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Neglected P and K fertilization in organic farming reduces N2 fixation and grain yield in a red clover‐oat rotation N2 fixation is the most important N source in organic farming. An insufficient P, K, and S supply to legumes may reduce their N2 fixation capacity. Consequently, the total yield of plant production may also be reduced. This problem was studied in a pot experiment with red clover followed by oat. Soil was taken from a field where organic farming had been practiced for more than 30 years without applying any mineral fertilizers or buying additional fodder. The soil (luvisol from loess) was characterized by: pH (CaCl2) 5.4; lactate‐soluble (CAL) P 5 mg kg–1 and K 110 mg kg–1. 6 kg dry soil were mixed with 400 mg P applied as (i) triplesuperphosphate (TSP), (ii) rock phosphate (RP) or (iii) compost from organic household residues (BAK). An additional treatment (iv) with TSP received 1000 mg K as K2SO4 (TSP+K) and an additional treatment with RP (v) received only 200 mg P (RP/2). A control treatment received no fertilizer. P application significantly improved the P nutritional status of the plants (P content) and increased the N amount in the shoots of red clover (with 400 mg P per pot by 64 % to 139 % as compared to the control) and the dry matter (DM) yield by 60 % to 130 %. No significant differences between TSP and RP were found. The application of BAK resulted in a significantly higher N yield than the application of RP and TSP. The treatment TSP+K resulted in the highest DM yield (230 %), removal of P was 343 %, of K 228 %, and of N 239 % as compared to the control plants. This indicates a synergistic effect of P, K, and S on N2 fixation, which was also found with BAK. Oat grown after red clover increased its grain yield by 132 % (200 mg P as RP) to 165 % (400 mg P treatments). This was mainly due to a higher P uptake (up to 172 %) and a higher N uptake (up to 172 %) as compared to the control.  相似文献   
有机和常规生产系统中甜瓜的生长发育和产量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在有机和常规两种生产系统中,研究了不同施肥水平对春秋两季甜瓜生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明:在施肥水平较高的春季,甜瓜伸蔓期至果实发育中期,两种系统对甜瓜生物量没有显著影响;在果实成熟期,有机生产系统中甜瓜的生物量较高,但经济产量与常规系统差异不显著。秋季生产试验降低了施肥量,在发育前期,有机生产的甜瓜生物量显著小于常规生产,果实成熟期差异不显著,但经济产量降低了9.8%。在同一生产系统内,施肥量对植株生物量和产量均无影响。不同生产季节对甜瓜的生长发育影响显著,春季甜瓜的生育前期生长缓慢,后期迅速,秋季相反;春季植株的总生物量和经济产量大于秋季。甜瓜干物质分配在伸蔓期以叶片为主,中后期以果实为主,不同生产系统和施肥水平不影响干物质在各器官的分配比例。  相似文献   
The effects of varied amounts of fertilization on yield, fruit quality, and nitrogen (N) uptake of muskmelons (Cucumis melo L. var reticulatus Naud) grown under both organic and conventional farming conditions were evaluated. Organic fertilizer (0.0, 0.55, 1.1, and 2.2 kg m?2) and mineral fertilizers containing the same amounts of estimated plant available nutrients [N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] were applied to organic and conventional farming plots, respectively, in both the spring and autumn seasons of 2005. In comparison to conventional farming conditions, muskmelons grown under organic farming conditions had the same yield, total soluble solids (TSS) and soluble sugar contents in both growing seasons, and fruit pulp nitrate content was significantly reduced by 12% on average in spring and 16% on average in autumn. At harvest maturity the aboveground plant N concentration was significantly higher in the conventional treatments than in the organic treatments. At the vine growth stage, the plant N concentrations were similar in all treatments in both seasons. The ratios of nitrate N to total N amount in aboveground biomass were higher in conventional and high fertilized organic treatments than in low or not fertilized organic treatments under limited N supply from the soil. Muskmelon plants absorbed mainly inorganic N, and the protein N fraction in the xylem sap was larger than the amino acid N fraction. Plants grown in the organic system had a higher proportion of organic N in their xylem sap, especially when manure input was low.  相似文献   
有机生产系统中甜瓜果实发育和糖分积累研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了有机和常规生产系统中不同施肥水平对网纹甜瓜果实发育和糖分积累的影响。结果表明:有机和常规生产系统以及施肥水平都未改变甜瓜果实发育和糖分积累规律。果实鲜重和果肉厚度的增长均呈"S"形曲线变化,可溶性固形物(TSS)和糖分积累呈二次型曲线变化。甜瓜果实在进入成熟期前,以葡萄糖和果糖积累为主,进入成熟期,蔗糖积累迅速,总糖含量持续上升。果实TSS增长趋势与总糖相同,两者呈极显著正相关(春季r=0.884**,秋季r=0.958**)。春季有机生产甜瓜采收期的果实重量显著高于常规生产,而秋季两者差异不显著。生产系统和施肥水平对果实TSS和糖分含量都没有影响。由于春季甜瓜果实发育时段的积温高,采收期果实重量和果肉厚度分别比秋季高28%和9.0%。甜瓜果实的生长量受积温的影响较大,有机生产系统和施肥水平不影响果实糖分积累。  相似文献   
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