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SUMMARY Data from 40 trials described in 27 published papers were analysed by meta-analysis (pooling of data from numerous trials into a single analysis) to evaluate the effects of injecting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) In cattle at the time of Insemination on the risk of pregnancy. A total of 19 019 cows were involved In these studies. Analyses were stratified by trial and by the effects of dose of GnRH, type of GnRH and Insemination number (first, second or third and greater). Mantel-Haenszel analysis revealed that use of GnRH at Insemination significantly Increased the overall risk of pregnancy by 12.5% In treated cows (P < 0.05). However, Increases In risk of pregnancy were greatest (22.5%) when repeat breeders were treated. Results for use of GnRH or analogue at first service were similar, with Increased risks of pregnancy in treated cows of 5.2 and 8.0%, respectively. The risk of pregnancy tended to be higher (11.1%) when the dose of GnRH was 250 μg and when used at second Insemination (9.9%). The analyses demonstrated that while treatment at Insemination with GnRH and GnRH analogues Increased conception rates In dairy cattle, some variation In study results was attributable to the number of Inseminations after calving at which GnRH Is administered. Further efforts should be made to determine characteristics of populations of cows that have good fertility responses to GnRH and to determine the mode of action of GnRH in Increasing fertility. Meta-analysis proved to be a useful technique for evaluating the apparently conflicting results from trials and in evaluating the effect of factors such as Insemination number, dose and type of GnRH on responses to treatment.  相似文献   
The biotopes occupied by pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)and rebollo oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) in Galicia were characterizedusing different parameters, enabling a comparative analysisof its habitats. Thirty-nine plots of pedunculate oak and 40of rebollo oak were inventoried and 25 ecological parameters(physiographic, climatic and edaphic) were measured to describethe biotopes, along with 14 stand parameters to characterizethe structure and the silviculture of these forests; some ofthem were used in previous works about the autecology of bothspecies. Quercus robur was found to occupy a wider range ofecological habitats and their distribution is oceanic; Q. pyrenaicapresents a more Mediterranean phytoclimatic position. The resultsindicated that the distribution of oak forests in Galicia ismore closely related to physiographic and climatic featuresthan to edaphic, because the nature of the substrates that theyoccupy is similar. Analysis of fragility/aggressiveness betweenboth species and chestnut shows that the aggressiveness of bothoaks, mainly pedunculate, was much higher, except at high altitudes,and in areas with a high mean temperature, where rebollo ismore aggressiveness. Comparison of the two Quercus shows formost of the parameters that Q. robur is the more aggressivespecies.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine, for a variety of environmental conditions, how long Mycobacterium bovis might remain viable inside the carcass of a brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) that died of bovine tuberculosis (Tb), and to measure the rate of contact between free-ranging possums and possum carcasses.

METHODS: Lesions of M. bovis were simulated by inoculating excised spleens weighing 0.5–1 g with 0.2 mL liquid culture containing approximately 5 x 107 cfu M. bovis/mL. Simulated lesions were inserted into possum carcasses (n=48) at the peripheral lymph nodes. Carcasses were placed in the field at two sites (a tussock grassland and a podocarp-broadleaved forest site) and in two seasons (summer and winter) for up to 62 days. Survival rates of M. bovis were estimated by sampling the simulated lesions over time, and culturing the recovered lesion to determine if any viable M. bovis bacteria were present.

The time taken for a free-ranging possum to first encounter a dead possum in its home range was estimated by live-trapping possums and fitting them with proximity loggers (n=13). A ‘contact’ was recorded if these possums came within 40–50 cm of proximity loggers fitted to possum carcasses.

RESULTS: There were strong seasonal and site effects in the survival rate of M. bovis in possum carcasses. In the grassland habitat, no viable bacilli were cultured from any carcass after 3 days in summer, whereas in winter all samples were culture-positive for the first 20 days, and some were still positive after 27 days. The survival rates for forest habitat were intermediate between the results for grassland, and there were no culture-positive carcasses after 9 days in summer or 27 days in winter.

In summer, infected carcasses (n=6) were first encountered by possums a mean 1.9 (range 0.4–6.7) days after placement.

CONCLUSIONS: Possum carcasses were contacted by free-ranging possums within the period that viable M. bovis were shown to survive in a carcass. The risk of such infection is likely to be most significant in winter or in areas with microhabitats where the survival of M. bovis is high. However, the generally low survival rate of M. bovis in possum carcasses and the low frequency of possum-to-carcass contacts indicate this route of transmission alone could not maintain Tb in a possum population.  相似文献   
In a randomized, confirmatory study performed between July and October 2000 the efficacy of two iron products in preventing iron deficiency anaemia was compared. A total of 102 newborn piglets from ten litters were treated intramuscularly with 200 mg iron as iron dextran per ml, or 200 mg iron as gleptoferron per ml. For true comparison, piglets within a litter of a sow were subdivided into pairs on the basis of birth weight (one pair of the two heaviest piglets, et cetera). Within a pair, treatment with the iron supplements was randomly allocated. One group of piglets was injected at an age of 1 day (experiment 1) and the other group of piglets was injected at an age of 3 days (experiment 2). The piglets were weighed and blood samples were taken at an age of 18 days (experiment 1) or at an age of 19 days (experiment 2). Average daily weight gain and haemoglobin concentrations of both treatment groups were compared. Both products were very effective in preventing anaemia. No significant differences could be found between the two formulations. It can be concluded that iron-dextran and gleptoferron can be used with similar effect for anaemia prevention in piglets.  相似文献   
Objective To identify farm factors which were associated with reproductive performance in dairy herds in New South Wales.
Procedure A survey was administered by face to face interview to examine the responses of producers drawn from 757 herds, which used the New South Wales Agriculture Department Dairy Herd Improvement scheme. A case-control approach was used to select a total of 126 herds from the first (top group - cases) and fourth quartiles (low group - controls) for intercalving interval.
Results We found that the estimated interval from calving to first mating was significantly different between groups (P = 0.03) and that the groups significantly differed in both their target for interval to first mating (P = 0.02) and their perceived optimum time for first mating (P = 0.04). Other factors associated with a longer intercalving interval included, use of embryo transfer programs (P = 0.08), younger managers (P = 0.02), fewer breedings per day (P = 0.01), a greater number of people detecting heats (P = 0.07), but less hours spent detecting heats while handling the cows (P = 0.11), and a failure to vaccinate bulls for campylobacteriosis (P = 0.14).
Conclusions Managers of herds with poorer reproductive performance did not intend to mate cattle as soon after calving as managers with better reproductive performance, were not as active in seeking veterinary advice on reproduction, and were attempting to treat reproductive diseases and disorders themselves.  相似文献   
This case report describes four horses with unilateral superficial or mid-stromal immune-mediated keratitis (IMMK) treated with a superficial keratectomy (SK) without a conjunctival graft. In two horses, the surgery was performed under general anaesthesia, and in two horses standing with sedation and local blocks. Results of this report show that SK is a viable treatment option in horses with chronic superficial and/or mid-stromal IMMK that can even be performed in the standing, sedated horse. When sufficient corneal tissue is removed, no recurrence is to be expected in the long-term follow-up (up to 31 months). In two horses, healing occurred without complications. Two horses developed a secondary bacterial infection post-operatively (Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus). In one case, this resulted in a pre-perforating melting corneal ulcer necessitating conjunctival pedicle graft surgery 13 days post keratectomy. In three horses, there was no recurrence of the IMMK with a long-term follow-up of 6–31 months. One case showed recurrence of IMMK in the cornea region surrounding the keratectomy 9 months after surgery.  相似文献   
Objective   To describe the structure of the Australian poultry industry and discuss the potential for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to spread between Australian poultry farms.
Procedure   High densities of poultry farms, frequent contacts between farms by service providers, the supply of live poultry markets (LPM) and the presence of free-range duck flocks in affected regions have been identified as risk factors for the spread of HPAI between flocks in outbreaks causing the death or destruction of over 1 million poultry overseas. Data on 1,594 commercial Australian chicken meat, chicken egg, duck and turkey farms were collected by a telephone questionnaire of farm managers to assess the risk of a HPAI outbreak in Australia.
Results and Discussion   Five regions of Australia had farm densities comparable to overseas regions that experienced widespread HPAI. Common service providers routinely contacted different classes and types of farms over wide geographic areas. However, no responding farms supplied LPM and the majority of duck farms did not produce free-range ducks.
Conclusion   Outbreaks of HPAI have the potential to cause serious impacts on the Australian poultry industry. The risk posted by LPM and free-range ducks is limited, but the movement of genetic stock and common service providers could spread infection between companies, industries or geographical regions. Biosecurity measures are therefore considered critical to limit the secondary spread of infection should an outbreak occur.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of the number of days exposure to a prepartum transition diet on mineral, energy and protein metabolism in dairy cows. Design A prospective cohort study. Procedures The prepartum transition diet consisted of ryegrass pasture, cereal hay, grain, grain by-product, protein meals, BioChlor®, rumen modifiers, minerals and vitamins and contained 13.9% crude protein, 10.0 MJ metabolisable energy/kg and a dietary cation anion difference of −35 meq/kg dry matter. Forty cows were bled bi-weekly from their introduction to the prepartum transition diet until day 35 of lactation. Blood samples were submitted for estimation of a range of metabolites. Cubic smoothed splines were fitted to scatterplots of metabolite concentration as a function of day relative to calving and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Linear regression modelling determined the effect of days exposed, age, body condition score (BSC) and calving day on AUC. Results The prepartum AUC of blood phosphorus and beta-hydroxybutyrate increased and the AUC of blood calcium and cholesterol decreased with increasing days exposed to the diet. The postpartum AUC of beta-hydroxybutyrate and non-esterified fatty acids decreased with increasing days exposed but increased with days exposed × age and days exposed × BCS, respectively. The AUC of other metabolites did not vary significantly with number of days exposed. Conclusions Increasing exposure to the prepartum diet significantly altered the AUC of blood metabolites associated with mineral, energy and protein metabolism in ways consistent with improvements in production and reproduction previously reported and the result suggests links between energy, protein and skeletal metabolism.  相似文献   
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