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The in vitro metabolism of the chiral isomers of fonofos and fonofos oxon in the presence of mouse liver mixed-function oxidase and serum esterase was investigated. The metabolism of 35S-labeled phenyl-(S)P-fonofos mediated by mixed-function oxidase took place stereoselectively, resulting predominantly in (R)P-fonofos oxon. Similarly, (R)P-fonofos was converted to (S)P-oxon. In each case, however, a significant amount of racemization occurred. Other products were diphenyl disulfide and diphenyl disulfide oxide. In addition to stereospecificity, the oxidative metabolism of (R)P-fonofos proceeded at a rate faster than that of (S)P-fonofos. Stereoselective rate differences also were observed in mouse or rat serum-catalzyed degradation of the fonofos oxon enantiomers, the (S)P isomer being degraded about twofold faster than its enantiomer. The differences in toxicities of the isomers of fonofos and fonofos oxon were consistent with the in vitro metabolism data.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can enter the marine environment from a variety of anthropogenic sources. As some PAHs are known or suspected carcinogens and mutagens, their potential hazard to human health and the natural environment warrants investigation. This is the first reported study on the prevalence and concentration of PAHs in marine sediments from Singapore's coastal environment, and accompanies the report by Basheer et al. (2003) on the measurement of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in seawater. The concentration of 16 PAH, classified as USEPA priority pollutants were analysed in sediments from 22 sample stations located within the northeastern and southwestern regions of Singapore's marine waters. The total PAH concentration varied between 15.22 μg g-1 and 82.41 μg g-1 in the northeastern region and between 13.63 μg g-1 and 84.92 μg g-1in the southwestern region. The highest concentration of total PAH i.e. 84.92 μg g-1 was recorded at a site adjacent to a petrochemical refinery. Among the sixteen individual PAHs, chrysene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene and benzo[a]anthracene were most prevalent in the sediments. The relatively low kinetic/thermodynamic isomer ratios for PAHs suggest that PAHs of pyrogenic origin are predominant in Singapore's coastal environment. The distribution of higher molecular weight i.e. (4–5 ring) individual PAHs corresponded to mixture profiles typical of those originating from high temperature combustion processes subjected to photolytic degradation during long-range atmospheric transportation. A comparison of total PAH concentration data for sediments collected from Singapore relative to those reported for other countries indicates a moderate level of PAH contamination in Singapore's coastal marine sediments.  相似文献   
All transgenic cultivars of potatoes registered in Canada and the United States have been modified to express a synthetic cry3A gene as a means of conferring resistance against the Colorado potato beetle, an important economic pest of potatoes. A PCR method was developed to amplify a 499 bp region of the synthetic cry3A gene. Using this method, synthetic cry3A could be detected in six different transgenic cultivars. Positive results could be confirmed with PvuII restriction digestion of the PCR-generated amplicon, which resulted in two fragments that were 283 and 216 bp in size. Of the 52 tuber extracts tested with this method, no false positive or false negative results were obtained, suggesting the method could be used with a high degree of accuracy. The absolute limit of detection was the number of cry3A copies present in one or perhaps two haploid copies of the potato genome. The practical limit of detection in tubers on a fresh weight basis was 0.02% for the NL 10-SUP and 0.01% for the remaining cultivars. Synthetic cry3A could also be detected in processed food products such as potato chips, shoestring potatoes, and frozen French fries. The method was suitable for screening potato tuber lots and some processed foods for the presence of synthetic cry3A.  相似文献   
To avoid loss of yield, crops must maintain tissue potassium (K) concentrations above 5–40 mg K (g DM)–1. The supply of K from the soil is often insufficient to meet this demand and, in many agricultural systems, K fertilisers are applied to crops. However, K fertilisers are expensive. There is interest, therefore, in reducing applications of K fertilisers either by improving agronomy or developing crop genotypes that use K fertilisers more efficiently. Agronomic K fertiliser use efficiency is determined by the ability of roots to acquire K from the soil, which is referred to as K uptake efficiency (KUpE), and the ability of a plant to utilise the K acquired to produce yield, which is referred to as K utilisation efficiency (KUtE). There is considerable genetic variation between and within crop species in both KUpE and KUtE, and chromosomal loci affecting these characteristics have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and several crop species. Plant traits that increase KUpE include (1) exudation of organic compounds that release more non‐exchangeable soil K, (2) high root K uptake capacity, (3) early root vigour, high root‐to‐shoot ratios, and high root length densities, (4) proliferation of roots throughout the soil volume, and (5) high transpiration rates. Plant traits that increase KUtE include (1) effective K redistribution within the plant, (2) tolerance of low tissue K concentrations, and, at low tissue K concentrations, (3) maintenance of optimal K concentrations in metabolically active cellular compartments, (4) replacement of K in its non‐specific roles, (5) redistribution of K from senescent to younger tissues, (6) maintenance of water relations, photosynthesis and canopy cover, and (7) a high harvest index. The development of crop genotypes with these traits will enable K fertiliser applications to be reduced.  相似文献   
Nitrate resulting from nitrogen fertilisers used in Agriculture is a widespread contaminant of shallow groundwater and causes adverse effects on human, animal and ecosystem health. In order to evaluate the full extent of groundwater nitrate contamination, and how it might evolve in time, it is essential to understand controls on aquifer assimilative capacity. This level of understanding will also help to better target policies and incentives aimed at controlling the amount of nitrate entering downstream water systems.The potential for nitrate attenuation in groundwater was assessed by examining the concentration and distribution pattern of electron donors such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ferrous iron, and redox indicators such as dissolved oxygen (DO) and Eh in 57 monitoring bores on the lower Burdekin coastal floodplain, one of Queensland's and Australia's premier irrigation districts. Nitrate concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 14.4 mg/L NO3-N but were mostly undetectable in bores close to the coast. Groundwater age dates suggest that while there are nitrate ‘hot spots’ in certain areas, some or most of the nitrate is being consumed on its way to the ocean. Low nitrate concentrations were coupled with high ferrous concentrations. The low DO concentrations (<2 mg/L) and high ferrous concentrations found in 55% of the bores indicate that redox conditions are suitable for nitrate attenuation by either denitrification or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium. The reducing environment may be associated with the high DOC concentrations (up to 82 mg C/L) found in these groundwaters. Furthermore, high levels of ferrous iron found in the Ayr area combined with the wide spread geographical distribution of DOC indicate that these areas have a high potential for sustaining geochemical processes that reduces nitrate levels. The distribution of geochemical indicators also suggests that the shallower depths (<15 m) of the groundwater systems have more potential for nitrate reduction than the deeper depths. The map identifying areas within the lower Burdekin with most potential for denitrification is a valuable first step in helping to understand and manage the fate of nitrate entering the groundwater.  相似文献   
In military planning, it is important to be able to estimate not only the number of fatalities but how often attacks that result in fatalities will take place. We uncovered a simple dynamical pattern that may be used to estimate the escalation rate and timing of fatal attacks. The time difference between fatal attacks by insurgent groups within individual provinces in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and by terrorist groups operating worldwide, gives a potent indicator of the later pace of lethal activity.  相似文献   
为了解普通小麦EST来源的微卫星的多样性,从大约1000个包含微卫星的ESTs中设计了300对引物,研究和评估了它们的多态性水平,并且将多态性标记加入到现有的遗传图谱中。在五种不同类型的重复单元中,三个碱基的重复单元出现最多,占到77%。几乎所有的EST—SSRs标记(99.3%)的重复单元都含有G-C碱基对。37.4%的微卫星都是四次重复。对于扩增和多态性,300对引物中有60对没有扩增,21.3%的扩增引物没能产生预期的扩增片断。58%的标记至少在所用8个材料的一个中显示出多态性。W7984和Opata组合表现出最高的多态性水平。大多数普通小麦EST—SSRs标记的重复次数小于10,并且4次重复是最为普遍的。81个新的EST—SSR位点被添加到两个已有的参照遗传图谱中(62个加到ITMI,19个加到CTCS)。研究结果表明小麦EST-SSRs标记展示了一些不同于基因组微卫星的特异特征,在标记发展和其他遗传应用中,这就使得它们能够成为一种非常有价值的资源。  相似文献   

Sediment dynamics in most large river basins are influenced by a variety of different natural and anthropogenic pressures, and disentangling these cumulative effects remains a challenge. This study determined the contemporary and historical sources of fine-grained (<?63-μm) sediment in a large, regulated river basin and linked changes in sources to activities in the basin. The river has seen declines in chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, and the endangered Nechako white sturgeon populations, and sediment (both fine-grained and sands) transport and deposition have been identified as potential causes of these declines.

Materials and methods

Samples of suspended sediment and potential source materials were collected from numerous sites distributed throughout the upper Nechako River Basin in British Columbia, Canada. A floodplain sediment core was also collected in order to reconstruct sediment sources over the last ~?70 years. Discriminating fingerprint properties were used within the MixSIAR model to apportion sources among sub-basins and land-use types. Results were compared to records of precipitation and Nechako River discharge trends, and to changes in landscape development.

Results and discussion

Contributions from the erosion of channel banks dominated the suspended sediment load at most sites. Changes in sediment sources during the 2015 field season reflected snowmelt and patterns of water release from the Nechako Reservoir that affected the sediment-carrying capacity of tributaries and the Nechako River main stem. Spatial variations in 2015 also reflected the distribution of land use (e.g., forested or agricultural land) as well as topography (e.g., slope steepness). Over the last ~?70 years, variations in sediment sources and the characteristics of the sediment (e.g., organic matter content and particle size composition) were linked to the construction of the Kenney Dam (operational in 1954) and the impacts of deforestation by the forestry and agricultural industries. Superimposed on these have been wildfires and a major mountain pine beetle infestation leading to higher erosion rates in the affected areas.


The sediment source fingerprinting technique, in combination with historical information on the hydrometeorology and the land use and river management in the basin, has provided valuable information with which to understand sediment dynamics in the Nechako River Basin. Such an approach can help to disentangle how large river systems respond to a combination of natural and anthropogenic pressures.

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