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Background: The stomach is an underestimated key interface between the ingesta and the digestive system, affecting the digestion and playing an important role in several endocrine functions. The quality of starter microbiota and the early life feeding of medium chain triglycerides may affect porcine gastric maturation. Two trials(T1, T2) were carried out on 12 and 24 cesarean-delivered piglets(birth, d0), divided over two microbiota treatments, but slaughtered and sampled at two or three weeks of age, respectively. All piglets were fed orally: sow serum(T1) or pasteurized sow colostrum(T2) on d0; simple starter microbiota(Lactobacillus amylovorus, Clostridium glycolicum and Parabacteroides spp.)(d1-d3); complex microbiota inoculum(sow diluted feces, CA) or a placebo(simple association, SA)(d3-d4) and milk replacer ad libitum(d0-d4). The The T1 piglets and half of the T2 piglets were then fed a moist diet(CTRL); the remaining half of the T2 piglets were fed the CTRL diet fortified with medium chain triglycerides and 7% coconut oil(MCT). Total m RNA from the oxyntic mucosa was analyzed using Affymetrix?Porcine Gene array strips. Exploratory functional analysis of the resulting values was carried out using Gene Set Enrichment Analysis.Results: Complex microbiota upregulated 11 gene sets in piglets of each age group vs. SA. Of these sets, 6 were upregulated at both ages, including the set of gene markers of oxyntic mucosa. In comparison with the piglets receiving SA, the CA enriched the genes in the sets related to interferon response when the CTRL diet was given while the same sets were impoverished by CA with the MCT diet.Conclusions: Early colonization with a complex starter microbiota promoted the functional maturation of the oxyntic mucosa in an age-dependent manner. The dietary fatty acid source may have affected the recruitment and the maturation of the immune cells, particularly when the piglets were early associated with a simplified starter microbiota.  相似文献   
Field experiments were conducted in Iran in order to determine the interactions between the tillage system and crop rotation on weed seedling populations and crop yields from 2002 to 2005. No tillage, shallow tillage and deep tillage were the main plots and three crop sequences comprising continuous wheat (W‐W), wheat–canola–wheat–canola (C‐W) and wheat–safflower–wheat–safflower (S‐W) were the subplots. Bromus japonicus, Carthumus lanatus, Polygonum aviculare, Lolium temulentum and Avena ludoviciana were found to be the dominant species. The initial weed population in 2002 was estimated at 65 seedlings per m2 and B. japonicus (~35 seedlings per m2) was the most abundant species, followed by A. ludoviciana and L. temulentum. The dominant weed species mostly did not favor the combination of S‐W and C‐W with any tillage type. For the B. japonicus population, S‐W in combination with moldboard plowing indicated the lowest seedling population. In conclusion, the crop sequence in combination with tillage would help to control troublesome weed species. Safflower and canola were determined to be effective in reducing the grass weeds. The inclusion of these crops in rotation also increased the total revenue of the cropping systems because of the higher sale price of canola and safflower.  相似文献   
Changes to ecosystems caused by introduced herbivores can be predictable, stepwise transitions or unpredictable and even irreversible state changes. This study's objectives were to explore effects on forest succession and soil development 5 years after moose (Alces alces L.) were fenced out of areas within and adjacent to a national park in Newfoundland, Canada. Study plots spanned a range of understorey broadleaf plant associations with regenerating balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), an important winter forage plant for moose and a dominant canopy tree throughout Newfoundland. After 5 years, height–diameter ratios were significantly larger for larger basal diameters of understorey balsam fir in unfenced, but not in fenced subplots, suggesting that growth of the conifer is compromised within the exclosure. In contrast, for most broadleaf trees and shrubs, moose removal by fencing results in greater heights and basal diameters than in control subplots. The competitive advantage of broadleaf trees and shrubs over balsam fir in the short-term may be a result of past sustained heavy moose browsing benefiting plants that are better at investing resources into below-ground growth or benefiting plants that have broader leaf canopies. It is not clear how long the broadleaf transition state we document will continue. Restorative actions intended to mimic usual patterns of forest regeneration in this region of Newfoundland might best consider moose removal with site preparation and/or planting to historic densities.  相似文献   
This study aimed at clarifying whether a notable group of soils of the Jæren region, SW Norway, with deep humus‐rich top soils support a man‐made genesis. Four sites were investigated. The soils are characterized by thick top soils of 45, 70, 80, and 90 cm, which are enriched in soil organic matter and often also in artifacts, like fragments of potter's clay, indicating an anthropogenic origin. Soil pH ranges from 5.4 to 6.2 (H2O) and 4.4 to 5.3 (CaCl2), respectively. Soil organic C (SOC) contents range from 6.4 to 51.6 g kg?1 and N contents vary between 0 and 2.9 g kg?1. Increased P contents of up to 2,924.3 mg kg?1 total P (Pt) and 1,166.4 mg kg?1 citric acid‐soluble phosphorus (Pc) in the humus‐rich top soils support the assumption of an anthropogenic influence. Although many characteristics indicate an anthropogenic genesis, one soil lacks the required depth of 50 cm of a plaggen horizon and cannot be classified as Plaggic Anthrosol (WRB) and Plagganthrept (US Soil Taxonomy). As the requirement is 40 cm in the German system, all soils can be classified as Plaggenesch. The formation of these soils is related to human activity aiming at increasing soil fertility and overcoming the need of bedding material, the basic aims of the plaggen management in Europe. Highest P contents ever found for this kind of soils and references from the literature indicate that the formation of the soils in Norway started at Viking time, hence, being older than most other Plaggic Anthrosols.  相似文献   
To clarify whether a particular group of soils of Archangelsk region (European N Russia) with humus‐rich topsoils exceeding the plowing zone supports an anthropogenic formation, four exemplary profiles were investigated. The investigation sites are characterized by distinct elevated surfaces, and the soils show thick toplayers of up to 60 cm with enrichment of soil organic matter and artifacts like brick, charcoal, and peat fragments, all indicating an anthropogenic origin. Increased phytolith amounts and high P contents of up to 800 mg kg–1 citric acid–soluble P and up to 1,400 mg kg–1 total P in the top horizons support an anthropogenic influence. These properties are very similar to the Plagganthrepts of NW Europe. The same is true regarding the main management aims: increasing soil fertility and overcoming the need of bedding materials. Having the required depths of the anthropogenic topsoil, the properties of the soils of the Archangelsk region allow a classification as Agrozems (Russian classification), Plaggenesche (German classification), and Plagganthrepts (US taxonomy). Since the high base saturation of the topsoil excludes a designation as plaggic horizon, the topsoil has to be considered as terric horizon, which leads to a classification as Terric Anthrosol according to WRB.  相似文献   
The conversion of pasture to cropland leads to a decline of aggregation in topsoils and to a decrease of aggregate-binding agents such as carbohydrates and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). Till now, studies on soil aggregation focused either on carbohydrates or on GRSP as a binding agent in aggregates. In this study we analyse the development of the relationship between carbohydrates, GRSP, TOC and aggregate-stability following land-use change. Furthermore, we discuss the contents of carbohydrates, GRSP and TOC in each of the aggregate fractions. For these purposes, a chronosequence of sites, which were converted from pasture to cropland at different periods in history, was established. To get further insight into the impact of different types of land-use, also soils under forest, either afforested or permanent, were studied. The mean-weight diameter (MWD) of water-stable aggregates, the carbohydrate, and the GRSP content were determined in 49 soils. It was found that the MWD of the water-stable aggregates decreased monoexponentially (R2 = 0.66) by 66% during the first 46 years after conversion of the soils from pasture to cropland. During the same period, the carbohydrate content decreased very rapidly after the land use change by 64% and the GRSP content decreased more slowly by 57%. The MWD of the forest soils were in the same range as those of the permanent pasture soils although they exhibit significantly higher TOC contents, which indicate that other stabilization mechanisms are dominant in forest soils, less important in the chronosequence soils. TOC, carbohydrates and the GRSP contents were sigmoidally correlated with the MWD. Among the four water-stable aggregate fractions TOC and carbohydrates exhibited high contents in the macroaggregates and were less present in the microaggregates. GRSP, in contrast, was more equally distributed among the four water-stable aggregate fractions.  相似文献   
Development and Classification of Marsh Soils from the Unterweser Region, West Germany. II. Importance of Sulfur Metabolism, Methane Production and Ca/Mg Ratio for Classifying Marsh Soils The importance of sulfur metabolism in each step of marsh soil development (Brümmer, 1968) is also confirmed for the marsh soils of the Unterweser region. Sulfur contents and sulfur fractions indicate that soil development has advanced further in brackish marshes than in marine and river marshes. The results give additional evidence that the various properties of marsh soils are only partly caused by sedimentation conditions. – The sedimentation areas (Müller, 1954) apply only to small regions. Thus, methane production predominates in the freshwater area, while sulfate reduction predominates in the marine area. Both processes occur at high rates in the brackish area. Classifying soils on the basis of the Ca/Mg ratio gives the same soil groups as Brümmers classification. Consequently, classifying the marsh soils of Niedersachsen on the basis of Ca/Mg ratio is a suitable method, if the idea that sedimentation conditions cause soil properties – especially the contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg – and the present designations of the soil groups are rejected.  相似文献   
The Podzol has been elected “Soil of the year 2007” in Germany. This article reviews the present knowledge on the development, functions, and threats of Podzols. The main theories on mobilization and transport of organic matter, Fe, Al, and Si are (1) metal‐organic migration, (2) metal reduction, and (3) inorganic sol migration. Immobilization theories include precipitation or polymerization due to increasing pH/abundance of base cations with depth, mechanical filtering in soil pores, oxidation of metal‐organic complexes, biodegradation of the organic part, decreasing C‐to‐metal ratios during translocation, adsorption to soil particles, and flocculation at the point of zero charge. Podzolization is discussed also on the catena scale, where vertical and lateral translocation processes (across pedon boundaries) need to be considered to understand Podzol patterns in landscapes. Chronosequence studies show that incipient podzolization usually becomes visible between 100 and 500 y and mature Podzols develop in 1,000–6,000 y. The occurrence of Podzols worldwide is concentrated mainly on the boreal zone and mountain regions within the humid temperate zone. Smaller Podzol areas are found in some perhumid tropical and subtropical regions. In Germany, Podzols occur in the Alps, in the glaciofluvial valleys and heathlands of N Germany, and in the mountain ranges. They fulfil several ecological functions, especially for groundwater recharge. Main threats for these mostly sandy soils are wind erosion and surface mining of sand. Two pedons which were chosen to represent the “Soil of the year 2007” are presented. Finally, some conclusions about podzolization processes are drawn, which may explain the diverse observations reported in the literature.  相似文献   
Seasonal sulfur dynamic of Salic Fluvisols The seasonal sulfur dynamic of semisubmerged Salic Fluvisols was investigated in Neuwarpeler-Außengroden (Southern North Sea coast) from August 1991 to October 1992. The study was mainly performed by investigating different sulfur species: Total sulfur (HNO3/HCI digestion), sulfide-sulfur (HCI digestion) and sulfate-sulfur were measured, organic sulfur and pyrite-sulfur were calculated. The dominating sulfur fraction was pyrite, followed by organic sulfur, sulfate and sulfide. The sulfide contents did not change remarkably in the course of the year. The sulfate contents were highest in summer and lowest in winter. They were positively correlated with the chloride contents. The total sulfur contents were highest in summer and winter. They show two phases of pyrite formation. The redox potentials show a simultaneous reoxidation in summer.  相似文献   
Characterization of former sedimentation conditions of freshwater and brackish marshes in Lower Saxony on the basis of ecological diatom groups Eighteen soils ranked as freshwater and brackish marshes in surveys were examined for their diatom flora. In 9 cases it was possible to reconstruct the former sedimentation conditions. According to the findings. 4 of 6 freshwater marshes had sedimented under marine-estuarine and estuarine or marine conditions. For the brackish marshes brackish to marine sedimentation environments were inferred. Brackish to marine sedimentation conditions were, therefore, not restricted to soils now indicated as marine marshes on surveys.  相似文献   
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