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The processes controlling the retention and release of aluminium in acid forest soils are still subject to controversy, and therefore a universal hypothesis as to what mechanisms are operating has not been firmly established. By studying the Bs horizons of Swedish and Swiss podzolized soils, and by analysing data in the literature, we have found that aluminium hydroxide, and in some cases also poorly ordered imogolite, may control Al solubility in moderately acid (pH > 4.2–4.3) Bs horizons. The strongest evidence in support of the presence of a quickly reacting Al(OH)3 pool came from the temperature dependence of Al solubility in a Bs horizon, which was consistent with the reaction enthalpy of an Al(OH)3 phase such as gibbsite, and from the observation that the ion activity product for Al(OH)3 was the same regardless of whether equilibrium was reached from over‐ or undersaturation. The pool of Al(OH)3 is commonly small and may be completely dissolved after large additions of acid. This may be explained by the continuing redissolution of reactive Al(OH)3 to form less soluble imogolite‐type phases. By using the same methods it was found that soil suspensions did not reach equilibrium with poorly ordered imogolite even after 17 days. Thus, imogolite probably does not control Al solubility in the short term in many soils despite the common occurrence of this mineral. This is due to the relatively slow kinetics of imogolite formation and dissolution, especially at low temperatures and at small solution H4SiO4 concentrations.  相似文献   
A 20-month column experiment investigated leaching of Al, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb during sulphide oxidation in mine tailings with and without sewage sludge (SS) amendment. Leachate pH decreased gradually in all columns during the experiment, irrespective of treatment, due to sulphide oxidation. As the degree of sulphide oxidation, and thus the pH trajectory, differed between replicates (n?=?3), running data for each column used are reported separately and the relationships between sulphide oxidation, metal leaching and treatment in each column compared. Mean pH in the columns correlated negatively with total amounts of leached SO4 2-. In the beginning of the experiment the leachate concentrations of Al, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb were higher in SS-treated columns due to high initial concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. As leaching proceeded, however, the amounts of Al, Cu, Mn and Ni leached from the columns were closely related to the degree of sulphide oxidation in each column, i.e. to its mean pH. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments regarding the total amounts of metals leached and thus addition of sewage sludge to the tailings appeared to play a minor role for metal leaching patterns. Peak concentrations of Al and Cu in the leachate from untreated tailings and of Zn in the leachate from both untreated and SS-treated tailings at pH 4 exceeded national background values for groundwater.  相似文献   
The mobility of mercury (Hg) deposited on soils controls the concentration and toxicity of Hg within soils and in nearby streams and lakes, but has rarely been quantified under field conditions. We studied the in situ partitioning of Hg in the organic top layer (mor) of podsols at two boreal forest sites differing in Hg deposition and climatic regime (S. and N. Sweden, with pollution declining to the north). Soil solution leaching from the mor layer was repeatedly sampled using zero-tension lysimeters over 2 years, partly in parallel with tension lysimeters. Concentrations of Hg and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were higher while pH was lower at the southern site (means ± SD: Hg?=?44?±?15 ng L?1, DOC?=?63.0?±?31.3 mg L?1, pH?=?4.05?±?0.53) than at the northern site (Hg?=?22?±?6 ng L?1, DOC?=?41.8?±?12.1 mg L?1, pH?=?4.28?±?0.43). There was a positive correlation over time between dissolved Hg and DOC at both sites, even though the DOC concentration peaked during autumn at both sites, while the Hg concentration remained more constant. This correlation is consistent with the expected strong association of Hg with organic matter and supports the use of Hg/C ratios in assessments of Hg mobility. In the solid phase of the overlying Of layer, both Hg concentrations and Hg/C ratios were higher at the southern site (means ± SD: 0.34?±?0.06 μg g?1 dw and 0.76?±?0.14 μg g?1 C, respectively) than at the northern site (0.31?±?0.05 μg g?1 dw and 0.70?±?0.12 μg g?1 C, respectively). However, concentrations in the solid phase differed less than might be expected from the difference in current atmospheric input, suggesting that the fraction of natural Hg is still substantial. At both sites, Hg/C ratios in the upper half of the mor layer were only about two thirds of those in the lower half, suggesting that the recent decrease in anthropogenic Hg deposition onto the soil is offset by a natural downward enrichment of Hg due to soil decomposition or other processes. Most interestingly, comparison with soil leachate showed that the average Hg/C ratios in the dissolved phase of the mor layers at both sites did not differ from the average Hg/C ratios in the overlying solid organic matter. These results indicate a simple mobilisation with negligible fractionation, despite differences in Hg deposition patterns, soil chemistry and climatic regimes. Such a straight-forward linkage between Hg and organic matter greatly facilitates the parameterisation of watershed models for assessing the biogeochemical fate, toxic effect and critical level of atmospheric Hg input to forest soils.  相似文献   
Analysis of middle Eocene to early, Oligocene calcareous and siliceous microfossils shows gradual biotic changes with no massive extinction event across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Biotic changes in the late Paleogene appear to reflect changing paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions and do not support suggestions of a catastrophic biotic event caused by a bolide impact at the Eocenel Oligocene boundary.  相似文献   
Self-assembling materials are the building blocks of bottom-up nanofabrication processes, but they need to be templated to impose long-range order and eliminate defects. In this work, the self-assembly of a thin film of a spherical-morphology block copolymer is templated using an array of nanoscale topographical elements that act as surrogates for the minority domains of the block copolymer. The orientation and periodicity of the resulting array of spherical microdomains are governed by the commensurability between the block copolymer period and the template period and is accurately described by a free-energy model. This method, which forms high-spatial-frequency arrays using a lower-spatial-frequency template, will be useful in nanolithography applications such as the formation of high-density microelectronic structures.  相似文献   
Processes governing the mobilization of Al and Cd in podzols and cambisols of S. Sweden having different tree layer vegetation (Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica, or Betula pendula) were investigated. Speciation of Al and Cd in soil solutions were performed by a column cation exchange procedure (cf. Driscoll, 1984) in combination with thermodynamic calculations. Podzols in spruce and beech stands were characterized by a high release of organic compounds from the O/Ah horizons, resulting in a high organic complexation of Al (c. 93%) in the soil solution from the E horizon (15 cm lysimeters). Organic complexes were mainly adsorbed/precipitated in the upper Bh horizon and the overall transport of Al at 50 cm depth was governed by a pH dependent dissolution of a solid-phase Al pool. In the cambisols, inorganic Al forms were predominant at both 15 and 50 cm depth, and Al solubility was closely related to solution pH. Secondary minerals like synthetic gibbsite, jurbanite, kaolinite or imogolite could generally not explain measured solution Al3+ activities. Results instead indicated that the relatively large organically bound solid-phase Al pools present in both soil types could do so. The column fractionation procedure could be used only qualitatively for Cd, but results strongly indicated that Cd-organo complexes contributed significantly to the overall mobilization of Cd in the podzol E horizons. In all other soil solutions, Cd2+ was the predominant species. Both solid-phase and solution chemistry suggests that ion exchange processes controlled the Cd2+ activities in these solutions. All reactive solidphase Cd was extractable by NH4Cl and Cd2+ activities could in most cases effectively be modeled by the use of ion exchange equations. Solubilized Al3+ efficiently competed for exchange sites and played an important role for the Cd mobilization in these soils.  相似文献   
The spatially dependent de-excitation of a beam of metastable argon atoms, traveling through an optical standing wave, produced a periodic array of localized metastable atoms with position and momentum spreads approaching the limit stated by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Silicon and silicon dioxide substrates placed in the path of the atom beam were patterned by the metastable atoms. The de-excitation of metastable atoms upon collision with the surface promoted the deposition of a carbonaceous film from a vapor-phase hydrocarbon precursor. The resulting patterns were imaged both directly and after chemical etching. Thus, quantum-mechanical steady-state atom distributions can be used for sub-0.1-micrometer lithography.  相似文献   
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