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Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - The present investigation was aimed to study the performance of F1 progenies of crosses between Brassica carinata A. Braun and Brassica rapa L. considering...  相似文献   
为研究食用油炸糯米糕的整体营养健康效应及其对血脂健康的影响,自制纯油炸糯米糕和蒸糯米糕,选用健康雄性小白鼠,分别用油炸糯米糕外壳层、中间层、油炸糯米糕全糕及蒸糯米糕进行6周连续灌胃试验,饲料、葡萄糖作为对照组。采用模拟BDI-GS体系评价法进行营养效价、健康效应评定及试剂盒法对小鼠血脂指标测定,并计算相应指标数据,做图对比分析。结果表明,外壳层组平均日采食量为(5.70 ± 0.56)g,其余各组为6.80 g左右,食用油炸外壳层组的小鼠采食量及体重显著下降;营养健康方面,油炸糯米糕和蒸糯米糕相比无显著差异,各试验样品的累加积分均大于8.0,基本益于机体整体营养和健康;血脂方面,油炸糯米糕全糕会提高小鼠血脂中总胆固醇(TC)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量,油炸糯米糕外壳层会提高总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量。  相似文献   
In tropical climate, huge amount of fertilizer need to be used for the cultivation of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) in Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) soil, however this approach is not cost effective and environmental friendly. Therefore, the optimizing of fertilizer rate for BRIS soils and selection of suitable soil amendments are crucial to get a higher yield. In this study, the effects of different combinations of urea, chicken manure and biochar on soil properties, growth performance and physiological characteristics of kenaf cultivated on the BRIS soil were investigated. Eight treatments were conducted namely: control (T1), biochar (T2), chicken manure (T3), urea (T4), chicken manure + urea (T5), biochar + chicken manure (T6), urea + biochar (T7) and biochar + chicken manure + urea (T8). The biomass and physiological characteristics of kenaf were recorded every month, while the soil was analyzed following a standard laboratory procedure. The application of organic and inorganic fertilizer (urea) significantly increased the nutrient content of the soil compared to the T1, whereas T3 showed the highest pH, cation exchange capacity, and exchangeable bases (Na, Mg, Ca). However, the mixing of biochar with organic and inorganic fertilizers showed the highest plant height, diameter of stem and number of leaves as well as dry biomass compared to other treatments. Furthermore, the application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductivity. The results suggest that the mixing of biochar with organic and inorganic fertilizers represents an effective approach for the cultivation of kenaf in tropical climate.  相似文献   
Understanding the environmental factors that influence the suppression of disease-suppressive strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens is an essential step toward improving the level and reliability of their biocontrol activity. A 0.8 M NaCl concentration was optimal for in vitro survival and growth of IE-6S+ while, nematicidal activity by IE-6S+ was maximal when the bacterium was exposed to 0.4 M NaCl. The bacterium was highly sensitive to high (1.6 M) NaCl concentration. Culture filtrate of the bacterium resulting from the medium supplemented with 0.2 or 0.4 M NaCl showed the presence of secondary metabolite, hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Soil amendment with IE-6S+ alone or in conjunction with up to 0.8 M NaCl enhanced bacterial efficacy towards Meloidogyne javanica, the root-knot nematode. Soil amendment with NaCl up to 0.8 M also resulted in enhanced bacterial rhizosphere colonization and growth of tomato seedlings. Protein content of the shoot was reduced when soil was amended with 1.6 M NaCl. Inner root establishment of the bacterium was greatly affected in the soils treated with 1.6 M NaCl. Under in vitro conditions, IE-6S+ showed enhanced growth when kept at ambient oxygen conditions while the growth of bacterium affected when incubated at low oxygen conditions. Culture filtrate of the bacterium resulting from low oxygen level caused greater mortality of M. javanica juveniles in vitro compared with the filtrates obtained from ambient oxygen conditions. Culture filtrate from low oxygen conditions also showed the presence of hydrogen cyanide while those from ambient oxygen condition did not. Under glasshouse conditions, regardless of bacterial application, nematode penetration rate was greater when the pots were watered from the top; nematode penetration was lowered in bacterized pots compared with non-bacterized controls. IE-6S+ applied in the pots either watered from the top or bottom had no significant impact on growth of tomato but protein contents of the leaves increased after treatment with the bacterium. Rhizosphere and inner root colonization of the bacterium increased when the pots were watered from the top. Under in vitro conditions, with an increased iron concentration in the form of FeEDDHA, growth of IE-6S+ and its nematicidal activity increased. Culture filtrate of IE-6S+ obtained from liquid King's B medium supplemented with 0.5 or 1.0 mM FeEDDHA showed the presence of HCN. Under glasshouse conditions, soil treated with FeEDDHA alone did not reduce nematode penetration rates but did reduce greatly when applied in conjunction with IE-6S+. FeEDDHA applied at 0.5 mg/kg of soil in combination with IE-6S+ significantly enhanced plant growth and leaf protein contents. FeEDDHA at 1 mg/kg of soil increased bacterial populations both in the rhizosphere and inner root tissues of tomato.  相似文献   
利用沙雅县气象站1960~2009年的日均温度数据,以回归分析和趋势线分析方法,分析沙雅县近50 a来年均气温、≥10℃积温、极端气温的年际和季节变化特征及其对农业生产的影响.分析结果显示:(1)近50 a来沙雅县年均气温总体呈增加趋势,其线性倾向率为0.424℃/10a,气温波动基本上与我国西北地区气温变化趋势一致....  相似文献   
该文以开孔河流域为研究区,选择地形地貌、气候、水文、植被、土地利用/土地覆盖等自然生态环境因子,运用3S技术,在1 km×1 km的栅格尺度上,进行投影转换、遥感解译、信息提取与分析,定量定性地反映了开孔河流域人居环境适宜性的空间规模与分布特征。结果表明:1)开孔河流域的人居环境指数介于4.4~83.9之间,人居环境适宜性从研究区中部平原区向西北天山高山区和东南塔克拉玛干沙漠区逐渐递减,研究区内大部分地区的人类生产活动受到自然条件的约束与限制。2)根据适宜性指数的大小整个开孔河流域可分为高适宜区、适宜区、一般适宜区、不适宜区以及最不适宜区5个区域,其面积分别为124、2456、2 526、23 104、46 301 km~2,分别占全研究区面积的0.2%、3.3%、3.4%、31%、62.1%。3)高适宜区、适宜区与一般适宜区的面积总和占整个研究区总面积的6.9%,而研究区总人口的98.8%居住在这6.9%区域内。不适宜区与最不适宜区面积总和占研究区总面积的93.1%,总人口的1.2%分布在这93.1%的区域内。研究结果表明,开孔河流域自然环境极其恶劣,生态环境质量相当脆弱,大部分地区受到自然环境条件的制约。所以在今后的发展规划当中需要结合当地自然环境情况与自然资源承载力,合理的进行城市规划与新农村建设。  相似文献   
Lack of data especially pertaining to the chemistry of mangrove wood species makes it difficult to prepare successful plans for their conservation and to use mangroves as a source of wood fiber. In this paper, chemical characterizations of the six main mangrove species of Bangladesh [namely Keora (Sonneratia apetala), Geoa (Excoecaria agallocha), Bine (Avicennia alba), Sundari (Heritiera fomes) Pashur (Xyloccarpous mekongests), and Kakra (Bruguiera gymnorhiza)] were investigated. The chemical results revealed that these species contain high percentages of dichloromethane followed by methanol extractives. Methanol extracts in Pashur, Sundari, and Bine were higher than 10%, which indicates high percentage of tannin material. The total lignin content in these species was higher than 25%, except for Gewa (23.6%) and Pashur (21.3%), which is higher than that of the normal range of hardwood. The pentosan content in these six species was within the range of 19.4–22.8%. The α-cellulose content in Keora and Gewa was acceptable for pulp production, but the others were lower than the normal range of hardwood. Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation showed that all these species had a very high syringaldehyde to vanillin (2.6–5.0) ratio except Keora (1.6). Surprisingly, rhamnose is the main constituent with xylose of hemicelluloses of these six mangrove species. The ash content in these six mangrove wood species was also higher than that in normal hardwood.  相似文献   
The differences in morphological and chemical characteristics and pulpability of core and bark fiber of jute at different position, top, middle and bottom were studied. The fiber length at the middle part of both bark and core was longer than the top and bottom part. With increasing height from bottom to top lignin content is decreased and α-cellulose content increased. The bark had higher α-cellulose and lower lignin than core. The bark produced nitrobenzene oxidation products with larger syringaldehyde/vanillin (S/V) ratios than the core. The yields of nitrobenzene oxidation products in bark were higher than core. The analysis of neutral sugars suggested that xylose is the predominant sugar of hemicellulose in both bark and core. The bark had higher glucose and lower xylose as compared to core. Under identical conditions of pulping, bark gave higher pulp yield and lower kappa number than core. The bark pulp showed better bleachability than core pulp. The higher tensile index in core pulp and higher tear index in bark pulp were observed.  相似文献   
焉耆盆地白刺灌丛沙堆土壤理化性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对焉耆盆地白刺灌丛沙堆不同演化阶段和沙堆间低地土壤理化性质进行分析。结果显示:(1)白刺灌丛沙堆不同演化阶段土壤粉砂、黏粒、有机质和养分含量均高于沙堆间低地,而土壤砂粒含量和pH值低于沙堆间低地;从白刺灌丛沙堆发育到稳定阶段,土壤砂粒含量和pH值逐渐降到最小值,而粉砂、黏粒、有机质和养分含量达到最高值,从白刺灌丛沙堆稳定到活化阶段,土壤砂粒含量和pH值急剧增加,而粉砂、黏粒、有机质和养分含量大幅度下降;(2)从整个剖面来看,由于白刺灌丛沙堆侵蚀和堆积的差异,随着深度的增加砂粒含量先减后增,而pH值、粉砂、黏粒、有机质和养分含量先增后减;0—15 cm土层砂粒含量最高,而15—45 cm土层最低;0—15 cm土层pH值、粉砂、黏粒、有机质和养分含量最低,而15—45 cm土层最高;(3)白刺灌丛沙堆发育和活化阶段强烈的吹蚀不利于有机质的积累,白刺灌丛沙堆稳定后为降尘截存、凋落物积累和微生物的繁殖提供有力的保障,表层黏粒得以截存和地衣状薄层结皮形成,增加土壤的有机质和养分含量。  相似文献   
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