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Experiments were conducted at irrigated and rainfed lowland rice sites in Bangladesh to assess the performance of management practices that have become known as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). At a research station, SRI management principles such as seedling age, plant spacing, application of organic manure, seedling densities, duration of planting, planting shape and time of planting were evaluated under SRI management as compared to previously established Best Management Practices (BMPs). In on-farm trials, SRI was compared with BMP on 40 farmers’ fields. Nutrient inputs and water management in BMP and SRI treatments were kept at comparable levels. Seedling age, ranging from just sprouted seed to 40-day-old seedlings, had no effect on grain yield in the winter season. In a plant spacing experiment subject to SRI, the highest and lowest grain yields of 7.82 and 5.41 t ha−1 were obtained with spacing of 25 cm × 15 cm (narrow) and 40 cm × 40 cm (wide), respectively. In SRI, seedling density (1–2 seedlings per hill), planting durations (≤15 min to 1–3 h after uprooting) or root placement (L-shape and J-shape) had no effect on grain yield. With regard to time of planting, the highest grain yields were observed with transplanting in the 3rd week of December, with no difference between SRI and BMP management systems. In on-farm trials, BMP gave significantly higher grain yield compared to SRI and farmers’ practice in a triple-cropped area, but grain yields were similar with SRI in a double and single-cropped area when spacing was narrow. The highest profit was obtained with BMP followed by SRI and farmers’ practice in the single-cropping area. Major findings from this study are that under comparable levels of net nutrient input and water management (i) well-implemented BMPs for rice are more efficient for producing high yields than SRI and (ii) there is no intrinsic yield advantage of SRI that could be caused by its individual crop management techniques or some unknown synergism of the different SRI practices proposed.  相似文献   
The production performances of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in C/N‐controlled periphyton‐based polyculture systems were evaluated in triplicate. Three different management practices were compared: the traditional practice without addition of periphyton substrates and carbohydrate (Control), addition of maize flour to maintain a carbon: nitrogen rate of 20:1 (treatment CN) and addition of both maize flour and periphyton substrates (treatment CN+P). This experiment used a pre‐optimized stocking density of tilapia and freshwater prawn by Asaduzzaman et al. Aquaculture [286 (2009) 72]. All ponds were stocked with prawn (3 m2) and monosex Nile tilapia (1 m?2). Bamboo side shoots were posted vertically into the pond bottoms as periphyton substrate covering an additional area of 171 m2 for periphyton development. A locally formulated and prepared feed containing 17% crude protein with C/N ratio close to 15:1 was applied twice daily in all ponds considering the body weight of freshwater prawn only. Water quality parameters, except total alkalinity did not vary significantly (> 0.05) among treatments. Both, organic matter and total heterotrophic bacterial loads (THB) in the sediment were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in treatment CN+P followed by treatment CN and control. Periphyton biomass in terms of dry matter and chlorophyll a values constantly decreased during the culture period. Substrates contributed 66% and 102% higher net yield of freshwater prawn than CN and control treatment respectively.  相似文献   
Shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee, is a serious pest of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Management practices of this obnoxious pest are limited to frequent spray of chemical insecticides. Due to increasing levels of resistance of L. orbonalis to different insecticides there is an urgent need to test new chemicals. In this study, nine insecticides such as azadirachtin 0.03EC, abamectin 1.8EC, flubendiamide 24WG, chlorpyriphos 20EC, cartap 50SP, carbosulfan 20EC, thiodicarb 75WP, cypermethrin 10EC, and lambdacyhalothrin 2.5EC belonging to different chemical groups were tested against eggplant shoot and fruit borer in laboratory and field. In laboratory trial, carbosulfan and flubendiamide showed the highest toxicity against fourth instar larvae of L. orbonalis after 24 and 48 h of exposure, respectively. In field trials, they reduced more than 80% shoot and fruit infestation in winter, and 80% shoot and 70% fruit infestation in summer over control. Carbosulfan protected the highest amount of healthy fruit yield in both cropping seasons. Flubendiamide also showed the similar efficacy. Cartap and thiodicarb were moderately effective in both the seasons. Efficacy of cypermethrin and abamectin was moderate in winter but low in summer. Lambdacyhalothrin and chlorpyriphos although reduced shoot and fruit infestation of eggplant and protected higher yield as compared to control, their effectiveness was not satisfactory. The performance of azadirachtin against the pest both in the laboratory and field trials was the poorest while that of carbosulfan and flubendiamide was the best. Thus, it is suggested that carbosulfan and flubendiamide may be used for the control of L. orbonalis in eggplant.  相似文献   
Poor functioning of theirrigation system in Pakistan has been asource of concern for the last few decades,during which time it has been the subject ofconsiderable external assistance andinternal policy reforms. Consequently, thegovernment of Pakistan introducedinstitutional restructuring in irrigationand drainage subsectors to impartnecessary improvements. Under thesereforms, management at secondary canallevel has recently been handed over to theFarmers Organizations (FOs) of selecteddistributaries in pilot areas. This studywas designed to evaluate a farmer-manageddistributary in southern Punjab. Fieldmeasurements revealed that hydraulicaspects of the irrigation service deliveredby the FO management has been significantlyimproved and as a result highlyproportionate and equitable waterdistribution was observed, particularly atthe tail reaches of the distributary. Dueto effective FO management farmers'interventions to increase the outletdischarge by illegal means has been almosteradicated. As a result of theseimprovements imparted by the FO in systemmanagement, the extent of irrigated area hasincreased on average by 6 to 7%, evenunder severe drought-like conditionsprevailing in the country during recentyears. Further cost recoveries haveincreased by an amount of 14% for summerand 23% for winter growing seasons,respectively, from the irrigated area of thedistributary. Thus experience from Hakra4-R distributary has shown that even underundesirable natural circumstancesIrrigation Management Transfer (IMT) wasquite effective in achieving the keytargets of the institutional reformslaunched at pilot scale in the country.  相似文献   
This study was conducted on Gugera Branch of Lower Chenab Canal, Punjab, Pakistan. Sample distributaries off taking from Gugera Branch were selected for the study. The existing conditions of water distribution among the distributaries were studied. Field data were collected during the whole of 1988. Field observations suggested that the variability at the head of distributaries is much greater than the variability in the Gugera Branch under existing operational practices. The distribution of water among the distributaries is rarely in accordance with design criteria. Some channels get priority over other channels. The annual closure period varied from 17 to 41 days for different channels. The discharge at the head of distributaries remained lower than the standard operational range for 69 to 183 days in a year. The data suggested that a regulating gate at the head of the distributary can reduce discharge variation up to 2.4 times compared with a Karrees System (wooden stop logs used for water regulation). The data indicated that the adjustments in the head gate of a distributary on daily basis can substantially improve discharge conditions at the head of distributary. Rotational schedules are not being followed as per design and need to be improved. Most of the existing head discharge relationships of discharge measuring structures are not reliable. A frequent calibration of these structures is recommended.  相似文献   
The cause of decadal climate variability over the North Pacific Ocean and North America is investigated by the analysis of data from a multidecadal integration with a state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmosphere model and observations. About one-third of the low-frequency climate variability in the region of interest can be attributed to a cycle involving unstable air-sea interactions between the subtropical gyre circulation in the North Pacific and the Aleutian low-pressure system. The existence of this cycle provides a basis for long-range climate forecasting over the western United States at decadal time scales.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted for 60 d in a recirculatory system consisting of 20 glass aquariums (each of size 41 × 41 × 46 cm) to evaluate meat and bone meal (MBM) as partial replacement for fish meal (FM) in Macrobrachium rosenbergii postlarvae (PLs) with a view to develop an inexpensive nursery diet. Three nursery diets were formulated to contain 32% protein and to be as isoenergetic as possible. FM in these diets was progressively replaced with MBM (Diet 1 contained 25% FM and 14% MBM, Diet 2 contained 20% FM and 20% MBM, and Diet 3 contained 15% FM and 26% MBM). Inclusion levels of mustard oilcake and sesame meal in diets were kept fixed at 10%. A commercial shrimp nursery diet (30% protein) from Saudi Bangla Fish Feed Ltd., Mymensingh, was used as the reference diet (Diet 4). Each treatment had three replicates. PLs of M. rosenbergii (26 ± 0.02 mg) were stocked at the rate of 60 PLs (1 PL/L) in each aquarium. At the beginning, PLs were fed three times daily at a rate of 20% of the body weight and it was gradually reduced to 10% at Day 30. The ranges of water quality parameters in the system were as follows: temperature, 27–29 C; dissolved oxygen, 6.5–8.4 mg/L; pH, 6.8–8.3; and total ammonia, 0.01–0.15 mg/L. The result of the study showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the weight gains of PLs fed Diet 1 (containing 14% MBM) and Diet 4 (reference diet) but was significantly higher than other dietary groups containing higher levels of MBM. Diets 1 and 4 showed significantly lower (P < 0.05) apparent food conversion ratios (1.74 and 1.73, respectively). The survival (%) of PLs ranged between 62 and 76% with PLs fed Diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher (P < 0.05) survival. The result of the study demonstrated that the MBM could be included at 14% level in a nursery diet, and a diet containing 25% FM, 14% MBM, 10% sesame meal, and 10% mustard oilcake may be recommended for profitable production of PLs of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   
Bovine anaplasmosis, caused by the tick-borne rickettsia Anaplasma marginale, is endemic in South Africa and results in considerable economic loss to the cattle industry. This study was designed to characterize strains of A. marginale at the molecular level from cattle raised in communal and commercial farms in the north-eastern and south-western regions of the Free State Province, South Africa, that varied in rainfall and vegetation. Seroprevalence to A. marginale was determined in 755 cattle by an Anaplasma spp. competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ranged from 44% to 98% and was similar in both regions. While Anaplasma centrale was not targeted in this study, A. marginale infections were identified by species-specific msp1alpha polymerase chain reaction in 129 of 215 of the samples studied. Similar genetic diversity of A. marginale strains was found in both the north-eastern and south-western regions. The sequences of 29 A. marginalemsp1alpha amplicons from South African strains revealed considerable genetic diversity providing 14 new repeat sequences. However, 42% of MSP1a repeat sequences were not unique to this region. These results indicated the presence of common genotypes between South African, American and European strains of A. marginale. Cattle movement between different parts of South Africa was suggested by the presence of identical A. marginale MSP1a genotypes in north-eastern and south-western regions of the Free State Province. Control strategies for anaplasmosis in South Africa should therefore be designed to be protective against genetically heterogeneous strains of A. marginale.  相似文献   
The prevalence of Sarcocystis spp. infection was investigated in 605 sheep, 826 goats, 1080 cattle, 580 water buffaloes and 36 camels slaughtered from 1992 to 1996 in the Baghdad area (Iraq) using naked eye examination for macroscopic sarcocysts, and peptic digestion, muscle squash, squeezing methods and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for microscopic types. The intestinal stages of the parasite were also studied in dogs experimentally fed with tissues containing microscopic cysts. The percentage prevalence of macroscopic cysts were 4.1, 33.6, 0.2, 15.6 and 0, and of the microscopic type, 97.0, 97.4, 97.8, 82.9 and 91.6 for the above-mentioned hosts, respectively. Among the different organs examined, macroscopic cysts were found to be highest in the oesophagus and the lowest in the heart. Peptic digestion method gave the highest rate (93.3%) followed by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) (88.6%), squeezing (81.3%), and muscle squash (81.2%). Each infected dog shed a total of about 150-200 million sporocysts. Histologically, developmental stages of the parasite were detected in the small intestinal mucosa of the dogs on Days 7 and 13 post-infection.  相似文献   
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