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In a cross-sectional study, performed between October 2002 and April 2003 on 55 Danish dairy herds with 6161 predominantly Holstein Friesian cows the prevalence of 9 hoof lesions was determined.

All test-day yields (TDY) of kg energy corrected milk (ECM) in the lactation of diagnosis were recorded. For the purpose of including hoof lesions in a decision support model an attempt was made to aggregate the lesions into digital dermatitis (DD), other interdigital diseases (OID, infectious diseases other than DD) and hoof horn diseases (HHD, related to metabolic disorders and trauma). A division was made based on the stage of lactation in which the lesions were diagnosed; during the first 100 days in milk, between days 101 and 200 and between days 201 and 305. Associations between the presence of hoof lesions at trimming and milk production were analyzed by linear mixed modeling at the cow level, clustered within herd. The data of primiparous cows was analyzed separately from the multiparous cows.

Based on the associations between TDY and the individual lesions aggregated into HHD, this aggregation as initially planned could not be justified and was therefore not maintained. For OID the value of early diagnosis was apparent; an early diagnosis and early treatment (<101 DIM) was associated with either a positive value or a value less negative compared to a diagnosis and treatment in late lactation (201–305 DIM). This pattern was not as clearly present for the other lesions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of irrigated rotation experiment, conducted in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, during 1999–2002 to evaluate effects of residues retention, fertilizer N and legumes in crop rotation on yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and soil organic fertility. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L) were grown in the winters and mungbean (Vigna radiata) and maize in the summers. Immediately after grain harvest, above-ground residues of all crops were either completely removed (−residue), or spread across the plots and incorporated by chisel plough by disc harrow and rotavator (+residue). Fertlizer N rates were nil or 120 kg ha−1 for wheat and nil or 160 kg ha−1 for maize. Our results indicated that post-harvest incorporation of crop residues significantly (p < 0.05) increased the grain and stover yields of maize during both 2000 and 2001. On average, grain yield was increased by 23.7% and stover yield by 26.7% due to residue incorporation. Residue retention also enhanced N uptake by 28.3% in grain and 45.1% in stover of maize. The soil N fertility was improved by 29.2% due to residue retention. The maize grain and stover yields also responded significantly to the previous legume (chickpea) compared with the previous cereal (wheat) treatment. The legume treatment boosted grain yield of maize by 112% and stover yield by 133% with 64.4% increase in soil N fertility. Similarly, fertilizer N applied to previous wheat showed considerable carry over effect on grain (8.9%) and stover (40.7%) yields of the following maize. Application of fertilizer N to current maize substantially increased grain yield of maize by 110%, stover yield by 167% and soil N fertility by 9.8% over the nil N fertilizer treatment. We concluded from these experiments that returning of crop residues, application of fertilizer N and involvement of legumes in crop rotation greatly improves the N economy of the cropping systems and enhances crop productivity through additional N and other benefits in low N soils. The farmers who traditionally remove residues for fodder and fuel will require demonstration of the relative benefits of residues return to soil for sustainable crop productivity.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to determine the effect of nephthyl acetic acid (NAA) on the physiological mechanism of drought tolerance in selected maize (Zea mays L.) varieties under induced drought stress at the vegetative stage. Maize seeds were sown in plastic pots (14 cm lower inside diameter, 18.5 cm upper inner diameter, 15.6 cm height, and 0.5 cm thickness) filled with 3 kg of air-dried soil and sand (3:1) in triplicate in the greenhouse of the Botany Department, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda in 2014. Results showed that the activities of antioxidant enzymes and proline accumulation were associated with the dry mass production and consequently with the drought tolerance of the maize varieties. It has been concluded that the inhibitory effects of water stress were ameliorated by exogenous application of NAA and were found to be significant for antioxidant enzymes at the vegetative stage in both varieties.  相似文献   
During summer season, increase in the environmental temperature in the subtropical regions of Pakistan is negatively affecting the performance of dairy animals. The study objective was to determine the effect of ambient management (90 days) on productive and physiological performance of lactating Sahiwal cows during hot dry summer season. Fifteen lactating cows during the early lactation stage, having similar parity (3), daily milk production (6.2 l), were randomly allocated to three treatments, 5 cows each, i.e., (1) kept under roof shade only, (2) provision of fans along with roof shade, and (3) provision of roof shade, fans, and sprinklers designated as S, SF, and SFS, respectively. The fans were of 360-rpm capacity and showers were on for 40 min after every 90-min interval from 9:00 to 21:00 h. THI values were 81.1?±?0.7, 80.5?±?0.7, and 77.7?±?0.4 under S, SF, and SFS treatments, respectively. Cows were milked twice daily. Respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) data were collected at 14:00 h on daily basis. The daily milk production was significantly higher in cows under SF (7.9?±?1 kg) followed by SFS (6.9?±?1.2 kg) and S (6.1?±?0.9 kg) treatments. The mean RT (101.0?±?0.04 °F) was significantly lower in cows under SFS than that on SF and S treatments and similarly mean RR was also lower (21.2 breaths/min) in cows under SFS followed by SF and S treatments. It is concluded that milk production and physiological performance in Sahiwal cows can be improved by fan-assisted ventilation during hot dry summer in subtropical regions.  相似文献   
Management of N is the key for sustainable and profitable wheat production in a low N soil. We report results of irrigated crop rotation experiment, conducted in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, during 1999–2002 to evaluate effects of residue retention, fertilizer N application and mung bean (Vigna radiata) on crop and N yields of wheat and soil organic fertility in a mung bean–wheat sequence. Treatments were (a) crop residue retained (+residue) or (b) removed (−residue), (c) 120 kg N ha−1 applied to wheat, (d) 160 kg N ha−1 to maize or (e) no nitrogen applied. The cropping system was rotation of wheat with maize or wheat with mung bean. The experiment was laid out in a spit plot design. Postharvest incorporation of crop residues significantly (p < 0.05) increased the grain and straw yields of wheat during both years. On average, crop residues incorporation increased the wheat grain yield by 1.31 times and straw yield by 1.39 times. The wheat crop also responded strongly to the previous legume (mung bean) in terms of enhanced grain yield by 2.09 times and straw yield by 2.16 times over the previous cereal (maize) treatment. Application of fertilizer N to previous maize exerted strong carry over effect on grain (1.32 times) and straw yield (1.38 times) of the following wheat. Application of N fertilizer to current wheat produced on average 1.59 times more grain and 1.77 times more straw yield over the 0 N kg ha−1 treatment. The N uptake in wheat grain and straw was increased 1.31 and 1.64 times by residues treatment, 2.08 and 2.49 times by mung bean and 1.71 and 1.86 times by fertilizer N applied to wheat, respectively. The soil mineral N was increased 1.23 times by residues, 1.34 times by mung bean and 2.49 times by the application of fertilizer N to wheat. Similarly, the soil organic C was increased 1.04-fold by residues, 1.08 times by mung bean and 1.00 times by the application of fertilizer N. We concluded that retention of residues, application of fertilizer N and involvement of legumes in crop rotation greatly improves the N economy of the cropping system and enhances crop productivity in low N soils.  相似文献   
Twenty-four ISSR primers were employed for diversity analysis, genotyping and assessment of species relationships in Asiatic Vigna from the Indian subcontinent. A total of 396 fragments were scored with an average of 16.5 products per primer. Primer no 827 was the most informative primer with highest resolving power (Rp), marker index (MI) as well as genotypic index (GI). Linear correlation was observed between Rp, MI and GI. The wild forms, V. mungo var. silvestris, V. radiata var. sublobata and V. radiata var. setulosa grouped closer to their respective cultigens. V. hainiana emerged as a distinct taxon and seems to be more primitive in comparison to the other close wild relatives of greengram and blackgram. Moderate gene flow and genetic differentiation was detected between the species analyzed. Analysis of molecular variance performed for the group (mungoradiatahainiana) in three different combinations revealed that nearly half of the variation exists within the populations while the remaining half is equally distributed among species and among populations within species.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to assess the effect of organic materials, i.e., farm yard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PM) and sugar cane filter cake (FC) along with mineral nitrogen on yield and soil organic fertility. Our results indicated that among sole nitrogen (N) sources, highest grain yield was recorded from poultry manure. In the case of integrated N sources, maximum grain yield was obtained from 25% poultry manure + 75% mineral N source. Grain ear?1 and 1000 grain weight was highest with the application of poultry manure among sole N sources. Highest grain ear?1 and 1000 grain weight was observed from 25% poultry manure + 75% mineral N source. Application of poultry manure as sole N sources resulted maximum increase in soil total N and organic matter when compared with other sole N sources. Among N sources applied in different proportion, maximum total soil N was recorded from 25% poultry manure + 75% mineral N. We concluded from these experiments that integrated application of N sources in different proportion greatly improves the N economy and enhance crop productivity in low N soils.  相似文献   
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