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The species composition of fungi from the genus Fusarium was studied, and the frequency of occurrence on cereals was determined. Populations of Fusarium spp. were represented by widespread species F. culmorum, F. heterosporum, F. sporotrichioides, F. oxysporum, F. nivale, F. graminearum, F. avenacеum, F. gibbosum, F. sambucinum, F. moniliforme, etc. The dynamics and frequency of occurrence of Fusarium spp. has made it possible to characterize the state of the species of fungi in a wide range of climatic areas of cereal cultivation in the Russian regions. The prevalence of the genus Fusarium was caused by the cultivars’ susceptibility to micromycetes. The frequency of occurrence of Fusarium species isolated from roots was steady, and, on the ears, it depended on the influence of weather conditions during the growing season of plants. The study of the intraspecific variability of fungi from the genus Fusarium has revealed a significant difference in signs of toxicity and pathogenicity depending on biotic and abiotic factors. More than 50% of strains from the genus Fusarium possessed low pathogenicity but had severe toxicity to wheat seedlings. Most strains of F. sporotrichiodes, F. culmorum, and F. sambucinum were highly pathogenic (from 36.4 to 55.6%) and toxic (from 55.6 to 81.3%). High adaptability to preservation in the soil and on the roots of weeds and crop residues of most crops expressing pathogenic and toxic activity was conductive to the widespread Fusarium spp.  相似文献   

Accounting for ionic strength and ion association, the degree of calculated supersaturation with CaCO3 of gleyic solonetz and molic solonetz soil solution is high. The purpose of the research was to reveal the effect of the water-dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the calcium carbonate equilibrium (CCE) in soil solution, to create a thermodynamic model of carbonate association and complexation with DOM and heavy metals (HMs), and to correct the principal of soil management.

Materials and methods

Object of research—Kastanozem complex of the dry steppe, Rostov Oblast, Russia. The water extraction of soluble salts was made at the water-to soil-ratio 5:1 and analyzed using standard methods. DOM content was determined by Strosser (J Agrobiol 27:49–60, 2010). The soil solution macro-ion equilibrium composition was calculated using ION-2 program (Endovitsky et al. 2009). DOM role in soil solution supersaturation with СаСО3 was assessed, comparing C content in real solution and in identical artificial solution prepared without organic matter. Taking into account the ion association, the molar fractions of free and bound HM ion were calculated using microelement association coefficient, kas(ME). The soil liquid-phase saturation with CaCO3 was characterized by the ratio of the real solubility product (S) to the thermodynamic solubility product (S0): К?=?S/S0.

Results and discussion

The soil solution supersaturation with CaCO3 was characterized by the product of analytical concentrations (S), equilibrium concentrations [accounting ion activity (SI), ion association (SII), ion association and complexation (SIII)], and the thermodynamic solubility product (S0). To evaluate the role of DOM in soil solution supersaturation with CaCO3, the initial pure Ca (HCO3)2 solution series was prepared. The humic and fulvic acids from the illuvial horizon of gleyic solonetz with concentrations of 20 mg C L?1 and 120 mg C L?1 decreased the CaCO3 precipitation compared with initial soil solution. The release of CaCO3 from soil water extracts containing water-soluble organic matter was 1.2–1.9 times less compared with identical artificial solution not containing organic matter. The HM binding by carbonates is proportional to the DOM content.


In molic solonetz and gleyic solonetz, the neutralization of the soda should be assessed by the soil solution supersaturation with CaCO3. To calculate the degree of HM passivation in soil solution containing DOM, the coefficient of soil solution oversaturation with CaCO3 is proposed. For reducing soil organic matter and DOM mobility and loss from soil, as well as for Pb passivation, intra-soil mechanical processing, intra-soil waste management, and intra-soil watering are proposed.

Species composition of Fusarium fungi and the frequency of their occurrence on spring barley crops in the Moscow, Tula, and Vladimir oblasts of Russia have been studied in 2015–2017. Over 700 strains of fungi belonging to 12 species of the genus Fusarium have been isolated into pure culture. The species composition of these fungi in the studied regions includes both common and rare species. Fungal cultures isolated from roots and reproductive organs demonstrated a high uniformity of their species composition that may be explained by a similarity of soil and climatic conditions and by the susceptibility of barley cultivars to soilborne micromycetes. The frequency of occurrence of the fungi on underground parts of plants was rather uniform, while that on the grain depended on the environmental conditions prevailing during the flowering and ripening stages. Among isolated Fusarium strains, 33 isolates with stable morphological and cultural characteristics have been deposited into the State Collection of Plant Pathogenic Microorganisms. Strains with the highest pathogenicity and toxicity were recommended for the artificial infection background created during regional trials of barley cultivars for disease resistance.  相似文献   
The influence of different systems of fertilization and liming on the changes in the taxonomic structure of prokaryotic community in arable soddy-podzolic soil (Albic Retisol (Loamic, Aric, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric)) was studied in a stationary field experiment of Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy with the use of high-performance sequencing method of gene 16S rRNA. The 25-year-old fallow plot, in which the intensity of microbiological processes was close to that in the virgin soddy-podzolic soils, was used as a control. At the first stage, dominant phyla were identified: Proteobacteria (45.3–56.2%), Actinobacteria (13.6–20.4%), Bacteroidetes (7.2–19.3%), Acidobacteria (7.1–11.5%), and Verrucomicrobia (4.3–10.3%). Several groups of microorganisms-indicators, whose portion changes in the arable soil under the influence of liming, fertilizer application, and soil treatment in comparison with the control, were determined. The applied approach made it possible to relate the taxonomic structure of the soil microbial cenosis with external factors for assessing changes in the structure of soil microbial complex under the impact of different uses of the arable soil.  相似文献   
The main characteristics of high productivity agrophytocenoses of single-species and mixed crops of Sudan grass, oat, millet, vetch, and annual sweet clover are examined. The ability of annual sweet clover in a single-species crop and its mixture with Sudan grass to produce up to 14.8 t/ha green mass and 4.5 t/ha dry matter in two cuts with a yield of 3700/ha feed units, 70.0 GJ/ha gross energy, and 37.7 GJ/ha metabolizable energy is established.  相似文献   
This is a first-time assessment of the direct and indirect effects of hydrothermal conditions on pathogenesis of root infections in cultivated varieties of spring wheat and barley. Long-term field research (2000–2015) was carried out in the area of risk farming combined with laboratory experiments. The effects of the phytosanitary condition of soil, seeds, and underground plant organs were taken into account. It was found that soil pathogenic population and the development of soil-borne infections largely depend on hydrothermal factors. The development of root rot of spring wheat was stimulated by arid conditions during tillering and heading: the disease rate was increased by 33.5% compared to the optimal moisture supply against a background of a high plant pathogen population of the soil. In drought conditions, the number of saprotrophic microorganisms decreased 3.3 times and suppressive soil activity fell 3.0 times provoking root infections. Microorganisms consuming inorganic forms of nitrogen and cellulolytic agents were found to be highly sensitive to hydrothermal factors. Arid conditions increased the plants’ susceptibility to the inoculum of soil origin, since the increase in the number of conidia in the inoculum from 5–15 to 150–180 per 1 g of soil increased the frequency of infections by root rots by 7.8 times, especially on the epicotyl and the base of the stem. Damage of root rot was increased by pest flies Oscinella frit L., O. pusilla Mg., Phorbia genitalis Schnb., and Mayetiola destructor Say. Their activity increased in warm, arid conditions. Drought-resistant gramineous weeds Panicum miliaceum ssp. ruderales L. (Kitag.) Tzvei., Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv., Avena fatua L., Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. competed with the crop and consequently increased the development of root rot by 20% or more in dry years. Seeds of gramineous weeds, multiplied after dry years, contributed to reproduction and survival of many soil-borne phytopathogens. Grain ripening in moistened conditions led to transmission of the root rot agents Bipolaris sorokiniana Sacc. Shoem. (syn. Helminthosporium sativum Pam., King et Bakke) and Fusarium fungi via seeds. This led to proliferation of root rot in the germination phase and significantly (53%) affected the cereals’ germ.  相似文献   
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