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畜牧业是尼泊尔北部山区的重要生计支柱,提升牧草产量是我国对尼泊尔开展农业技术援助的关键领域。为筛选出适宜尼泊尔北部山区栽培的燕麦品种,于2019年5-10月在尼泊尔热索瓦县郎唐山区对12个燕麦品种(爱沃、太阳神、贝勒1、美达、科纳、林纳、青引1号、青海444、青海甜燕麦、陇燕2号、陇燕3号、Kamadhenu)的物候期、株高、产草量、穗含量、叶茎比和关键营养成分等进行了品比试验。结果表明:美达、科纳、青引1号、青海444、青海甜燕麦和Kamadhenu 6个品种能完成生育期,生育天数在115~141 d,其余多数品种只能达到乳熟期。各燕麦品种的株高为134.8~177.7 cm,其中引进品种太阳神、青海444、青海甜燕麦、美达和林纳的株高较对照品种Kamadhenu高6.3%~20.4%,存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。青海甜燕麦、青海444和美达的干草产量分别达到了14723.0、13491.0和13369.6 kg·hm-2,分别比对照品种Kamadhenu增产36.0%、24.7%和23.6%,差异极显著(P<0.01)。贝勒1、科纳和太阳神的叶茎比分别为0.40、0.38和0.36,是对照品种Kamadhenu的1.50~1.67倍。各燕麦品种的干物质、粗蛋白、总灰分、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量变化范围分别为93.5%~95.6%、5.7%~9.9%、4.4%~6.9%、68.2%~78.4%和39.3%~48.7%,其中太阳神的粗蛋白含量是对照品种Kamadhenu的1.57倍,存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。对各燕麦品种的10个农艺性状进行主成分分析及综合评价,结果表明,引进品种青海甜燕麦、美达、青海444和太阳神综合适应性较好,适宜在该地区推广种植。  相似文献   
In vegetable brassicas, cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system is the most preferred mechanism for hybrid seed production and Ogura cybrid cytoplasm is the only source used widely. Effects of the alien cybrid cytoplasm on important quality traits need to be understood for their effective use in breeding programme. In analysing 38 Ogura cybrid cytoplasm‐based cauliflower CMS lines, it was revealed that introgression of Ogura cytoplasm resulted in significant alteration in important quality traits. Cupric reducing antioxidant activity and ferric reducing ability of plasma values were increased up to 5–10 times in different genotypes. Among 38 analysed CMS lines, concentration of plant pigments such as anthocyanin, total chlorophylls and ascorbic acid was reduced in 21, 17 and 32 genotypes, respectively. However, the concentration of total carotenoids and β‐carotene was elevated in most of the CMS lines and total carotenoid was increased up to 20 times in the CMS line, Ogu13‐85‐2A. The results indicate the role of nuclear–cytoplasmic interaction and mitochondrial genome in determining concentration of different quality traits.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Breeding wheat for resistance is the most effective means to control Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by the ascomycete Mycosphaerella graminicola (anamorph Septoria tritici). At least eight genes that confer resistance to STB in wheat have been identified. Among them, the Stb4 locus from the wheat cv. Tadinia showed resistance to M. graminicola at both seedling and adult-plant stages. However, no attempt has been made to map the Stb4 locus in the wheat genome. A mapping population of 77 F10 recombinant-inbred lines (RILs) derived from a three-way cross between the resistant cv. Tadinia and the susceptible parent (Yecora Rojo x UC554) was evaluated for disease resistance and molecular mapping. The RILs were tested with Argentina isolate I 89 of M. graminicola for one greenhouse season in Brazil during 1999, with an isolate from Brazil (IPBr1) for one field season in Piracicaba (Brazil) during 2000, and with Indiana tester isolate IN95-Lafayette-1196-WW-1-4 in the greenhouse during 2000 and 2001. The ratio of resistant:susceptible RILs was 1:1 in all three tests, confirming the single-gene model for control of resistance to STB in Tadinia. However, the patterns of resistance and susceptibility were different between the Indiana isolate and those from South America. For example, the ratio of RILs resistant to both the Indiana and Argentina isolates, resistant to one but susceptible to the other, and susceptible to both isolates was approximately 1:1:1:1, indicating that Tadinia may contain at least two genes for resistance to STB. A similar pattern was observed between the Indiana and Brazil isolates. The gene identified with the Indiana tester isolate was assumed to be the same as Stb4, whereas that revealed by the South American isolates may be new. Bulked-segregant analysis was used to identify amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers linked to the presumed Stb4 gene. The AFLP marker EcoRI-ACTG/MseI-CAAA5 and microsatellite Xgwm111 were closely linked to the Stb4 locus in coupling at distances of 2.1 and 0.7 centimorgans (cM), respectively. A flanking marker, AFLP EAGG/ M-CAT10, was 4 cM from Stb4. The Stb4 gene was in a potential supercluster of resistance genes near the centromere on the short arm of wheat chromosome 7D that also contained Stb5 plus five previously identified genes for resistance to Russian wheat aphid. The microsatellite marker Xgwm111 identified in this study may be useful for facilitating the transfer of Stb4 into improved cultivars of wheat.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, transmits the causal bacteria of the devastating citrus disease huanglongbing (HLB). Because of the variation in spatial and temporal uptake and systemic distribution of imidacloprid applied to citrus trees and its degradation over time in citrus trees, ACP adults and nymphs are exposed to concentrations that may not cause immediate mortality but rather sublethal effects. The objective of this laboratory study was to determine the effects of sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid on ACP life stages. RESULTS: Feeding by ACP adults and nymphs on plants treated daily with a sublethal concentration (0.1 µg mL?1) of imidacloprid significantly decreased adult longevity (8 days), fecundity (33%) and fertility (6%), as well as nymph survival (12%) and developmental rate compared with untreated controls. The magnitude of these negative effects was directly related to exposure duration and concentration. Furthermore, ACP adults that fed on citrus leaves treated systemically with lethal and sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid excreted significantly less honeydew (7–94%) compared with controls in a concentration‐dependent manner suggesting antifeedant activity of imidacloprid. CONCLUSIONS: Sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid negatively affect development, reproduction, survival and longevity of ACP, which likely contributes to population reductions over time. Also, reduced feeding by ACP adults on plants treated with sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid may potentially decrease the capacity of ACP to successfully acquire and transmit the HLB causal pathogen. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The present study investigated the effect of seven Bacillus‐species plant‐growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) seed treatments on the induction of disease resistance in cowpea against mosaic disease caused by the blackeye cowpea mosaic strain of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). RESULTS: Initially, although all PGPR strains recorded significant enhancement of seed germination and seedling vigour, GBO3 and T4 strains were very promising. In general, all strains gave reduced BCMV incidence compared with the non‐bacterised control, both under screen‐house and under field conditions. Cowpea seeds treated with Bacillus pumilus (T4) and Bacillus subtilis (GBO3) strains offered protection of 42 and 41% against BCMV under screen‐house conditions. Under field conditions, strain GBO3 offered 34% protection against BCMV. The protection offered by PGPR strains against BCMV was evaluated by indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), with lowest immunoreactive values recorded in cowpea seeds treated with strains GBO3 and T4 in comparison with the non‐bacterised control. In addition, it was observed that strain combination worked better in inducing resistance than individual strains. Cowpea seeds treated with a combination of strains GBO3 + T4 registered the highest protection against BCMV. CONCLUSION: PGPR strains were effective in protecting cowpea plants against BCMV under both screen‐house and field conditions by inducing resistance against the virus. Thus, it is proposed that PGPR strains, particularly GBO3, could be potential inducers against BCMV and growth enhancers in cowpea. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Tan spot of wheat, caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a destructive disease worldwide that can lead to serious losses in quality and quantity of wheat grain production. Resistance to multiple races of P. tritici-repentis was identified in a wide range of genetically diverse genotypes, including three different species Triticum aestivum (AABBDD), T. spelta (AABBDD), and T. turgidum (AABB). The major objectives of this study were to determine the genetic control of resistance to P. tritici-repentis races 1 and 5 in 12 newly identified sources of resistance. The parents, F(1), F(2), and F(2:3) or F(2:5) families of each cross were analyzed for the allelism tests and/or inheritance studies. Plants were inoculated at the two-leaf stage under controlled environmental conditions and disease reaction was assessed based on lesion-type rating scale. A single recessive gene controlled resistance to necrosis caused by P. tritici-repentis race 1 in both tetraploid and hexaploid resistant genotypes. The lack of segregation in the inter- and intra-specific crosses between the resistant tetraploid and hexaploid genotypes indicated that they possess the same genes for resistance to tan necrosis and chlorosis induced by P. tritici-repentis race 1. A single dominant gene for chlorosis in hexaploid wheat and a single recessive gene for necrosis in tetraploid wheat, controlled resistance to P. tritici-repentis race 5.  相似文献   
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating disease in wheat throughout the world. FHB resistance consists of two components: resistance to initial infection (type I) and resistance to spread within infected spikes (type II). Current wheat breeding programs for FHB focus on type II resistance, which limits pathogen spread but may not be sufficiently durable. To combine type I with existing type II resistance, 113 F9-derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were developed from a cross between three wheat genotypes Frontana, W9207, and Alsen. The RILs were evaluated for resistance to initial infection, FHB spread within spike, kernel damage, and deoxynivalenol (DON) content in two independent greenhouse experiments in 2006 and 2007. Among the 113 RILs, 20% lines showed ≤10% initial disease severity (IDS) and ≤11 to 30% final disease severity (FDS), and 19% had DON content ≤5 μg/g. Approximately 11% of the RILs showed tendency of higher resistance (as exhibited by lower IDS, FDS, and DON content) than the resistant parents. The 42 of the FHB-resistant RILs were analyzed with seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers or microsatellites known to be linked to FHB resistance. Approximately half of the RILs had molecular markers linked to both types of FHB resistance indicated the presence of type I and II resistance alleles in the RILs. The resistant RILs identified in this study should be useful for the future improvement of FHB resistance in spring wheat.  相似文献   
Silvopastoral systems have great potential for storing carbon because of carbon assimilation in tree woody biomass, carbon input through litterfall and below-ground carbon turnover. In this study, we quantified and compared the carbon stocks at livestock ranches in Tabasco, Mexico, containing either scattered trees in grazing pastures (STP) or grass monocultures. Sampling plots were randomly established at each ranch where the above- and below-ground carbon stocks, carbon input from litterfall, grass production and arboreal biomass growth were measured. We found that silvopastoral systems stored an average of 257.45 Mg ha−1 of soil organic carbon (SOC) compared to 119.17 Mg SOC ha−1 at grass monoculture ranches (to 30 cm depth); silvopastoral systems also stored 44.64 Mg C ha−1 in wood biomass; and, grass monocultures had greater cumulative grass biomass production. Overall, it is concluded that livestock ranches in Tabasco, Mexico, with scattered trees in grazing pastures stored 58.8% more carbon than those grass monocultures, with carbon stocks of 327.01 Mg C ha−1and 134.47 Mg C ha−1, respectively. The results are useful for land management decision making for sustainable livestock systems framed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  相似文献   
Microbial communities can subsist at depth in marine sediments without fresh supply of organic matter for millions of years. At threshold sedimentation rates of 1 millimeter per 1000 years, the low rates of microbial community metabolism in the North Pacific Gyre allow sediments to remain oxygenated tens of meters below the sea floor. We found that the oxygen respiration rates dropped from 10 micromoles of O(2) liter(-1) year(-1) near the sediment-water interface to 0.001 micromoles of O(2) liter(-1) year(-1) at 30-meter depth within 86 million-year-old sediment. The cell-specific respiration rate decreased with depth but stabilized at around 10(-3) femtomoles of O(2) cell(-1) day(-1) 10 meters below the seafloor. This result indicated that the community size is controlled by the rate of carbon oxidation and thereby by the low available energy flux.  相似文献   
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