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Batch titration experiments were carried out with organic soil samples in order to investigate the release to the solution phase of humic substances (HS). Measurements were made of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and the concentration of mono-meric (inorganic + organic) aluminium, as functions of added acid or base. DOC was taken to be entirely due to HS. The results can be interpreted in terms of a model in which the soil is considered to contain two types of HS–mobile or potentially mobile (HSM), and immobile (HSI). The binding of inorganic ions by the HS is calculated using humic ion-binding model IV, previously developed in this laboratory. Model IV allows the charges on the HS (ZHSM, ZHST) to be calculated; these are determined mainly by the binding of H+ and A13+. Concentrations of HS in solution, [HSaq], are given by the equation: where |ZHSM| is the modulus of ZHSM, nHSM is the carboxyl group content of HSM, cHSM is the soil content of HSM, β is a fitting parameter, and square brackets, [ ], indicate concentrations. For most of the soils a value for β of 3 gives acceptable agreements between measured and calculated values of [HSaq], indicating a major influence of charge on release. The optimized value of cHSM differs considerably among soils, whereas cHIS varies by only a factor of about two. Total humic contents (cHSM+ cHSI estimated by model optimization are in approximate agreement with values estimated by extraction of the soils with NaOH.  相似文献   
优化灌溉与施肥对冬小麦冠层结构的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验研究优化灌溉与施肥对冬小麦冠层结构的影响结果表明,与限量灌溉处理相比,优化灌溉和传统灌溉处理小麦最上部3个节间明显伸长,导致株高增高10cm,旗叶叶面积减小7%,但倒2叶和倒3叶叶面积分别增加7%和20%;优化灌溉处理小麦旗叶茎叶夹角明显减小。与未施N肥处理相比,施用N肥有增大小麦株高、叶面积和茎叶夹角的趋势,且传统施N比优化施N更加明显。优化水N管理麦田各层次透光率与传统处理差异较小,但它们均显著低于限量灌溉和未施N处理。  相似文献   
优化灌溉与施肥对冬小麦冠层结构的影响研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
盆栽试验研究连作对茄子苗期生长的影响结果表明 ,生长初期 4 5d内重茬茄苗株高、叶面积、主根长和总根长明显低于正茬 ,导致茄苗地上部、地下部鲜物质量分别比正茬减少 33 2 %和 30 2 % ,且重茬茄苗随苗龄的增加其根结线虫危害加重。对重茬土壤消毒虽消除线虫的危害 ,但未完全改善重茬茄苗生长状况 ,且播种后 7d重茬土壤茄子出苗率比正茬低 15 % ,表明茄子连作障碍是土传病虫害和化感物质共同作用的结果。通过水培收集的根系分泌物 ,随添加量的增加而对茄子胚根、胚芽生长的抑制作用增强 ,表明化感作用是茄子连作障碍的重要因子之一。  相似文献   
Objective— To describe the activity pattern of the vastus lateralis muscle in dogs at walk measured by surface electromyography (EMG) in relation to kinematics and kinetics of the pelvic limb.
Study Design— Experimental.
Animals— Malinois dogs (n=11).
Methods— Dogs (mean ± SD age, 5.5 ± 2.9 years; weight, 27.3 ± 3.8 kg; shoulder height, 62.7 ± 3.3 cm) walked on a treadmill system with integrated force plates, which allowed simultaneous analysis of kinematics, kinetics, and EMG data from all limbs. The maxima, minima, and their time of occurrence in the motion cycle of the EMG and the pelvic limb kinematics and kinetics were calculated; correlations between joint movement patterns, ground reaction forces (GRF), and activity pattern of the muscle group were investigated.
Results— The vastus lateralis muscle had an activity pattern with 2 peaks and a close positive correlation with GRF. The 1st peak occurred in early stance, followed by a decrease in activity during mid-stance. The 2nd peak occurred directly before the quick activity decrease in late stance phase, reaching its minimum early in swing phase.
Conclusions— These results suggest that the vastus lateralis muscle supports the vertical position and elevation of the pelvis during stance and push-off. During early stance, the muscle acts as a coantagonist to the hamstring muscle group and the gastrocnemius muscle, and restrains flexion during the late stance.
Clinical Relevance— Results of this study could enhance diagnosis of locomotor system disorders and facilitate monitoring effects of treatments (e.g., therapeutic exercises) on gait ability and muscle function.  相似文献   
wham , an equilibrium chemical model for soils, waters and sediments, centred on a discrete-site/ electrostatic model of humic substances (HS), has been used to analysae batch titration data for organic and mineral horizons of acid soils. In most cases, tolerable fits were obtained by optimizing the soil contents of HS and aluminium, while keeping the model parameters (site densities, equilibrium constants, electrostatic terms) fixed. The optimized contents agreed reasonably with those estimated by chemical extraction. For some mineral soil samples, low in HS and high in aluminium, fitting of the titration data was improved by assuming the formation and dissolution of A1(OH)3 and adjusting its solubility product. Solid-solution distributions of base cations (Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, NH+4) could be explained by non-specific counterion accumulation, with a small degree of selectivity. The WHAM sub-model for fulvic acid sorption accounted approximately for observed aqueous-phase concentrations of organic carbon and organically-complexed aluminium.  相似文献   
Conidia of Erysiphe graminis formed germ hyphae while floating on aqueous solutions of glutaraldehyde (0.25 M), formaldehyde (1 M), NaF (0.1 M), HgCl (0.05 M) and HgCl2. (0.1 M). Inhibition of germination ranged from 60.1% (NaF) to 88.8% (HgCl2). In an atmosphere of HCN gas (5 mM) inhibition was 72.8%. The detergents Triton X-100. sodium dodecylsulphate and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide at 10 g 1-1 caused approximately 90% inhibition but at lower concentrations Triton X-100 was the most inhibitory, both to germination and germ hypha elongation. Results of simultaneous treatment with HCN and Triton X-100 suggested that their actions were independent but comparisons of LD 50 for glutaraldehyde and Triton X-100 used separately and together indicated antagonism.  相似文献   
几种水氮模式处理下冬小麦冠层结构的差异   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李志勇  郭永新  王璞  翟志席 《麦类作物学报》2007,27(6):1085-10881095
为了给冬小麦水氮管理提供理论依据,以京冬8号为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,研究了4种水氮模式处理下冬小麦冠层结构的差异.结果表明,与传统水肥相比,传统灌溉-优化施肥的冬小麦株型较紧凑,植株高度相近,基部节间缩短,上3叶变短、变厚,总面积减少11.6%,叶倾角大,各层透光率高;优化灌溉-传统施肥的冬小麦株型松散,植株高度增加,基部节间差异小,上3叶变长、变薄,总面积增加14.1%,叶倾角小,各层透光率低;优化水肥与秸秆还田优化水肥株型稍松散,高度有所增加,基部节间缩短,上3叶长度有所增加,宽度有所减少,总面积分别减少2.3%和1.7%,叶倾角略减小,各层透光率略下降.与优化水肥相比,秸秆还田优化水肥有利于改善冬小麦冠层结构和光分布,但效果不明显.  相似文献   
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