature [T(m)] of DNA fragments coding rRNA (rDNA) was examined. The T(m)s of four DNA fragments, inter transcribed spacer (ITS) I, ITS II, and two partial fragments of 28S rDNA from each of 20 species of wood rotting fungi, were measured by melting curve analysis. The T(m) variation was large enough between species to enable identification based on the T(m) values. A pair of T(m)s of the ITS I region (between the primers ITS1 and ITS2) and the ITS II region (between the primers ITS3 and ITS4) had the highest resolution for identifying wood rotting fungi. To assess about the diversity of the T(m), intraspecific diversity of these DNA fragment sequences was evaluated using test strain sequences and data from the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ biological database. The intraspecific diversity of T(m) was considered to be small because the nucleotide diversity of each fragment was small within the species.  相似文献   
Reproductive functions decline with the onset of diabetes in female mice. Diabetic mice have smaller uteri with an underdeveloped endometrium, suggesting diminished estrogen-induced growth. We aimed to clarify the changes in the estrous cycle and in insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) expression in the uteri of streptozotocin (STZ)-treated diabetic mice, because IGF1 is one of the main growth factors involved in estrogen-induced uterine growth. ICR female mice were intraperitoneally administered STZ (10 mg/100 g BW), and blood glucose levels were determined. Mice with blood glucose levels > 200 mg/dl were classified as diabetic mice. The onset of diabetes was associated with acyclic estrous cycles. Diabetes was also induced with STZ in ovariectomized mice. Uterine Igf1 mRNA levels were reduced in ovariectomized STZ-treated diabetic mice. Estrogen is known to stimulate Igf1 mRNA expression in the uterus, but estrogen action was abolished in the uteri of STZ-treated diabetic mice. mRNA expressions of estrogen receptor α (ERα) and steroid hormone receptor coactivators (SRC-1/Ncoa1, SRC-2/Ncoa2, SRC-3/Ncoa3 and CBP/p300/Crebbp) were reduced in the uteri of ovariectomized STZ-treated diabetic mice. The present study demonstrates that diabetes induces a decline in female reproductive functions in mice. Igf1 expression in ovariectomized diabetic female mice was decreased, and decreased responsiveness to estrogen in the uteri of diabetic mice is probably associated with a reduction in ERα and steroid receptor coactivator mRNA expression.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to monitor the changes in physicochemical, including spectroscopic, and biological characteristics during composting of green tea waste–rice bran compost (GRC) and to define parameters suitable for evaluating the stability of GRC. Compost pile temperature reflected the initiation and stabilization of the composting process. The pH, electrical conductivity, NO3 -N content, and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio were measured as chemical properties of the compost. The color (CIELAB variables), humification index (the absorption ratio Q 4/6 = A 472 / A 664 of 0.5 M NaOH extracts), absorption at 665 nm of acetone extracts, and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were measured to evaluate the organic matter transformation; germination of komatsuna or tomato seeds was measured to assess the potential phytotoxicity of composting materials during composting. No single parameter was capable of giving substantial information on the composting process, the nutrient balance, phytotoxicity, and organic matter decomposition. The FT-IR spectra at 3,300, 2,930, 2,852, and 1,065 cm−1 provided information on the molecular transformation of GRC during composting and they decreased over the composting. Most of the assayed parameters showed no further change after about 90 days of composting suggesting that GRC can be used for agricultural purposes after this period.  相似文献   
Embryos obtained via superovulation are necessary for mammalian artificial reproduction, and viability is a key determinant of success. Nonfreezing storage at 4 C is possible, but currently used storage solutions can maintain embryo viability for only 24–48 h. Here we found that 10 mg/ml antifreeze protein (AFP) dissolved in culture medium 199 with 20% (v/v) fetal bovine serum and 25 mM HEPES could keep bovine embryos alive for 10 days at 4 C. We used a recombinant AFP isolated from the notched-fin eelpout (Zoarces elongatus Kner). Photomicroscopy indicated that the AFP–embryo interaction was enhanced at 37 C. Embryos pre-warmed with the AFP solution at 37 C for 60 min maintained high viability, whereas those that were not pre-warmed could live no longer than 7 days. Thus, short-term storage of bovine embryos was achieved by a combination of AFP-containing medium and controlled pre-warming.  相似文献   
In this study, to summarize the changes of thermal-softening behaviors of wood and acetylated wood due to differences in the kinds of swelling liquids, the following measurements were conducted. Untreated and acetylated wood samples were swollen by various liquids and the temperature dependences of the dynamic viscoelastic properties were measured after the heating and cooling histories were unified among the samples. The results obtained are as follows. Untreated samples swollen by high-polarity liquid had lower peak temperature of tanδ, however acetylated samples had higher peak temperature of tanδ than those of untreated wood. On the other hand, untreated wood samples swollen by low-polarity liquid had higher peak temperature of tanδ, however acetylated samples had lower peak temperature of tanδ than those of untreated wood. The amount of swelling is determined by interaction between wood and liquid due to proton-accepting power and molar volumes of liquid and so on, therefore the peak temperature of tanδ and degree of reduction in dynamic elastic modulus () with increasing temperature were corresponded to the amount of swelling.  相似文献   
The intake, digestibility, and grazing behavior of Hokkaido native horses were investigated in winter woodland with underlying Sasa senanensis. Twenty Hokkaido native horses were grazed in a woodland (8.52 ha) for 14 days in December (snowy; 20 cm of snow fall) and in November (non‐snowy) of the next year. Three mares (360 kg of average bodyweight) were used in each experiment. The fecal collection, used to investigate the intake and digestibility by the double‐indicator method, and behavioral observations were carried out for 24 h on the 6th day in each experiment. During the snowy and non‐snowy periods, the dry matter intakes of sasa foliage were 7.3 and 9.6 kg/d, respectively, which is 2.1 and 2.7% when expressed as a percentage of bodyweight. The apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy released during the snowy and non‐snowy periods were similar. The proportions of digestible energy intakes to maintenance requirement in the mares were 119 and 164% during the snowy and non‐snowy periods, respectively. Their bodyweight remained constant during the non‐snowy period; however, a slight loss in their bodyweight was observed during the snowy period. The duration of grazing on sasa foliage was 416 and 544 min/d during the snowy and non‐snowy periods, respectively, the daily grazing area of the mares during these periods was 2.0 and 5.1 ha, respectively. In other words, the area during the snowy period was smaller than that during the non‐snowy period (P < 0.05). Fallen snow, even with a depth of approximately 20 cm, inhibited the grazing behavior and intake of sasa foliage by Hokkaido native horses grazing in winter woodland pasture.  相似文献   
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