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Host–parasite relationships and pathogenicity of Meloidogyne javanica on potatoes (newly recorded from Malta) were studied under glasshouse and natural conditions. Potato cvs Cara and Spunta showed a typical susceptible reaction to M. javanica under natural and artificial infections, respectively. In potato tubers, M. javanica induced feeding sites that consisted of three to four hypertrophied giant cells per adult female. Infection of feeder roots by the nematode resulted in mature large galls which usually contained at least one mature female and egg mass. In both tubers and roots, feeding sites were characterized by giant cells containing granular cytoplasm and many hypertrophied nuclei. Cytoplasm in giant cells was aggregated alongside the thickened cell walls. Stelar tissues within galls appeared disorganized. The relationship between initial nematode population density ( P ) [0–64 eggs + second-stage juveniles (J2s) per cm3 soil] and growth of cv. Spunta potato seedlings was tested under glasshouse conditions. A Seinhorst model [ y = m  + (1 −  m ) z ( P − T )] was fitted to fresh shoot weight and shoot height data of nematode-inoculated and control plants. Tolerance limits ( T ) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height of cv. Spunta plants infected with M. javanica were 0·50 and 0·64 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil, respectively. The m parameter in that model (i.e. the minimum possible y -values) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height were 0·60 and 0·20, respectively, at P  = 64 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil. Root galling was proportional to the initial nematode population density. Maximum nematode reproduction rate was 51·2 at a moderate initial population density ( P  = 4 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. that produce the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphoroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) are among the most effective rhizobacteria controlling diseases caused by soilborne pathogens. The genotypic diversity that exists among 2,4-DAPG producers can be exploited to improve rhizosphere competence and biocontrol activity. Knowing that D-genotype 2,4-DAPG-producing strains are enriched in some take-all decline soils and that P. fluorescens Q8r1-96, a representative D-genotype strain, as defined by whole-cell repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with the BOXA1R primer, is a superior colonizer of wheat roots, we analyzed whether the exceptional rhizosphere competence of strain Q8r1-96 on wheat is characteristic of other D-genotype isolates. The rhizosphere population densities of four D-genotype strains and a K-genotype strain introduced individually into the soil were significantly greater than the densities of four strains belonging to other genotypes (A, B, and L) and remained above log 6.8 CFU/g of root over a 30-week cycling experiment in which wheat was grown for 10 successive cycles of 3 weeks each. We also explored the competitive interactions between strains of different genotypes inhabiting the same soil or rhizosphere when coinoculated into the soil. Strain Q8r1-96 became dominant in the rhizosphere and in nonrhizosphere soil during a 15-week cycling experiment when mixed in a 1:1 ratio with either strain Pf-5 (A genotype), Q2-87 (B genotype), or 1M1-96 (L genotype). Furthermore, the use of the de Wit replacement series demonstrated a competitive disadvantage for strain Q2-87 or strong antagonism by strain Q8r1-96 against Q2-87 in the wheat rhizosphere. Amplified rDNA restriction analysis and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA showed that species of Arthrobacter, Chryseobacterium, Flavobacterium, Massilia, Microbacterium, and Ralstonia also were enriched in culturable populations from the rhizosphere of wheat at the end of a 30-week cycling experiment in the presence of 2,4-DAPG producers. Identifying the interactions among 2,4-DAPG producers and with other indigenous bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere will help to elucidate the variability in biocontrol efficacy of introduced 2,4-DAPG producers and fluctuations in the robustness of take-all suppressive soils.  相似文献   
为探究贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)菌剂对花生白绢病的田间防治效果,以花生品种“鲁花14”为试验材料,通过拌土和喷洒方式接种微生物菌剂,研究了微生物菌剂对花生生长指标、病情指数和产量的影响,并初步探究其生防机制。结果表明,使用贝莱斯芽孢杆菌菌剂可降低花生白绢病的病情指数,增加结果数和百仁重,提高花生产量;以拌土处理效果最佳。微生物菌剂一定程度上可提高土壤真菌群落的多样性,但对土壤细菌群落多样性影响较小;对花生根中的苯丙氨酸解氨酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性无显著影响。研究结果为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌菌剂在花生白绢病病害防治方面的应用研究提供了理论基础,为其生物农药的开发提供了思路。  相似文献   
The effects of temperature and inoculum density of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris race 5 on suppression of Fusarium wilt in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) cv. PV 61 by seed and soil treatments with rhizobacteria isolated from the chickpea rhizosphere were studied in a model system. Disease development over a range of temperatures (20, 25, and 30 degrees C) and inoculum densities (25 to 1,000 chlamydospores per gram of soil) was described by the Gompertz model. The Gompertz relative rate of disease progress and final amount of disease increased exponentially and monomolecularly, respectively, with increasing inoculum densities. Disease development was greater at 25 degrees C compared with 20 and 30 degrees C. At 20 and 30 degrees C, disease development was greater at 250 to 1,000 chlamydospores per gram of soil compared with 25 to 100 chlamydospores per gram of soil. At 25 degrees C, increasing inoculum densities of the pathogen did not influence disease. Nineteen Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas spp. out of 23 bacterial isolates tested inhibited F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceris in vitro. Pseudomonas fluorescens RGAF 19 and RG 26, which did not inhibit the pathogen, showed the greatest Fusarium wilt suppression. Disease was suppressed only at 20 or 30 degrees C and at inoculum densities below 250 chlamydospores per gram of soil. Bacterial treatments increased the time to initial symptoms, reduced the Gompertz relative rate of disease progress, and reduced the overall amount of disease developed.  相似文献   
This study evaluates soil properties in organically managed olive groves and natural zones in a mountainous area of Andalusia, Spain. Two soil types (Eutric Regosol and Eutric Cambisol) and the most common soil management methods (tillage and two intensities of grazing) were studied. Both soil types in the groves had values not much lower than those in the natural areas. Average (±SE) values in the groves were 1.58 ± 0.71% for organic carbon, 323 ± 98 g kg?1 for macroaggregate stability, 1.11 ± 0.16 g cm?3 for bulk density, 3.5 ± 1.6 mm h?1 for saturated hydraulic conductivity and 1209 ± 716 mg CO2 kg?1 for soil respiration. Overall, these values tended to be lower in the tilled compared with that in the grazed groves. The average phosphorus soil content (5.83 ± 5.22 mg kg?1) was low for olive production and within adequate ranges for N (0.12 ± 0.05%) and K (142 ± 81 mg kg?1). Soil erosion was high in the tilled groves (35.5 ± 18.2 t ha?1 year?1) with soil loss correlating with indicators of soil degradation such as organic carbon content and water stable macroaggregates. In the grazed groves, soil loss was moderate with no clear indications of soil degradation. Overall, there was significant farm‐to‐farm variability within the same soil and land management systems. Olive production had a moderate effect on soil degradation compared with natural areas and olive cultivation could be sustained in future if cover crop soil management replaced tillage, especially in the most sloping areas.  相似文献   
The different oxidation species of iodine have markedly different sorption properties. Hence, changes in iodine redox states can greatly affect the mobility of iodine in the environment. Although a major microbial role has been suggested in the past to account for these redox changes, little has been done to elucidate the responsible microorganisms or the mechanisms involved. In the work presented here, direct microbial reduction of iodate was demonstrated with anaerobic cell suspensions of the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans which reduced 96% of an initial 100 µM iodate to iodide at pH 7 in 30 mM NaHCO3 buffer, whereas anaerobic cell suspensions of the dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens were unable to reduce iodate in 30 mM NaHCO3 buffer (pH 7). Both D. desulfuricans and S. putrefaciens were able to reduce iodate at pH 7 in 10 mM HEPES buffer. Both soluble ferrous iron and sulfide, as well as iron monosulfide (FeS) were shown to abiologically reduce iodate to iodide. These results indicate that ferric iron and/or sulfate reducing bacteria are capable of mediating both direct, enzymatic, as well as abiotic reduction of iodate in natural anaerobic environments. These microbially mediated reactions may be important factors in the fate and transport of129 I in natural systems.  相似文献   
Verticillium wilt of olive is best managed by resistant cultivars, but those currently available show incomplete resistance to the defoliating (D) Verticillium dahliae pathotype. Moreover, these cultivars do not satisfy consumers' demand for high yields and oil quality. Highly resistant rootstocks would be of paramount importance for production of agronomically adapted and commercially desirable olive cultivars in D V. dahliae‐infested soils. In this work, resistance to D V. dahliae in wild olive clones Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert was assessed by quantifying the fungal DNA along the stem using a highly sensitive real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) protocol and a stem colonization index (SCI) based on isolation of V. dahliae following artificial inoculations under conditions highly conducive for verticillium wilt. Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert showed a symptomless reaction to D V. dahliae. The mean amount of D V. dahliaeDNA quantified in stems of the four clones ranged from 3.64 to 28.89 pg/100 ng olive DNA, which was 249 to 1537 times lower than that in susceptible Picual olive. The reduction in the quantitative stem colonization of wild olive clones by D V. dahliae was also indicated by a sharp decrease in the SCI. Overall, there was a pattern of decreasing SCI in acropetal progression along the plant axis, as well as correlation between positive reisolation and quantification of pathogen DNA. The results of this research show that wild olive clones Ac‐13, Ac‐18, OutVert and StopVert have a valuable potential as rootstocks for the management of verticillium wilt in olive.  相似文献   
Maize kernels with diverse colors have pigments and other substances with antioxidant capacity that can be highly beneficial for human health. Our objectives were to analyze antioxidant capacity of the different maize kernel colors, to investigate if selection for color intensity increases antioxidant capacity and to check the effect of bakery processing on antioxidant capacity. Pigment content was directly related to antioxidant capacity in maize kernels and also to the hydrophilic fraction, while the lipophilic fraction was not related to antioxidant capacity. Visual selection for kernel color increased anthocyanin content from 0.55 to 1.13 μmol/g of fresh weight in one unique cycle of selection. The traditional method for making maize bread out of whole maize flour has not significant effects on pigment content or antioxidant capacity. Therefore, maize bread made out of black or purple maize provides significant amounts of antioxidant substances potentially beneficial for human health.  相似文献   
This is a preliminary study of the possible density-dependent growth of four spot megrim, Lepidorhombus boscii. Values of mean length by age class are related to the abundance indices of ages in 1991–1994 in North-eastern Atlantic waters (ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa). The analysis is performed separately for each sex and for each of the 3 subdivisions: VIIIc2, VIIIc1 and IXa2. The most significant relationships between growth and population density are found in juveniles of the first of these three subdivisions and in the area of study as a whole.  相似文献   
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