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The prognosis of liver cancer was inferior among tumors. New medicine treatments are urgently needed. In this study, a novel exopolysaccharide EPS364 was purified from Vibrio alginolyticus 364, which was isolated from a deep-sea cold seep of the South China Sea. Further research showed that EPS364 consisted of mannose, glucosamine, gluconic acid, galactosamine and arabinose with a molar ratio of 5:9:3.4:0.5:0.8. The relative molecular weight of EPS364 was 14.8 kDa. Our results further revealed that EPS364 was a β-linked and phosphorylated polysaccharide. Notably, EPS364 exhibited a significant antitumor activity, with inducing apoptosis, dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Huh7.5 liver cancer cells. Proteomic and quantitative real-time PCR analyses indicated that EPS364 inhibited cancer cell growth and adhesion via targeting the FGF19-FGFR4 signaling pathway. These findings suggest that EPS364 is a promising antitumor agent for pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   
分析了中国旱地基本情况和基本问题,提出了相应对策,介绍了9种旱地农业栽培技术.  相似文献   
为提高亚麻屑和红麻芯的附加值,促进生物资源的综合利用,分别用25%、50%、75%与100%的亚麻屑和红麻芯替代普通泥炭作为仙客来栽培基质.结果表明用25%的亚麻屑或50%的红麻芯替代普通泥炭均有利于仙客来的生长与开花,其各项指标均优于常规基质.  相似文献   
轻型木结构建筑覆板的集中静载性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍轻型木结构建筑覆板集中静载结构性能试验的装置、条件和方法,并进行国产人工林落叶松胶合板作轻型木结构覆板的集中静载性能研究.结果表明:与国外胶合板覆板具有相同厚度的国产落叶松屋面板和楼面板,其集中载荷性能均优于相关标准的要求.  相似文献   
对鞭角华扁叶蜂进行5年防治试验,在幼虫危害盛期用1:3000~2000倍20%氰戊菊酯乳油、1:1000倍50%甲胺磷乳油喷雾防治,幼虫越冬期的当年11月~次年2月对受害林地进行深翻,成虫羽化高峰期用1:1500倍50%甲胺磷乳油和80%敌敌畏乳油混合液喷雾防治均能达防治目的。  相似文献   
同许多种其它果树一样,山植属的Crataegus grayana也可应用组织培养的方法,进行快速繁殖。在加入0.25ppmBA,0.5ppmIAA以及150ppm水解干酪素的MS培养基上,可由胚得到实生苗。在加入0.5ppm和300ppm水解干酪素的MS培养基上,由茎尖与茎段可得到壮实的试管苗。由于该植物胚在第一年内成熟度甚低,因此用茎尖或茎段进行快繁殖远优于用胚来进行。从此项研究结果看,其繁殖率为2~n-3~n(n为∮月数)。  相似文献   
比较安徽黄山鱼鳞坑群短尾猴人工圈养前后的种群生态学和行为学资料表明,人工圈养:(1)降低了个体的迁入率和迁出率,增加了幼体的出生率和幼体死亡率,结果使种群的年平均增长率下降;(2)加速了猴群的分群进程;(3)使个体间的友好行为频率下降,社会联系减弱;同时,攻击行为频率上升,导致群体结构松散。文中分析了人工圈养中人工投饵、人为地限制猴群活动空间范围和游人对上述诸问题的影响机制,并提出了改善和加强管理的措施。  相似文献   
 以2002 年设施番茄栽培为代表计算其N、P、K投入量与携出量之间的表观平衡状态, 其结果基本上和14.5 年后的土壤实测值与设施栽培本底值之间纵向比较的增长关系一致, 前者只能说明系统养分变化的趋势, 后者才是实际的养分盈亏状态, 养分盈亏主要取决于有机肥的施用与养分元素的供给。5个代表性处理模拟了蔬菜施肥的不同现状, 从土壤肥力及产量等方面的变化真实反映出各自的系统变化及发展趋势, 在本试验条件下以ANK施肥下的系统最优。对有机肥施用、化学肥料的配施以及测土施肥等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is the etiologic agent of avian colibacillosis, the most common disease responsible for chicken morbidity in the world. Although multiple virulence-associated factors were identified, their prevalence in Algeria is still poorly known. In the present research, 92 avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) isolates were recovered from broilers with clinical signs and lesions of colibacillosis. In addition, 32 E. coli isolates collected from feces of healthy birds (AFEC) were included for comparison. All isolates were investigated by PCR for the presence of a total of 11 virulence-associated genes described for avian pathogenic (iroN, ompT, hlyF, iss, iutA, and fimC) and diarrheagenic E. coli (eae, stx, elt/est, ipaH, and aggR). The sensitivity of 39 APEC isolates to 16 antibiotics was also determined using antimicrobial pretreated microplates. Here, we report that 98% of the examined isolates host at least one of the tested virulence factors. The most prevalent genes in APEC were iutA (90.6%), ompT (86.9%), and iss (85.8%); whereas, iutA (78.1%), fimC (78.1%), and iroN (68.7%) were the highest prevalent genes in AFEC. Our data showed that none of the AFEC isolates harbor any of the tested diarrheagenic genes. Moreover, only elt/est (5.4%), stx (2.1%), and ipaH (2.1%) genes were carried by APEC isolates. We further established that ceftazodime, ceftiofur, mequindox, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and meropenem were the most efficient antibiotics against the analyzed APEC isolates. Overall, our findings provide more insights about APEC and AFEC virulence potential in Algeria which could participate in the fight against colibacillosis.  相似文献   
为了解内蒙古地区羊屠宰场各屠宰环节致泻性大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的携带情况,评估是否存在污染风险,选取不同规模屠宰场,用棉拭子法分别采集不同屠宰环节样品349份,36 h内进行试验;应用PCR方法分离鉴定病原菌,对鉴定为致泻性大肠杆菌的分离株进行16S r DNA测序并构建系统发育树。结果显示:从刚宰杀的羊胴体表面和环境中共分离到致泻性大肠杆菌12株,其中11株携带毒力基因elt,1株携带毒力基因eae和elt;大中型屠宰场(1.21%)的致泻性大肠杆菌阳性率低于小型屠宰场(5.43%),不同规模屠宰场的预冷间均未检出致泻性大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌;从屠宰环境中分离出1株携带inv A基因的沙门氏菌,阳性率为0.29%;经高压冲洗和排酸预冷等屠宰工艺后,在羊胴体表面均未发现致泻性大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌。  相似文献   
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