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The phylogenetic relationships among imported ornamental crayfish belonging to the genus Cherax were inferred from a combined dataset of 3 mitochondrial genes (COI, 16S and 12S) and by comparison with available GenBank sequences of 14 Cherax species. Furthermore, the concordance of previously described species obtained from a wholesaler (Cherax boesemani, C. holthuisi and C. peknyi) with available GenBank sequences was verified based on COI with special respect to comparison with sequences assigned as Cherax species. Recently described species C. gherardiae, C. pulcher and C. subterigneus belong to the northern group of Cherax species. Comparison and analysis with other GenBank COI sequences show previously unreported diversity of New Guinean species, suggesting 5 putative new species. Surprisingly, species assigned to the subgenus Astaconephrops do not form a monophyletic clade; this subgenus should be reappraised relative to the purported typical morphological characteristic of the uncalcified patch on male chelae. Increasing importation of crayfish underscores the importance of accurate species identification. Use of basic molecular methods is a necessary requisite for documenting occurrence, abundance and population trends of target species. Consequently, it helps to support eventual conservation decision‐making by stakeholders.  相似文献   
Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts production tend to exhibit a strong degree of agglomeration. We estimate a location model utilizing detailed plant‐level data for over 1,700 European locations of the largest motor vehicle parts suppliers, as well as the location of all light vehicle assembly plants operational in 2010. This unique data set allows us to estimate a location model for the region at a significantly higher level of resolution than the previous literature. The results suggest that the main forces of agglomeration in the European auto supplier sector are highway access and the desire to locate near assembly plants as well as near other parts‐producing plants.  相似文献   
The effect of electroimmobilisation on the plasma concentrations of beta-endorphin/beta-lipotrophin (beta-EP/beta-LPH), cortisol and prolactin (PRL) has been assessed in sheep. Serial blood samples were collected from control and electroimmobilised animals during the first and fourth of a series of four repeated treatments over two days. After electroimmobilisation the mean (+/- SEM) plasma concentrations of beta-EP/beta-LPH increased significantly from 132 +/- 19 pg ml-1 to 545 +/- 111 pg ml-1; the plasma concentrations of cortisol also increased significantly from 22.3 +/- 3.5 ng ml-1 to 108.0 +/- 12.9 ng ml-1. There was no significant change in plasma PRL concentrations after electroimmobilisation and also no significant difference between the plasma concentrations of PRL in the control and electroimmobilised animals. There was no significant difference between the effects of the first and fourth exposure to electroimmobilisation on the plasma concentrations of beta-EP/beta-LPH, cortisol and PRL. These results suggest that the endocrine response to electroimmobilisation may be specific to the pituitary-adrenal axis.  相似文献   
Global maps of thermal and fast neutron fluxes from the moon suggest three end-member compositional units. A high thermal and low fast neutron flux unit correlates with the lunar highlands and is consistent with feldspathic rocks. The South Pole-Aitken basin and a strip that surrounds the nearside maria have intermediate thermal and fast neutron flux levels, consistent with more mafic rocks. There appears to be a smooth transition between the most mafic and feldspathic compositions, which correspond to low and high surface altitudes, respectively. The maria show low thermal and high fast neutron fluxes, consistent with basaltic rocks.  相似文献   
The Lunar Prospector neutron spectrometer data correlate well with iron and titanium abundances obtained through analysis of Clementine spectral reflectance data. With the iron and titanium dependence removed, the neutron spectrometer data also reveal regions with enhanced amounts of gadolinium and samarium, incompatible rare earth elements that are enriched in the final phases of magma crystallization. These regions are found mainly around the ramparts of the Imbrium impact basin but not around the other basins, including the much larger and deeper South Pole-Aitken basin. This result confirms the compositional uniqueness of the surface and interior of the Imbrium region.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate a possible interaction between lolitrem B and ergovaline by comparing the incidence and severity of ryegrass staggers in sheep grazing ryegrass (Lolium perenne) containing lolitrem B or ryegrass containing both lolitrem B and ergovaline.

METHODS: Ninety lambs, aged approximately 6 months, were grazed on plots of perennial ryegrass infected with either AR98 endophyte (containing lolitrem B), standard endophyte (containing lolitrem B and ergovaline) or no endophyte, for up to 42 days from 2 February 2010. Ten lambs were grazed on three replicate plots per cultivar. Herbage samples were collected for alkaloid analysis and lambs were scored for ryegrass staggers (scores from 0–5) weekly during the study. Any animal which was scored ≥4 was removed from the study.

RESULTS: Concentrations of lolitrem B did not differ between AR98 and standard endophyte-infected pastures during the study period (p=0.26), and ergovaline was present only in standard endophyte pastures. Ryegrass staggers was observed in sheep grazing both the AR98 and standard endophyte plots, with median scores increasing in the third week of the study. Prior to the end of the 42-day grazing period, 22 and 17 animals were removed from the standard endophyte and AR98 plots, respectively, because their staggers scores were ≥4. The cumulative probability of lambs having scores ≥4 did not differ between animals grazing the two pasture types (p=0.41).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There was no evidence for ergovaline increasing the severity of ryegrass staggers induced by lolitrem B. In situations where the severity of ryegrass staggers appears to be greater than that predicted on the basis of concentrations of lolitrem B, the presence of other tremorgenic alkaloids should be investigated.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine if abdominal insufflation with medical air will improve oxygenation and ventilation parameters when compared to insufflation with CO2 in xylazine-sedated sheep undergoing laparoscopic artificial insemination (AI).

METHODS: Forty-seven sheep underwent oestrus synchronisation and were fasted for 24 hours prior to laparoscopic AI. Each animal was randomised to receive either CO2 or medical air for abdominal insufflation. An auricular arterial catheter was placed and utilised for serial blood sampling. Respiratory rates (RR) and arterial blood samples were collected at baseline, after xylazine (0.1?mg/kg I/V) sedation, 2 minutes after Trendelenburg positioning, 5 minutes after abdominal insufflation, and 10 minutes after being returned to a standing position. Blood samples were collected in heparinised syringes, stored on ice, and analysed for arterial pH, partial pressure of arterial O2 (PaO2), and CO2 (PaCO2). The number of ewes conceiving to AI was also determined.

RESULTS: Repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated temporal effects on RR, PaO2, PaCO2 and arterial pH during the laparoscopic AI procedure (p<0.001), but no difference between insufflation groups (p>0.01). No sheep experienced hypercapnia (PaCO2>50?mmHg) or acidaemia (pH<7.35). Hypoxaemia (PaO2<70?mmHg) was diagnosed during the procedure in 14/22 (64%) ewes in the CO2 group compared with 8/23 (35%) ewes in the medical air group (p=0.053). Overall, 15/20 (75%) ewes in the CO2 group conceived to AI compared with 16/22 (72.7%) in the medical air group (p=0.867).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There were no statistical or clinical differences in RR, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, or conception to AI when comparing the effects of CO2 and medical air as abdominal insufflation gases. None of the sheep experienced hypercapnia or acidaemic, yet 42% (19/45) of sheep developed clinical hypoxaemia, with a higher percentage of ewes in the CO2 group developing hypoxaemia than in the medical air group. Based on the overall analysis, medical air could be utilised as a comparable alternative for abdominal insufflation during laparoscopic AI procedures.  相似文献   
Whether the increases in plasma cortisol concentrations which are associated with electroimmobilization (E-IM) of conscious sheep are modified by current intensity, current duration or prior treatment with diazepam was assessed. Sheep were electroimmobilized at 30, 40 or 60 mA for one minute and at 40 mA for two or four minutes. After E-IM of one minute's duration, peak plasma cortisol concentrations occurred at 20 minutes and were 39.1 +/- 7.8 ng ml-1 at 0 mA (control), 56.7 +/- 9.6 ng ml-1 at 30 mA, 62.1 +/- 6.9 ng ml-1 at 40 mA and 78.4 +/- 3.2 ng ml-1 at 60 mA. Both the peak plasma cortisol concentrations and the integrated cortisol responses to E-Im were correlated with current intensity (P less than 0.01). The cortisol responses to E-Im at 40 mA for one, two and four minutes were not significantly different and the response to E-IM at 40 mA for one minute was not affected by the administration of diazepam (0.2 mg kg-1 intravenously) 15 minutes before E-IM. These results indicate that the cortisol response to E-IM is directly dependent on current intensity and that adrenocortical activation by E-IM may be minimised by choosing the lowest current at which effective restraint is maintained.  相似文献   
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