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The contents of triacylglycerols and diacylglycerols in three kinds of olive fruit oils (pulp, seed, and whole fruit) were determined. The fatty acid composition and the quality ratios 1,2-diacylglycerols/1,3-diacylglycerols and 1,2-diacylglycerols/total diacylglycerols were also assessed. Seven major Italian olive varieties were considered. Results of univariate statistical analyses indicated that the above analytical parameters (glyceridic ratios excepted) were effective in discriminating between pulp and seed oils. The seed oil fraction did not determine any change in the glyceridic indices and the acylglycerol or fatty acid composition concerning the whole fruit oil (mixture of pulp and seed oil fractions), the weight (%) of seed ( approximately 2%) being by far lower than the weight (%) of pulp ( approximately 85%) (fruit weight basis). Based on the data of triacylglycerol or fatty acid composition, and using appropriate parametric or nonparametric multivariate statistics, the genetic origins (olive variety) of the three fruit oil kinds were characterized.  相似文献   
A pea breeding strategy is required to cope with the large climatic variation featuring south-European environments. Thirty-seven recent cultivars bred by 21 European or Australian institutions were grown in two climatically contrasting Italian sites (Lodi, subcontinental; Foggia, Mediterranean), two cropping years per site and two sowing times per year, to define various elements of this strategy. The study assessed: (i) the impact of genotype × environment (GE) interaction due to spatial and temporal factors on the consistency of top-yielding cultivars; (ii) the similarity between environments for GE effects and its implications on adaptation strategies; (iii) the extent of genotypic and GE interaction effects, and the relationship with adaptive responses, for various morphophysiological traits; (iv) the adaptation pattern and the combination of adaptive traits featuring three germplasm types, i.e. European spring and winter types, and germplasm selected in Mediterranean environments; (v) the predicted efficiency of direct and indirect selection procedures for grain yield. The geoclimatic area had a major impact on crop yield (5.15 t/ha in Lodi vs. 2.52 t/ha in Foggia) but tended to affect GE interaction less than time or year of autumn sowing, suggesting to breed for wide adaptation. Top-yielding cultivars as modeled by additive main effects and multiplicative interaction were environment-specific. On average, spring and winter materials outyielded the Mediterranean germplasm but the spring type, characterized by wide entry variation, included most widely- and specifically-adapted top-yielding cultivars. Cold-tolerant spring-type germplasm is preferable to breed for wide adaptation as it may combine high yield potential with adaptation to winter cold and terminal drought and heat stress. Lodging susceptibility, harvest index, onset and duration of flowering, and canopy height at maturity assessed in individual environments showed moderate to fairly high broad-sense heritability on a plot basis (h2 > 0.20) and tended to correlation with yield over test environments (r ≥ 0.20). An indirect selection index including harvest index and canopy height exhibited about 20% greater predicted efficiency than direct selection for yield when using one selection environment and could be preferred for early selection stages. Direct yield selection in late selection stages should ideally be performed across 2 years in two environments that contrast for geoclimatic area and time of autumn sowing.  相似文献   
The phenotypic variability and adaptability for bio-agronomic traits in berseem populations (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), was evaluated. The number of genotypes was 32 (26 of southern Italy origin and 6 Egyptian). They were evaluated under field conditions for two years (1989–90) in Foggia (Italy) adopting different cutting regimes: at 7–8th inter-nodes stem length, beginning of flowering, and no cutting. The genotypes of the Italian origin appeared to be better adapted when the cut was applied in the early stage of development, and more productive in seed yield. The Egyptian populations were most productive in forage in the later cuts and had a higher seed weight. The range of variation among the bio-agronomical traits was higher when the cut was applied at early flowering. The traits with wider range of variation were: dry matter, plant height at cut, regrowth at the fourteenth day after cut, tiller density and seed yield. Considering a multiplicative selection index, 6 populations were well adapted and could be used as parents in breeding programs and in extended farm cultivation.  相似文献   
The nutritive value of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) may be influenced by changes in the nutrient concentrations of morphological fractions as a consequence of cutting treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different cutting treatments on the nutritive value of herbage and leaf and stem components in two Mediterranean berseem genotypes during growth in order to develop management approaches for harvesting forage with a high nutritive value. Spring growth of genotypes of Egyptian (cv. Giza 10) and Italian (cv. Sacromonte) origins was harvested in each of 2 years beginning 196 days after sowing and thereafter every 6 days (twelve harvests in total) to measure dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value. Cutting treatments were initiated at sixth internode elongation (A) and early flowering (B) and there was an uncut control treatment (C). In vitro digestibility of organic matter (IVOMD) and crude protein (CP) concentration were determined for leaf, stem and total forage of each cultivar at each harvest. For both cultivars, in the uncut treatment (C), DM yield increased linearly to a maximum of 14 800 kg ha?1, on average, by 250 days after planting, the same time at which stem DM accumulation peaked, whereas the nutritive value, in terms of IVOMD and CP concentration, declined with age, coinciding with a reduction in leaf:stem ratio (LSR) from 1·00 to 0·30. Plant parts differed (P < 0·01) in nutritive value with stems being of lower nutritive value than leaves, in the two cutting treatments. There were strong positive correlations between LSR and herbage IVOMD and CP concentration, in both cutting treatments, indicating that, during growth, part of the changes in IVOMD and CP concentration of berseem clover plants was due primarily to the changes in the LSR. Defoliation induced a considerable reduction in DM yield, but an increase in the LSR and a small increase in nutritive value. Plants cut at the sixth internode elongation (A) showed a small proportional decrease (0·19) in total DM yield, but higher LSR values and similar or higher IVOMD and CP concentration than initiating cutting at early flower (B). Delaying defoliation to the early flowering stage (B) increased the proportion of stems and, therefore, decreased nutritive value. Therefore, harvest management in which cuts are applied at the stage of sixth internode elongation appears to be the most favourable for obtaining relatively high yields of forage with high nutritive value in berseem clover grown in Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   
Flowering time plasticity is a commonly occurring adaptive characteristic of fodder crops, including legumes, in arid and semiarid environments of the Mediterranean regions. Time of flowering is mainly influenced by genotype, temperature and photoperiod. Field experiments were carried out at Foggia (southern Italy) during successive growing seasons (from 8 to 16 growing cycles according to species) to study the relation among air temperature, photoperiod and duration of the morphological development of flowering in eight forage legume species: sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), pea (Pisum sativun L.), berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). Time to reach 10% flowering (EF) and 100% flowering (FF) were recorded. Rate of progress to flowering, defined as the inverse of time from sowing to EF and FF, was related to mean daily temperature, or to both mean daily temperature and mean photoperiod. Using the linear equations, the thermal time requirements (Tt) and the base temperature (Tb) expressed as heat units were determined by the x-intercept method for both EF and FF stages. Evaluation of flowering time was also based on days after planting (DAP), day of year (DOY) and on a photothermal index (PTI). For all species, a significant negative correlation (P ≥ 0.01) was found between planting date (PD) and DAP whereas PTI showed a significant negative relationship (P ≥ 0.05) only for faba bean, pea, berseem clover and common vetch. In sainfoin, sulla and berseem clover, the rate of progress to flowering was affected significantly (P ≥ 0.05) by both mean temperature and photoperiod. The Tt requirements to reach the EF and the FF stage ranged from 871 to 1665 °C day and from 1043 to 1616 °C day, respectively, for the studied species. Both phenological stages considered depended upon accumulated thermal time above a species-specific base temperature. Furthermore, in all legumes the onset of flowering only occurred when dual thresholds of a minimum Tt and a minimum photoperiod were reached, which were specific to each species.  相似文献   

The use of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seeds as functional food is increasing worldwide and research on plant traits is important as the crop spreads. The seedling stage has been identified as crucial for establishment, survival, and competition with weeds but information on chia at this stage is scanty, especially regarding root traits. In this study, 8 genotypes of chia: 4 populations (Australia, Mexico, Peru, Basilicata) and 4 breeding lines (G3, G8, G17, WS) were evaluated under controlled conditions at two early stages (six leaves, S-6; ten leaves, S-10) with the aim to assess growth characteristics and variability in root morphological traits. The shoot height and dry matter were measured together with the following root traits: dry matter and architectural parameters characterized through image analysis of root scans: length, surface, average diameter, tips, forks and crossings. Plants showed a greater phenotypic variation at S-6 than at S-10 (average CV?=?40% and 22%, respectively). A high variability was recorded for root biomass, root volume, number of forks and crossings (average CV?=?54, 40, 44 and 48%, respectively), while root diameter showed lower variability (average CV?=?10%). Four principal components explained more than 97% of the total variance and root length, surface area, volume and average diameter contributed mainly to the variability. Cluster analysis showed that genotypes were very different for morphological root traits. Australia and G8 had the most developed root system with longer and coarser roots. Our results could be used in a breeding program for new cultivars with a more vigorous seedling.

Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) is an annual forage crop widely grown in Mediterranean environments. However, there is little information available on the patterns of accumulation and partitioning of assimilate in berseem and how this varies with harvest management, plant ontogeny or is influenced by genotype. Field experiments were conducted in Foggia (Italy) during three growing seasons (1991–92, 1992–93 and 1993–94), with the aim of evaluating the effects of different harvest managements on growth dynamics, forage yield and seed yield of one population of Egyptian (cv. ‘Giza 10’) as well as Italian (cv. ‘Sacromonte’) origin. Cutting treatments were applied at three different plant ages: sixth internode elongation (A), early flowering (B), and uncut control (C). The growth and development of the shoot and root systems were followed by destructive harvests made at about 5-day intervals during 9 weeks in spring in all treatments. Seasonal growth pattern, determined as dry matter accumulation, forage yield and seed production were greatly influenced by harvest management. The maximum value (20.5 g per plant on average) of dry weight was reached at about 250 days after sowing for treatment C. Defoliation induced a decrease of crown and root dry matter, however, as shown by the allometric relationships, the growth of roots and shoots was closely correlated and in most cases, shoot growth was higher than root growth and stem relative growth rate (RGR) was higher than leaf RGR. Berseem clover is a defoliation-tolerant species because after cutting, regrowth was accompanied by higher values of leaf-stem ratio (LSR), RGR and stem elongation rate (SER) than in control plants. The highest value for total forage yield (1.6 Kg m−2) and seed yield (60.5 g m−2) were obtained in treatment B and A, respectively. Plants cut at the sixth internode elongation showed a good seed yield and a small decrease (15%) in total forage yield as regards treatment B. Therefore, treatment A appeared the most favourable for obtaining double utilization (forage and seed yield) in a berseem crop. Berseem plants were greatly influenced by harvest treatments applied, but the response did not vary according to the genetic characteristics of the two cultivars examined.  相似文献   
Berseem clover Trifolium alexandrinum L. is an annual forage legume commonly grown in pure stands and in grass mixtures in the Medi-terranean basin. Six populations were naturally cross-pollinated in 1990 and 1991 by a half-sib breeding method. In 1992 and 1993. 54 half-sib maternal plants, six original populations, and six advanced populations were field evaluated for forage (short cycle, harvest made at seven or eight inlernodes: long cycle, harvested at flowering) and seed yield (no forage harvest) in experiments at the Forage Crop Institute at Foggia, Italy (typical Mediterranean location). Genetic variability, narrow-sense herilability, genetic and phenotypic correlations among forage and seed yield component trails were investigated. The genetic variance in dry matter among maternal half-sib populations in short cycle was 51% greater than in long cycle. Narrow-sense heritabilily was 35% higher in short cycle than long cycle for dry matter and 26% higher for seed weight than seed yield. The magnitude of the genetic variance components and genetic correlations suggested that selection among plants of maternal half-sib populations would be more effective for improving dry matter in short than in long cycle harvests. The selection applied in the study was not effective for increasing seed yield per se however, the trait may be increased by selecting indirectly for seed weight.  相似文献   
The influence of cutting applied at four stages of plant growth on dry matter, crude protein, total available carbohydrates and reducing sugar partitioning was examined in six genotypes of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrinum L.). The research was conducted in Foggia (Italy) during 1990 and 1991 in a glasshouse with controlled water application. The plants were grown in a plastic-lined, PVC cylinder. At each cut, dry matter and chemical components were evaluated in leaf, stem and root fractions; at the end of the biological cycle, seed yield was recorded.
Plants showed similar dry matter partitioning between leaves and stems at the eighth internode stage. The crude protein concentration was highest in leaf fractions, reaching the maximum value (31%) at an early stage of growth (fourth internode stage). The maximum value of total available carbohydrates was obtained in the stems at the early flowering stage (11 %), whereas reducing sugars almost always showed higher concentrations in the leaves (4 %). As for forage and seed yields, the developmental stage at cutting had a great influence on dry matter and chemical component partitioning among the different organs. Genotypic differences were observed for dry matter partitioning in leaves and stems in all developmental stages, but diversity in chemical component content was more evident in the roots.  相似文献   
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