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Phosphorus (P) deficiency and low P-use efficiency are induced by soil properties, especially in calcareous soils, which are dominant in semi-arid regions of the world such as the Mediterranean region. Alternative approaches to P fertilization involve exploiting plant genetics in order to achieve more efficient use of P by the growing crop. Accordingly, in a greenhouse pot experiment, we evaluated P-efficiency in wheat genotypes grown in typical calcareous soils in southern Turkey. Ten common local genotypes were grown in six soil series for eight weeks using five P application rates (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg P kg?1). Dry matter (DM) yield and P content were significantly increased by increasing P rates, with significant differences between soils. Some genotypes performed better under P stress because of better P utilization efficiency. Shoot DM was the most sensitive indicator of genetic variability under P-deficient conditions. Genotypes classified as efficient-responsive (Adana-99, 1014, Golia, Balatilla) had above average DM yield when P was not added, and responded well to P applications; efficient-non-responsive genotypes (Firat-93, Seri-82, Genc-99, Panda) had below average DM yield, but responded to P applications; inefficient-non-responsive genotypes (Fuat Bey and Ceyhan-99) had below average DM yield; and no genotypes were in the inefficient responsive category. Such P response categorization is needed for better breeding programs for nutrient-use efficiency. The study may aid in selecting P-efficient genotypes in low-P soils, especially where little P is used. The use of P-efficient genotypes should be seen as complement to, rather than a substitute for, chemical P fertilization depending on local conditions.  相似文献   
Economically valuable pistachio nut trees are extensively grown in the Southeastern part of Turkey. A great percentage of the total annual pistachio nut yield in Turkey is obtained from this region. However, fertility aspects of these pistachio trees have not been studied in detail. Thus, there is a need to determine the optimum fertilizer rates to increase the yield and quality of pistachio nuts. Fertilizer trials were conducted on an established 37 year‐old‐pistachio orchard. Inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers were applied in three and two rates, respectively. Potassium (K) was added to all trees as a basal rate. In addition, selected trees received air‐dried sheep manure, and additional inorganic macro‐ and micro‐nutrients as a foliar application at three different times during the course of experiment. Fertilizer treatments influenced the fruit yield, productivity, fruit size, percentages of dehisced fruit shell, and nutmeat. Positive effects of these treatments on leaf element content, N, P, and K, were also obtained. Fruit protein and oil contents were not influenced by addition of organic and inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   
New maize hybrids has been intensively used as the first and second crop at the Cukurova region of Turkey in recent years. Therefore, nutritional problems of corn needs to be solved for the optimum yield, and protection from the potential insect and disease damages. Influence of nitrogen (N) and row spacing (RS) on corn yield, grain protein content, and selected plant parameters have been studied under field conditions in 1994 and 1995. Nitrogen was applied in the rates of 200, 250, 300, and 350 kg N ha‐1 to main plots where row spacings were 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm in each subplots. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were applied to each plot as basal rates. The experiment was arranged in a split‐plot design in three replications. During course of the experiment and after harvest, selected plant parameters, leaf nutrient contents, root length, grain yield, and crude protein content were measured, and the data were statistically analyzed for determination of treatment effects. The selected plant parameters either influenced by N, RS, or both in 1994 and 1995. The leaf N content was affected by N and RS in 1995, and a RS effect was only observed in 1994. Grain yield was influenced by RS and N and RS in the first and second years, respectively. Grain yield ranged between 7.3 to 12.8 Mg ha"1 for both years. Treat ment effects on crude protein content was significant in 1994 but no response was obtained in 1995.  相似文献   
Whether a legume obtains its nitrogen (N) from the air, through dinitrogen fixation, or from the soil, as nitrate (NO3), may influence its susceptibility to zinc (Zn) deficiency. The influence of N source [potassium nitrate (KNO3)+ native soil N versus rhizobium‐inoculated seed + native soil N] and phosphorus (P) (0 and 200 mg P/kg), and Zn fertilizers (0, 1, and 8 mg Zn/kg) on growth and nutrient composition of soybean (Glycine max L. cv. McCall) and navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Seafarer) grown on a calcareous soil were studied under greenhouse conditions. Inoculated plants, but not their KNO3‐treated counterparts, had root nodules. However, due to N deficiency resulting from suboptimal N fixation, growth of these inoculated plants, especially of navy bean, was poorer than that of similarly treated KNO3‐fed plants. As a consequence of this restricted growth, responses to P and Zn fertilizers were generally greater in KNO3‐treated plants. Added P decreased the yield of KNO3‐treated navy bean in the absence of added Zn, but P‐induced Zn deficiency had little effect on the growth of similarly treated inoculated plants. Plant excess bases (EB)/total plant N ratios [EB = 1/2 Ca + l/2Mg + Na + K ‐ Cl ‐ total S (S = divalent) ‐ total P (P = monovalent)] were less in KNO3‐treated soybean than in correspondingly treated navy bean. Therefore, rhizosphere pH values around navy bean roots were probably less than those around soybean roots. Despite the hypothesized lower rhizosphere pH values, KNO3‐treated navy bean was more susceptible to Zn deficiency than soybean. This greater susceptibility of navy bean to Zn deficiency was apparently at least partly due to poor translocation of Zn from the roots to the tops.  相似文献   
Barley is traditionally grown in the Mediterranean region as a dryland crop, invariably under drought-stressed conditions and often without inputs such as fertilizer. Following research that demonstrated the benefits of fertilization, even under less-than-favourable rainfall condition, fertilizer use on cereals has increased dramatically in the past few decades in countries of West Asia-North Africa. With developments in breeding new barley cultivars for higher yield, combined with disease resistance and environmental adaptability, it is crucial to assess the extent to which such cultivars respond to fertilizer inputs as this may affect aspects of a breeding strategy, particularly the choice of germplasm for adaptation in any particular environment. Thus, we assessed the yield potential of 30 barley cultivars with a range of germplasm types, including new cultivars and landraces, in a greenhouse in two soil types with and without adequate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, i.e., low and high fertility. By comparison with the unfertilized low fertility soils, the fertilizer treatment increased yield parameters by about 10-fold. However, the rankings of some cultivars changed markedly with fertilization; some increased, others showed poor responses and decreased relatively, and two performed well with and without fertilizer. Based on the differential responses at the initial screening stage in the greenhouse, it is possible to identify lines or cultivars that are highly responsive to fertilizers and to incorporate such germplasm for further development to produce high-yielding cultivars for commercial adoption by farmers.  相似文献   
Chemical fertilizer use has contributed significantly to increased global food output in the past half century, especially in climatically favourable regions of the world. However, in drier agro‐ecological zones, such as in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) with a Mediterranean‐type climate, fertilizer use has been low but has increased rapidly in the past few decades. Chemical fertilizer use is now widely adopted in rainfed and irrigated agriculture. As elsewhere, fertilizer use is underpinned by concerns about biological and economic efficiency. Fertilizer use efficiency is central to the current concept of fertilizer best management practices (FBMP), which embraces right source, right place, right timing and right application method. In this brief review, we highlight such FBMP concepts as related to agriculture of the WANA region, with emphasis on the key nutrients for crop production. Rainfall has a dominant influence on dryland crop yields. Nitrogen (N) use efficiency increases with increasing rainfall and is influenced by crop rotation. Under rainfed conditions, modest N losses by volatilization can occur. Leaching losses are usually minimal. Phosphorus use (P) efficiency is higher with band application than with broadcasting. Balanced fertilization, especially involving potassium (K) and micronutrients, is fundamental to efficient nutrient use. Fertilizer efficiency is also influenced by soil test values and agronomic factors that influence crop yields, e.g. sowing date and varietal differences. Rational fertilizer application rates are guided by calibration–response trials. Effective fertilizer use in the region is also dictated by external factors such as government policies and a functioning extension service. In contrast to other regions of the world, environmental impacts from the overuse of fertilizers are relatively minor, while developments in fertilizer formulations that promote efficiency have yet to have impact. Despite the relatively low fertilizer use intensity in dryland areas such as the WANA region, the FBMP comprehensive approach is a logical framework within which to achieve the most efficient management and use of fertilizer in the region’s agriculture.  相似文献   
Adsorption method may play an important role to remove ochratoxin A (OTA) from wine by bentonite (B), nonylammonium bentonite (NB), dodecylammonium bentonite (DB), KSF-montmorillonite (KSF), and chitosan bead (CB). The optimum conditions of OTA adsorption from synthetic solutions were revealed at room temperature and pH 3.5. The adsorption equilibria of B and NB were almost established within 120 and 240 min, respectively. DB, KSF, and CB had about 90 min of equilibration time. The adsorption efficiency carried out in the synthetic OTA solution did not change remarkably when the amounts of adsorbents were 25 mg for bentonite, DB, and KSF and 100 mg for NB and CB. Furthermore, 25 mg of adsorbents was used at all adsorption studies in synthetic solution. The adsorption isotherm was fitted with mostly a Freundlich equation with respect to the correlation coefficients. The adsorption data were evaluated using Langmuir and Freundlich equations having Kf values ranging from 0.011 to 9.5 with respect to correlation coefficients (R2 = 0.900-0.977). DB and KSF have the highest adsorption capacity for OTA in synthetic solutions. In wine, the removal of OTA was succeeded at a percentage of 60-100 by KSF and CB. Furthermore, the highest adsorption capacity of OTA for red wine was obtained by using 250 mg of KSF, which caused less damage to the nature of wine and also low adsorption of polyphenols and anthcyans.  相似文献   
Although the plant root system is one of the most important plant parameters affecting nutrient uptake by plants, root studies in field experiments are rarely conducted in plant nutrition and fertility studies. Since collection of root samples and measurements are difficult and time consuming, they are not considered as a routine plant parameter. Therefore, the effect and importance of the corn root system on plant nitrogen (N) uptake and grain yield was studied under field conditions in Adana, Turkey. Nitrogen was applied at rates of 200, 250, 300, and 350 kg N ha‐1 as urea in a randomized complete block design experiment with three replications. During course of the experiment, soil, plant, root, and grain samples were collected and prepared for chemical analysis. Nitrogen uptake by plants was predicted using a COMP8 mathematical computer model and compared to actual plant uptake. Grain yield and leaf N content increased with increasing N rates, but root length did not change statistically. Predicted N uptake increased with added N, but was much smaller than observed N uptake under field conditions. Consequently, additional soil and plant parameters should be considered in nutrient uptake models to make the prediction more sensitive.  相似文献   
Meat quality characteristics of Turkish indigenous Hair goat kids reared under an extensive production system were investigated in this study. A total of 60 Hair goat kids (30 females and 30 males) were slaughtered at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of ages. Slaughter age significantly affected meat quality characteristics. Cooking loss (P?<?0.01) and shear force value (P?<?0.001) increased with age. Meat color became darker red with increasing slaughter age (P?<?0.001). The percentage of fat of musculus (M.) semimembranosus increased with age (P?<?0.01). The percentage of saturated fatty acids was significantly higher (P?<?0.01), whereas the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids was lower (P?<?0.001) in the M. longissimus dorsi of the kids slaughtered at 3 months of age than those in the other age groups. The females had higher intramuscular fat than that in males (P?<?0.001) and meat from male kids contained a higher percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acid than that from females (P?<?0.01). In conclusion, meat from Hair kids slaughtered between 3 and 9 months of ages had better quality than those slaughtered at the other ages and also meat from male kids had better quality than those female kids slaughtered at the same age under extensive production system.  相似文献   
Management of nitrogen (N) fertilization for economic crop production in water-stressed areas relies heavily on irrigation. The objectives were to determine the depth distribution of mineral N (Nmin) at pre-plant and post-harvest seasons and assess the residual mineral N pool as a potential source of plant-available N for irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) in southern Turkey. Pre-plant and post-harvest composite soil samples were collected randomly from farmer’s fields at 0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm depths, respectively, analyzed for nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4) concentrations, and the Nmin values were correlated with corn yields and N uptake. Results showed that substantial amounts of pre-plant (76 to 94 kg Nmin/ha) and post-harvest (70–78 kg Nmin/ha) Nmin accumulation at different soil depths. However, the Nmin did not correlate with crop yields and N uptake. Results suggested that residual Nmin could be the ?basis for recommending N fertilization to support crop production.  相似文献   
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