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The current study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of physical methods (hot water, aerated steam, electron treatment) and agents of natural origin (resistance inducers, plant derived products, micro-organisms) as seed treatments of carrots for control of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina. Control of both Alternaria species by seed treatment with the resistance inducers was generally poor. Results were also not satisfactory with most of the formulated commercial micro-organism preparations. Based on the average of five field trials, one of these, BA 2552 (Pseudomonas chlororaphis), provided a low but significant increase in plant stand. Among the experimental micro-organisms, the best results were obtained with Pseudomonas sp. strain MF 416 and Clonostachys rosea strain IK726. A similar level of efficacy was provided by seed treatment with an emulsion (1%) of thyme oil in water. Good and consistent control was generally achieved with the physical methods aerated steam, hot water and electron treatment. Aerated steam treatment was, apart from the thiram-containing chemical standard, the best single treatment, and its performance may at least partially be due to extensive pre-testing, resulting in dosages optimally adapted to the respective seed lot. In some of the experiments the effect of the hot water treatment, which was tested at a fixed, not specifically adapted dosage, was significantly improved when combined with a Pseudomonas sp. MF 416 or C. rosea IK726 treatment. The results are discussed in relation to the outcome of experiments in which the same seed treatment methods and agents were tested in other seed-borne vegetable pathosystems.  相似文献   
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenolic compounds were carried out on quince fruit samples from seven different geographical origins in Portugal. For each origin, both pulp and peel were analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC-DAD and HPLC-DAD/MS.The results revealed differences between the phenolic profiles of pulps and peels in all studied cases. The pulps contained mainly caffeoylquinic acids (3-, 4-, and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acids and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid) and one quercetin glycoside, rutin (in low amount). The peels presented the same caffeoylquinic acids and several flavonol glycosides: quercetin 3-galactoside, kaempferol 3-glucoside, kaempferol 3-rutinoside, and several unidentified compounds (probably kaempferol glycoside and quercetin and kaempferol glycosides acylated with p-coumaric acid). The highest content of phenolics was found in peels.  相似文献   
Regulation of flowering time in almond, as in other Prunus species, is a complex process involving both chill and heat requirements. Following exposure to appropriate consecutive periods of cold and warm temperatures, the buds break dormancy and sprout or flower depending on bud type. To maximize flowering and subsequent vegetative growth and fruit set, chilling and ensuing warm temperature requirements have to be fully satisfied. Because of its potential for very early flowering, flowering time in almond is a major determinant of its adaptation to new environments. In colder regions, Late-flowering is often necessary to avoid frost damage during and just after flowering. Consequently, the selection of delayed flowering times remains an important objective in almond improvement programs. Flowering time is considered a quantitative though highly heritable trait. In addition, a dominant gene (Late flowering, Lb), originally identified in a spontaneous mutation of the Californian almond cultivar ‘Nonpareil’, was also described. The objective of this review is a comparative analysis of the effects of regional adaptation, breeding and mutation on the delay of flowering time in new almond cultivars. Findings indicate that the adaptation of almonds from the Mediterranean basin to colder regions in Northern Europe and America has been mainly achieved through delayed flowering. These adapted late-flowering cultivars have usually been developed by selecting desired quantitative genes within each regional germplasm. Additional progress thus appears achievable with a more comprehensive understanding of the quantitative and qualitative genetics controlling this trait. The use of molecular markers for the early selection of genes conferring late flowering, including both spontaneous mutations as well as unique regional germplasm, should allow development of even later cultivars including ultra-late cultivars flowering as into April.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to evaluate a non-destructive method able to predict Magness–Taylor (MT) penetrometric firmness of blood oranges, potentially applicable for on-line selection. The method consisted of multivariate modelling of non-destructive penetrometric measurements performed on intact oranges with a 11.3 mm diameter probe by digital dynamometric equipment. The tests were carried out on 366 blood oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Tarocco); 60 were used as a control group to verify the non-destructive nature of the tests. Four test factors were used on the fruit: two different levels of non-destructive deformation (1 and 3 mm), at two different deformation speeds (5 and 30 mm s?1). In order to obtain the reference parameter (MT firmness), a destructive penetrometric test followed each non-destructive deformation on the same fruit (deformation of 20 mm at 1 mm s?1). The force–deformation curves of the non-destructive tests were elaborated to calculate different texture parameters (max force, elasticity, work). These parameters with raw curve data (force values for constant deformation steps) were used, after autoscaling pre-processing, as X-block datasets in supervised multivariate modelling (partial least squares) to predict MT firmness values. Among the test factors used, the 30 mm s?1 speed and 3 mm deformation provided the best overall prediction of MT firmness. This comprised an r value of 0.76 and standard error of prevision (SEP) of 2.99 N for a MT firmness mean value of 35.65 N (8.4%). The time needed to apply the selected deformation may lead to a sorting speed of about 10 fruit per second, representing an acceptable value for commercial application.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the general trend towards shade reduction and intensification of cacao management has led to biodiversity losses. In the Peruvian Amazon, the regional government is heavily promoting crop conversion to shift from regionally marketed foods towards cacao (Theobroma cacao) and copoazu (Theobroma grandiflorum). While this shift is already visibly impacting the farming landscape and the lives of many smallholder farmers, little is known about the reasons that drive farmers to choose certain types of Theobroma species or cacao varieties over others. In this paper, we addressed how cacao farmers perceive and manage specific and varietal Theobroma diversity. We interviewed cacao farmers (n?=?20) during a seed-exchange fair and adapted a version of the four-square analysis to explore which Theobromas are currently adopted by farmers and why. The native cacao variety (cacao chuncho) was the one cultivated by most farmers, followed by the more industrial clonal varieties. The source of seeds and seedlings for the most cultivated varieties was a mix of donations by public institutions (for clonal varieties) and informal exchange among farmers (mainly for native and criollo varieties, and species i.e. macambo (Theobroma bicolor) and cacauillo (Theobroma speciosum)). The cacao varieties incentivized by public institutions were the least desired for future investment. The motivations for farmers to plant Theobromas was mainly based on the perceived current and potential market, but their desire to invest in a given species or variety was also based on pest resistance, traditional use, farm diversification and taste. Copoazu and CCN cacao varieties are produced by many households in large areas, while macambo, cacauillo and the cacao varieties TSH and porcelana are produced by few households in small areas. Our study suggests that agroforestry systems that include alternative Theobroma species are multi-strata and more diverse than cacao-based systems. It highlights the risks of agrobiodiversity loss associated with the promotion of industrial cacao varieties, and the importance of seed and seedling access for the development of diverse farming systems. We recommend the expansion of local seed-sharing networks and the extension of public cacao-donation campaigns to neglected and underutilized Theobromas with socio-economic and environmental benefits, in order to make the local farming systems more diverse and resilient.

  1. Seamounts host some of the most important deep-sea ecosystems. The unique environmental characteristics of seamounts sustain rich biological hot spots, which, in recent times, have suffered the effects of intense fishing pressure.
  2. Biodiversity and vulnerability data are extremely scarce for Mediterranean seamounts, and this, in addition to the complex socio-economic and juridical status of offshore sites, results in difficulty in identifying the best management strategies.
  3. An extensive remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey was used to characterize the megabenthic assemblages of the summits of two upper bathyal seamounts, Ulisse and Penelope (Ligurian Sea, north-west Mediterranean Sea). The biogeographic implications of these findings and the possible environmental factors favouring the occurrence of these communities are discussed.
  4. High densities of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (mainly longlines) and a reduction in the average size of the fragile and slow-growing habitat-forming gorgonian Callogorgia verticillata indicate the occurrence of high levels of anthropogenic impacts on the summit regions, which are fishing grounds for artisanal and recreational fishers.
  5. The recovery of fishing data describing the first catches in the 1970s proved to be useful in inferring the short- and long-term effects of fishing practices in these previously unexploited offshore areas. In particular, the local extinction of demersal top predators, subjected to exceptional catches nearly 50 years ago, highlights the slow recovery rate of such species.
  6. Criteria defining vulnerability are discussed for the two study areas, and specific conservation actions, including the creation of regulated protected areas, are proposed.
Sustainable forest management requires knowledge of forest structure and dynamics as well as an estimation of growing stock. The forest inventory provides the data for estimating stand variables. The measurement device MU2005-01738, patented by the Center for Forest Research (INIA-CIFOR), provides stereoscopic hemispherical images which can allow the 3D restoration of the stand around the sampling point. The aim of this study is to develop a methodology for forest stand mapping as well as tree diameter and height measurement along with volume estimation from the stereoscopic hemispherical images provided by the MU2005-01738. Using the MU2005-01738, Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations were sampled. Distance, diameter, height and volume were derived from the stereoscopic hemispherical images of 30 trees located at distances ranging from 0 to 15 m from the device. These variables were then compared with field measurements and the estimation errors analyzed. The (root-mean-squared error) RMSE was 0.23 m (8.95 %) for tree position and 1.51 cm (10.43 %) for diameter at breast height measurement at distances of less than 8 m. In the case of stem height and individual tree volume estimation, the RMSE was 2.59 m (23.05 %) and 0.025 m3 (17.94 %), respectively. The analysis of measurement errors indicated that the measurement precision decreases beyond 8 m from the device as well as for directions close to the baseline (the line between the optical centers of the two images), whereas the precision was highest for directions near to the line which is perpendicular to the base line. Future research should focus on improving measurement accuracy and possible applications in the field of forestry of the techniques presented in this study.  相似文献   
We introduce a novel approach to building corridors in spatial conservation prioritization. The underlying working principle is the use of a penalty structure in an iterative algorithm used for producing a spatial priority ranking. The penalty term aims to prevent loss or degradation of structural connections, or, equivalently, to promote to a higher rank landscape elements that are required to keep networks connected. The proposed method shows several convenient properties: (1) it does not require a priori specification of habitat patches, end points or related thresholds, (2) it does not rely on resistance coefficients for different habitats, (3) it does not require species targets, and (4) the cost of additional connectivity via corridors can be quantified in terms of habitat quality lost across species. Corridor strength and width parameters control the trade-off between increased structural connectivity via corridors and other considerations relevant to conservation planning. Habitat suitability or dispersal suitability layers used in the analysis can be species specific, thus allowing analysis both in terms of structural and functional connectivity. The proposed method can also be used for targeting habitat restoration, by identifying areas of low habitat quality included in corridors. These methods have been implemented in the Zonation software, and can be applied to large scale and high resolution spatial prioritization, effectively integrating corridor design and spatial conservation prioritization. Since the method operates on novel principles and combines with a large number of features already operational in Zonation, we expect it to be of utility in spatial conservation planning.  相似文献   
The potential of landscapes to supply multiple benefits to society beyond commodities production has received increasing research and policy attention. Linking the concept of multifunctionality with the ecosystem services (ES) approach offers a promising avenue for producing scientific evidence to inform landscape planning, e.g., about the relative utility of land-sharing and land-sparing. However, the value for decision-making of ES-based multifunctionality assessments has been constrained by a significant conceptual and methodological dispersion. To contribute towards a cohesive framework for landscape multifunctionality, we analyse case studies of joint ES supply regarding ten criteria designed to ultimately answer four aspects: (i) the multifunctionality of what (e.g., landscapes), (ii) the type of multifunctionality (e.g., based on ES synergies), (iii) the procedure of multifunctionality assessments, and (iv) the purpose of multifunctionality. We constructed a typology of methodological approaches based on scores for criteria describing the evaluation method and the level of stakeholder participation in assessments of joint ES supply. Surveyed studies and underlying types of methodological approaches (spatial, socio-spatial, functional, spatio-functional) differed in most criteria. We illustrate the influence of methodological divergence on planning recommendations by comparing two studies employing contrasting approaches (spatial and functional) to assess the joint supply of wildlife habitat and agricultural production in the Argentine Chaco. We distinguish between a pattern-based and process-based multifunctionality, where the latter can only be detected through approaches considering the ecological processes (e.g., ES complementarities) supporting the supply of multiple ES (functional and spatio-functional). Finally, we propose an integrated approach for assessing a socially-relevant process-based multifunctionality.  相似文献   
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