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A series of hydroxynaphthoquinones, all derivatives of the antitheilerial hydroxynaphthoquinone parvaquone (993C, Clexon; Wellcome) was tested for antitheilerial activity against Theileria parva (Muguga) in vitro. BW720C (buparvaquone) was 20 times more active than parvaquone. When tested in vivo BW720C cured all 13 cattle infected with T parva and all six infected with T annulata treated at a dose rate of 2.5 mg (kg bodyweight)-1 while parvaquone at 20 mg kg-1 cured nine of 10 cattle. All 16 untreated control cattle died of theileriosis.  相似文献   
Two trials were conducted to compare the efficacy of parvaquone and buparvaquone for the treatment of naturally acquired East Coast fever (ECF, Theileria parva infection) which, if untreated, is almost invariably fatal in European breeds of cattle. In the first trial 28 naive cattle were exposed in a paddock infested with ticks carrying a virulent form of the disease. Twelve were treated with each drug when they developed clinical ECF. All 24 cattle were cured. In the second study, 100 cases of ECF occurring naturally on farms in Kenya were treated, 50 with each drug. Parvaquone cured 44 (88%) buparvaquone cured 45 (90%). Intercurrent infections, predominantly anaplasmosis and bacterial pneumonia or scour, were treated specifically. It is concluded that parvaquone and buparvaquone are similarly effective in curing ECF and cure rates are maximised by accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment of both ECF and intercurrent infections.  相似文献   
Adamo  Paola  Dudka  S.  Wilson  M. J.  McHardy  W. J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2002,137(1-4):95-116
The sequential extraction procedure proposed by the European Commission Measurement and Testing Programme, combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis(SEM/EDS), was applied to identify and quantify the chemical andmineralogical forms of Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd presentin the topsoil from a mining and smelting area near Sudbury (Ontario, Canada). The possible mobility of the chemical forms was also assessed. The metal fractions: (1) soluble and exchangeable, (2) occluded in manganese oxides and in easily reducible iron oxides, (3) organically bound and in form of sulphides, (4) residual mainly present in the mineral lattice structures were separated. Cu and Ni were the major metallic contaminants, occurring in soils in broad ranges of concentrations: Cu 11–1890 and Ni 23–2150 mg kg-1. Cu was uniformly distributed among allthe extracted fractions. Ni was found associated mainly withthe residual forms, accounting for 17–92%, with an averageof 64%, of the total Ni present in the soils. Fe, Mn, Zn,Pb, Cr and Cd, while occurring in most analysed samples innormal soil concentrations, were primarily held in theresidual mineral fraction (on average >50%). The solubleand exchangeable forms made a small contribution (≤8.1%)to the total content of metals extracted. At least 14% ofthe total Cd, Mn and Pb was mobilised from the reducibleforms. The oxidizable fraction assumed mean values higher than10% only for Pb and Zn. Statistical treatment of the experimental data showed significant correlations between totalmetal content of the soils, some soil properties such as pH value, clay and organic matter content, and metal concentrationsin the various fractions. SEM/EDS analysis showed Fe in form ofoxides and sulphides in soils and Cu, Ni, Mn, Zn and Cr in association with iron oxides. Numerous black carbonaceous particles and precipitates of aluminium fluoride salts, observedin the solid residue left after `total’ digestion, were found tocontain Fe, Ni and Cr.  相似文献   
Summary Chronic, undulatingTheileria annulata infection was diagnosed as the cause of severely depressed milk yields in a herd of 44 Friesian cows in Egypt. The herd was divided at random into two groups of 22; one group was injected intramuscularly with a single dose of the experimental antitheilerial drug, buparvaquone, while the other remained untreated. Over the subsequent seven weeks milk yield in the treated group increased to double that of the untreated group (P<0.05). Pyrexia was controlled within two days of injection of buparvaquone and piroplasm parasitaemia was eliminated in one week. It is suggested that treatment of dairy cattle chronically infected withT. annulata using buparvaquone may have the dual beneficial effect of reducing the pathogenic effects of theileriosis, thereby permitting restoration of an impaired immune system, thus increasing resistance to other infections. If a similar effect could be produced inBos indicus cattle inT. annulata endemic areas, treatment of indigenous cattle with buparvaquone could be a useful alternative to the introduction ofBos taurus blood as a way of boosting milk production.
Efecto Sobre La Produccion De Leche Del Tratamiento De La Theileriosis Cronica Con Buparvaquone
Resumen Se diagnosticó infección crónica ondulate deTheileria annulata, en un hato de 44 vacas Friesian en Egipto; la causa fue, la caida severa de la producción láctea. Se dividió el hato al azár, en dos grupos de 22 vacas cada uno; un grupo se inyectó via intramuscular, con una dosis única de la droga experimental buparvaquone y el otro no se trató. Durante las siete semanas subsiguientes, la producción láctea aumentó el doble en el grupo tratado, en relación con el grupo sin tratar (P<0.05). La pirexia fue controlada, dentro de los dos primeros dias después de la inyección de buparvaquone, y la parasitemia por piroplasmas se eliminó en una semana. Se sugiere, que el tratamiento con buparvaquone del genado de leche infectado crónicamente conT. annulata, podría tener doble efecto benéfico, al reducir el efecto patógeno de la theileriosis, permitiendo la restauración del sistema inmunológico, incrementando así la resistencia a otras infecciones. Si un efecto similar se produjera en ganadoBos indicus, en áreas endémicas deT. annulata, el tratamiento del ganado nativo con buparvaquone, podría convertirse en una alternativa a la introducción de sangreBos taurus, para incrementar la producción láctea.

Effet Du Traitement De La Theileriose Chronique Par La Buparvaquone Sur Les Rendements Laitiers
Résumé L'infection chronique et à rechutes àTheileria annulata a été diagnostiquée comme étant la cause de rendements laitiers fortement déprimés dans un troupeau de 44 vaches frisonnes en Egypte. Le troupeau fut partagé, au hasard, en deux groupes de 22; un groupe a reçu par voie intramusculaire, une dose unique d'un médicament antitheileriose expériemental, la buparvaquone, tandis que l'autre n'était pas traité. Pendant les sept semaines suivantes, le rendement laitier du groupe traité a doublé par rapport à celui du groupe non triaté (P<0.05). L'hyperthermie a été contrôlée dans les deux jours suivant l'injection de buparvaquone, et la parantémie à piroplasme éliminée en une semaine. Il est suggéré que le traitement du bétail laitier chroniquement infecté parT. annulata à l'aide de la buparvaquone peut avoir le double effet bénéfique de réduire les effects pathologiques de la theilériose, permettant ainsi la restauration d'un système immunitaire affaibli, ce qui augmente la résistance aux autres infections. Si un effet similaire pouvait être produit chez le bétailBos indicus des régions à endémicitéT annulata, le traitement du bétail indigène avec la buparvaquone pourrait être une alternative utile à l'introduction du sangBos taurus dans le but de stimuler la production laitière.
Cowdria ruminantium infection in the mouse: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current knowledge of the pathogenicity, clinical signs and mortality of artificial infections by syringe inoculation of Cowdria ruminantium in laboratory and wild strains of mice is reviewed. It is concluded that a wide spectrum of pathogenicity for mice exists in stocks of the organism.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of indigenous chicken Lactobacillus species isolates from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract on Eimeria tenella invasion in vitro and to characterise the nature of inhibition, if any. The effects of competitive exclusion, steric interference and bacterial extracellular factors on E. tenella invasion were examined in an MDBK cell model. Several Lactobacillus species were initially isolated from chickens and identified by biochemical characteristics and 16S-rRNA. All Lactobacillus species isolates tested, significantly inhibited E. tenella invasion. Steric interference did not affect parasite invasion. Extracellular metabolic factors secreted by Lactobacillus species isolates into the surrounding media were shown to inhibit parasite invasion and these factors appeared to be heat stable. These results show that the natural microflora of poultry can provide a source of E. tenella-inhibiting Lactobacillus species in vitro, and thus may contribute to the control of Eimeria infection.  相似文献   
Groups of seven cattle were infected with Theileria parva stabilate and treated with parvaquone (20 mg kg-1 bodyweight) zero, four, eight, 12, 14 or 16 days after infection. Very early treatments resulted in a rapid recovery or no detectable parasitosis and some cattle were subsequently susceptible to homologous challenge. Treatments applied before extensive lymphoid or other organ damage had developed were successful and some cattle treated in advanced disease also recovered. Clinical pathological indications of liver or kidney damage were recorded very late in the disease suggesting that prompt diagnosis and treatment are more important than supportive therapy for survival. Treatment on day 8 after infection allowed the appearance of macroschizonts and a transient pancytopenia but no other disease signs. This group was solidly immune to challenge and this timing and treatment could be recommended for use in an infection and treatment method of immunisation.  相似文献   
A spreadsheet model was developed and used to estimate the total cost of immunising cattle against East Coast fever (ECF) based on the infection-and-treatment method. Using data from an immunisation trial carried out on 102 calves and yearlings on 64 farms in the Githunguri division, Kiambu district, Kenya, a reference base scenario of a mean herd of five animals, a 10% rate of reaction to immunisation and a 2-day interval monitoring regimen (a total of 10 farm visits) was simulated. Under these conditions, the mean cost of immunisation per animal was US$16.48 (Ksh 955.78); this was equivalent to US$82.39 (Ksh 4778.90) per five-animal farm. A commonly reported reactor rate of 3% would decrease the cost to US$14.63 (Ksh 848.29) per animal. Reducing the number of farm monitoring visits from 10 to 7 would reduce the total cost by 10%, justified if farmers are trained to undertake some of the monitoring work. The fixed costs were 53% of the total cost of immunisation per farm. The cost of immunisation decreased with increasing number of animals per farm, showing economies of scale.  相似文献   
Summary The ability of imidocarb dipropionate to cure and sterilise experimental syringe passaged infections of Kenyan strains ofAnaplasma marginale andBabesia bigemina in cattle was investigated. Splenectomised calves with rising parasitaemias ofB. bigemina were rapidly cured by the subcutaneous injection of imidocarb at 1 mg/kg and heifers were sterilised of low infections ofB. bigemina by doses of imidocarb down to 0·5 mg/kg. Heifers with rising parasitaemias ofA. marginale were rapidly cured by the subcutaneous injection of 3 mg/kg of imidocarb dipropionate but two doses of 6 mg/kg imidocarb dipropionate, with a 2-week interval between doses, failed to sterilise the infections of heifers known to be carryingA. marginale.
Sumario La abilidad del imidocarb dipropionate de curar y esterilizar infecciones experimentales con cepas de Kenya deAnaplasma marginale yBabesia bigemina en bovinos ha sido investigada. Terneros esplenectomizados y con parasitemias elevadas deB. bigemina fueron rapidamente curados mediante la inyeccion subcutanea de imidocarb a 1 mg/kg, y terneras fueron esterilizadas de infecciones bajas deB. bigemina con dosis de imidocarb de 0,5 mg/kg. Terneras con parasitemias elevadas deA. marginale fueron rapidamente curadas por la inyeccion subcutanea de 3 mg/kg de imidocarb dipropionate pero dos dosis de 6 mg/kg, con dos semanas de intervalo entre las dosis fueron inefectivas en esterilizar las infecciones de las terneras conocidas portadoras deA. marginale.

Résumé Le pouvoir curatif et stérilisant du dipropionate d'Imidocarbe dans les infections expérimentales par passages à la seringue des souches kényanes d'Anaplasma marginale etBabesia bigemina a été évalué. Des veaux splénectomisés en parasitémie ascendante àB. bigemina ont été rapidement guéris par injection sous-cutanée d'imidocarbe à 1 mg/kg et des génisses faiblement parasitées ont été débarrassées deB. bigemina par des doses d'imidocarbe jusqu'à 0,5 mg/kg. Des génisses en parasitémie ascendante àA. marginale ont été rapidement guéries par l'injection sous-cutanée de 3 mg/kg de dipropionate d'imidocarbe, mais deux doses de 6 mg/kg administrées à deux semaines d'intervalle n'ont pas réussi à stériliser les infections des génisses connues comme porteuses d'A. marginale.
Materials representing common interstratified clay minerals are shown to be composed of aggregates of fundamental particles. Transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction demonstrate that the x-ray diffraction characteristics of a wide range of interstratification can be modeled experimentally by utilizing materials containing only three types of particles. The data have been incorporated into a new model that regards interstratified clay minerals as populations of fundamental particles whose x-ray diffraction patterns result from interparticle diffraction.  相似文献   
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