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This study analysed the alleviating effect of elevated CO2 on stress‐induced decreases in photosynthesis and changes in carbohydrate metabolism in two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) of different origin. The plants were grown in ambient (400 μl l?1) and elevated (800 μl l?1) CO2 with a day/night temperature of 15/10 °C. At the growth stages of tillering, booting and anthesis, the plants were subjected to heat stress of 40 °C for three continuous days. Photosynthetic parameters, maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and contents of pigments and carbohydrates in leaves were analysed before and during the stress treatments as well as after 1 day of recovery. Heat stress reduced PN and Fv/Fm in both wheat cultivars, but plants grown in elevated CO2 maintained higher PN and Fv/Fm in comparison with plants grown in ambient CO2. Heat stress reduced leaf chlorophyll contents and increased leaf sucrose contents in both cultivars grown at ambient and elevated CO2. The content of hexoses in the leaves increased mainly in the tolerant cultivar in response to the combination of elevated CO2 and heat stress. The results show that heat stress tolerance in wheat is related to cultivar origin, the phenological stage of the plants and can be alleviated by elevated CO2. This confirms the complex interrelation between environmental factors and genotypic traits that influence crop performance under various climatic stresses.  相似文献   
A cost-efficient light control system based on weather forecasts, electricity prices and daily photosynthesis integral (DPI) was evaluated for application in the commercial production of the long-day (LD) plant Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Blue Get Mee’ and C. cochlearifolia ‘Blue Wonder’. Experiments were conducted under both autumn and spring conditions and included four treatments. Three treatments were controlled by the software system DynaLight Desktop which automatically defined the most cost-efficient use of supplemental light, -based on a predefined set point of DPI, forecasted solar irradiance and the market price on electricity. The set points of DPI in the three treatments were 300, 450 and 600 mmol CO2 m−2 leaf d−1 and the treatments were compared with a traditional LD 19-h treatment. The DPI-based light control strategy resulted in very irregular light patterns including daily periods of solar irradiance combined with supplemental light in low light periods and a night period interrupted by irregular light breaks (NB-lighting). Both campanula species flowered in the DPI-based treatments during spring, but the flowering percentage was low and non-uniform during autumn. This was caused by a combination of the irregular light, low natural light intensities and a decrease in daily light integral (DLI), and could be restored by maintaining a continuous 19 h photoperiod with incandescent lamps (<5 μmol m−2 s−1), illustrating that photoperiod was an important factor for flowering in LD species grown under low light intensities. Growth in terms of carbon gain was marginally affected by the irregular light and a 25% reduction in electricity costs was achieved without major reductions in plant quality in spring. Our results illustrate that plant production of LD species can be maintained in a cost-efficient light control system where the use of supplemental light is based on weather forecasts and electricity prices.  相似文献   
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Desorption of Cu, Cr, Pb, and Zn from industrially polluted soils as a result of acidification is in focus. The eight soils of the investigation vary greatly in...  相似文献   
Automatic identification of crop and weed species is required for many precision farming practices. The use of chlorophyll fluorescence fingerprinting for identification of maize and barley among six weed species was tested. The plants were grown in outdoor pots and the fluorescence measurements were done in variable natural conditions. The measurement protocol consisted of 1 s of shading followed by two short pulses of strong light (photosynthetic photon flux density 1700 μmol m−2 s−1) with 0.2 s of darkness in between. Both illumination pulses caused the fluorescence yield to increase by 30–60% and to display a rapid fluorescence transient resembling transients obtained after long dark incubation. A neural network classifier, working on 17 features extracted from each fluorescence induction curve, correctly classified 86.7–96.1% of the curves as crop (maize or barley) or weed. Classification of individual species yielded a 50.2–80.8% rate of correct classifications. The best results were obtained if the training and test sets were measured on the same day, but good results were also obtained when the training and test sets were measured on different dates, and even if fluorescence induction curves measured from both leaf sides were mixed. The results indicate that fluorescence fingerprinting has potential for rapid field separation of crop and weed species.  相似文献   
Tomato cultivars differ in their sensitivity to heat stress, and the sensitivity depends on the developmental stage of the plants. It is less known how heat stress affects tomato at the anthesis stage in terms of leaf physiology and fruit set and whether the ability of tomato to tolerate heat at different developmental stages is linked. To investigate photosynthetic gas exchange characteristics, carbohydrate content and fruit set during heat stress, a thermo‐tolerant cultivar (‘LA1994’) and a thermo‐sensitive cultivar (‘Aromata’) were studied at the seedling and anthesis stage. The photosynthetic parameters, maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), chlorophyll content, carbohydrate content and fruit set were determined in plants grown at 26/18 °C (control) and 36/28 °C (heat stress). The physiological responses including net photosynthetic rate (PN), chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm decreased in ‘Aromata’ at both developmental stages during heat stress, whereas they were unaltered in ‘LA1994’ during heat stress as compared to the respective control. This was accompanied by lower contents of glucose and fructose in mature leaves of ‘Aromata’ at the seedling stage under heat stress. In contrast, the glucose content increased while the fructose content was unaltered in mature leaves of ‘LA1994’ at the seedling stage under heat stress. High temperature induced a similar change in carbohydrate content in the young leaves of both cultivars at anthesis. The fructose and sucrose content were unaffected in the mature leaves of ‘Aromata’ but significantly increased in ‘LA1994’ under heat stress at anthesis. The heat stress treatment decreased pollen viability and inhibited fruit set due to flower wilting and abnormal abscission in ‘Aromata’, whereas fruit set was not inhibited in ‘LA1994’. A decrease in chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and carbohydrate content in the mature leaves of tomato could be related to fruit set failure at high temperature. The results show that physiological responses to heat stress at the seedling stage correspond with the responses at the anthesis stage, demonstrating that screening for heat stress sensitivity can be carried out in young plants.  相似文献   
A new method for copper impregnation of wood in structures was suggested and tested in laboratory scale with specimen of new pine sapwood. A copper nail and a steel screw were placed in the wood, and an electric direct current field was applied, so the copper nail was anode and the screw was cathode. At the anode, copper ions were generated. The copper ions were transported into the wood by electromigration (movement of ions in an applied electric field) towards the cathode, and a volume between the two electrodes was thereby impregnated. Copper also moved to a lesser degree in the opposite direction, probably due to capillary effects, and a smaller volume behind the anode was impregnated as well. The impregnation perpendicular to the grain was limited compared to the one along the grain. The highest Cu concentrations were obtained close to the anode.  相似文献   
Temperature stress including low and high temperature adversely affect the growth, development and productivity of crops. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important crop as both human food source and animal feed, which contains a range of varieties that are sensitive to cold and heat stresses. In this study, 127 faba bean genotypes were collected from gene banks based on differences in geographical origin. The 127 genotypes were treated by single cold stress (2/2 °C day/night temperature (DT/NT)) and 42 genotypes were treated by either single episode of cold or heat (38/30 °C DT/NT) stress, or a combination of both at photosynthetic photon flux density of 250 µmol m?2 s?1. Chlorophyll fluorescence was used to detect the tolerance of faba beans to low and high temperatures. The maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII), Fv/Fm, revealed pronounced differences in cold tolerance among the faba bean genotypes. The 42 genotypes were clustered into four groups according to cold and heat stresses, respectively, and the susceptibilities of faba beans under temperature stress could be distinguished. The combination of cold and heat stresses could aggravate the damage on reproductive organs, but not on the leaves, as indicated by the Fv/Fm. These results confirm that the use of Fv/Fm is a useful approach for detecting low and high temperature damage to photosystem II and to identify tolerant faba bean genotypes, however the results also indicate that the geographical origin of the genotypes could not directly be used to predict climate resilience. These sources of cold- and heat-tolerance could improve the temperature tolerance of faba bean in breeding programs.  相似文献   
Abiotic stress tolerance in plants is said to be induced by pre-stress events (priming) during the vegetative phase. We aimed to test whether drought priming could improve the heat and drought tolerance in wheat cultivars. Two wheat cultivars “Gladius” and “Paragon” were grown in a fully controlled gravimetric platform and subjected to either no stress or two drought cycles during the tillering stage. At anthesis, both batches were either subjected to high temperature stress, drought stress or kept as control. No alleviation of grain yield reduction due to priming was observed. Higher CO2 assimilation rates were achieved due to priming under drought stress. Yield results showed that priming was not damage cumulative to wheat. Priming was responsible to alleviated biochemical photosynthetic limitations under drought stress and sustained photochemical utilization under heat stress in “Paragon.” Priming as a strategy in abiotic stress alleviation was better evidenced in the stress susceptible cultivar “Paragon” than tolerant cultivar “Gladius”; therefore, the type of response to priming appears to be cultivar dependable, and thus phenotypical variation should be expected when studying the effects of abiotic priming.  相似文献   
Thermal treatment of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) impregnated waste wood is a way to utilize the energy resource of the wood and at the same time to reduce the volume of the waste. An issue of concern in relation to the thermal treatment is As emission to the air. Meanwhile, there is still a matter to cope with when methods to avoid As emission are implemented: the residues with increased concentrations of Cu, Cr and As. In the present paper two different residues after thermal treatment are characterized: a mixed bottom and fly ash from combustion of CCA impregnated wood, and a charcoal from pyrolysis of treated waste wood. By SEM/EDX it was seen that the charcoal still showed wood structure with both tracheids and rays and that Cu, Cr and As were found inside this wood structure. Cu was found alone while Cr and As were often found together. By chemical analysis it was found, too, that the charcoal contained a high concentration of Zn, probably from paint. Chemical extraction experiments in HNO3 were conducted with the charcoal and it was found that the order of extraction (in percentage) was Zn > Cu > As > Cr. A SEM/EDX investigation of the mixed ash from combustion showed the presence of small particles with wood structure with elevated Cu and Cr concentrations, but most particles were irregular shaped matrix particles rich in Si, Al and K. Cr was abundant in many different particles including the lignin skeleton of the small, unburned wood pieces, but also inside silica-based matrix particles. Ca was often found associated with char-like (porous) particles, indicating that Ca-arsenates had been formed during combustion. Cu was often associated with Cr in the unburned wood pieces, whereas it was less abundant inside the silica-based matrix particles. Cu was also found in an almost pure form in a small layer on the surface of some matrix particles indicating condensation of volatile Cu species. Chemical extraction with inorganic acids showed the order of percentages mobilized as: As > Cu > Cr.  相似文献   
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