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Proventriculitis of broilers can be reproduced by oral inoculation of day-old chicks with a proventricular homogenate from affected 3-wk-old broilers. The objective of the following studies was to isolate from this homogenate viral and bacterial isolates that could produce proventriculitis. A monoclonal antibody to infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was used to precipitate virus from the homogenate. A primary chicken digestive tract cell culture system was also used to isolate virus from a 0.2-microm filtrate of the homogenate, and a bacterium was also isolated from the homogenate. In trial 1, day-old birds were orally inoculated with either proventriculus homogenate or monoclonal antibody immunoprecipitated IBDV (MAB-IBDV). At 4, 7, 14, and 21 days postinfection (PI), 12 birds from each treatment group were subjected to necropsy. In trial 2, day-old birds were orally inoculated with either infectious proventriculus homogenate, suspect virus isolated in cell culture and propagated in embryo livers and spleens, or a bacterial isolate. Twelve birds from each treatment were subjected to necropsy at days 7, 14, 21, and 28 PI. In trial 3, treatments were maintained in negative pressure isolation chambers, and an additional treatment included virus plus bacterial isolate. Twenty-four birds from each treatment were subjected to necropsy at day 21 PI. In trial 1, infectious homogenate decreased body weight and relative gizzard weights at 4, 7, 14, and 21 days PI. Proventriculus relative weight was increased at days 7, 14, and 21 PI, and proventriculus lesion scores were increased at days 14 and 21 PI. Bursa/spleen weight ratios were decreased at day 14, and feed conversion was increased at days 4 and 21. The MAB-IBDV treatment decreased proventriculus and gizzard relative weights at day 4 PI, increased proventriculus lesion scores and bursa/spleen weight ratios at day 14, and decreased heterophil/lymphocyte ratios at day 21. In trial 2, all infected birds had significantly higher mean relative proventriculus weights at 21 days PI and had higher 4-wk mean proventriculus scores as compared with both control groups. In trial 3, birds treated with homogenate and birds treated with both suspect virus and the bacterial isolate had significantly higher proventriculus lesion scores; higher relative weights of proventriculus, gizzard, liver, and heart; lower body weights; and lower relative bursa weights compared with the saline control group. These studies suggest that infectious proventriculitis has a complex etiology involving both viral and bacterial infection.  相似文献   
In a companion paper we derived the correct analysis for gerechte designs with uncorrected errors. Here we show that this correct analysis cannot be justified by the usual randomization argument. However, when the regions are rectangular there is a randomization procedure which validates an analysis with three separate error terms. We also outline other developments in design and analysis that may be more satisfactory.  相似文献   
Antibodies to bovine serum albumin were detected in swine sera by use of an immunoblotting technique. Such sera had false-positive reactions, as determined by results of African swine fever virus serodiagnostic techniques when bovine serum albumin was a contaminant in the soluble cytoplasmic antigen obtained from infected cells cultured in the presence of bovine serum. The soluble cytoplasmic antigen obtained from cell cultures infected with African swine fever virus in the presence of porcine serum did not react with the false-positive sera and, therefore, was used for African swine fever virus serodiagnostic methods, with 0% false-positive results.  相似文献   
A trial was performed with heifers at the age of six to seven months. The animals were experimentally infected with the lymphocytes of a virus-productive donor. Infection was produced in all the nine cases, as demonstrated by means of the positive syncytial test. As indicated by the results of the trial, the antibodies to the enzootic bovine leucosis virus (BLV) were produced soon after experimental infection. A high sensitivity of the serum-neutralization test and the ELISA method was demonstrated in this connection: by these methods, the antibodies were identified already two to three weeks after experimental infection whereas by the immunodiffusion test they could be detected only after five weeks. Twenty-four animals were exposed to natural contact infection. Within 270 days of the trial, the disease after contact was recorded only in one heifer out of the four that were in close contact with the experimentally infected animals. In this case, as compared with experimental infection, the antibodies were produced much later--after 85 to 93 days. Leucosis was recorded in none of the remaining animals. The reasons why such a favourable result was obtained were the thorough disinfection of the stables after blood collections and the strict observance of the aseptic conditions. The results of experimental infection in three cows were identical with those obtained in young cattle. In the experimentally infected dairy cows, antibodies in milk were determined by the ELISA method. As found, in milk the antibodies to BLV appear two to three weeks later than they do in serum. The ELISA method of BLV antibody detection can be used for the identification of infected animals in herds where enzootic bovine leucosis occurs.  相似文献   
As the specialties of emergency medicine and critical care have grown and evolved in both human and veterinary medicine, so has the need for more advanced care of patients with primary lung disease. Treatment of acute respiratory failure has been the focus of several articles in the human medical literature of the past few years.1,8 This paper deals with airway pressure therapy and its application in cases of acute respiratory failure in veterinary medicine. The reader is referred to part I of this paper for a reveiw of respiratory mechanics and hypoxemia as they apply to respiratory therapy.  相似文献   
Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were aspirated from antral follicles (3–6 mm in diameter). COCs with a compact multilayered cumulus investment were cultured for 9, 13 and 24 hours, respectively, and processed for scanning or transmission electron microscopy after different periods of culture including a 0 hour control group. In all 0 hour control COCs initial formation of cumulus cell projections, blebs and microvilli were observed. The start of cumulus-oocyte disconnection in cattle was observed after 9 hours of in vitro culture. These connections were almost completely discrupted after 13 hours, when a continuous production of extracellular matrix was observed. The full expansion of corona radiata cells was not observed even after 24 hours. Some cumulus oophorus cells were bound together with junctions of the zonula adherens type after 24 hours when extracellular matrix was found only in deeper layers. The full expansion of corona radiata cells was not the prerequisite for disconnection of cumulus-oocyte complex. Inhalt: Kumulus oophorus Expansion von in vitro kultivierten Rinderoozyten: Eine SEM und TEM Untersuchung Kumulus-Oozyten-Komplexe (COC) von Rindern wurden aus antralen Follikeln aspiriert (Durchmesser 3–6 mm). COC's mit kompakten mehrschichtigen Kumulus wurden für 9, 13 und 24 Stunden kultiviert und für die Scanner- oder Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie vorbereitet. Verschiedene Kulturzeiten incl. einer 0-Stundengruppe als Kontrolle wurden untersucht. In allen Kontroll COC's wurden beginnende Formationen yon Kumuluszellprojektionen, Bläschen und Mikrovilli beobachtet. Nach 9-stündiger in vitro Kultur begann die Lösung zwischen Kumulus und Oozyte. Die Verbindungen waren nach 13 Stunden vollständig unterbrochen, wobei eine kontinuierliche Produktion extrazellulärer Matrix beobachtet wurde. Eine vollständige Expansion der Corona radiata Zellen wurde auch nicht nach 24 Stunden beobachtet. Nach 24 Stunden waren einige Cumulus Oophorus Zellen über Verbindungen des Zonula adherens Typs verknüpft, wobei extrazelluläre Matrix nur in den tieferen Zellschichten gefunden wurde. Eine vollständige Kumulusexpansion ist keine Voraussetzung für die Auflösung des Kumulus-Oozyten-Komplexes.  相似文献   
Twenty-five domestic rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars were evaluated in a simulated rice/crawfish double cropping system in southwest Louisiana during 1983 and 1984. Wide variation was observed among cultivars in parameters believed to be important for maximizing productivity in such a system. Mean maturity ranged from 99 (Labelle) to 118 days (Starbonnet), while height ranged from 76 (Bellemont) to 130 cm (Della, Nato). Significant differences in grain yield response were observed, with yields ranging from 4,101 (Bluebelle) to 6,665 kg/hectare (Newbonnet). Straw dry matter production varied greatly, from 3,831 (Bellemont) to 9,170 kg/hectare (Della), and was positively correlated with plant height (r = 0.64; P = 0.0001). Ratoon biomass production was negatively correlated with both grain yield (r = -0.39; P = 0.0001) and maturity group (r = -0.69; P = 0.0001). Plant senescence at grain maturity also varied greatly and appears to be a factor in post-harvest ratoon capability. Early or very early maturing cultivars with both proven grain production and good ratooning capability appear best suited. Cultivar selection should be based upon individual farm situations and currently employed agronomic practices.  相似文献   
The state of mucus synthesis in the goblet cells of the small intestine was studied in conventional piglets infected with a dose of 200,000 oocytes of the coccidium Isospora suis the first and fifth day after parturition. The synthesis of mucus and its chemical characteristics undergo significant changes during the third and fourth day after infection. The activity of acid and neutral mucous substances declines; their level and the physiological synthetic function of goblet cells begin to return to the normal during the period starting on the eight to tenth day after infection. However, there were no fully functioning goblet cells in the broken numerical ratio even at the end of the period of investigation, i.e. the 13th day after infection. The thin surface layer of mucus remained almost unchanged within the whole extent of the small intestine parts studied.  相似文献   
The fertility of male coypu sperm following seminal vesicle extirpation was investigated using the penetration test into the egg of Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Ejaculates were obtained from five males by means of electro-ejaculation under halothane narcosis. The results of the zona-free hamster eggs (ZFHE) penetration test showed that the ejaculates of all the surgically treated coypu males were fertile and that ZFHE value fluctuated from 54 to 76.6%. The results obtained in experiments with natural mating revealed that the extirpation of male coypu seminal vesicles did not affect their fertility. In total 47 foetuses were found post mortem in ten coypu females covered by surgically treated males, which on average represented 4.7 foetuses per female.  相似文献   
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