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Are  M.  Kauer  K.  Kaart  T.  Selge  A.  Astover  A.  Reintam  E. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2020,53(5):619-631
Eurasian Soil Science - Soil formation on the human time scale is immensely time consuming, although it can be significantly accelerated through the effects of vegetation. The content of...  相似文献   

The weight of the tractor is not the only factor affecting soil compaction. Soil-management practices, such as the use of fertilizers and pesticides, also affect soil properties through an increased number of overriding. The aim of the current study was to investigate compaction effects on soil physical properties, such as dry bulk density and penetration resistance, and the growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a monoculture. The five-year experiment was conducted on the Estonian University of Life Sciences’ research field at Eerika, near Tartu in 2001–2005. The soil of the experimental site is sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol. The treatments included were no compaction, one pass, three passes, and six passes. All passes were track-by-track. Measurements of soil and plant were made in the earing phase of barley and measurements of yield in the maturity phase of barley. The compaction treatment was conducted using an MTZ-82 tractor (total weight 4.84 Mg). Neither fertilizers nor herbicides were used. 5 years after compaction distinguishable subsoil and topsoil compaction was detected. Soil deformation increases with the number of passes; in the case of six passes soil bulk density increased by 0.15 Mg m?3 and penetration resistance by 3 MPa. However, there were no significant differences in the soil bulk density and penetration resistance between treatments compacted with one and three passes. The effect of compaction on soil bulk density was higher when the soil was compacted under wet conditions. Compaction decreased the quantity of barley shoots, their phytomass, and grain yield by more than 80%. In the second year of the experiment the dry weight of above ground biomass decreased by almost three times and shoots’ density by 1.5 times, compared with the first year results. In the third year of the experiment the biomass, plant density, and grain yield of barley were stabilized and no further decreases were detected in the following two experimental years. The results from the experiment revealed that even a low weight tractor can induce subsoil compaction and a high decrease of plant productivity by repeated passes over time.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 2004–2006 to investigate the effect of green manure treatments on the yield of oats and spring barley. In the experiment, different green manure crops with undersowing and pure sowing were compared for amounts of N, C, and organic matter driven into soil and their effect on cereal yield. The spring barley field had a total of 41.7–62.4 kg N ha?1 and 1.75–2.81 Mg C ha?1 added to the soil with straw, weed, and roots, depending on the level of fertilisation; with red clover, and both common and hybrid lucerne undersowing, with barley straw and roots, the values were 3.45–3.96 Mg C ha?1 and 139.9–184.9 kg N ha?1. Pure sowings of these three leguminous green manure crops had total applications of 3.37–4.14 Mg C ha?1 and 219.7–236.8 kg N ha?1. The mixed and pure sowing of bird's-foot trefoil provided considerably less nitrogen and carbon to the soil with the biomass than with the other leguminous crops. Application of biomass with a high C/N ratio reduced the yield of the succeeding spring cereals. Of the green manures, the most effective were red clover and both common and hybrid lucerne, either as undersowing or as pure sowing. Undersowings with barley significantly increased the N supply for the succeeding crop without yield loss of the main crop compared with the unfertilised variant. Compared with ploughing-in of green manure in autumn, spring ploughing gave a 0.2–0.57 Mg ha?1 larger grain yield.  相似文献   
Soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration is an essential factor in biomass production and soil functioning. SOC concentration values are often obtained by prediction but the prediction accuracy depends much on the method used. Currently, there is a lack of evidence in the soil science literature as to the advantages and shortcomings of the different commonly used prediction methods. Therefore, we compared and evaluated the merits of the median approach, analysis of covariance, mixed models and random forests in the context of prediction of SOC concentrations of mineral soils under arable management in the A‐horizon. Three soil properties were used in all of the developed models: soil type, physical clay content (particle size <0.01 mm) and A‐horizon thickness. We found that the mixed model predicted SOC concentrations with the smallest mean squared error (0.05%2), suggesting that a mixed‐model approach is appropriate if the study design has a hierarchical structure as in our scenario. We used the Estonian National Soil Monitoring data on arable lands to predict SOC concentrations of mineral soils. Subsequently, the model with the best prediction accuracy was applied to the Estonian digital soil map for the case study area of Tartu County where the SOC predictions ranged from 0.6 to 4.8%. Our study indicates that predictions using legacy soil maps can be used in national inventories and for up‐scaling estimates of carbon concentrations from county to country scales.  相似文献   
Soil scientists often use prediction models to obtain values at unsampled locations. The spatial variation in the soil is best captured by using the empirical best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) based on a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach that efficiently exploits available data on both mean trends and correlation structures. We proposed a practical two‐step implementation of the REML approach for model‐based kriging, exemplified by predicting soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations in mineral soils in Estonia from the large‐scale digital soil map information and a previously established prediction model. The prediction model was a linear mixed model with soil type, physical clay content (particle size < 0.01 mm) and A‐horizon thickness as fixed effects and site, transect, plot, year, year‐transect random intercepts and site‐specific random slopes for clay content. We used only the site‐specific intercept EBLUPs for estimating spatial correlation parameters as they described most of the variation in the random effects (86.8%). Fitting an exponential correlation model to these EBLUPs resulted in an estimated range of 10.5 km and the estimated proportion of the variance from the nugget effect was 0.23. The results of a simulation study showed a downwards bias that decreased with sample size. The results were validated through an external dataset, resulting in root mean square errors (RMSE) of 1.06 and 1.07% for the two‐step approach for kriging and the model with only fixed effects (no kriging), respectively. These results indicate that using the two‐step approach for kriging may improve prediction.  相似文献   
Fibre hemp and energy sunflower are potential energy crops for production of solid biomass as renewable energy. The current study estimated (i) the lignin content of fibre hemp and energy sunflower plants grown on different nitrogen treatments and (ii) the quality of the briquettes made from different plant types of fibre hemp (i.e. monoecious and dioecious), energy sunflower and the combination of fibre hemp and energy sunflower. The monoecious and dioecious fibre hemp cultivars (Chameleon, Finola and Santhica-27, USO-31, respectively) and the energy sunflower cultivar Wielkopolski were grown in the experimental field in 2008-2010 on Stagnic Luvisol soil. The plants were grown on N treatments of N0, mineral nitrogen (100 kg N ha−1), cattle slurry (100 kg N ha−1), sewage sludge (100 kg N ha−1) and vetch (100 kg N ha−1). Calorific values (16.6-17.4 MJ kg−1) of briquettes pressed from different materials did not differ significantly and had relatively low sulphur (<0.05%) and chlorine content (0.03-0.37%). Briquettes with higher compactness were made from the sunflower and the dioecious hemp. Dioecious hemp had significantly higher lignin content. The dioecious hemp needs lower GDD values for maturating, its stems lignin content was higher than of monoecious hemp by harvest time and therefore this plant type is more suitable for briquetting in Nordic climatic conditions. Comparison of the different N treatments indicated that application of sewage sludge decreased the emergence and density of the fibre hemp plants and the lignin content per kg of DM.  相似文献   
Suzanne Higgins  Saskia D. Keesstra  Žydrė Kadziuliene  Lionel Jordan-Meille  David Wall  Alessandra Trinchera  Heide Spiegel  Taru Sandén  Andreas Baumgarten  Johannes L. Jensen  Juliane Hirte  Frank Liebisch  Susanne Klages  Philipp Löw  Katrin Kuka  Maarten De Boever  Karoline D'Haene  Sevinc Madenoglu  Hesna Özcan  Wieke Vervuurt  Janjo de Haan  Willem van Geel  Bo Stenberg  Pascal Denoroy  Rok Mihelič  Alar Astover  Raquel Mano  Cristina Sempiterno  Fatima Calouro  Giuseppe Valboa  Helena Aronsson  Tore Krogstad  Stanislav Torma  Jose Gabriel  Peter Laszlo  Nils Borchard  Bartosz Adamczyk  Anna Jacobs  Beata Jurga  Bożena Smreczak  Bruno Huyghebaert  Morgan Abras  Raimonds Kasparinskis  Eloise Mason  Claire Chenu 《European Journal of Soil Science》2023,74(5):e13422
The European Commission has set targets for a reduction in nutrient losses by at least 50% and a reduction in fertiliser use by at least 20% by 2030 while ensuring no deterioration in soil fertility. Within the mandate of the European Joint Programme EJP Soil ‘Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils’, the objective of this study was to assess current fertilisation practices across Europe and discuss the potential for harmonisation of fertilisation methodologies as a strategy to reduce nutrient loss and overall fertiliser use. A stocktake study of current methods of delivering fertilisation advice took place across 23 European countries. The stocktake was in the form of a questionnaire, comprising 46 questions. Information was gathered on a large range of factors, including soil analysis methods, along with soil, crop and climatic factors taken into consideration within fertilisation calculations. The questionnaire was completed by experts, who are involved in compiling fertilisation recommendations within their country. Substantial differences exist in the content, format and delivery of fertilisation guidelines across Europe. The barriers, constraints and potential benefits of a harmonised approach to fertilisation across Europe are discussed. The general consensus from all participating countries was that harmonisation of fertilisation guidelines should be increased, but it was unclear in what format this could be achieved. Shared learning in the delivery and format of fertilisation guidelines and mechanisms to adhere to environmental legislation were viewed as being beneficial. However, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to harmonise all soil test data and fertilisation methodologies at EU level due to diverse soil types and agro-ecosystem influences. Nevertheless, increased future collaboration, especially between neighbouring countries within the same environmental zone, was seen as potentially very beneficial. This study is unique in providing current detail on fertilisation practices across European countries in a side-by-side comparison. The gathered data can provide a baseline for the development of scientifically based EU policy targets for nutrient loss and soil fertility evaluation.  相似文献   
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